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За Морію

За Морію

Перекладено з оригіналу за ліцензією CC BY-NC 4.0 / Translated from the original under CC BY-NC 4.0 licence Зі смертю Балрога, надія на повернення Морії ожила більше, ніж будь-коли. Тисячі гномів з великих, захованих під горами фортець, збираються...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Здоровенні орки-геї

Здоровенні орки-геї

Перекладено за ліцензією RR&D Community Licence / Translated under RR&D Community Licence Оригінальна гра Ти – орочий чемпіон. Вбивці забрали життя вашого вождя. Ви отримали наказ від Великого Хана: ваша фортеця є останнім...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Козли Розбишаки

Козли Розбишаки

Перекладено за ліцензією RR&D Community Licence / Translated under RR&D Community Licence Оригінальна гра Ви – маленький нахабний цап і ви хочете на вечірку. Проблема в тому, що єдину вечірку влаштовують люди які...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Медове Пограбування

Медове Пограбування

Перекладено за ліцензією RR&D Community Licence / Translated under RR&D Community Licence Оригінальна гра Медове Пограбування – це односторінкова рольова гра. Сюжет такий: 1) Ваш план дуже складний і вимагає...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Перекладено з дозволу автора / Translated with the author's permission МОТЛОХ! - 20-30 хвилинна соло-гра, в якій ви мандруєте пусткою в пошуках МОТЛОХУ, який потім можна продати в найближчому поселенні. Дорогою вам треба заповнювати маленьку...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Не Перемикайтесь!

Не Перемикайтесь!

Односторінкова сатирична настільно-рольова гра про акторів реаліті-шоу. Чи говорять щось для тебе такі назви як «Битва Екстрасенсів», «Хата на Тата», «Пекельна Кухня», та інші неперевершені приклади шоу на українському...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Перекладено за ліцензією Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International / Translated under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International License ОЛАФ б'є ДРАКОНА своїм МЕЧЕМ - це настільна мікрогра для одного або двох гравців. Це приблизно про... ну, майже про те,...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Підземелля Підземель

Підземелля Підземель

Перекладено за ліцензією Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International / Translated under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International License Односторінкова гра для спуску в підземелля. Переклад Перекладач: Mykyta leftaltcaps Gumerov, Vasyl Pupkin Редактор: Iryna Liut...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Реліквії та шибениці

Реліквії та шибениці

Перекладено за ліцензією Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International / Translated under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International License Зверніть увагу: цей продукт містить короткі письмові посилання на тропи жаху тіла. Вони легко...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Сумний хлопець-вампір

Сумний хлопець-вампір

Перекладено за ліцензією RR&D Community Licence / Translated under RR&D Community Licence Оригінальна гра Світ у вогні, жорсткий, темний та дивний, але ти закоханий. Зіграй за вампіра або смертного в цій односторінковій...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Clash! Rules-Lite RPG

Clash! Rules-Lite RPG

Clash! is a 'Free Kriegspiel' game that gives you a bare bones system that can cover all kinds of tasks, combat situations and magic. The rules are only  6 pages long.  Based on the upcoming Clash of Steel sword & sorcery fantasy game by Zozer Games, Clash! can be played quickly and easily, with veterans, newbies or children. It is flexible enough to use with modern sci-fi and fantasy settings. ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games  Pay What You Want

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Loner (1st edition)

Loner (1st edition)

Loner is a bare-bone freeform solo RPG designed to play with a solo character in “narrative” mode. You’ll guide your character through the story that will unravel during the game, asking closed questions to an oracle who will assume the role of Game Master. Every now and then the game will surprise you when an unexpected plot twist happens! To play it, it is assumed that you are already familiar...   [click here for more]
Zotiquest Games  Pay What You Want

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Loner - Core Rules (2nd Edition)

Loner - Core Rules (2nd Edition)

Tonight your playgroup couldn't get together and you're dying to play?  Or you may not even have a group or maybe you don't even want to have one!  Good news: solo roleplaying is possible! Loner  is a minimalist solo game that will allow you to have amazing adventures in any genre and setting with two pairs of dice and only your imagination as the limit!...   [click here for more]
Zotiquest Games  Pay What You Want

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Seeds of Renewal

Seeds of Renewal

The world was broken, but it was never beyond repair. In the centuries since the Catastrophe, humanity has learned to live not as masters of the Earth but as its stewards. Now, in an Awakened World, the call for renewal echoes louder than ever. As a Messenger, you walk the fragile balance between survival and hope, tasked with rebuilding the bonds...   [click here for more]
Zotiquest Games  Pay What You Want

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Sword & Scoundrel: Open Beta Document

Sword & Scoundrel: Open Beta Document

Sword & Scoundrel is a player-driven role-playing game of passion, violence, and general skullduggery. It's a morality play presented as an HBO character drama, set against a backdrop of intrigue and swordplay in a dark fantasy Renaissance setting. It's a game where players declare what's most important to their characters and see it challenged through play. It's a game about seeing how far you...   [click here for more]
Zornhau Studios  Pay What You Want

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The D1 System

The D1 System

The D1 System is a nonexclusive, comprehensive role-playing amusement in witch players assume the guises of Aspects in a fatuous setting. Players must except culpability for axing out these rolls within the narrative, either through liberal acting or through a process of structured decision-masking of aspect development. Actions taken within many games succeed or flail according to a formal...   [click here for more]
Zoid Enterprises  Pay What You Want

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Dawn of the Eschaton

Dawn of the Eschaton

Welcome to the End of Days The world has gone to complete pitch black darkness. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. The sudden and inexplicable loss of light, electricity, and sanity plunges society into chaos. As you navigate this treacherous new reality, you'll face unspeakable terrors lurking in every dark shadow. "It's not post-apocalyptic, it IS...   [click here for more]
Zerotheory Games  Pay What You Want

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Nosferatu Goes Out for a Bite (One Page RPG)

Nosferatu Goes Out for a Bite (One Page RPG)

Nosferatu Goes Out for a Bite A Solo Journaling RPG where you are Count Orlok! And you are hungry... ...   [click here for more]
Zerotheory Games  Pay What You Want

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The Dark: Dawn of the Eschaton

The Dark: Dawn of the Eschaton

UPDATE We have released version 1.0 which you can find here! The Dark On June 6th at 10:06 am. It happened. The sky turned absolute black and the lights everywhere went out. Cell phones stopped working, flashlights went dead, everything electronic...   [click here for more]
Zerotheory Games  Pay What You Want

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Wasteland Escorts (One Page RPG)

Wasteland Escorts (One Page RPG)

The Mega Cities house millions within their encompassing domes. The contaminated outside air is is filtered. Life within these cities is strictly controlled and regulated. Don't like it? You're free to try your luck in the Wastes. You get a weapon, set of armor and a ride. Now go get a job!...   [click here for more]
Zerotheory Games  Pay What You Want

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Now available as Pay What You Want! Any amount you like from $0 on up. If you do grab it for free and like the game, please consider purchasing it again for an amount that you think is fair. You're dead. What now? Beyond is a game about dead people who could not let go. Something prevented you from moving on to whatever peace awaits you after death. Instead, you're trapped...   [click here for more]
Zero Point Information  Pay What You Want

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Tales of the Space Marines

Tales of the Space Marines

Now available as Pay What You Want! You can get this game for any amount you like from $0 on up. If you like the game, you can "purchase" it again for an amount you think is fair. This is not a game about ultraviolent imperialsm. This is a game about being an ultraviolent imperialist. Many games show the terrifying efficacy of genetically-engineered posthuman killing machines...   [click here for more]
Zero Point Information  Pay What You Want

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Touched by Darkness

Touched by Darkness

Ever wanted to send your Æternal Legends characters up against a vampire lord, a pack of werewolves, or a lich-lord and his zombie army? Maybe you want a little more urban fantasy in your Æternal Legends game, with Clades for vampire and werewolf characters. You want Touched by Darkness. A 22-page PDF supplement covering just that. The download contains a screen-ready PDF,...   [click here for more]
Zero Point Information  Pay What You Want

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You died and won't move on. What's your unfinished business? Unfinished is a complete story-focused roleplaying game in just 150 words, suitable for experienced players. Unfinished is a lite version of Beyond, from the same publisher. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ...   [click here for more]
Zero Point Information  Pay What You Want

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Bastard Sword: Pre-Beta Playtest

Bastard Sword: Pre-Beta Playtest

UPDATE: Bastard Sword is undergoing a MAJOR revision in the post OGL situtation. This entry is left live to prevent someone taking the name. We will update the file, and you, when we have the new version ready. If you would like more information on this subject you can watch the announcement livestream recording here: ATTENTION:...   [click here for more]
Zenith Entertainment Group  Pay What You Want

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Now Featuring PRODUCTION DEV - Spetember 17th, 2024 ATTENTION: This is a Production Development Document, not a completed product. It is FULLY playable, but is missing art, as well as minor rules and fluff that do not impact game play. It may contain typos, and other errors that will be added to the Errata and updated frequently to the downloadable document here....   [click here for more]
Zenith Entertainment Group  Pay What You Want

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Devolver: Core Rules

Devolver: Core Rules

This is a murder mystery game that sets the players as detectives managing murder, missing persons, kiddnapping, and serial killers cases. This game is very light in RP. The only time RP is adequete is when interragating suspects, and communicating to the other detectives in your department. The only thing you need is d10 dice.  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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Devolver: GM Guide

Devolver: GM Guide

This guide is to help GMs create these senarios and give an idea of how most cases work from their end. This also covers creating serial killers.  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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The Living Dead

The Living Dead

The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die?  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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The Living Dead 2nd Edition

The Living Dead 2nd Edition

The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die?  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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The Living Dead 3rd Edition

The Living Dead 3rd Edition

The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die?  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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Dice Guise: High Intrigue, Low-Crunch Espionage (Fillable pdf)

Dice Guise: High Intrigue, Low-Crunch Espionage (Fillable pdf)

Now as fillable pdf! Elegant as an evening gown; the tactical depth of a submarine fleet deployment... From the creator of Warpfleet...  It's white-knuckle enough trying to parse friend from foe -- who needs mountains of math on top of it all? In a world where everybody thinks they're the good guy, the only crunch should come from knees into cummerbunds. When the chips are down,...   [click here for more]
Zardak the Dave  Pay What You Want

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Warpfleet: High-Brow, Low-Crunch Warpcraft Tactics and Adventure TTRPG (Now Fillable!)

Warpfleet: High-Brow, Low-Crunch Warpcraft Tactics and Adventure TTRPG (Now Fillable!)

One Page for Infinity. Another for Eternity.  And the first one is now fillable! dTraitsdTradesdSkills, and dSpecs shed when harmed, surge when healed. Simple, elegant, yet strategically deep resource deployment and allocation based warpcraft combat using the Platonic Hex shed-surge system....   [click here for more]
Zardak the Dave  Pay What You Want

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Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game

Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game

Tactics, Magitech, & Gunfights at your gaming table! A fast-paced, tactical, cover-shooter RPG that brings something new to the genre. Set in a world of magic, machines, airships, and daeva, Zafir offers a unique alternative to traditional, western fantasy settings. Play as one of six sapient species and advance along six branching class trees while earning new abilities and fighting deadlier enemies....   [click here for more]
Zafir Games  Pay What You Want

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Wild Ride: A Vehicular Combat Game

Wild Ride: A Vehicular Combat Game

Introduction Welcome to the harsh and barren world of the future, where ten powerful corporations have risen to dominate the remains of a once-thriving civilization. In this world, the only law that matters is the law of the strongest, and the ultimate contest of strength is vehicular combat. Each of the ten corporations produces its own line of battle-ready vehicles, each one designed to crush the...   [click here for more]
Z-Coin  Pay What You Want

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LITE-RPG is an ultra-light RPG system, aimed for quick one-shot games and short series of stories. I've been GMing for years, and decades ago I wrote RPGs professionally (with a million words or so commissioned by Chaosium, Palladium, White Wolf, etc.) But however much I've fallen in love with one system or another at different times, I've always found it handy to have a super-lightweight set of rules...   [click here for more]
Yosano Studios  Pay What You Want

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Decidia is a tabletop roleplaying game which aims to fuse the core aspects of high fantasy together with the culture and technological advancements of the Machine Age and late Industrial era. It's meant to facilitate worlds where magic and machinery coexist, where dragons soar in the sky alongside airships, and where knights and magic go hand-in-hand with biplanes and landships. ...   [click here for more]
Yodachi Publishing  Pay What You Want

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All in One en français (One Page RPG)

All in One en français (One Page RPG)

All in One (A1) est un JDR en une page, ce qui signifie que c'est un ensemble complet de règles pour jouer à un jeu de rôles tenant sur une seule feuille ! Il peut être joué avec n'importe quel univers ou scénario (il est générique) et il est fortement construit sur les principes de narration collaborative et de difficulté faible ou nulle pour le meneur, puisque toutes les difficultés et...   [click here for more]
yalsicor  Pay What You Want

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Efecto desgaleguizador

Efecto desgaleguizador

Efecto desgaleguizador é un xogo de rol para tres xogadoras no que se observará como as diferentes fases do sistema educativo afectan á fala do galego. Composto por unha única páxina, céntrase nas diferentes etapas educativas de Hadri, que sempre escoitou unicamente galego na súa casa até os tres anos. Unha participante interpretará a Hadri, mentres que as outras encarnarán a varios...   [click here for more]
Xogón  Pay What You Want

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Entrevista castrapo

Entrevista castrapo

Neste xogo de rol en solitario interpretarás a unha neofalante enfrontándose a unha entrevista de traballo para unha gran industria galega. A entrevistadora que terá a última palabra sobre a túa contratación non fala "el gallego", senón que fala castrapo. A túa tarefa será agradala sen traizoar moito os teus ideais lingüísticos. Para xogar só precisarás estas regras, unha baralla española...   [click here for more]
Xogón  Pay What You Want

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Marmelada universal

Marmelada universal

Xogo de rol nunha única páxina pensado para que unha persoa leve as tarefas de dirección, namentres as outras interpretan cadansúes alieníxenes na procura de axuda para salvar o seu planeta a través do deporte. Trátase dun sistema pensado para ser xogado nunha única sesión dunhas tres horas....   [click here for more]
Xogón  Pay What You Want

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No dice? Left your rule book at home? No character sheets? Itching to play a free form game based on your favourite Intellectual Property as an RPG... but no one made a rule set for it yet? Fear not, mighty heroes!!! If you've got a few coins at hand, you can FLIP FLIP is a rules light, coin based, character driven challenge resolution system.  It's fast to learn, easy to use, and...   [click here for more]
Xipe Totec Press  Pay What You Want

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A darkly satirical game set in a weird near future post apocalypse in which pop culture is now religion... A narrative focused, player facing game using the coin based FLIP system.  Please download this product for free. If you enjoy it, I would personally greatly appreicate your donating any amount you can comfortablly afford to support Mandy's GoFundMe to assist with her legal fees as she is...   [click here for more]
Xipe Totec Press  Pay What You Want

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Velvet Generation: Rockin' the Suburbs

Velvet Generation: Rockin' the Suburbs

You're a struggling band in a stagnant, suburban underground music scene. As if dodging the cops and dealing with shady connections wasn't enough, now a rival rocker is trying to steal your spotlight, and the lead singer of a famous touring band has turned up missing, leaving you to go find him. This introductory scenario for Velvet Generation works either as a standalone one-shot...   [click here for more]
XIG Games  Pay What You Want

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GIST Hyperminimal

GIST Hyperminimal

A one page TTRPG ruleset that is not just a simplification thereof, but an esoteric offshoot of the GIST system that shows off some of its more unique aspects. GIST was made in response to heroic systems that I always felt like I was fighting against. GIST is a system built to handle what other systems find strange and difficult in a way that is satisfying both narratively and tactically. More...   [click here for more]
Xeitek  Pay What You Want

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GIST Hyperminimal Character Sheet

GIST Hyperminimal Character Sheet

A one page TTRPG ruleset that is not just a simplification thereof, but an esoteric offshoot of the GIST system that shows off some of its more unique aspects. GIST was made in response to heroic systems that I always felt like I was fighting against. GIST is a system built to handle what other systems find strange and difficult in a way that is satisfying both narratively and tactically. Check...   [click here for more]
Xeitek  Pay What You Want

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Moonshine & Swords

Moonshine & Swords

re-envisiond classic 1974 inspired ruleset.  somethings are missing, some are added...the way any homebrew version of over 30 years mutates... drunken adventurers in medieval times, bravely running away from dungeons death knights being angry at the living....kobolds being miners lost in time...wizards who have no use for petty spells such as magic missiles or sleep and go at it with fireballs. ...   [click here for more]
xal sylath  Pay What You Want

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Sylath - Hebrew classic pulp fantasy

Sylath - Hebrew classic pulp fantasy

Sylath is a retroclone with quite a few unique quirks -  always keeping up with the spirit of old school weird and pulp oreinted role playing games of the past.  written by a veteran (over 35 years) in gaming - it is a product made of love and simplicity in mind - yet contains enough materiel (over 115 pages including complete bestiary and easy layout) for longer, more existential campaigns.  the...   [click here for more]
xal sylath  Pay What You Want

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Shadow of the Demon Lord: Guida Introduttiva

Shadow of the Demon Lord: Guida Introduttiva

L’eccellente Guida Introduttiva®, un manuale del giocatore vero e proprio con un indice di tutto rispetto. Contiene le basi delle regole che ogni giocatore deve conoscere, e, se siete ancora incerti sulla Scatola Base, potete comprare la guida prima di buttarvi a capofitto in questa apocalittica avventura! Suggerita come accessorio fondamentale, una per ciascun giocatore! L’ombra...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni  Pay What You Want

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Mystery: Odrodzenie

Mystery: Odrodzenie

Mystery: Odrodzenie, to gra fabularna, której oprogramowanie wciela się w przypadku Tułaczy – istoty, które nie mogą w pełni umrzeć, ponieważ zostały zawrócone ze skutkiem przez Anioły w zaświatach, zwane Chórem. Celem gry oraz samodzielnie Tułaczy jest rozwikłanie tajemnicy: bohaterowie gracze trafiają do miejsc, które popadły w ruinę, opustoszało lub katastrofa...   [click here for more]
Wydawnictwo Hengal  Pay What You Want

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  Agêratos Core Rulebook