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Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 2

#NEW 2

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 3

#NEW 3

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 4

#NEW 4

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 5

#NEW 5

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 6

#NEW 6

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 7

#NEW 7

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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2017 ENnies Sampler

2017 ENnies Sampler

We are proud to say that Pelgrane Press has been nominated six times in this year's ENnie awards. This free ENnies sampler features choice selections from each entry. If you like what you see, please consider voting for us. All these ENnie nominated products are available at 15% off until 1st August 2017. Best Adventure The Edom Files An adventure collection for the Dracula Dossier...   [click here for more]
Pelgrane Press   FREE 

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44: A Game of Automatic Fear

44: A Game of Automatic Fear

"Someone you know was just replaced by a machine. No one else knows. You are next."   44: A Game of Automatic Fear is a suspense RPG. You portray people who know a robot conspiracy called Section 44 is replacing humanity. Can you survive before the conspiracy replaces you with a machine? Set in the backdrop of the early 1950s, a time of high paranoia, 44 works like an Alfred Hitchcock...   [click here for more]
Stories You Play   FREE 

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Abenteuer-Baukasten [Regelwerk] ab 6 Jahren

Abenteuer-Baukasten [Regelwerk] ab 6 Jahren

Der Abenteuer-Baukasten ist ein einfaches und flexibles Pen-&-Paper Rollenspielsystem, das für Spielerinnen und Spieler ab 6 Jahren geeignet ist. Es ermöglicht den Teilnehmern, ihre eigene fantasievolle Welt zu erschaffen, einzigartige Charaktere zu entwickeln und gemeinsam Abenteuer zu erleben. Besonders gut eignet sich der Abenteuer-Baukasten für den Kindergarten, Familien und die Primarstufe....   [click here for more]   FREE 

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About Old Storytellers or a Game of Campfire Lore

About Old Storytellers or a Game of Campfire Lore

DIE TO LIVE OR LIVE TO DIE! About Old Storytellers or a Game of Campfire Lore (AOS) diverges from the realm of classic mythology utilizing the rich themes and fearsome critters found in North American folklore. The genre can varying widely between fantasy, horror, western, mystery, adventure, steampunk, etc. depending on the type of story being...   [click here for more]
Thrill Land   FREE 

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Abyssal - Alpha

Abyssal - Alpha

Abyssal Alpha ver. 0.3 Disclaimer This is a work in progress and under constant change. Until it reaches Beta, it is not considered play ready to its full extent. This version is provided to gather feedback on the rules and setting of the game. Abyssal is a game written for the love of science fiction, horror and investigative genres. It contains descriptions of horror and violence. Abyssal is...   [click here for more]
Ministages by Christian Mintert   FREE 

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Acheron BETA

Acheron BETA

Acheron is a d20 Grimpunk tabletop role-playing game, where you must sacrifice your humanity to fight against the evils of the world. Mystery, monsters, and magic collide in this 1930's-era setting, where The Government controls the path of History, Factions war for resources, and The Wall looms forever upon the horizon. This BETA version includes the basic rules of play and character creation. At...   [click here for more]
Dark World Studios   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu - Szybki wypad do Francji - broszura startowa

Achtung! Cthulhu - Szybki wypad do Francji - broszura startowa

Odważysz się stawić czoła grozie czyhającej w samym sercu Saint Sulac?   Dołącz do grupy alianckich agentów i zbadaj tajemnicę, która nęka ten zakątek Francji. Kim są Czarne Słońca? Dlaczego ta senna wioska jest przez nich nękana? Co robią z więźniami, których przetrzymują w zagadkowym zamku? Darmowa 48-stronnicowa broszura startowa zawiera: - kompletny zestaw...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart

Dare you face the terror lurking at the heart of Saint Sulac? Join a band of intrepid Allied agents as they investigate the mystery gripping this obscure corner of France. Who are the mysterious Nazi Black Sun? Why have they overrun this sleepy French village? What are they doing with the villagers they imprison in the mysterious ancient chateau at its centre? This FREE 48 Page Quickstart PDF contains:...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Quickstart Pack (PDF) FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Quickstart Pack (PDF) FREE!

Welcome to the Secret War! With this Free Quickstart Pack you’ll get your first glimpse into the hidden globe-spanning conflict between the forces of good and evil! Only you and your scrappy band of heroes can defeat the malignant forces of the occult, and the malevolent might of their Mythos masters!  Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 immerses you in a world of fast-paced pulp adventure,...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer

Advanced Crimson Dragon Slayer

"D&D in arcade mode!" ~ Prince of Nothing Update: This title has been revised to become the ultimate edition.  It includes Cha'alt Ascended, Crimson Escalation, Cha'alt X-Cards, Gilded Die of Satanis, and 3 variant character sheets!  Print-on-demand softcover coming soon... This is my own heavily house-ruled hack of B/X and 5e, suitable for one-shots, convention games, virtual...   [click here for more]
Kortthalis Publishing   FREE 

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Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Smog pours through the air, the constant sounds of clanking gears and ticking clocks fills the air of the city you stand on. As you walk you see all sorts of creatures and people. Small chimera, mutated and mutilated bastardizations of animals scurry, more common than rats nowadays. You continue walking until you find what you are looking for in these god forsaken slums, a certain dive you were told...   [click here for more]
Team Savage Genesis  Pay What You Want

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Age Past: The Incian Sphere Revised Edition (APISR)

Age Past: The Incian Sphere Revised Edition (APISR)

Welcome to Age Past Age Past: The Incian Sphere is a book of epic proportions. It is 400 pages, 270k words. It includes 70 pages of original and unique tiled art. It is one of the most comprehensive and beautiful solo-INDIE RPG books every published. This is the Revised Edition Core rulebook for the Age Past RPG system.  As you...   [click here for more]
Strange Machine Games   FREE 

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Agonia: La Horda - Guía de inicio

Agonia: La Horda - Guía de inicio

La guía de inicio de Agonía: La Horda te permite probar las reglas básicas de este juego de rol de forma totalmente gratuita. Tan solo es una muestra de lo que podrás encontrar en el Manual Básico, pero te permitirá hacerte a la idea de lo que te espera en este juego de supervivencia. ...   [click here for more]
Midgard Ediciones   FREE 

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Alien Omen

Alien Omen

Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption. Includes: 5 Playbooks 8 Pages of "how to play" 3 Factions "Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews Downtime...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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Alpha Omega Quick Start Guide

Alpha Omega Quick Start Guide

Are you ready to enter the world of Alpha Omega? The Alpha Omega Quick Start Guide includes everything you need to begin, streamlined mechanics, a new adventure, new creatures and NPC's! Players find themselves in a richly detailed, future Earth where mankind stands on the brink of extinction. Our planet is about to become the battleground for otherworldly creatures of incredible power as they wage...   [click here for more]
Mind Storm Labs   FREE 

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Ambrosia - A gathering of souls

Ambrosia - A gathering of souls

A gathering of souls” consists of a set of quick-start rules and an introductory scenario for Ambrosia that is meant to be played by a game-master and three to four players using pre-generated characters. Only the quick-start rules included in this book are required to run this scenario. The noble houses Baligant and Tauernier have been bitter rivals for centuries. When a child of Tauernier is born...   [click here for more]
Red Eyed Rabbit   FREE 

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And Red All Over

And Red All Over

And Red All Over is a tri-fold pamphlet RPG that can be used to quickly generate and play out a horror scenario.  Rules lite to keep the terror heavy.  Perfect for pick up games and adding some thrill to a dark, quiet evening. ...   [click here for more]
Steven M Long   FREE 

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Anyworld Quickstart

Anyworld Quickstart

Anyworld is a roleplaying system that works in any genre. The core mechanics are incredibly flexible and yet simple enough for newcomers to grasp very quickly. All you need to play is the Anyworld rulebook and a handful of six-sided dice. The Quckstart includes most of the basic rules along with 4 premade characters. There is also a Kickstarter live right now for Heartless - a horror adventure supplement...   [click here for more]
Netherborn  Pay What You Want

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APOCTHULHU Quickstart Rules [softcover]

APOCTHULHU Quickstart Rules [softcover]

Horror Roleplaying in Terrifying Realms of Lovecraftian Apocalypses. ◊ Lovecraftian roleplaying typically sees brave Mythos investigators foiling plots to corrupt our familiar world. But what happens when the heroes DON’T save the day? When the cult’s apocalyptic schemes succeed? What comes next? That’s what APOCTHULHU is about. IMPORTANT NOTE: this...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn   FREE 

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APOCTHULHU System Reference Document

APOCTHULHU System Reference Document

This is the APOCTHULHU System Reference document. It contains all the open content from the APOCTHULHU RPG. We informally call this game engine the "Cthulhu Eternal" System (and other, non-Apocalypse versions of the same rules are published under that name). Whether you are a publisher or a gamer, you can use this under the terms of the Open Gaming License. This is NOT the...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn  Pay What You Want

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Aquelarre — Translated Introduction

Aquelarre — Translated Introduction

This Introduction represents the first completed pages of our English translation of the classic Spanish RPG, Aquelarre. Please make certain your account is set to receive notices from Nocturnal Media so we can alert you when the complete PDF is posted! ...   [click here for more]
Nocturnal Media   FREE 

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Arcana Familia Extended Edition Quickstarter

Arcana Familia Extended Edition Quickstarter

This is a free quickstarter, you can find the final core book PDF here We are in the future – a future where everything is already decided. A divinity has descended on the Earth, offering humanity the peace and tranquility it so desperately wanted in exchange for the freedom to determine its own destiny. But this well ordered existence has cracks at its edges: other entities, sneaked in hidden from...   [click here for more]
Winged Lion Games   FREE 

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W państwie Wielkiego Kalifa jest wieś Al-Sharbah. Za wsią wznoszą się góry Sakr-Harik. Za górami rozpościera się pustynia Mahrawat. W głębi pustyni znajduje się grobowiec Qabr-Al-Azuma. W zamku mieszka potężna Arcymumia Amonherkhépeshef. Arcymumia strzeże nieprzebranych skarbów. Grupa poszukiwaczy przygód ma prosty plan: Przygotować się do wyprawy w wiosce. Pokonać góry. Przejść...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Argh! The Supernatural RPG! Do You Dare? Unlock the power of your imagination? Any kind of monster, any kind of mystery... One Simple, Fast, Exciting system! Argh! gives you everything you need to play the supernatural thriller of your dreams... or nightmares! Supernatural Powers, magic, aliens,'s all there, and you don't need a degree in accounting to create the Slayer, or the monster,...   [click here for more]

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Art Pack: Flames of Freedom (Flames of Freedom Library)

Art Pack: Flames of Freedom (Flames of Freedom Library)

Looking to write and publish your own adventure or supplement for FLAMES OF FREEDOM Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can! Download these today, and you can start working now, for when the Flames of Freedom Library launches (Coming soon)! Files include: Every image from every article, A-Z Full-page images found throughout the book The Flames of Freedom Library Logo Grab...   [click here for more]
Terrible Wyrm   FREE 

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Atomik Conversion Kit

Atomik Conversion Kit

Atomik Add-Ons are generic sourcebooks that can be used with any game system. All the necessary conversions are already worked out in this document to use them with the following games and systems, so you just have to follow the guidelines. Precis Intermedia Titles genreDiversion 3E (Bloodshadows 3E, Stormrift) genreDiversion (HardNova 2, Coyote Trail, Ghostories, EarthAD.2, Mean...   [click here for more]
Precis Intermedia   FREE 

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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 1, Issue #8, Apr 2016

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 1, Issue #8, Apr 2016

Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and Nova Blast Star Armada, and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.  Especially exciting this month is a great new Pathfinder system, Kung Fu Kuma and more Arcana for stalwart fans. Join...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Avatar Record Sheet

Avatar Record Sheet

Avatar Record sheet for use with the FateStorm VRS   Please note that the Avatar record sheet is included at standard resolution in the core rule book Ascendancy – Rogue Marshal.   Introducing the FateStorm Virtual Reality System The Art of Evolutionary Roleplay More than a decade in the making, including five years of extensive game testing, the FateStorm VRS offers players...   [click here for more]
Broken Tower   FREE 

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Awaiting the End

Awaiting the End

Awaiting the End is a GM-less one-sheet game about a group of people in a terrible Place awaiting an impending Doom. They might be prisoners awaiting their execution in prison, space travelers waiting for their oxygen to give out in a tiny escape pod, or PhD candidates waiting in a dorm cafeteria to hear why their dissertation was rejected. To pass the time they tell each other stories about how they...   [click here for more]
Future Proof Games  Pay What You Want

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Axiom Null: RPG Instruction Manual

Axiom Null: RPG Instruction Manual

NOTE: Contains the I AM ZOMBIE prologue and full deck of 54 human print and play ID cards. For the full I AM ZOMBIE experience be sure to grab a copy of the Field Manual /product/146164/I-AM-ZOMBIE-Field-Manual PRACTICAL PLAY THE AXIOM WAY  The Axiom System revolves around simple and elegant rules. Much like a modern board game, its complexities are front-loaded and not piled on at the back end with...   [click here for more]
Make Believe Games   FREE 

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B/X Frontiers

B/X Frontiers

This system combines the simplicity of old-school B/X systems and uses them for fast-paced, gritty, modern and future adventures.  At onlty 51 pages, this rules set is the perfect launch point for your own non-traditional B/X games, allowing for light rules that can easily be expanded upon to fit your own vision. ...   [click here for more]
M. A. Packer   FREE 

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You are a Scottish Hebridean sheep. You are all black and you have two sets of horns. You look fearsome and badass. You are Baaphomet! And you just found out that you have demonic powers! How will you use your powers? Will you destroy your unworthy enemies? Will you malignantly stare at the masses? Will you wreak havoc on...   [click here for more]
CampfireRPG   FREE 

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Backchannels: Quickstart Guide & SRD

Backchannels: Quickstart Guide & SRD

Currently funding on Kickstarter! Step into a bizarre, post-apocalyptic America with a new standalone book in the Backwards: American Gothic Horror universe.  The Backchannels Quickstart Guide & System Reference Document includes character creation rules, essential rules for gameplay, basic setting information, a one-sheet adventure, 4 pre-generated characters, and a blank character sheet. It’s...   [click here for more]
Backwards Tabletop   FREE 

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Backwater: Quickstart Guide & SRD

Backwater: Quickstart Guide & SRD

Quickstart Guide & System Reference Document The Backwater Quickstart Guide & System Reference Document  includes character creation rules, essential rules for gameplay, a pre-generated character sheet, and a blank character sheet. It’s 53 pages and includes sketches of original art for the core rulebook. Want to try the game on your own? Grab our solitaire. Then create a character and...   [click here for more]
Backwards Tabletop  Pay What You Want

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Backwoods: Quickstart Guide & SRD

Backwoods: Quickstart Guide & SRD

Currently funding on Kickstarter! Step into a bizarre, post-apocalyptic America with a new standalone book in the Backwards: American Gothic Horror universe. The Backwoods Quickstart Guide & System Reference Document includes character creation rules, essential rules for gameplay, basic setting information, 4 pre-generated characters, a blank character sheet, and a one-sheet adventure. It’s...   [click here for more]
Backwards Tabletop   FREE 

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Barbarians of Academia

Barbarians of Academia

From the creator of Tales of the Obsidian Idol comes Barbarians of Academia! Barbarians of Academia is a tabletop roleplaying game for three to six players in which you play a barbarian who has recently traveled through THE SPACE-TIME VORTEX OF AGARTHA, a recent arcane phenomenon that has allowed two-way travel between...   [click here for more]
Ironic Hero Games   FREE 

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Bath Salts - Character Sheet

Bath Salts - Character Sheet

The Customer is Always Right! An 8.5 x 11 Print-Friendly Customer Service Representartive Sheet for Bath Salts. ...   [click here for more]
Creepy Doll Studios   FREE 

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Belly of the Beast RPG - Quick Start

Belly of the Beast RPG - Quick Start

A tabletop RPG about callous survivors scavenging the abyssal guts of the world-eating Beast that consumed their home. You are a scavenger. Driven by the primal instinct to survive, you venture into the depths of the Evergut in search of some remnant of the past that will postpone your inevitable digestion.   The land was resplendent once; sprawling forests, massive ranges,...   [click here for more]
Sigil Stone Publishing   FREE 

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Best Left Buried: The Zini Edition

Best Left Buried: The Zini Edition

There are things that dwell in the Crypt, and some are Best Left Buried Best Left Buried is a fantasy horror game where the monsters are scary and the players are scared. Within the Crypt, these adventurers will be beset by strange monsters, bizarre environments and eldritch magics, which will take them on their journey from fresh faced recruits to grizzled survivors. This collection of six zinis...   [click here for more]
SoulMuppet Publishing   FREE 

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Beta Maxx Death Character Sheet

Beta Maxx Death Character Sheet

This is a free downloadable character sheet PDF for use with the Beta Maxx Death game. It is set up to be printed on A4 or US Letter paper and then cut into two character sheets (game notes and similar can be put on the back). ...   [click here for more]
Halfling Caravan Games  Pay What You Want

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Beta Maxx X Character Sheet

Beta Maxx X Character Sheet

This is a free downloadable character sheet PDF for use with the Beta Maxx X game. It is set up to be printed on A4 or US Letter paper and then cut into two character sheets (game notes and similar can be put on the back). ...   [click here for more]
Halfling Caravan Games  Pay What You Want

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Big List of RPG Plots

Big List of RPG Plots

Over the last two decades, The Big List of RPG Plots has been cited, quoted, thanked and excerpted in articles for computer-game design, a book on Hollywood screenwriting, and more than a few pen-and-paper RPGs. I wrote it in 1993 as an article submission for Pyramid magazine (they rejected it). I later tried to shop it to Dragon and Shadis and others...   [click here for more]
Cumberland Games & Diversions   FREE 

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Bio Syndrome RPG & Wargame: Modern Edition - Fight the Zombie Hordes!

Bio Syndrome RPG & Wargame: Modern Edition - Fight the Zombie Hordes!

Welcome to the world of Bio Syndrome RPG & Wargame: Modern Edition. Bio Syndrome is a FREE fan funded modular game system which is the creation of Paul Murphy and many countless contributors through both the web and kick-starter. Bio Syndrome is both a war game and a role playing game (RPG) system. With Bio Syndrome RPG & Wargame: Modern Edition you can play through either the Bio Syndrome...   [click here for more]
A Hole In The Ground Terrain & Games   FREE 

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  RUNES #5 - Fantasy RPG Zine for Shadowdark