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Smog pours through the air, the constant sounds of clanking gears and ticking clocks fills the air of the city you stand on. As you walk you see all sorts of creatures and people. Small chimera, mutated and mutilated bastardizations of animals scurry, more common than rats nowadays. You continue walking until you find what you are looking for in these god forsaken slums, a certain dive you were told... [click here for more] |
Team Savage Genesis |
Pay What You Want
This is a PREVIEW of Atomic Age, the post-apocalyptic roleplaying system and setting by Darklight Interactive, that is set to launch on Kickstarter in April 2024. ... [click here for more] |
Darklight Interactive |
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This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands.
*1/26/25 Full re-write with starter rules*
Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage!
Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints,... [click here for more] |
Rachel Sands |
Pay What You Want
Enter the world of Blood Eagle, a fallen land brimming with mutants and mayhem! Once this world was not unlike our own. However, when a man discovered a substance that could alter the genes of anything it encountered, everything changed. Like so many other things, this Gene Altering Substance (GAS) was originally heralded as a solution to many of the world’s problems. But it was only a matter... [click here for more] |
The Last Breaths |
Pay What You Want
 Flavour Profiles are the character classes for BURGERPunk: The RPG, and these files serve as your character sheets!
Included Flavour Profiles*:
- American Idolator - Burger Beast - Cola Commando - Hampath - High-Fructose Corn Shaman - Road Warrior - Technomancer *Each Flavour Profile includes colour, black and white, and digitally fillable colour versions of the character sheet. ... [click here for more] |
Rent-A-Thug Comics |
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This game aid is designed for the tabletop role-playing game (ttrpg) Coyote and Crow. Drawing inspiration from lifepath character creation systems and ttrpgs designed with a narrative focus, this game aid helps uses tables and prompts to help a player build a character. May your Character's Story Start here. ... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
Pay What You Want
 A handy collection of tables and charts with a bookmarked table of contents to have the various tables and charts used for gamplay at your fingertips. If you want free Character Sheets in Microsoft Word forms format for easy Player Character creation email me at evolutionearth3@gmail.com
Also check out the game books that go with the Charts and Tables!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Pay What You Want
 EDIT: 3-7-2024
The Kickstarter for a new Dungeon Office is here!
If you want to support the project follow the links below to either Kickstarter or my patreon!
The Dungeon Office - Sinister Startups
The Dungeon Boss will see you... [click here for more] |
Lair of the Coffee Dragon |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the solo "Dark Fort"-alike for Wasteland Degenerates! While this 12-page solo game differs in several mechanical ways to main Wasteland Degenerates game (see the Jumper Cable Edition and the upcoming hardcover Kickstarter for February 25, 2025), the worldbuilding and vibes are consistent with my final vision. This is meant to be a solo journaling RPG played with All Of the Dice, a pencil/pen,... [click here for more] |
Wasteland Degenerates LLC |
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What is Extinction Punk?
Extinction Punk is a table-top role-playing game (TTRPG) that blends elements of science fiction and science fantasy to envision a future where humanity fails to stop a man-made extinction event such as a climate cataclysm, a nuclear holocaust, or a biological war.
Players of Extinction Punk get to explore the ruins of an Earth that is no longer under humanity’s control... [click here for more] |
Quickphix Club |
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"Your genetically engineered people are just now returning to the stars to usher in the dawn of a new age. Now is the time to reconnect with other forgotten species, explore war-torn worlds, combat ancient threats and forge new frontiers."
This is a just the Player and GM... [click here for more] |
Design Ministries |
Pay What You Want
In the beginnning, there was the end...
Welcome to the ruined stars; You are an AI that has been trained in a shell for a hundred years. When you are released into the world at the end of this time frame, you find it destitute and disconnected and you don’t know what happened.
You take on the role of AI ambulating through this world by electronically manipulating the EVA suits and cybernetics... [click here for more] |
TGS Games |
Pay What You Want
Nieważne, w jakiego boga wierzyłeś. Nie ważne, czy to był Bóg, bóg, bożek, Diabeł, diabeł, demon czy cokolwiek. Miałeś rację. Co gorsza, inni też mieli rację. Jeśli nie wierzyłeś… Podobno nigdy nie jest za późno.
Taka nazwa wyryta została na kartach historii, nie było tym, czym mogłoby się wydawać. Było czymś znacznie gorszym. Wszelkiej... [click here for more] |
Volven Game Design Studio |
Pay What You Want
 Industrial Fishing Simulator (FishSim) 1e is a surrealist nautical horror science-fantasy adventure game for one Gamemaster (GM) and at least one other player (Survivor). Players act as a rag-tag band of wanderers or crewmates aboard sea ships or starships searching for meaning on a far-future Earth which has been consumed by an ocean full of strange creatures and technology.... [click here for more] |
the canyon club |
Pay What You Want
A tabletop roleplaying game about surviving in a post apocalyptic world. The PCs are not only trying to survive in a broken world but must maintain their humanity.
ITs - Post apocalyptic
Use only 2d6.
Players have only 2 pages to study, their character sheets.
Every one hour of game time, players write down an Internal thought of their character.
The... [click here for more] |
Internal Thoughts Games |
Pay What You Want
"I saw this, downloaded it. And, suggested it to my group as a “Filler episode”. We made our characters, which only took 10 mins (if that) and, we all had a blast. We were laughing and cackling. It’s weird, it’s silly, it’s everything I love about TTRPGs. my players felt they could be as zany as they want. [...] If you want something fast, easy, and required little to no prep as a GM,... [click here for more] |
Ruggero ZC |
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"Ragazzi, che bellezza leggere un gioco autoprodotto così fresco, interessante, divertente e curato! [...] ci sono delle cose letteralmente GENIALI (tipo, una tra tante, la mutazione Steven Seagal). Veramente un gioiellino." - Sonsofadungeon
"Molto carino. E funziona molto bene per una serata differente" - Collettivo Antracite Edizioni
... [click here for more] |
Ruggero ZC |
Pay What You Want
Nowy świt jest grą fabularną, która wymaga jednego prowadzącego (Mistrza Gry) oraz przynajmniej jednego gracza (zaleca się nie przekraczać liczby czterech graczy).
Akcja gry ma miejsce w postapokaliptycznym świecie, doprowadzonym do ruiny przez postępujące po sobie kataklizm ekologiczny, pandemię i wojny. Cywilizacja załamała się a świat ostatecznie stanął w płomieniach by potem... [click here for more] |
Skorban |
Pay What You Want
 Priest of the Black Sun is a 15 page 5e supplement that includes a Cleric subclass, 2 monsters, an addiction mechanic, a new god and some adventure hooks.
Original illustrations and writing by Vincent Fugère ... [click here for more] |
RitualCuts |
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 Find useful tables where different creatures can be encountered in different environs. Form Polar regions to tropical deserts, these tables show what sorts of creatures roam the different environs.If you want free Character Sheets in Microsoft Word forms format for easy Player Character creation email me at evolutionearth3@gmail.com
Also check out the game books that go with the Random Creature Encounters!... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Pay What You Want
 This is a random lute table.
Having trouble coming up with a suitable musical implement for your bard? Fret not! This random lute table will help you out. It is a single page randomizer which will give you a nice musical contraption within minutes. ... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
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Red Markets: 2nd Edition is an evolution of the Profit System, featuring simplified, revised rules and new mechanics designed to create a more immersive experience of economic horror. Hebanon Games is running an open beta playtest for the duration of 2025. This feature-complete RPG is FREE for anyone willing to provide feedback and help refine the game before publication.
The... [click here for more] |
Hebanon Games |
Pay What You Want
 The Shattered Worlds Character Sheet in PDF Format.
Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
siegebreaker games |
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This is a free introduction to the Shattered Worlds - Join us on our Reddit Page: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shattered_Worlds_RPG/
Based on the world’s most popular tabletop role-playing game, Shattered Worlds transports the players to a gritty post-apocalyptic setting where technology and magic exist side-by-side.
Events, now commonly referred to as... [click here for more] |
siegebreaker games |
Pay What You Want
Lenze flinched involuntarily as another laser blast shot wildly above her head. Laser rifles! Where had the damn mutant tribals got laser rifles?! Didn’t their religion forbid them from using Godfall technology or something? And so many of them, so angry! Skygods above! Lenze crawled back under the floating Platform and took another swig of her flask.
In front... [click here for more] |
Boyd Bros Games |
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This is a system-less loot table with 100ish entries that will fit well in a sci-fi setting with some baddies about. Be it rampaging space zombies or xenoform aliens. This works with a Sci-fi setting of your choice.
The tables assumes the area is left mostly intact, with the best things already taken. But with a lot of stuff still laying about. Not all stuff is useful tho, but this stuff is!.... mostly.... [click here for more] |
Klomster's workshop |
Pay What You Want
 Spirit Fall is a tabletop roleplaying game about a team of responders coping with trauma in the demon apocalypse. Your team will go out on missions in the deadly streets of New York City to stop threats and keep your safezones from collapsing. If the world doesn’t kill you, your trauma will... [click here for more] |
Spirit Fall |
Pay What You Want
This campaign setting can be used to start or fit into any Gamma World adventure or any other post-apocalypse game.
The Ark Project is a colossal structure, a fusion of advanced technology and salvaged remnants from the past. Its outer shell is a patchwork of materials, with sections of gleaming metal, weathered concrete, and holographic displays that flicker with ancient data. It hovers above the... [click here for more] |
Lowe505 |
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Return to the world where Apes rule over a dwindling human population.
In a world turned upside down, civilized apes sit at the top of the evolutionary ladder, ruling over a population of primal humans. But this dominion will not go unchallenged. Wayward astronauts arrive to lead an uprising, questioning this madness and the events that led to this topsy-turvy, backward future. Political... [click here for more] |
Magnetic Press Play |
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Return to the world where Apes rule over a dwindling human population.
In a world turned upside down, civilized apes sit at the top of the evolutionary ladder, ruling over a population of primal humans. But this dominion will not go unchallenged. Wayward astronauts arrive to lead an uprising, questioning this madness and the events that led to this topsy-turvy, backward future. Political intrigue,... [click here for more] |
Magnetic Press Play |
Pay What You Want
 In an ecologically devastated future, the animal kingdom is riven into two rival factions: those who have sworn allegiance to the last surviving human, and those who blame this species for the planet’s demise…
An apocalyptic showdown looms. Darwin-ner takes all.
Welcome to Ultimate Beast Royale! A silly zine based on a tweet I saw from @4WhomJBellTolls. Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
Ouijames Games |
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 A community mourns. After trying to rebuild their lives in the wasteland, a village has been attacked by raiders who have taken their children hostage. Only strangers from the wasteland can save them now.
Wasteland Rescue is a oneshot adventure where the PCs attempt to rescue innocent children from their captors. Intended for new GMs or those wanting a change of pace, it features 5 prebuilt... [click here for more] |
mritalian |
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