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316 Bootcamp sur Pluton

316 Bootcamp sur Pluton

Scénario pour 3:16 Carnage dans les Etoiles A peine reveillé de cryo, les PJs sont envoyés sur une mission de routine : survie en milieu hostile et prise de contact avec des indigènes. Et forcement, quand on va négocier à coup de rangers, ça fini par déraper.  Il s'agit d'une mise à disposition d'un scénario maison. Les images sont générées par AI (midjourney), l'idée initiale provient...   [click here for more]
Calandil  Pay What You Want

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316 Double Feature

316 Double Feature

Scénario pour 3:16 Carnage dans les Etoiles Quand les senseurs sont incapables de cartographier une planète indigère, c'est les PJs qu'on envoie. Au programme, un mode low gravité et des araignées, beaucoup d'araignée. Ensuite, le debrief et un repos bien merité sauf que... Il s'agit d'une mise à disposition d'un scénario maison. Les images sont générées par AI (midjourney), l'idée initiale...   [click here for more]
Calandil  Pay What You Want

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5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is a sourcebook and conversion guide for playing in a setting inspired by an RPG from the early 90s about the adventures of a man transported to the future world of the 25th century using the White Star RPG rules 5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is not a full RPG. It is a sourcebook for playing White...   [click here for more]
Geek Rampage  Pay What You Want

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:Otherscape Schnellstart

:Otherscape Schnellstart

Götter. Menschen. Drohnen. In einer nicht zu fernen Zukunft hat die ständige Bombardierung mit technologischen Reizen, dem sogenannten Rauschen, den menschlichen Verstand überlastet und abgestumpft, so dass einst versteckte okkulte Kräfte nun offener agieren. Dämonen, Geister, Monster und Götter - dieselben mythischen Mächte, die die Menschheit seit jeher begleitet und heimgesucht haben - müssen...   [click here for more]
Storypunks Publishing  Pay What You Want

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A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ...   [click here for more]
Druid GM Designs  Pay What You Want

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Abducted is a solo or co-op story-telling tabletop role-playing game that places players in the shoes of a human character who has been abruptly abducted by an alien race.  Players create both their human character and their alien character, determining their characteristics and motivations, and then utilize a deck of playing cards, with corresponding in-game tables, as prompts to progress the story...   [click here for more]
Games Franco  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Smog pours through the air, the constant sounds of clanking gears and ticking clocks fills the air of the city you stand on. As you walk you see all sorts of creatures and people. Small chimera, mutated and mutilated bastardizations of animals scurry, more common than rats nowadays. You continue walking until you find what you are looking for in these god forsaken slums, a certain dive you were told...   [click here for more]
Team Savage Genesis  Pay What You Want

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Alien Omen

Alien Omen

Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption. Includes: 5 Playbooks 8 Pages of "how to play" 3 Factions "Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews Downtime...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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Alternative Travel Rules

Alternative Travel Rules

This is a FABULA ULTIMA MOD that changes and adds to the Travel Rules of the Core Rulebook, published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party Licence. With these Alternative Travel Rules, the Players will experience slightly slower, more contemplative travels through the game world, focusing on expanding it's worldbuilding and the characters' relationships with each other...   [click here for more]
TailsPr  Pay What You Want

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Answer The Call Fillable Hero Base Sheet

Answer The Call Fillable Hero Base Sheet

This is a fillable hero base sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL! You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and VEHICLE sheets as well. ...   [click here for more]
Conor Gleeson  Pay What You Want

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Answer The Call Fillable Vehicle Sheet

Answer The Call Fillable Vehicle Sheet

This is a fillable vehicle sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL! You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and HERO BASE sheets as well. ...   [click here for more]
Conor Gleeson  Pay What You Want

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Antarctica: 2099

Antarctica: 2099

By the early 21st century, the harmful impacts of climate change had become all too clear. The burning of fossil fuels was choking the atmosphere with greenhouse gases & toxic fumes, while the clearing of natural landscapes was wiping out ecosystems. This triggered a cascade of disastrous global consequences. Weather systems broke down, crop harvests failed, coastal cities were flooded while inland...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Arcane Synthetic

Arcane Synthetic

Arcane Synthetic is a Lineage that permits you to play a robit from a distant time. Uses a special spell storage mechanic for their ability.  ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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A giant mothership looms over a planet, preparing an orbital bombardment. A busy archivist catalogs thousands of data nodes tallying the knowledge of an entire species. Three inner-city thieves drop down a garbage chute and fly away on mystical shard powered hoverboards.  Welcome to Aspera, the Science Fiction Roleplaying game where players take on the roles of vibrant characters from a distant science...   [click here for more]
Aspera TTRPG  Pay What You Want

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Atomic Age - Preview

Atomic Age - Preview

This is a PREVIEW of Atomic Age, the post-apocalyptic roleplaying system and setting by Darklight Interactive, that is set to launch on Kickstarter in April 2024. ...   [click here for more]
Darklight Interactive  Pay What You Want

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Beyond The Broken Gates Core rules w/ The First City Campaign

Beyond The Broken Gates Core rules w/ The First City Campaign

This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands.  Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage! Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints, putting the power of creation directly in...   [click here for more]
Rachel Sands  Pay What You Want

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Beyond The Physical Plane | Additions For 5th Edition Rangers

Beyond The Physical Plane | Additions For 5th Edition Rangers

Beyond The Physical Plane is a short tome of various new options for the 5th Edition Ranger class. Included in this tome is the Soulbound Conclave subclass as well as 5 new, unique spells for the Ranger. Look beyond the fabric of reality and tell your story with Beyond the Physical Plane. To any and all who make the purchase, I am forever grateful and in your debt. Thank...   [click here for more]
ThePhotoLife  Pay What You Want

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Black IC Friday: A Thanksgiving-Themed Contract Brief for Shadowrun Anarchy

Black IC Friday: A Thanksgiving-Themed Contract Brief for Shadowrun Anarchy

Black Friday: The day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday is a Megacorp Holiday. Wageslaves are given a day off ... as long they spend at least 1,000 Nuyuen on New Exciting Retail ProductS. A Fun One-Page Free Contract Brief for Shadowrun Anarchy ...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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Blood Eagle

Blood Eagle

     Enter the world of Blood Eagle, a fallen land brimming with mutants and mayhem! Once this world was not unlike our own. However, when a man discovered a substance that could alter the genes of anything it encountered, everything changed. Like so many other things, this Gene Altering Substance (GAS) was originally heralded as a solution to many of the world’s problems. But it was only a matter...   [click here for more]
The Last Breaths  Pay What You Want

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Blood, Money, & Steel - A Mercenary Campaign Guide for BattleTech Alpha Strike

Blood, Money, & Steel - A Mercenary Campaign Guide for BattleTech Alpha Strike

This book includes guidelines on how to run a BattleTech Alpha Strike campaign. You are the commander of a mercenary force with the goal of being hired to execute missions, collect loot, upgrade your units, and prove your skills. Navigate complex missions complete with air support, resupplies, reinforcements, secrecy, deception, and potentially big paydays. These rules are intended for 2 players and...   [click here for more]
Sundered Epoch: Generations  Pay What You Want

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Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

What Robot Will You Draw? Perfect for families with children over the age of 10. Bots 'n Pieces is a role-playing game where you'll join a screwball team of clapped-out robots on the junk-covered frontier planet of Tartaria. You're an Urfling, a Bot created for various purposes: gardening, opera, or WAR. The coolest thing about Urflings? You can COMBINE them into more powerful and weirder...   [click here for more]
Dark Jewel Games  Pay What You Want

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Brimstone and Lead: Arena

Brimstone and Lead: Arena

Hell conquered your world. The stars fell, oceans burned, and demons ripped a black hole in the heart of your sun. They took everything: the people you loved; your ideals and dreams; nation states and continents. Now only shattered remnants drift through the void, jumbled together with other worlds. Everything here is dead but cannot die. Souls are currency and power—a promise of freedom and...   [click here for more]
Handmade Arcade Games  Pay What You Want

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BURGERPunk Flavour Profiles

BURGERPunk Flavour Profiles

Flavour Profiles are the character classes for BURGERPunk: The RPG, and these files serve as your character sheets! Included Flavour Profiles*: - American Idolator - Burger Beast - Cola Commando - Hampath - High-Fructose Corn Shaman - Road Warrior - Technomancer *Each Flavour Profile includes colour, black and white, and digitally fillable colour versions of the character sheet. ...   [click here for more]
Rent-A-Thug Comics  Pay What You Want

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Carnage dans les étoiles

Carnage dans les étoiles

CARNAGE DANS LES ÉTOILES EST UN JEU DE RÔLE SE DÉROULANT DANS UN FUTUR LOINTAIN. Il s’agit d’un univers de science-fiction où tout les joueurs incarnent les membres de la Force Expéditionnaire d’élite du 3:16e. Cette force militaire a quitté Terra il y aplus de 10 000 ans de cela, en ayant une mission bien définie : Leur mission consiste à affronter et à vaincre tout ce l’univers...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Character Background Tales

Character Background Tales

Character Background Tales is meant to provide meaningful prompts to help establish the feel of Coyote and Crow, during character creations, while providing enough variation to make this world feel alive. In creating this game aid, Native traditions from all over the country were respectfully considered, and the existing world presented in the Coyote and Crow core rulebook ...   [click here for more]
Coyote & Crow LLC  Pay What You Want

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Character Creation Storypath

Character Creation Storypath

This game aid is designed for the tabletop role-playing game (ttrpg) Coyote and Crow. Drawing inspiration from lifepath character creation systems and ttrpgs designed with a narrative focus, this game aid helps uses tables and prompts to help a player build a character. May your Character's Story Start here. ...   [click here for more]
Coyote & Crow LLC  Pay What You Want

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Charts and Tables

Charts and Tables

A handy collection of tables and charts with a bookmarked table of contents to have the various tables and charts used for gamplay at your fingertips. If you want free Character Sheets in Microsoft Word forms format for easy Player Character creation email me at Also check out the game books that go with the Charts and Tables! (Game Engineer's Techncal Manual,...   [click here for more]
Gregory W Burgess  Pay What You Want

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Clearwater Murders

Clearwater Murders

Feel free to just use this however. If you wanna help me pay my student loans feel free but I don't really care that much. I know how hard looking for free campaign stuff is and wanna help people with that. Plus this thing is definitly not professional level. You should be able to adapt this however you want to fit your specific  needs Inspired by Twin Peaks (kinda) and some YT video on a videogame...   [click here for more]
Monte Cook Games  Pay What You Want

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Compact Ship Sheet for Mothership RPG

Compact Ship Sheet for Mothership RPG

Compact A5 format printable ship sheet for Mothership RPG. Compact Ship Sheet is an independent production by László Varga (Lazarus) and is not affiliated with Tuesday Knight Games. Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games. For additional information, visit or Support, community, and requests:   [click here for more]
Lazarus  Pay What You Want

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Contact is a modern scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. It is designed to be played in a single session and is intended for small groups of investigators. Over the course of the scenario, the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Coriolis - Critiques Mentaux

Coriolis - Critiques Mentaux

Préparez-vous à explorer les profondeurs de l'esprit humain. Ces blessures mentales ne se contentent pas de marquer votre corps, elles façonnent votre psyché, impactant vos décisions, vos relations et votre perception de la réalité. Ne laissez pas vos joueurs échapper à l'horreur psychologique qui les attend ! Ce supplément a été conçu pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos parties de...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Coriolis - Mental Injuries

Coriolis - Mental Injuries

Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them! This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Coyote & Crow Fireside Templates

Coyote & Crow Fireside Templates

Coyote & Crow Fireside is a collection of templates and graphics that will allow fans of Coyote & Crow the roleplaying game to create their own Stories, equipment, fiction, and Icons & Legends. You'll get everything you need to craft your own content and put it up onto DriveThru RPG as part of their Community Content Program. Included in this zip file are Adobe InDesign templates, Affinity...   [click here for more]
Coyote & Crow LLC  Pay What You Want

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Cybergothica Playtest Demo Rulebook V.0.5

Cybergothica Playtest Demo Rulebook V.0.5

Cybergothica is a Cyberpunk Gothic Horror game set in an Earth shattered by centuries of Mega-Corp Rule. New nations have risen from the ashes and are picking up the pieces, but the survivors and new settlers of the Cybergothic Age must now face off against the ancient myths and horrors that once more lurk in the shadows. Characters take the role of adventurers and investigators in this bizarre age,...   [click here for more]
Bardic Wolf Productions  Pay What You Want

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Death in Space - Acid Trip

Death in Space - Acid Trip

ACID TRIP is an adventure site with 7-hex features : a moon which has a chemical ocean below a soft surface a crashed HAULER spacecraft that got stuck in the moon crust a crew of outlaws recruited by a T.T.O. cultist a band of marshals determined to earn the bounties ACID TRIP is an independent production by Neuralnoise and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the DEATH...   [click here for more]
Neuralnoise  Pay What You Want

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Death in Space - Space Bulk

Death in Space - Space Bulk

The scariest you can expect from a bridging malfunction is being trapped between dimensions… …unless it gets back to reality. A Space bulk is an amalgam of HUBs which merged with each other after a bridging disaster. Parts are melted inside one another, new passages have been created, life may have survived there. use the tables of Death in Space Core Rules book random...   [click here for more]
Neuralnoise  Pay What You Want

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Deine D&D Kampagne - So startest du richtig | Quest Guide

Deine D&D Kampagne - So startest du richtig | Quest Guide

Hallo Abenteurer, Du bist Spielleiter und stehst kurz vor deinem ersten Pen-&-Paper-Abenteuer? Ob Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Das Schwarze Auge oder ein anderes System – der Start in ein Abenteuer kann sich immer etwas schwierig gestalten, obwohl man so viele Ideen für den späteren Spielverlauf hat. Dieser kleine Guide soll Anfängern helfen, ihre ersten Schritte als...   [click here for more]
Quest  Pay What You Want

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Dicey Tales Character Sheet

Dicey Tales Character Sheet

Need a Dicey Tales Character sheet? Well, here ya go! ...   [click here for more]
Dicey Tales Productions  Pay What You Want

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Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 118

Dog Fight: Starship Edition Mission 118

Mission 118: Buoy Bombs for Dog Fight: Starship Edition the Tactical Combat Game. Maneuvering, Survival, for 1+ players Objective: Survive the mine field. Be sure to download the official rulebook. Keep up with Dog Fight: Starship Edition news via The Prospectus Magazine. ...   [click here for more]
Fox Games  Pay What You Want

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Don't Let Them Take You Alive

Don't Let Them Take You Alive

Don't Let Them Take You Alive – action horror roleplaying in the Modern Cthulhu Mythos. It's like if Guy Ritchie wrote weird fiction; or Scooby-Doo with guns. “Oh, look, Randy's playing a scholarly milquetoast – again. How Lovecraftian of you.” Be a cop! Be a cultist! Be a Deep One! Be an occult librarian bookmobile monster hunter! BE THE HERO! BE THE VILLAIN! BE THE MONSTER! You want a...   [click here for more]
Dangerous Worlds  Pay What You Want

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Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane. Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.  The new magic schools included are: Telekinism Augmentism Spiritism The new professions are: Prizefighter Cultist Woodcutter The new kin are: Half-orcs Vinelings Demonborn The...   [click here for more]
Squadeth Games  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon Office 3 Map Pack

Dungeon Office 3 Map Pack

EDIT: 3-7-2024 The Kickstarter for a new Dungeon Office is here! If you want to support the project follow the links below to either Kickstarter or my patreon! The Dungeon Office - Sinister Startups Patreon The Dungeon Boss will see you...   [click here for more]
Lair of the Coffee Dragon  Pay What You Want

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Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

Embers of the Imperium Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Calc)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Enter the Dismal Armory

Enter the Dismal Armory

Welcome to the solo "Dark Fort"-alike for Wasteland Degenerates! While this 12-page solo game differs in several mechanical ways to main Wasteland Degenerates game (see the Jumper Cable Edition and the upcoming hardcover Kickstarter for February 25, 2025), the worldbuilding and vibes are consistent with my final vision.  This is meant to be a solo journaling RPG played with All Of the Dice, a pencil/pen,...   [click here for more]
Wasteland Degenerates LLC  Pay What You Want

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Entre les murs

Entre les murs

Alors que le changement de quart va bientôt se réaliser, la monotonie d’un immeuble de banlieue va être perturbée par la découverte d’un habitant décédé dans son appartement. Des personnages liés à lui par des raisons défiant l’ordre du Diktat devront récupérer les preuves de leur culpabilité avant que la Garde Noire n’arrive pour enquêter. L’homme, pourtant discret, va se...   [click here for more]
Neuralnoise  Pay What You Want

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ESP[unk] (Demo) w/Character Sheet

ESP[unk] (Demo) w/Character Sheet

Set in the near future, you play as psychics known as punks. While having the potential of doing practically anything your mind thinks of, you struggle due to having to use your stamina (points) to do so. No dice, no preset abilities or feats, just your stats, stamina, skills, and psionics--oh, and your imagination! ...   [click here for more]
Daft Sheep  Pay What You Want

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Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

What is Extinction Punk? Extinction Punk is a table-top role-playing game (TTRPG) that blends elements of science fiction and science fantasy to envision a future where humanity fails to stop a man-made extinction event such as a climate cataclysm, a nuclear holocaust, or a biological war. Players of Extinction Punk get to explore the ruins of an Earth that is no longer under humanity’s control...   [click here for more]
Quickphix Club  Pay What You Want

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Fail Forward character sheet

Fail Forward character sheet

Character sheet for Fail Forward RPG system. ...   [click here for more]
Nuclear Saints  Pay What You Want

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Fireteam: Tactics - Sci-Fi Brick Combat

Fireteam: Tactics - Sci-Fi Brick Combat

Hey, gamers, brick builders, and everything in-between. My name is Robert. I am a sci-fi writer and game designer who has previously brought you CONTACT, a role-playing game published by Clockwork Publishing. For the past two years I’ve been working on a fun project that will merge a couple of my favourite subjects - games, science fiction and most importantly, brick building toys such as the ones...   [click here for more]
Max Byron  Pay What You Want

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Fragged Empire 2 - PC & GM Sheets

Fragged Empire 2 - PC & GM Sheets

"Your genetically engineered people are just now returning to the stars to usher in the dawn of a new age. Now is the time to reconnect with other forgotten species, explore war-torn worlds, combat ancient threats and forge new frontiers." ------------------------------------------------------- This is a just the Player and GM...   [click here for more]
Design Ministries  Pay What You Want

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  Terra Incognita Collection [BUNDLE]