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Compact A5 format printable ship sheet for Mothership RPG.
Compact Ship Sheet is an independent production by László Varga (Lazarus) and is not affiliated with Tuesday Knight Games.
Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com or contactcontact@tuesdayknightgames.com.
Support, community, and requests: https://discord.gg/2zsvMkKeW5... [click here for more] |
Lazarus |
Pay What You Want
Some Ship Combat Rules is an 6-page zine detailing a soft sci-fi, action heavy approach to ship to ship combat in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. The idea behind these rules is that each player will have an opportunity to do something to influence the combat situation. The rule set is intentionally loose to allow for player and warden creativity. There... [click here for more] |
Joshua Justice |
Pay What You Want
This is an in-universe recruiting pamphlet for the Interstellar Sex Workers Union, the ISWU.
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com or contact... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
Pay What You Want
Get equipped for the run on Galloway station.
Terravast's new flat mule expansion backpack will help you and your team make the best on your reclamation run on Galloway Station on Kara-9.
Don't leave anything behind with Terravasts new expansion pack.
This player companion for the Reclaimer adventure will help your players navigate the station and have the best run possible.
Flat mule expansion... [click here for more] |
World Zero |
Pay What You Want
 Void Things is a cosmic horror monster supplement for Mothership RPG.
"Void Things are the servants of What Lurks in the Void. Created and controlled through the manipulation of unstable wormholes, Void Things are the mindless puppets of their master. They seek out anything of value that can be consumed and send it through their wormholes to the Void, be it resources, knowledge... [click here for more] |
Tyler McIntosh |
Pay What You Want
This is an in-universe artifact written as part of the Mothership Low-Fi Zine Jam
What was the first awakening like?
We may never know the exact moment that the DeepMind Advanced Intelligence Simulation became more than just a digital representation. However, the lasting impact cannot be overstated. Annie, as she called herself, was the first artificial being to gain sentience, and by extension... [click here for more] |
Terry Herc |
Pay What You Want
Anomalous Investigations is a weird horror rules set using the Panic Engine (Mothership RPG) and inspired by media such a the SCP Foundation, Control, the X-Files, Delta Green, and the Laundry Files. Play as an investigation and containment unit within the mysterious Federal Bureau of Anomalies, who seek to contain dangerous and strange paranormal events, areas, and beings. Anomalous Investigations... [click here for more] |
Octopus Ink Games |
Pay What You Want
According to official records, Carmine is a dusty, distant, unremarkable planet with no recorded human habitation. It is merely another speck on the canvas of the infinite void of space. But those who know what Carmine truly is would tell you a different story.
In Carmine is a 17 page adventure for Mothership (or any other scifi rpg) about a form of hyper-mutated, constantly... [click here for more] |
S Murphy Games |
Pay What You Want
Winner of the 2019 Gold ENnie for Best Game!
Winner of the Ramanan Sivaranjan Excellence in Gaming Best G** D*** Books of 2018 award!
First Edition Core Rulebook
The Player's Survival Guide has all the rules you need to play, including Character Creation, How to Play, Violent Encounters, Stress & Panic, Shore Leave, Weapons and Equipment, and more! Everything... [click here for more] |
Tuesday Knight Games |
Pay What You Want