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Diuna - Znak Czerwia - broszura startowa

Diuna - Znak Czerwia - broszura startowa

Diuna: Znak Czerwia - broszura startowa. Znajdziesz w niej wszystko, co pozwoli ci zaznajomić się z podstawami gry Diuna: Przygody w Imperium oraz rozegrać prostą przygodę w świecie Diuny. Diuna: Przygody w Imperium to gra fabularna, która zabierze cię w daleką przyszłość, poza wszystko co jesteś sobie w stanie wyobrazić. Imperium – skomplikowana maszyneria oparta na feudalnej polityce,...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games   FREE 

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Dreams And Machines: Quickstart Guide (PDF)

Dreams And Machines: Quickstart Guide (PDF)

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF DREAMS AND MACHINES A world in the far future, cut off from Earth, where inhabitants balance on a razor’s edge between technological distrust and reverence. A world where sleeping mechs form part of the landscape, part of the culture. Banners and flowers decorate the rusting goliaths while the communities that make their homes around them celebrate births, festivals, and...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide

Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide

"They say you can't drill in the desert--storms and sandtides destroy equipment faster than it can be installed, if the worms don't get you first." The Dune: Adventures in the Imperium roleplaying game takes you into a far future beyond anything you have imagined, where fear is the mind killer so be sure to keep your wits about you. The Imperium is a place...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Ten starter zawiera streszczenie podstawowych zasad  gry, gotowe postacie oraz przygodę początkową – Częstotliwość Maszyny. Wszystko, czego potrzebujecie, by zacząć swoją wędrówkę po pustkowiach! 64 strony, pełen kolor. ...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games   FREE 

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Fallout Wasteland Warfare Battle Mode Rules & Force Lists

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Battle Mode Rules & Force Lists

Do you want a more competitive feel to your Fallout Wasteland games? Now you can find who is really the ruler of the wasteland with the Fallout Battle mode rules and points values: This free Fallout Wasteland Warfare download contains:  Fallout Wasteland Warfare Battle Mode Rules Item and Unit Costs Individual Survivor, Super Mutant and Brotherhood of Steel Force Lists Combined Force List  While...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Fallout: Factions - 'Welcome to Nuka-World' Quickstart - PDF FREE

Fallout: Factions - 'Welcome to Nuka-World' Quickstart - PDF FREE

WELCOME TO NUKA-WORLD! Fallout: Factions is an action-packed, competitive tabletop skirmish game in which players command a Crew of hardened Wasteland warriors. Of course, the game is based on Bethesda's genre-defining video games.  In Fallout: Factions, you and your opponent will fight it out on your tabletop, making tactical decisions and relying on dice rolls to...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Fallout: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart Guide - PDF

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart Guide - PDF

WELCOME TO THE WASTELAND Post-apocalyptic adventures await in the wastelands of the Commonwealth! A chance encounter with an injured member of the Brotherhood of Steel leads to a daring rescue attempt, conflict with deadly military robots, exploration in the ruins of an irradiated town, and a life-or-death firefight to liberate a new safe haven! Based on the genre-defining videogames from Bethesda, Fallout:...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Rules of Play

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Rules of Play

In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare players build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in post-apocalyptic games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka-Cola vending machines and wrecked cars. ...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Homeworld Revelations: Quickstart - PDF

Homeworld Revelations: Quickstart - PDF

Welcome to The Dreamlands team. Join Mevath Sagald on an archaeological expedition to the planet Kharak. You and your team have been brought together to gather historical records and artifacts from the wreckage of the great ship, the Khar-Toba. However, you are far from the only interested party descending on the ruin and at this point, the race is on. Can you be the first to the prize? Well, there’s...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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INFINITY RPG FREE Quickstart with Circular File Adventure

INFINITY RPG FREE Quickstart with Circular File Adventure

This Quickstart gives you an introduction to the 2d20 system, a short adventure ("Circular File"), four pregenerated characters, and an overview of the Infinity universe.  The Infinity universe was launched by Corvus Belli as a hugely popular tabletop skirmish game in which sci-fi themed miniatures simulated futuristic battles across the alien battlefronts of Paradiso and the internecine conflicts...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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John Carter of Mars Quickstart

John Carter of Mars Quickstart

Flags over Mars!  This short FREE Quickstart adventure is designed to allow play­ers to take on the role of heroes from the John Carter of Mars stories as they encounter perilous adventures on Barsoom explore the rules of its 2d20 roleplaying system.  The adventure is set shortly after the events of A Princess of Mars and the decline of Helium’s long time rival, Zodanga....   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Sentience – Quick Start

Sentience – Quick Start

SENTIENCE: Quick Start Sentience is an exciting, innovative new sci-fi RPG written by Al Spader and Alison Cybe. This 46-page quickstart guide allows players and GMs to quickly dive into the world of sentient robots. The book also includes six pre-generated characters which give players a chance to explore what the protagonists in the game look and feel like. EXCITING...   [click here for more]
The Yellow Hand  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures - Second Edition Quickstart

Star Trek Adventures - Second Edition Quickstart

A UNIVERSE OF POSSIBILITIES CAPTAIN’S LOG, STARDATE 2260.5 “The U.S.S. Challenger was ordered to investigate a massive alien construct that emerged from a wormhole into a remote region of Federation space. Upon reaching the destination, we discovered a colossal machine far greater in scale than even our largest starbases. We initiated preliminary scans and friendship...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Star Trek Adventures Quickstart

Star Trek Adventures Quickstart

Welcome to your new assignment, Captain. Your continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before… “We’ve received a message from Narendra Station that a runabout  called the Susquehanna has gone missing in the Carina Nebula, deep within the Shackleton Expanse. The Susquehanna was  investigating...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Star Trek Adventures Red Alert Rules

Star Trek Adventures Red Alert Rules

RED ALERT! With Star Trek Adventures: Red Alert, your gaming group can add an exciting three-dimensional tactical experience to your RPG encounters. Now, Federation away teams can do battle against Klingon warriors, Romulan strike teams, Borg drones, or any number of other threats on far-flung worlds across the Galaxy. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran of tabletop campaigns or a fresh-fromthe-academy...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Star Trek Adventures: Klingon Quickstart

Star Trek Adventures: Klingon Quickstart

This FREE 37-page Klingon Quickstart for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game provides a summary of the key rules needed to play through the quickstart adventure, the adventure “The Tip of the Bat’leth,” and six pre-generated Klingon warrior player characters, all ready for your game group to use to battle for glory and honor. You will also need: • At least two 20-sided dice (d20) per...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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