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Shell City's LIGHTIST had to struggle to find Adsil(
( Adsil means arrival to peaceful place) in order to retrieve the memories of his life, and then arrived at a place without nightmares.
ENGLISH Machine Translation Version
This is the Chinese version of LIGHTIST, which uses D10 to judge the skill... [click here for more] |
侯傭 夏 |
В буклете приведены базовые ходы, доступные всем персонажам.
Данное дополнение включает:
Базовые ходы
Опциональные ходы
Космические ходы
... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
В буклете приведены правила и матриалы для создания собственного косимческого корабля.
Данное дополнение включает:
Шалоны для создания космического корабля
... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
В состав буклета входит в сжатое, емкое и лаконичное описание дополнительных игровых опций.
Данное дополнение включает:
Правила по длительным действиям
Описание различных угроз и связанные с ними правила
Список... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
В дополнении содержатся буклеты дополнительных персонажей, не описанных в книге правил.
Данный буклет включает следующих персонажей:
Охотник за головами
Сверхновая (мужская и женская версии)
Джаггернаут (мужская... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
Дополнение включает карту рукава Приора галактики Пегас.
Данное дополнение включает:
Карту в формате JPG
... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
В дополнении содержатся буклеты основных персонажей, описанных в книге правил.
Данный буклет включает следующих персонажей:
Аристократ (мужская и женская версии)
Киборг (мужская и женская версии)
Курьер... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
Буклет содержит краткие описания всех игровых персонажей.
Данное дополнение включает:
Краткие описания 22 игровых персонажей
Инструкцию по заполнению буклета персонажа
... [click here for more] |
Грань Вселенной |
Це неофіційний фанатський переклад, який створено з дозволу Darrington Press. Оригінальну верстку також використано з дозволу видавця.
This is an unofficial fan translation created with permission from Darrington Press. The original layout is also used with publisher’s permission.
Ви потрібні,... [click here for more] |
Перекладено з дозволу автора / Translated with the author's permission
Оригінальна гра
Ви – чарівна лісова істота, ваша прекрасна господиня-відьма була вбита, і ви збираєтеся вирушити в пригоду, щоб помститися за вбивство... [click here for more] |
Перекладено з дозволу автора / Translated with the author's permission Ласкаво просимо до Маєтку.
Що ти за прокляття?
Яким чином ти лякаєш найкраще?
Де ти любиш проводити час?
Як ти відреагуєш на те, що у твоєму домі... [click here for more] |
Перекладено з дозволу автора / Translated with the author's permission
Відмова від відповідальності: Робота, представлена на цій сторінці, БЕЗКОШТОВНА. Ані вона, ані ця сторінка жодним чином не уповноважені, не схвалені,... [click here for more] |
Перекладено з оригіналу за ліцензією CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 / Translated from the original under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence
Тихі Спогади
Рольова гра про пошук себе перед смертю
Володарка Срібла Енні 2013 року за найкращу безкоштовну гру
Ви прокидаєтеся... [click here for more] |
Get started with character creation in ZWEIHANDER Grim & Perilous RPG using our new form-fillable ZWEIHANDER Character Sheets!
These new character sheets are presented in both horizontal and vertical formats as a PDF. As they are form-fillable, they can be used on your mobile device, laptop or simply printed out for use around your game table. The PDFs are optimized for older... [click here for more] |
Begin your gothic fantasy horror adventures with ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero! This includes all the rules to play and create your first survivor. This 83-page free download includes:
Chapter 1: Welcome to ZWEIHANDER
Chapter 2: Learn to Play
Chapter 3: Your Lifepath (abbreviated from the full release)
Survivor Sheet (form-fillable)
CHANGELOG We have instituted a new taxonomy for... [click here for more] |
For use with a flight simulator such as FSX, P3D, X-Plane or Dovetail Flight Sim World - you must have one of these to use Flight Sim Air Taxi!
Flying is nice. Flying with a purpose is better. These simple rules require two packs of playing cards, a pen and a notebook and they emulate the life of an air taxi pilot. Where you fly and what you fly is up to you, and you don’t... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
Fast play rules for the Hostile science fiction RPG. In THREE PAGES!
Even better, the rules are written as a corporate training exercise, a roleplay exercise used to teach employees the dangers of 'unsafe work environments' !
Includes full colour PDF, print friendly PDF and fillable personnel forms. ... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
The Ladder is a rules-lite roleplaying game, perfectly suitable for use with new players, and especially with younger players. This lack of complexity has also seen The Ladder used successfully to run internet roleplaying games.
Tasks are resolved with a single roll of a standard six-sided die. There's no addition, subtraction or multiplication required, and... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
A Roleplaying Game Where YOU ...
Select a Tribal Totem
Explore an Ice Age Wilderness
Master Tribal Magics
Wander Two Worlds, the Spirit and the Earthly, Simultaneously
Fight Exiles, Ogres and Elementals
Quest For Artefacts of Power For Your Tribe
When I... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
Ensemble è un gioco di ruolo da tavolo per due o più giocatori che punta su regole essenziali e intuitive, arricchite da esempi chiari e approfondimenti sulla filosofia che ne ispira le meccaniche.
Ensemble si basa sul principio generale che l'immaginario precede le meccaniche , quindi quello che conta è immedesimarsi con il proprio personaggio in una situazione... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Nail down the furniture, and hide the children… the fey are coming!
The Faerie Ring is here, but before you meet your new fey lords, you need to get up to speed with Along the Twisting Way: The Faerie Ring Prelude, taken right from the Campaign Guide itself.
What are the fey? Where do they come from? Why do they torment you so?
Most cultures easily rattle off stories of the fey, portraying... [click here for more] |
Zombie Sky Press |
Heretical Ambitions!
They’ll certainly kill you if you ever show up back at the manor house. But you have no intention of going back. Who wants to barely survive, serving every sadistic whim of some wealthy asshole? Not you.
They say there are devils out there. Things that will suck the lifeforce right out of you and leave you as a drooling husk. Devils? Maybe. Or maybe they... [click here for more] |
Ziapelta Games |
This is errata for Paths to Valhalla version 1.1 ... [click here for more] |
Zephyr Table Games |
Punished, forsaken and left for dead by the very hand that created them, four races must come together and unite against the grim horrors of a world set on fire.
Unity is an epic fantasy tabletop RPG. The unique setting blends high fantasy with a flavourful dose of arcane-infused technology. Unity focuses on telling spectacular stories while emphasizing teamwork with a combat engine that allows... [click here for more] |
Zensara Studios |
Striker - A TTRPG Far Off in Space and Time
Second Edition Core Rulebook is now Available
PDF Title: see new listing (striker-core-rulebook-2nd-edition), Print-on-demand: (see publisher website). The mechanics of the game and organisation of the book have changed a good deal since the original publication, so look at it more for its flavour value. Definitely don't rely on the game's mechanics as presented... [click here for more] |
Zenith Games Foundry |
This is a murder mystery game that sets the players as detectives managing murder, missing persons, kiddnapping, and serial killers cases. This game is very light in RP. The only time RP is adequete is when interragating suspects, and communicating to the other detectives in your department. The only thing you need is d10 dice. ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
This guide is to help GMs create these senarios and give an idea of how most cases work from their end. This also covers creating serial killers. ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
Spellpunk Cyberfight: Dark Time of Galaxy is d12 based science fantasy cooperative storytelling game with dice elements. It is set in Centermost Galaxy.
In Centermost Galaxy, Magic same as science. One thing. All, but not some people own cybershrine (like how all but not some own smart phone Earth). I device of mildly psychic crystals containing bound elemental spirit. When drop device and breaks... [click here for more] |
Zanthor's Miniature Workshop |
Tactics, Magitech, & Gunfights at your gaming table!
A fast-paced, tactical, cover-shooter RPG that brings something new to the genre.
Set in a world of magic, machines, airships, and daeva, Zafir offers a unique alternative to traditional, western fantasy settings. Play as one of six sapient species and advance along six branching class trees while earning new abilities and fighting deadlier enemies.... [click here for more] |
Zafir Games |
Pay What You Want
Print it, laminate it, and put it in your gaming bag. Wherever you go, it goes.
“Several years have passed since the fall of the empire, and a newly-formed republic now attempts to restore democratic rule throughout the galaxy. But the fledgling government is still young, and remnants of the former empire continue to operate on the fringes of society, just as new criminal... [click here for more] |
Zadmar Games |
Released on May the 4th, and set in the same galaxy as Interstellar Bounty Hunters:
“The Laser Knights are a religious order of guardians and protectors, who use their psychic powers and laser swords to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. But these are challenging times, with greed and corruption spreading throughout the republic. Powerful guilds vie with ruthless... [click here for more] |
Zadmar Games |
This product is released under the CC BY 3.0 license, and it includes the original Scribus file and art assets as a template for designing and publishing your own Tricube Tales One-Page RPGs (including for commercial use). There's also a template and step-by-step instructions for creating your own print-on-demand one-page RPGs.
“In the distant future, humanity has spread... [click here for more] |
Zadmar Games |
This fantasy scenario is based on the system-agnostic setting Drakonheim: City of Bones with the permission of Sneak Attack Press:
“Long ago, during the days of the Cevali Empire, a mighty hero slew a powerful dragon and used her bones as the foundations of Drakonheim—the “City of Bones.” After the empire’s gradual decline and eventual collapse, Drakonheim became an... [click here for more] |
Zadmar Games |
!Challenge Dungeon RPG is an English translation of the Japanese TRPG Itadaki Dungeon RPG.
18 Aug 2022 Update details. Rulebook ver.1⇨ver.2 1.Replays have been added at the end of the book.(+p.24) 2.Fixed the sample sheets as they were still in Japanese. 3.Fixed bookmarks.
Challenge DUNGEON RPG is a completely free dungeon exploration... [click here for more] |
Yuugakugei |
Decidia is a tabletop roleplaying game which aims to fuse the core aspects of high fantasy together with the culture and technological advancements of the Machine Age and late Industrial era. It's meant to facilitate worlds where magic and machinery coexist, where dragons soar in the sky alongside airships, and where knights and magic go hand-in-hand with biplanes and landships. ... [click here for more] |
Yodachi Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Cairn is an adventure game about exploring a dark and mysterious Wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities. Character generation is quick and random, adventures are tense and reward careful exploration, and combat is frantic and deadly.
Cairn Second Edition (or Cairn 2e) is a free replacement for the original Cairn adventure game. ... [click here for more] |
Yochai Gal |
The Warden’s Guide includes tools, tables, and advice for running Cairn, with procedures to generate content that fits into the Vald setting or any fantasy world of your imagining. The following chapters offer resources and detailed instructions for creating immersive adventures, with an emphasis on dynamic gameplay and rich worldbuilding. It is our hope that with these pages anyone can craft unique,... [click here for more] |
Yochai Gal |
What Is This?
One Shot World is a hack of the excellent Dungeon World RPG that removes most of the long-form mechanics and replaces them with simple rules designed to facilitate one-shots and short campaigns. This initial release is for the beta rules, which are 100% playable.
What's Changed?
Playbooks have been simplified down to just... [click here for more] |
Yochai Gal |
The Swords & Wizardry Quick Start book will get you started in a fantastic world of adventure and danger using the Swords & Wizardry Core Rules. The Quick Start is meant for first level play and is a fantastic way to introduce someone new to roleplaying or the "old school way" of playing fantasy roleplaying games. It contains everything you need to play:
Character creation
Play and combat... [click here for more] |
Ye Olde Games |
Since someone asked, this is a set of blank cards for Raspberry Heaven. Specifically, 2 blank character cards and 6 blank scene cards. These are completely useless without the core game, so, you know, get that first.
The digital download is the Microsoft Word document I used to create the blank cards, should you wish to create your own digitally (though you'd need the Teaspoon and Gill Sans MT fonts... [click here for more] |
Yaruki Zero Games |
Sixtacular is a quick and simple RPG system geared towards comedy, based on a rare, ahead of its time gem of 1980s RPG design, as seen in retroclone form in Spooktacular. The system is available under the Open Game License, and with this System Reference Document you're welcome to create your own Sixtacular-powered games!
Available for download in PDF and docx formats! ... [click here for more] |
Yaruki Zero Games |
All in One (A1) est un JDR en une page, ce qui signifie que c'est un ensemble complet de règles pour jouer à un jeu de rôles tenant sur une seule feuille ! Il peut être joué avec n'importe quel univers ou scénario (il est générique) et il est fortement construit sur les principes de narration collaborative et de difficulté faible ou nulle pour le meneur, puisque toutes les difficultés et... [click here for more] |
yalsicor |
Pay What You Want
Efecto desgaleguizador é un xogo de rol para tres xogadoras no que se observará como as diferentes fases do sistema educativo afectan á fala do galego. Composto por unha única páxina, céntrase nas diferentes etapas educativas de Hadri, que sempre escoitou unicamente galego na súa casa até os tres anos. Unha participante interpretará a Hadri, mentres que as outras encarnarán a varios... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
Neste xogo de rol en solitario interpretarás a unha neofalante enfrontándose a unha entrevista de traballo para unha gran industria galega. A entrevistadora que terá a última palabra sobre a túa contratación non fala "el gallego", senón que fala castrapo. A túa tarefa será agradala sen traizoar moito os teus ideais lingüísticos.
Para xogar só precisarás estas regras, unha baralla española... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
Xogo de rol nunha única páxina pensado para que unha persoa leve as tarefas de dirección, namentres as outras interpretan cadansúes alieníxenes na procura de axuda para salvar o seu planeta a través do deporte. Trátase dun sistema pensado para ser xogado nunha única sesión dunhas tres horas.... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
Xogo de rol onde os xogadores son espías da TVG (Técnicos Vixías de Galicia), infiltrados na CRTVG (Corporación Radio e Televisión de Galicia) para salvagardar a cultura do país. Inda que normalmente os espectadores non se enteran, non son poucas as ameazas que agardan o intre axeitado para comprometer as emisións e, por tanto, a estabilidade nacional.
Hack de Lasers & Feelings. ... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
A darkly satirical game set in a weird near future post apocalypse in which pop culture is now religion...
A narrative focused, player facing game using the coin based FLIP system. Please download this product for free. If you enjoy it, I would personally greatly appreicate your donating any amount you can comfortablly afford to support Mandy's GoFundMe to assist with her legal fees as she is... [click here for more] |
Xipe Totec Press |
Pay What You Want