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Adventurers Asset Pack - 3 TTRPG Adventurer Characters

Adventurers Asset Pack - 3 TTRPG Adventurer Characters

Enjoy three unique characters for use in your next game! This free 3 pack of characters include a dogged treasure hunter, a lonesome mystic, and a skilled thief for use in your next TTRPG. These characters are perfect for a game master in need of unique NPCs or a player looking for character inspiration. Perfect for adding depth to your next game. Each NPC includes a backstory, distinct personality...   [click here for more]
AdventureGoods  Pay What You Want

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Annals of Flint's Detective Agency Chapter 2: MESISTOPHELES’ MALICIOUS MILK

Annals of Flint's Detective Agency Chapter 2: MESISTOPHELES’ MALICIOUS MILK

In the second outing of Flint's Detective Agency, get involved in the murky world of organised crime in the Prohibition era! The team are hired to clear the name of a young rich kid who ran amok in a restaurant. Are illegal substances to blame, or is there a more sinister conspiracy at play? ...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Arguam's Magic Ring's

Arguam's Magic Ring's

* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *  "Arguam's Magic Rings" is a glimpse at a more extensive work, "A Collection of Useful Magic Rings." The four rings spotlighted within this ePub are Craftright, Golden Radius, Skincraft, and Water. These rings will not overpower your characters, storyline, or campaign but can aid the characters in numerous ways in the long term.  ...   [click here for more]
By Jason D. Essex  Pay What You Want

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Beyond the Veil of Dreams: Susupti

Beyond the Veil of Dreams: Susupti

A talented graduate student has gone missing, a book of ancient Vedic secrets has been found, and more than one party seeks knowledge better kept hidden. This multi-session module is set in 1985 around the town of Arkham, Massachusetts, where players must unravel arcane schemes decades in the making. ...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Call of Poolthulhu

Call of Poolthulhu

Professor Herbert Cowan, a renown Paranologist, formerly of Miskatonic University has unexpectedly gone mad. Can you and your associates solve the mystery of his madness all the while saving a small town from the ravages of a plague?  This classic-era scenario is designed for 2-5 entry-level investigators to be completed within a single gaming session. Furthermore, please escuse the silly title....   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Camp Hollow Lake

Camp Hollow Lake

Camp Hollow Lake – A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario Camp Hollow Lake is set in the modern day and is designed to recreate the feel of a typical slasher film, including all its clenches. Four pre-generated investigators are provided, each with a secret which can help the investigators piece together what is going on at Camp Hollow Lake.  Camp Hollow Lake is designed for up to 4...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Cascading Systems Introduction Guide

Cascading Systems Introduction Guide

“Telling the fortunes of men who live only in dreams.”    That‘s what this game system is for.  It’s how I describe the tabletop role playing game hobby in general.   You roll the dice to determine  the fortunes, options, boons and banes of people who we know exist only in our minds. “Cascading Systems” as a game engine is built for tabletop, pen-and-dice, theater of the mind...   [click here for more]
Twilight Gardens Presentations  Pay What You Want

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Classic Fantasy Imperative

Classic Fantasy Imperative

Unveil a Realm of Adventure with Classic Fantasy Imperative!  Step into a world where imagination knows no bounds and epic tales are woven by your choices. Classic Fantasy Imperative invites you to embark on thrilling quests in realms of fantasy and wonder. Whether you're a battle-hardened fighter, a cunning rogue, a wise magic-user, or a steadfast cleric, Classic...   [click here for more]
Design Mechanism  Pay What You Want

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Contact is a modern scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. It is designed to be played in a single session and is intended for small groups of investigators. Over the course of the scenario, the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Creature - Gahual (Legend)

Creature - Gahual (Legend)

Download a new creature for use in your games! The Gahual is a hound like creature from the Plane of Shadow that can turn victims into shadow creatures by using its Shadow Bolt attack. Also a fearsome combatant, the Gahual serve at their shadow masters whim in another plane. Make sure your Resilience rolls pass, or the Plane of Shadow will be your new home! ...   [click here for more]
Solace Games  Pay What You Want

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Creature of the Week - Aberrant Hound (Legend)

Creature of the Week - Aberrant Hound (Legend)

Download a new creature for use in your games!   The Aberrant Hound is a hound like aberration with four tentacles that can do a dance to mesmerize their foes. Becareful when mesmerized however because if there is more than one of them around, the others will attack you and there will be nothing that you can do about it!   Traverse those forests carefully, you never know when an Aberrant Hound...   [click here for more]
Solace Games  Pay What You Want

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Creature of the Week - Death Bull (Legend)

Creature of the Week - Death Bull (Legend)

Download a new creature for use in your games! The Death Bull is an undead minotaur that has taken on the curse of undeath in a quest for power. Using the full arsenal of weapons they can cause a lot of mayhem on the battlefield as they can cause fear and chaos all around an enemy.  Make sure you pass that Perception check, that isn't just any regular minotaur approaching you! ...   [click here for more]
Solace Games  Pay What You Want

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Cthulhu Malbuch

Cthulhu Malbuch

28 unheimliche Szenen des Cthulhu-Mythos warten darauf von euch mit Farbe gefüllt zu werden. Schnappt euch die Bundstifte und nehmt euch einen entspannten Moment um noch tiefer in den Mythos eintauchen zu können. ...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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CTHULHU: Der Nachtexpress

CTHULHU: Der Nachtexpress

NUR als PDF erhältlich (PDF-only"), nicht in gedruckter Form veröffentlicht. Die Isolation einer nächtlichen Fahrt in den luxuriösen Waggons eines Expresszuges führt zu bemerkenswerten Begegnungen und unverhofften Herausforderungen. Vom opulenten Abendessen über die Darbietungen eines begnadeten Pianisten bis hin zu unverhofftem Besuch von „sehr weit her“ bietet dieses...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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CTHULHU: Der Preuße

CTHULHU: Der Preuße

NUR als PDF erhältlich (PDF-only"), nicht in gedruckter Form veröffentlicht. Dieses kurze Abenteuer entstand speziell für die Verwendung auf Conventions flankierend zur Veröffentlichung von Die Janus-Gesellschaft – dem Quellenband, der es Investigatoren ermöglicht, Mitglieder dieser Geheimgesellschaft zu werden und solche Abenteuer zu erleben. Hier werden die Investigatoren...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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CTHULHU: Totholz

CTHULHU: Totholz

NUR als PDF erhältlich (PDF-only"), nicht in gedruckter Form veröffentlicht. Dieses kurze Abenteuer entstand speziell für die Verwendung auf Conventions flankierend zur Veröffentlichung von Reisen – dem Quellenband, der sich eben damit befasst und Abenteuer auf Reisen beinhaltet. Hier befinden sich die Investigatoren in einem Überlandbus auf der Fahrt nach Arkham....   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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CTHULHU: Willkommen in der Hölle

CTHULHU: Willkommen in der Hölle

NUR als PDF erhältlich (PDF-only"), nicht in gedruckter Form veröffentlicht. Dieses kurze Abenteuer entstand speziell für die Verwendung auf Conventions flankierend zur Veröffentlichung von Düstere Orte – dem Quellenband, der spezielle Schauplätze für CTHULHU-Abenteuer zum Kernthema macht. Hier finden sich die Investigatoren zu einer Weinprobe zusammen,...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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Deep Space - Soundtrack

Deep Space - Soundtrack (audio product)

Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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Der Almanach – Gratisrollenspieltag 2018

Der Almanach – Gratisrollenspieltag 2018

Am 24. Februar 2018 fand zum wiederholten Male der Gratisrollenspieltag statt. Dieser Tag hat zum Ziel, die deutschsprachige Rollenspielszene zu stärken und das Hobby Pen-and-Paper-Rollenspiel wieder stärker ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu holen. Dazu bieten wir euch seit diesem Jahr einen besonderen Leckerbissen: Als Vertreter mehrerer deutscher Rollenspielverlage haben wir uns...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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Der Almanach – Gratisrollenspieltag 2019

Der Almanach – Gratisrollenspieltag 2019

Am 23. März 2019 fand bereits zum siebten Mal der Gratisrollenspieltag statt. Dieser Tag dient dazu, das Hobby des Pen-and-Paper Rollenspiels wieder mehr ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu rücken. So sollen Neulinge ohne Hürden an das Tischrollenspiel erangeführt werden und aktive Spieler neue Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten erhalten um die deutschsprachige Rollenspielszene zu stärken....   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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Dracula, the Great Old One handout pack

Dracula, the Great Old One handout pack

This release contains those materials from our Dracula, the Great Old One supplement you might want to have in separate files, namely: cards with bout of madness effects. maps of sample rooms in Dracula's castle. It can be especially useful if you buy the print version only, and don't have the access to the digital files that come with the PDF version. Dracula, the Great Old One is...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Elderberry Inn Icons set

Elderberry Inn Icons set

Elderberry Inn Icons set includes as follows: 1 ZIP file: 1 folder that includes Character Classes icons (25 icons) Inside this folder you will also find a folder with some class abilities (17 icons). 1 folder that includes some Conditions (21 SVG icons) 1 folder that includes some Damage icons (14 SVG icons) 1 folder that includes...   [click here for more]
anaislalovi  Pay What You Want

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Embers of Humanity Quickstart Rules

Embers of Humanity Quickstart Rules

Embers of Humanity is a community-funded hope-filled TTRPG about the end of the world. This is the free quickstart. You can buy the full version here Designed to provides players and GM's with a clear and easy to use rules system, Embers of Huamnity should feel familiar to experienced tables, while accessible to new players. Create...   [click here for more]
John Hedge  Pay What You Want

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Fall - Soundtrack

Fall - Soundtrack (audio product)

Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ...   [click here for more]
Ben Serra  Pay What You Want

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For Whom The Bells Toll No More

For Whom The Bells Toll No More

Far away from the glamour and champaign of New England, the once formidable conqueror of the ‘New world’ sees itself outpaced by a rapidly changing world. The control of the Spanish Church, landowners and the aristocracy has remained unchanged for centuries. Yet, strong forces of modernity fill this ‘’Nation of nations’’ with a desire for change. It is in this context that we set...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Free Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens!

Free Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens!

* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! * * FREE * Digital Stocking Stuffer Game Tokens! Contains thirty-seven (37) high-quality figures from Dragons to Burrowbane and beyond.  If you need a few bonus items for the gamer, this could be what you're looking for! Have fun at your next game session! ...   [click here for more]
By Jason D. Essex  Pay What You Want

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Guidelines: Setting Up Tasks

Guidelines: Setting Up Tasks

This game aid presents advice for using the Task mechanic in the MYTHRAS gaming system. Although the rules as written are clear, some of the statistical ramifications for multiple skill checks are subtle, and deserve close consideration. Spurred by a discussion at The Design Mechanism’s online forum, Setting Up Tasks is meant to be a handy reference for constructing meaningful Task challenges...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Guidelines: Skill Points by Age

Guidelines: Skill Points by Age

This game aid presents a handy alternative for awarding development points during character generation in the MYTHRAS gaming system. Older characters receive more bonus points in the rules as written, but the progression is not smooth, and does not address certain questions. In a more finely grained system, exactly how many bonus points does a character receive at any particular age? Suppose that a...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Guidelines: Wealth, Status, and Society

Guidelines: Wealth, Status, and Society

This game aid is meant to transform the tracking of character wealth from an accounting exercise that can feel rather divorced from the rest of the game, to an integrated piece of the narrative that many prefer to be the backbone of a campaign.  Using this system, the Games Master and players alike might more naturally identify opportunities for further adventures and character development. In addition...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Hackergeist - Electronic Grimoire of Cybersigils of the Cthulhu Mythos

Hackergeist - Electronic Grimoire of Cybersigils of the Cthulhu Mythos

Hackergeist – Electronic Grimoire of Cybersigils of the Cthulhu Mythos The internet. It is everywhere and nowhere. Like the spirit realm. Like the Dreamlands. Like countless unseen worlds parallel to our own. It has become an alternate dimension unto itself; a living, growing system. One that cannot be stopped, or contained, or controlled, no matter what the preachers or the politicians tell...   [click here for more]
Dangerous Worlds  Pay What You Want

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HARK! RPG - Rulebook

HARK! RPG - Rulebook

HARK! Is a simple medieval dark fantasy rpg based on folklore. where adventure is abundant, crypts are piled with treasures, and danger lurks around every corner. many adventurers have tried and failed to defeat the hag queen that rules over the land. Will you be hailed as heroes? Or be snuffed out like so many before you? This is HARK! and this is your tale... ...   [click here for more]
Conall Haughey  Pay What You Want

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How to Deal With the Modern Zombie

How to Deal With the Modern Zombie

Zombies have always been presented as the product of some sort of evil mage or priest or even some sort of evil god! However, the modern entertainment industry has portrayed the zombie in a different light; the end result of science run rampant! This book presents zombies in this new light. Presented originally for the d20 System and all of its derivatives, the ideas and concepts are easilt converted...   [click here for more]
Mind Games Design Bureau  Pay What You Want

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Individuals:  Denizens of Gittrah Gom

Individuals: Denizens of Gittrah Gom

This game aid presents 12 characters who could be used in the upcoming Old Bones scenario Savage Swords in the City of Plagues, as either protagonists or antagonists.  Naturally they could be used in any other scenario as well, keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting.  In accord with the genre, none of these individuals knows magic, and most...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Individuals:  Denizens of Tozer

Individuals: Denizens of Tozer

This game aid presents ten characters who could be used in the Old Bones scenario Savage Swords Against the Necromancer, as alternates to those provided, or for additional personae if there were more than three players. Of course they could be used in any other scenario as well, keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting. In accord with the genre,...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Interludes:  Homecoming

Interludes: Homecoming

This game aid presents several linked scenes to serve as a centerpiece or inspiration for your own full adventure, or to fill in a sundry night’s gaming between “real” episodes in your story arc. It could also help when your players zig instead of zagging. This supplement is not a completely fleshed-out scenario, but is nearly so.  Because it is meant to be tied so intimately to the particular...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Interludes:  Stalked on the Mountainside

Interludes: Stalked on the Mountainside

This game aid presents a few linked scenes to spice up or round out a larger scenario of yours, to serve as a centerpiece or inspiration for your own full adventure, or to fill in a sundry night’s gaming between "real" episodes in your story arc. It could also help in cases where your players zig instead of zagging. The supplement is shorter than a full adventure, but its scenes do offer a beginning,...   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Jackknife Trail

Jackknife Trail

Jackknife Trail is a complete action role playing, frontier exploring, character leveling, hunt and grab, loot finding, adventure game that's built around the usage of a single deck of ordinary playing cards. If you're familiar with the Cards & Catacombs rules, you'll have no problem adjusting.  This game is designed to function as a solitaire experience as well as a group-based crawl. Jackknife...   [click here for more]
Harrington Martin Books  Pay What You Want

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Mit Samptpfoten auf Cthulhus Spur Mit menschlichen Investigatoren gegen den Mythos zu kämpfen ist eine Sache, aber nicht alle Kämpfer gegen das extrairdische laufen auf nur zwei Beinen. In diesem Band finden sich zwei Abenteuer, welche mutige Katzen erleben können. Die Spur der schwarzen Katzen Dieser Abenteuer ist als einfaches Einstiegsabenteuer in die Welt von Katzulhu gedacht. Für seine...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press  Pay What You Want

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La Contrée

La Contrée

La Contrée est un extrait de 26 pages du supplément Contre le Chaos. Il comporte la présentation d'un cadre de jeu médiéval-fantastique simple d'accès ainsi qu'un scénario adapté à des personnages débutants. Contre le Chaos propose six scénarios supplémentaires mêlant action, enquête et exploration. Ce supplément requiert le livre de règles de Mythras. ...   [click here for more]
d100fr  Pay What You Want

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Land and Lakes

Land and Lakes

This product is for those of you out there who like having something come out of left field to surprise the characters.  This map gives you plenty of action to choose from whether it be a pirate adventure, chasing brigands across the plains, or ice trolls into their frozen caverns beneath the snow capped peaks. Find your party and present them with glorious goals, overwhelming obstacles, and rewards...   [click here for more]
Darakin Studios  Pay What You Want

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Mad Sci - How to Train your Shoggoth

Mad Sci - How to Train your Shoggoth

It's campus chaos at Miskatonic University! Tess Alvitr is a Norwegian exchange student that has come to Miskatonic University to get her Doctorate of Synthetic Biology. Little did she know that the sinister forces which stalk this place would be her undoing. Vincent Pollo is not really Vincent Pollo, but a rogue Yithian who has broken with protocol and defied his brethren by "dropping in" to a human...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Ce minibestiaire fournit les statistiques de 29 personnages non joueurs types ainsi que de 33 créatures tirées du livre de règles de Mythras. Le maitre de jeu pourra ainsi plus facilement improviser des monstres ou des personnages non joueurs mineurs. ...   [click here for more]
d100fr  Pay What You Want

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Moss, Stone & Steel: Explosive Behaviour

Moss, Stone & Steel: Explosive Behaviour

EXPLOSIVE BEHAVIOUR is a level 1, introductory quest for those trying to get into the game of Moss, Stone & Steel Explosive Behaviour is a fun and simple adventure that will introduce the players to the various mechanics of Moss, Stone & Steel, as they venture through the lower streets of the largest city of the Barantine Republic – Ryton. It will incorporate a balanced option to utilise...   [click here for more]
FantasyBound  Pay What You Want

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Moss, Stone & Steel: Tales of Westland

Moss, Stone & Steel: Tales of Westland

TALES OF WESTLAND: A COMPENDIUM This is a compilation of the starter adventures to engage players into the game and setting of Moss, Ston & Steel: a low magic, dark fantasy RPG. Each adventure is designed and tested to last as a one-shot (approx 2 to 3 hours), and they come with a bestiary, colour and b&w maps, and unique trasure.  The following adventures are included -...   [click here for more]
FantasyBound  Pay What You Want

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Nightmare in the Sanitarium

Nightmare in the Sanitarium

After a fevered dream the players wake up in a windowless sanatorium room, they will have to work together to get out but one of them has other projects. Find out about the traitor before it's too late and escape or get lost in the sanatorium forever. This was a One-shot (For 3 to 5 player (better in 4+)) i've wrote for Halloween years ago, some homebrew...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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On Air (New edition)

On Air (New edition)

The one-shot scenario On Air was created for The Call of Cthulhu's 7th edition and is set in 1920s Arkham. The players portray the cast of the neighborhood radio show "The Witching Hour" who are the "lucky ones" tasked with broadcasting live the introduction and spread of an unidentified evil to the community. The people who live in Arkham will be the ones to tell others what is happening over phone...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Peoples and Paths:  The Travelers

Peoples and Paths: The Travelers

This game aid presents a sketch of a Nomadic people who practice a Mystic tradition, with three sample characters and flavor text to illustrate how they think and behave. The supplement has been excerpted from Secrets of Blood Rock, an upcoming adventure that takes place in The Realm, the setting featured also in The Design Mechanism’s Book of Quests and Hessaret’s Treasure....   [click here for more]
Old Bones Publishing  Pay What You Want

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NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS ♦ POINT ZERO - THE ATLAS PRINCIPLE V1.1 DEMO 2025 IS A PENCIL-AND-PAPER, HORROR SURVIVAL ADVENTURE You’re an infiltrator tasked to destroy an artificial intelligence aboard the Atlas. This mission failed and Calypso persecutes you–the AI you were set out to destroy. After your execution, you wake up with a throbbing headache. You don’t know where you...   [click here for more]
IIBBoardgames  Pay What You Want

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Sariniya's Curse

Sariniya's Curse

Sariniya's Curse is an introductory module for the Mythras roleplaying game - both the full rules and the Mythras Imperative edition. It is complete with pre-generated characters to get you straight into the action. In the city-state of Meeros, Trimostones the Gold needs the characters' help. He must travel to the island of Iaxos, infamous for its tales of...   [click here for more]
Design Mechanism  Pay What You Want

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Schism is a fantasy-themed tabletop role-playing game that allows its players to take on the role of a powerful warrior, a mystical wizard, a creative mechanic, and many other fantastic characters. Explore the world of Xilo, a far-off planet recently torn asunder by the war between technology-users and spell-casters. Will you and your allies find fame and fortune as celebrated adventurers, or will...   [click here for more]
EndGamers  Pay What You Want

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  Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition