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Односторінкова сатирична настільно-рольова гра про акторів реаліті-шоу.
Чи говорять щось для тебе такі назви як «Битва Екстрасенсів», «Хата на Тата», «Пекельна Кухня», та інші неперевершені приклади шоу на українському... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure, professions or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? This MS Word document (.docx) is optional template for own writing. It's been done with permission from Grim & Perilous Studious by www.kalevalahammer.com.
I have used their border graphics and connected them to one A4 template, which is set background (as Watermark).... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Clash! is a 'Free Kriegspiel' game that gives you a bare bones system that can cover all kinds of tasks, combat situations and magic. The rules are only 6 pages long. Based on the upcoming Clash of Steel sword & sorcery fantasy game by Zozer Games, Clash! can be played quickly and easily, with veterans, newbies or children. It is flexible enough to use with modern sci-fi and fantasy settings. ... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
Pay What You Want
A small fishing shack on a beautiful and peaceful sandy and pebbly beach. A small road to the west leads down to the shack. I'm offering this map for free so don't worry if you don't have any funds to add. Leave a comment or review instead.
This map pack includes 6 versions of the map. With and without the roof, furnished with decorations inside the shack and an empty shack,... [click here for more] |
Zovya |
Pay What You Want
In a stone field with deep crevases sits a forgotten stone pyramid. At the top is an entrance. Where does it go? What creatures live below the gaps in the stone?
This map pack includes 4 versions of the map. Day and night versions, and with and without a grid. Two size version are included with each style map. 50x50 pixel per grid for easy import into Fantasy Grounds... [click here for more] |
Zovya |
Pay What You Want
Loner is a bare-bone freeform solo RPG designed to play with a solo character in “narrative” mode. You’ll guide your character through the story that will unravel during the game, asking closed questions to an oracle who will assume the role of Game Master. Every now and then the game will surprise you when an unexpected plot twist happens!
To play it, it is assumed that you are already familiar... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
Tonight your playgroup couldn't get together and you're dying to play?
Or you may not even have a group or maybe you don't even want to have one!
Good news: solo roleplaying is possible!
Loner is a minimalist solo game that will allow you to have amazing adventures in any genre and setting with two pairs of dice and only your imagination as the limit!... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
The essential guide to mastering the Loner system. Born from a simple ten-page document Loner has evolved into a beloved minimalist RPG system. Now, dive deeper into its world with the Loner Companion – your trusted guide to unlocking the full potential of solo storytelling. This handbook illuminates the core principles that make Loner unique: ● Fiction First: Let the story guide your journey ●... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
The world was broken, but it was never beyond repair.
In the centuries since the Catastrophe, humanity has learned to live not as masters of the Earth but as its stewards. Now, in an Awakened World, the call for renewal echoes louder than ever. As a Messenger, you walk the fragile balance between survival and hope, tasked with rebuilding the bonds... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
What could it possibly be used for? I have no idea - that's your problem.
5,000 random roll results for numerous non-traditional die types: D2, D3, D5, D7, D9, D11, D13, D14, D15, D16, D18, D22, D24, D30, D34, D48, D50, D60, D120, and Zocchihedron.
5,000 random roll results for Dreidel and Teetotum spins.
5,000 random roll results for Crown & Anchor, LCR, and I Ching.
5,000 random D6 results... [click here for more] |
Zoid Enterprises |
Pay What You Want
The D1 System is a nonexclusive, comprehensive role-playing amusement in witch players assume the guises of Aspects in a fatuous setting. Players must except culpability for axing out these rolls within the narrative, either through liberal acting or through a process of structured decision-masking of aspect development. Actions taken within many games succeed or flail according to a formal... [click here for more] |
Zoid Enterprises |
Pay What You Want
Gracie o najwyższe stawki! Ale kto ustala reguły?
Scenariusz to niezależna przygoda do Wolsunga 1.5. Niezwykłe Damy i Dżentelmeni zagłębiają się w niej w sieć intryg prowadzących aż do serca epoki przemysłowej. Tajemniczy morderca jest godnym przeciwnikiem i zawsze wydaje się być o krok przed śledczymi, a to nie koniec kłopotów! W miarę badania sprawy okazuje... [click here for more] |
Zgrozy |
Pay What You Want
Wszystkie kawiarnie Urdy stykają się z kieszonkowym wymiarem Plotkawiarni – astralnym, pozaczasowym miejscem, do którego spływają wszystkie wymieniane w kawiarniach plotki, a czasami także plotkarze. To feeryczne więzienie dla osób, które cały czas swojego życia poświęcają na czczą kawiarnianą gadaninę, ale zarazem miejsce, w którym zdeterminowane Damy i Dżentelmeni mogą polować... [click here for more] |
Zgrozy |
Pay What You Want
Now available as Pay What You Want! You can get this game for any amount you like from $0 on up. If you like the game, you can "purchase" it again for an amount you think is fair.
This is not a game about ultraviolent imperialsm.
This is a game about being an ultraviolent imperialist.
Many games show the terrifying efficacy of genetically-engineered posthuman killing machines... [click here for more] |
Zero Point Information |
Pay What You Want
This is an XLS file to aid in the creation of characters for the new Zephyr System Core rules. ... [click here for more] |
Zephyr Table Games |
Pay What You Want
By William Council, 205 Pages
It's 10:30 PM. A wintery wind whistles through the streets of Arcadia City. A young couple, hand in hand, meanders down the street lost in giggling conversation. They are unaware of the danger that lurks in the shadows. But that's where you come in. Perched on the roof top you see the muggers hastily mutter their plans. The glint of moonlight on metal indicates their... [click here for more] |
Zephaniah Comics |
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Abandoned as a child by his mother, Zephaniah seems destined to a quick death in Arcadia City. He is, fortunately, rescued by a stranger and carried away to Abishua, ruling planet for the Gedaliah Confederation. Adopted by military parents, Zephaniah is raised mostly by his nanny, Cassandra. Almost grown, he embarks on the greatest adventures of his life. The series begins with Shakyra, the girl who... [click here for more] |
Zephaniah Comics |
Pay What You Want
Now Featuring PRODUCTION DEV - Spetember 17th, 2024
ATTENTION: This is a Production Development Document, not a completed product. It is FULLY playable, but is missing art, as well as minor rules and fluff that do not impact game play. It may contain typos, and other errors that will be added to the Errata and updated frequently to the downloadable document here.... [click here for more] |
Zenith Entertainment Group |
Pay What You Want
For your superheroic gaming goodness! Here are 11 original villains for the express purpose of tortur... um... challenging ... yeah that's it ... CHALLENGING your players!
With all original full colour artwork by Anthony Green, counters AND stand-ups, Zenith Comics Presents: Supervillains! will provide you all the tools you need to unleash a full fledged crimewave in your super city of choice!... [click here for more] |
Zenith Entertainment Group |
Pay What You Want
Inspired by real bronze age and earlier artifacts, these four objects have a fantasy flavour. Are they magical or mundane, lost clues to long gone people or contemporary treasures? I'd love to see what you decide for them.
A ceramic pegasus, an embellished stone skull of a fanged humanoid, an amber owlbear, and a pendant with three horned figures.
These were done as a learning experiment, so I'm... [click here for more] |
Zed Nope |
Pay What You Want
I'm not sure if this is something that anyone would want to use, but I do regular marker sketches as figure drawing and general practice. Some of them turn out nice, and have a loose analogue quality that might fit well for some games. These are mostly in the 2000 by 3000 pixel size range, a couple are smaller, and unedited. Check the pdf preview to see them all.
If these do well, I'll make some other... [click here for more] |
Zed Nope |
Pay What You Want
Maybe you're planning something with a fairytale inspiration? These animalfolk will make charming NPCs for your adventures, whatever the setting. I love them and I really want them to get used, so I'm making these ones PWYW! I'd love to see what you do with em!
Four full colour portraits painted with watercolours. They each have a version with and without their background. These four are all different... [click here for more] |
Zed Nope |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
Hey survivors, The Living Dead just got it's first expansion adding new items, vehicles, and new machanics such as; car modification and tuning,teaching, fighting styles, and manufacturing. There are some rule changes, a revamp of backgrounds to add more diversity, and some new ones such as FBI agent and Janitor. ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
This game is a PWYW Experimental RPG for GMs.
Masters of Creation is a reference to the game Lords of Creation where when a player was sufficently high enough level they would be able to become a GM themselves. Masters of Creation is a game where Game Masters can compete against each other and themselves to achieve goals and prove themselves the greatest game master.
(This is a silly game please... [click here for more] |
ZCV_Studios |
Pay What You Want
Corona/Covid-19 hat auch den diesjährigen Larp-Sommer ziemlich durcheinandergewirbelt. Alle Großcons und die meisten kleineren Veranstaltungen wurden abgesagt. Unsere traditionelle Sommer-Sonderausgabe erscheint daher in diesem Jahr nur online, dafür deutlich umfangreicher als sonst. Wenn unsere Leser schon nicht über die gewohnten Schlachtfelder ziehen können, sollen sie wenigstens ausreichend... [click here for more] |
Zauberfeder |
Pay What You Want
Now as fillable pdf!
Elegant as an evening gown; the tactical depth of a submarine fleet deployment...
From the creator of Warpfleet...
It's white-knuckle enough trying to parse friend from foe -- who needs mountains of math on top of it all? In a world where everybody thinks they're the good guy, the only crunch should come from knees into cummerbunds.
When the chips are down,... [click here for more] |
Zardak the Dave |
Pay What You Want
This is not a complete adventure. Rather, it is a single encounter to drop in somewhere.
The product of a kind old wizard’s failing mind at the moment of his imminent dissolution into the void, the Möbius Vault is a misbegotten attempt to provide sanctuary for adventurers in an unusually unsavoury dungeon. Regardless of the wizard’s good intentions, the Möbius Vault is a tomb of eternal... [click here for more] |
Zardak the Dave |
Pay What You Want
It's 1981. Do you know what your parents are?
They called it the Old War. It is sold to us as the war between Chaos and Order, but in actuality, it is the war between community prosperity and the entitled, greedy few.
Plato’s Fist
The Pentegrammaton, the Five Forms, or what we call Plato’s Fist, was first conveyed in popular mortal terms by the philosophers Pythagoras and... [click here for more] |
Zardak the Dave |
Pay What You Want
Battle map for any RPG in six versions:
Day version with no grid
Day version with large grid (11x16)
Day version with small grid (22x32)
Night version with no grid
Night version with large grid (11x16)
Night version with small grid (22x32)
... [click here for more] |
Zadrith |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever run an official Saga of the Goblin Horde adventure, and wondered where exactly it took place?
This high-resolution (300 DPI) map can be configured by toggling different layers in your PDF reader (if you’re using Acrobat Reader, the “layers” tab is on the left side of the window, just below the paper clip). You can enable or disable the hex grid, text labels and... [click here for more] |
Zadmar Games |
Pay What You Want
Der Charakterbogen zu Cats of Catthulhu - Deutsche Ausgabe. ... [click here for more] |
Yvis Nerd And Geek World |
Pay What You Want
Der Herausforderungsbogen zu Cats of Catthulhu - Deutsche Ausgabe. ... [click here for more] |
Yvis Nerd And Geek World |
Pay What You Want
Decidia is a tabletop roleplaying game which aims to fuse the core aspects of high fantasy together with the culture and technological advancements of the Machine Age and late Industrial era. It's meant to facilitate worlds where magic and machinery coexist, where dragons soar in the sky alongside airships, and where knights and magic go hand-in-hand with biplanes and landships. ... [click here for more] |
Yodachi Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Baby starter pack We all have had that player who wants to find small animals and raise them or perhaps you are that player,
In this set you will find some smale critters to sate those baby animal loving players!
includes: - 2 foals (riding and draft) - 2 puppies (mastiff and medium pup) - 2 kittens (long and short haired )
Each with 4 color variations + a blank version ... [click here for more] |
Ymia's Mini Kingdom |
Pay What You Want
Entanglements is a story-mapping tool for use with most any role-playing game. Over the course of a few hours you will build up a complex relationship map that can enrich and inform a campaign. The PDF includes a reference sheet and tips for using Entanglements with D&D, Fate, Fudge, GURPS, Apocalypse World, and more.
If you should find yourself in need of ideas for elements or relationships... [click here for more] |
Yaruki Zero Games |
Pay What You Want
All in One (A1) est un JDR en une page, ce qui signifie que c'est un ensemble complet de règles pour jouer à un jeu de rôles tenant sur une seule feuille ! Il peut être joué avec n'importe quel univers ou scénario (il est générique) et il est fortement construit sur les principes de narration collaborative et de difficulté faible ou nulle pour le meneur, puisque toutes les difficultés et... [click here for more] |
yalsicor |
Pay What You Want
Efecto desgaleguizador é un xogo de rol para tres xogadoras no que se observará como as diferentes fases do sistema educativo afectan á fala do galego. Composto por unha única páxina, céntrase nas diferentes etapas educativas de Hadri, que sempre escoitou unicamente galego na súa casa até os tres anos. Unha participante interpretará a Hadri, mentres que as outras encarnarán a varios... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
Xogo de rol nunha única páxina pensado para que unha persoa leve as tarefas de dirección, namentres as outras interpretan cadansúes alieníxenes na procura de axuda para salvar o seu planeta a través do deporte. Trátase dun sistema pensado para ser xogado nunha única sesión dunhas tres horas.... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
No dice? Left your rule book at home? No character sheets? Itching to play a free form game based on your favourite Intellectual Property as an RPG... but no one made a rule set for it yet?
Fear not, mighty heroes!!!
If you've got a few coins at hand, you can FLIP
FLIP is a rules light, coin based, character driven challenge resolution system. It's fast to learn, easy to use, and... [click here for more] |
Xipe Totec Press |
Pay What You Want
A darkly satirical game set in a weird near future post apocalypse in which pop culture is now religion...
A narrative focused, player facing game using the coin based FLIP system. Please download this product for free. If you enjoy it, I would personally greatly appreicate your donating any amount you can comfortablly afford to support Mandy's GoFundMe to assist with her legal fees as she is... [click here for more] |
Xipe Totec Press |
Pay What You Want
A one page TTRPG ruleset that is not just a simplification thereof, but an esoteric offshoot of the GIST system that shows off some of its more unique aspects.
GIST was made in response to heroic systems that I always felt like I was fighting against. GIST is a system built to handle what other systems find strange and difficult in a way that is satisfying both narratively and tactically.
More... [click here for more] |
Xeitek |
Pay What You Want
A one page TTRPG ruleset that is not just a simplification thereof, but an esoteric offshoot of the GIST system that shows off some of its more unique aspects.
GIST was made in response to heroic systems that I always felt like I was fighting against. GIST is a system built to handle what other systems find strange and difficult in a way that is satisfying both narratively and tactically.
Check... [click here for more] |
Xeitek |
Pay What You Want
Norwesteron is an island-nation that you can use for a new campaign, or as part of an expedition to a new land. We include three high-resolution maps: one fully detailed for the Game Master, another without civilzation markers, and a simple black-and-white shoreline to use if the island is completely unknown to the players. All maps use a standard hexagon overlay for tracking movement. Basic details... [click here for more] |
Wydraz |
Pay What You Want
(The contents of this book are included in the Core Rulebook.)
Character Sheet
... [click here for more] |
Wushin Software |
Pay What You Want
(The contents of this book are included in the Core Rulebook.)
Free version of the Core Rulebook
... [click here for more] |
Wushin Software |
Pay What You Want
(The contents of this book are included in the Core Rulebook.)
4 Megacities with detailed locations and districts
4 Megacitiy Hexmap
4 Megacitiy Normal Map
... [click here for more] |
Wushin Software |
Pay What You Want
(The contents of this book are included in the Core Rulebook.)
Core Rules
... [click here for more] |
Wushin Software |
Pay What You Want