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PDF-Only Version Archaeologist in Need: A simple escort gone terribly wrong. Upon inspecting the monolith, something goes wrong. The archeologist is the key and the only hope the party has of shutting down this dangerous construct. Perhaps the party will uncover the true nature of this monolith if they can succeed, or maybe they will uncover an optional final phase of the dangers.... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
Assault on Klagdon Keep: This 5e compatible adventure is great for groups of new players, veterans, or just overall murderhobos to fight and pass judgment. A level 5 adventure with a twist. "A state of emergency for the realms under the Council of Kings: one royal, bearing one of the Crowns of the One-Hundred Kings, has gone rogue. A unit of valued and reputable citizens in good favor... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
 This map pack. It presents 1 map for Forest, each with different times, for a total of 8 maps. Download all of them as one. PDF, You can save all the maps at once an easy clicks.
The versions include:
Day & Night
Gridded and Gridless
Rain & no rain
For printing
License... [click here for more] |
Play1up |
Pay What You Want
Grave-Robbing, A Primer: A 5e compatible desert fantasy adventure with options for either a level 3 or a level 6 party.
A collection of mercenaries, grave-robbers, and vagabonds are all gathered with the promise of gold upon delivery. The party must successfully navigate the dangerous Red Desert, locate a newly scouted monolith of immense size, and find a way inside in order to loot... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
Advantageous Abilities provides Game Masters a toolkit with which they can easily add feature abilities to monsters and NPCs, giving their NPCs an advantageous edge (or just a little role-playing fun).
Each product in this line has more than 15 themed feature abilities, and instructions that allow GMs to easily customize existing creatures or create all new foes.
(Not... [click here for more] |
Dire Rugrat Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever found yourself stuck mid-game, searching for a random number between 1 and 100 but unable to come up with one?
Be stuck no more!
The Most Mathematically Correct Lists Presents:
100 numbers between 1 and 100!
Never be at a loss for numbers between 1 and 100 again. This handy reference will undoubtably be useful to both players and game masters as they strive to introduce... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
The “Helpful” series is designed as seeds to help provide starting blocks for adventures.
These lists are meant for GM's, but players can use them as well.
This particular Helpful List is all about the names potions and other drinks your players find and consume. Some of them are good, some bad, others are downright weird, like Protection against Squirrels..? What effects do these potions have?... [click here for more] |
Ennead Games |
Pay What You Want
100 Surnames For Fantasy Characters 100 Surnames for fantasy characters– plain and simple. Need a last name for a character? Just roll the percentile dice.
Pay What You Want- if you wish to pay something and can, please do so (as I might make more products available this way). ... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
 1000 names for your characters with its version for female and male
Pj's. In the following document you will find:
-Victorian and/or Streampunk names -Continenal names -Elvish names -Dwarf names -Orc names -Medium names (and their last names) -Names of demons or horrors of the underworld -Nordic names -Aliases and nicknames -Futuristic names -Names for contemporary and futuristic weapons... [click here for more] |
Rey Goblin |
Pay What You Want
 1000 nombres para tus personajes con su versión para Pj's femeninos y masculinos.
En el siguiente documento encontrarás: -Nombres victorianos y/o Streampunk -Nombres continentales -Nombres élficos -Nombres enanos -Nombres orcos -Nombres medianos (y sus apellidos) -Nombres de demonios u horrores del submundo -Nombres nórdicos -Álias y sobrenombres -Nombres futuristas -Nombres para armas contemporaneas... [click here for more] |
Rey Goblin |
Pay What You Want
This is a blank 11x17 hex sheet for making campaign world maps or whatever else. It is designed to be hole punched folded and placed in a regular 8.5x11 binder. The sheet can then be unfolded to reveal your map. ... [click here for more] |
mstephenjoy |
Pay What You Want
 This is a character sheet template for 13 Lucky.
The full game and additional files are also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
This is a pre-written one-shot for the game system 13 Lucky. The full guide to this game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
This is a pamphlet supplement & adventure for fantasy tabletop RPGs. You roll dice to create a tower of random stores with random events at each floor. It's good for a light side diversion, or can be ran as a one-shot.
The creature stats in the pamphlet are for Knave. You could easily replace those with stats from any other game. The core experience isn't system specific.
13 Story Bazaar is an... [click here for more] |
Brick Road Games |
Pay What You Want
Includes 144 generic 1" tokens for use with a battle map for tabletop RPGs.
Uses 24 unique icons and colors to provide context for battles while giving each icon a unique color to allow for quick differentiation during battle.
Each icon contains 6 numbered tokens for all your squad based combat needs.
How to Use
The tokens are meant to be printed on Letter size paper. I recommend using card stock... [click here for more] |
GameGrue |
Pay What You Want
 This is a Artbook for use in any RPG setting, it contains 16 full sized pictures for use in your campagin as PC or NPC inspiration! The artbook is available as one PDF and each picture is individually downloadable.
Additionally this artbook contains four character bios and full sized images for the RPG Soot: Tales of Tenebrous.
Find the full rules for Soot: Tales of Tenebrous here: ... [click here for more] |
Tenebrous Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Interested in giving 1879 a try? Want to do it for free? The 1879 Quickstart presents an overview of the basic game concepts and rules, pre-generated characters, and an introductory London adventure to introduce you to the game and its world, and perhaps jump start your campaign. ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
A full-size single page character sheet used for Fail Squad Games. Check out all our titles at http://FailSquadGames.com ... [click here for more] |
Fehu Games |
Pay What You Want
 3D printable / digital files only
1. For personal use only.
- selling or sharing of STL / digital files is prohibited
- sharing of download link is prohibited
- sharing, molding & casting of prints is prohibited
- altering my digital sculpt & calling it as yours is prohibited (slice & scale is ok)
- using my digital sculpts or part of it to make new content is prohibited
- sharing... [click here for more] |
Porc Skullpt IX |
Pay What You Want
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: THIS IS ONLY THE PRINTERFRIENDLY VERSION OF THE ACTUAL WORK *also don't worry about the first page being black, it is not. Some preview error from DriveThru.
Here you will find two hundred chance encounters (random encounters), for your players to explore and engage with. The encounters come in two categories, the first one... [click here for more] |
Mimir-ion |
Pay What You Want
 We're excited for the 2024 release. Inspired by the latest images of the new character sheet, we've created our own version for anyone eager to use it in their current games.
We've attempted to be accurate, though a few discrepancies may linger. Currently, this is in Letter size, but if there's enough demand, we'll also create an A4 version. Update: @germanso on itch.io has... [click here for more] |
Nat Handsome Games |
Pay What You Want
 20x30 Horror Street v.1 (Free) ... [click here for more] |
Pygmaps |
Pay What You Want
This booklet includes thirty tables for fantasy rpgs. It uses d30.
Inside you'll find tables for equipment, magic, foodstuffs, even stuff in your pocket. ... [click here for more] |
Mixu Lauronen |
Pay What You Want

From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Talisman Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the basic characters from the beloved Talisman game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want

From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Talisman Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the basic characters from the beloved Talisman game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want

From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Talisman Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the basic characters from the beloved Talisman game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want

From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format for the Heroqest Set: this set, in three parts, cover all the miniatures from the beloved Heroquest game. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking.
This set... [click here for more] |
dungeonismlab |
Pay What You Want
This a 2' and 4' Tilt bins with finger holes fir the Ultimate: GM Screen of DOOM
Found here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/251695/DRAGONLOCK-Ultimate-GM-Screen-of-DOOM?src=hottest_filtered ... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This license (the "Agreement") is an agreement between a publisher or author ("You") and McNabb Games LLC ("MGR"), that grants You an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to publish and distribute tabletop roleplaying game materials (the "Work") based on and incorporating the Morgalad Fantasy RPG Starter Book ("4d6 System ") and declaring compatibility with the 4d6 System. By... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Pay What You Want
 - 2 JPEG file - Day and night map variations. - Grid and without grid map versions ... [click here for more] |
owlschoolmaps |
Pay What You Want
This is first in a series of adventure modules for the 5th Edition RPG.
Each consists of a classic 5 room dungeon, and suitable for a one off session
5 ROOM DUNGEON: #01 THE WIZARD’S PORTAL is suitable for 1st level PCs, who should reach 2nd level at the end of the adventure
The chance discovery of an abandoned wizards domain leads to... [click here for more] |
John R Davis |
Pay What You Want
Lacking inspiration for game night? We got you covered! This PDF contains 50 prompts for Norse and Viking themed games.
Created for The Wyrd of Stromgard but 100% system agnostic, these prompts are heavily inspired by the Eddas and offer a multitude of situations, mythical figures, and legendary quests for your party to take on. Flexible enough to jump-start an adventure but... [click here for more] |
Lost Dutchman Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Nine Battle Tested Catalyst Characters to Bring Life to Your Campaign World
One Fighter In Every Heritage ... [click here for more] |
jscottgaribay |
Pay What You Want
A full-size single page character sheet used for Fail Squad Games. Check out all our titles at http://FailSquadGames.com ... [click here for more] |
Fehu Games |
Pay What You Want
Caught between two cultures, two differing ways of life, the Grendel fights an uphill battle from the cradle to the grave. The culmination of the licentious Elves, and the Stubborn Dwarves of the mountains, Grendels find their way any way they can. In many societies, it is taboo to befriend a Grendel, much less take on in to raise. Grendels become strong minded quickly, and learn to cherish any kindness... [click here for more] |
Blood Lords RPG |
Pay What You Want
In the heart of Elbion, the city of Mages & Sages, a new bakery is spreading joy and icing to the local residents. The long-time baker Horthron Delb thinks something smells rotten in Ystala Tremain's ovens, but the people of Elbion just keep going back for the Sticky Icky Buns and the Sugared Orc Ears. The old baker is willing to pay cold, hard cash for someone to end her reign as the new Queen... [click here for more] |
Goblin Stomper Games |
Pay What You Want
 In nessuna provincia dell’Impero di Mezzo gli effetti dell’invasione degli Orchi hanno lasciato segni più visibili che nel Marchesato di Grifonforte. Le cotenne nere hanno saccheggiato e distrutto in lungo e in largo e hanno lasciato agli abitanti di Grifonforte una pesante eredità di paziente ricostruzione.
Anche dopo la sconfitta delle armate del “Nero Maresciallo” Sadrak Whassoi e la... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
This brief treatment addresses Lizardmen for the Æther system! It gives a quick summary of culture, appearance, and includes mechanics for creating Lizardman characters.
Part of the character creation process includes determining a random mutation for your individual Lizardman. The information is kept light so you can add your own flair via your preferred setting, or to easily stick them in with... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Not all who have been buried are dead.
A storm forces the party into an abandoned old watchtower which once served as the final resting place for fallen nobles. It has since fallen to the dark creatures of the world, and as it turns out, they have honored dead of their own. ... [click here for more] |
Ember Studio |
Pay What You Want
A short introductory adventure for Land of the Blind's vagabond, but is meant to be system and setting agnostic. Inspired the TV series Penny Dreadful. ... [click here for more] |
Immersive Diversions |
Pay What You Want
A Start of the Flair of Dramatics ttrpg: Space Adventures, Combat, and Exploration. These are among the many things you can do in this roleplaying game. Among the different things you can do, you will be able to create your own custom spells, you can create your own spaceships, and you can play as people from many different cultures. A whole universe is out there to be explored. Time to Set Sail!... [click here for more] |
Richard Clark |
Pay What You Want
A local jester (Gat) is looking for an ancient tome detailing long forgotten dances, it is called the “Grimoire Of Collected Dance” written by Halin Dwarivsh. He hopes to take his stage show to the next level. He hires the PCs to track it down after finding the possible location of the tome. In return for the tome, the PCs will receive a treasure map and some gold. The jester is part of... [click here for more] |
3 Toadstools |
Pay What You Want
A FREE battlemap, The Brothel from The Buildings of Direhold City: Lower East Slums
The Buildings of Direhold City: Lower East Slums is a printable tile set compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game.
This PDF is a part of the Direhold City Tile Set which combines the unique detail and individuality of a bespoke battle map with... [click here for more] |
Momentous Maps |
Pay What You Want
A FREE battlemap, The Gallows From The Streets of Direhold City: Public Squares
The Streets of Direhold City: Public Squares is a printable tile set compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game.
Only $1.99
Get your copy here
The Streets of Direhold City: Public Squares
This PDF is a part... [click here for more] |
Momentous Maps |
Pay What You Want
A FREE battlemap, The Trading Post from The Buildings of Direhold City: Southside Place
The Buildings of Direhold City: Southside Place is a printable tile set compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game.
This PDF is a part of the Direhold City Tile Set which combines the unique detail and individuality of a bespoke battle map... [click here for more] |
Momentous Maps |
Pay What You Want
This is not a module. It is the narration of an adventure already played, during playtesting, and I am publishing it to illustrate the mechanics and flow of the second edition, which is coming out in late January 2025. While the new edition is somewhat different, it retains the feature that the book almost never has to be consulted during play, which means every player does not have to have a book,... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
A Land of Ice and Blades: beta version 2
A game about intrigue and adventures, about the deeds of single characters and the struggles of entire populations, about the fate of lonely heroes and the destinies of nations and tribes.
A Land of Ice and Blades was born to try to emulate epic grand stories (ASOIAF?) by using the engine of Apocalypse World (and its... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
 "Un petit bestiaire des bois" est né autour d'une table de jeu, à la fin d'une session, où nous nous remémorions les monstres que nous avions affrontés lors de nos toutes premières aventures il y a bien longtemps. Si les gobelins et les squelettes revenaient souvent, nous nous souvenions tous d'avoir été attaqués par des loups et d'autres animaux. Ces derniers étaient des ennemis redoutables... [click here for more] |
Black Lodrac RPG |
Pay What You Want
This excerpt from A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe is the winner of 2 ENnies awards! "Best Electronic Product" and "Best Free Product". Since the release of A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, we at Expeditious Retreat Press have fielded more questions concerning cities than other questions combined. Because of this tremendous interest in city creation and the utter lack of material... [click here for more] |
Expeditious Retreat Press |
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