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(DIY GM Tools) Blank Starship Deck Plan Map

(DIY GM Tools) Blank Starship Deck Plan Map

(DIY GM Tools) Presented here is a blank top down oval shaped starship deck plan map with set of 7 image variations. The set includes images with and without grids at 300 DPI all over 2000 pixels in size. The suggested grid scale is 10'x10' but the blank maps can easily be scaled to whatever size you need. The maps can be oriented either in portrait layout or landscape layout. The example given in...   [click here for more]
Luminous Design  Pay What You Want

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10th Millennium RolePlayer's Handbook

10th Millennium RolePlayer's Handbook

10th Millennium is set about 58,000 years in the past. Systems of planets formed galactic entities to wage great wars over resources, wealth, and worlds that were closer to stars. Earth finds herself dead center of this epic struggle that lasts 10,000 years. Then stars are destroyed and one third of the universe is rendered lifeless. 48,000 years later an alien species visits Earth, and the human...   [click here for more]
10th Millennium  Pay What You Want

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12 Post Apocalytic Sci-Fi Vehicles

12 Post Apocalytic Sci-Fi Vehicles

This product contains assets that were, wholly or in part, procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
Cobra Games  Pay What You Want

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16x16" Map:: The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

16x16" Map:: The Crossroads Region Gazetteer

Visit the Crossroads Region It is the year 2364. The Tainted Sea continues to recede, exposing patches of the former megalopolis of Los Angeles. Few areas in the brutal world of The Mutant Epoch are so densely populated nor so embroiled in factional warfare as The Crossroads Region. This 16 x 16”, 200 dpi image shows the 3d hand sculpted map for The Crossroads Region,...   [click here for more]
Outland Arts  Pay What You Want

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Up until now, you would have had to rely on your own clouded memories, or even your parents’ memories, to create a realistic facsimile of 1985 . But, thanks to our diligent research and honest hard-work, you now hold in your hand the key to this vaulted and hallowed year! You are welcome, intrepid gamer. 1985 is fully compatible with any RPG system!  ...   [click here for more]
Knight Owl Publishing  Pay What You Want

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316 Bootcamp sur Pluton

316 Bootcamp sur Pluton

Scénario pour 3:16 Carnage dans les Etoiles A peine reveillé de cryo, les PJs sont envoyés sur une mission de routine : survie en milieu hostile et prise de contact avec des indigènes. Et forcement, quand on va négocier à coup de rangers, ça fini par déraper.  Il s'agit d'une mise à disposition d'un scénario maison. Les images sont générées par AI (midjourney), l'idée initiale provient...   [click here for more]
Calandil  Pay What You Want

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316 Double Feature

316 Double Feature

Scénario pour 3:16 Carnage dans les Etoiles Quand les senseurs sont incapables de cartographier une planète indigère, c'est les PJs qu'on envoie. Au programme, un mode low gravité et des araignées, beaucoup d'araignée. Ensuite, le debrief et un repos bien merité sauf que... Il s'agit d'une mise à disposition d'un scénario maison. Les images sont générées par AI (midjourney), l'idée initiale...   [click here for more]
Calandil  Pay What You Want

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5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120A.D. Overlords of Solaria

5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is a sourcebook and conversion guide for playing in a setting inspired by an RPG from the early 90s about the adventures of a man transported to the future world of the 25th century using the White Star RPG rules 5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is not a full RPG. It is a sourcebook for playing White...   [click here for more]
Geek Rampage  Pay What You Want

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52-in-52 Free Teaser

52-in-52 Free Teaser

52 IN 52 PREORDER and BONUS MEGABUNDLE The 52 in 52 program gives you a new gaming product a week, every week, throughout 2020. Each product is written or developed by RPG veteran Owen K.C. Stephens (Star Wars Saga Edition, Starfinder, Dungeon & Dragons, Fantasy AGE, Wheel of Time RPG, EverQuest RPG, and many more!). Every one of the 52 products is presented in four versions to cover four popular...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games  Pay What You Want

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:Otherscape Schnellstart

:Otherscape Schnellstart

Götter. Menschen. Drohnen. In einer nicht zu fernen Zukunft hat die ständige Bombardierung mit technologischen Reizen, dem sogenannten Rauschen, den menschlichen Verstand überlastet und abgestumpft, so dass einst versteckte okkulte Kräfte nun offener agieren. Dämonen, Geister, Monster und Götter - dieselben mythischen Mächte, die die Menschheit seit jeher begleitet und heimgesucht haben - müssen...   [click here for more]
Storypunks Publishing  Pay What You Want

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A Flair of Dramatics: A Players Guide

A Flair of Dramatics: A Players Guide

A Start of the Flair of Dramatics ttrpg: Space Adventures, Combat, and Exploration. These are among the many things you can do in this roleplaying game.  Among the different things you can do, you will be able to create your own custom spells, you can create your own spaceships, and you can play as people from many different cultures.  A whole universe is out there to be explored. Time to Set Sail!...   [click here for more]
Richard Clark  Pay What You Want

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A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ...   [click here for more]
Druid GM Designs  Pay What You Want

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A Slight Mistake - the RPG (GM's guide)

A Slight Mistake - the RPG (GM's guide)

For a few years now, I've been writing a series of novels set on a Dyson Sphere. Then the opportunity arose for me to run a game based upon them. I created a beespoke set of rules, based upon my own preferences and so I decided to put it out there and see if anyone else would like to play it. I've broken the rules into two books, the GM's guide and the Player's guide. Hopefully someone out there...   [click here for more]
Slight Mistake  Pay What You Want

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A Slight Mistake - the RPG (Player's guide)

A Slight Mistake - the RPG (Player's guide)

A while ago I wrote some novels, and then the opportunity arose to GM an RPG., so I converted the first in the series into an RPG. I've placed it up here so other people can play it as well if they so desire. There are two books, a GM book and a player's manual and both are set as pay what you like. ...   [click here for more]
Slight Mistake  Pay What You Want

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A World Gone Mad

A World Gone Mad

In the world of Victorious, The Broadmoor Asylum treats and contains the mentally ill and criminally deranged members of the superhuman race. Sent in on a secret mission, the players must determine who is more insane: the patients, or the Doctors! Patients of the asylum claim the doctors are stealing their powers; meanwhile a series of murders plagues the asylum. The bodies seemingly appear with no...   [click here for more]
GagMen Productions  Pay What You Want

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A World Mending

A World Mending

The world didn’t end. It was close. Some things fell apart, others took their place. This is the post- without the apocalypse. We should be celebrating, but we are too busy orienting ourselves in this new world, finding a place to live in, or even an identity, we can live with. Not just surviving. We hit the road, or stayed nearby. We sought out solitude, or community. We connected,...   [click here for more]
Martin Ackerfors  Pay What You Want

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Abducted is a solo or co-op story-telling tabletop role-playing game that places players in the shoes of a human character who has been abruptly abducted by an alien race.  Players create both their human character and their alien character, determining their characteristics and motivations, and then utilize a deck of playing cards, with corresponding in-game tables, as prompts to progress the story...   [click here for more]
Games Franco  Pay What You Want

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Abide Asteria

Abide Asteria

Abide Asteria Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment....   [click here for more]
Abide Asteria  Pay What You Want

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Abort Retry Fail 20XX

Abort Retry Fail 20XX

It is the year 20XX. Despite the actions of the malfunctioning robots from the future the singularity has happened. It is now the first days of the war between humans and machines. In the center of the war is one robot, it was unleashed with one mission then something went wrong and now it has several. This could be a good thing as there's no way it can fail them all... right? Abort Retry Fail 20XX...   [click here for more]
David Baughan  Pay What You Want

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Absconding #01

Absconding #01

The Tower Absconding beckons to all those lost, regardless of space and defiant to time. Absconding is an independent zine with material for the fifth edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.  The fifolet are a race of small fey with subraces and enhancements. Martial, intellectual and cunning, this small-sized player race is a different take on natural...   [click here for more]
Absconder Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Adventurers Asset Pack - 3 TTRPG Adventurer Characters

Adventurers Asset Pack - 3 TTRPG Adventurer Characters

Enjoy three unique characters for use in your next game! This free 3 pack of characters include a dogged treasure hunter, a lonesome mystic, and a skilled thief for use in your next TTRPG. These characters are perfect for a game master in need of unique NPCs or a player looking for character inspiration. Perfect for adding depth to your next game. Each NPC includes a backstory, distinct personality...   [click here for more]
AdventureGoods  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Adventures in the Clockwork Abyss

Smog pours through the air, the constant sounds of clanking gears and ticking clocks fills the air of the city you stand on. As you walk you see all sorts of creatures and people. Small chimera, mutated and mutilated bastardizations of animals scurry, more common than rats nowadays. You continue walking until you find what you are looking for in these god forsaken slums, a certain dive you were told...   [click here for more]
Team Savage Genesis  Pay What You Want

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Adversaries: Bounty Board

Adversaries: Bounty Board

People want to play Bounty Hunters and bounty hunters need criminals to catch. This file is really just to test a bounty system and a format for a player handout criminal reward poster. If people tell us what they want to see, we'll try to incorporate as much feeback as we can.  The Adversaries series delivers menaces and monsters you can use in your Starfinder campaigns.  This booklet contains:...   [click here for more]
Evil Robot Games  Pay What You Want

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A chemistry reference books for fantasy or science fiction roleplaying games. Alchemy is a compendium of 21 unique effects for gameplay (with examples provided in the d20 5e system, but portable to any game), and the alchemical processes and reagents by which they are made. ...   [click here for more]
James McLellan  Pay What You Want

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Alien Omen

Alien Omen

Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption. Includes: 5 Playbooks 8 Pages of "how to play" 3 Factions "Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews Downtime...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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All-Stars: Vice Squad

All-Stars: Vice Squad

Over the years Paradigm City has been plagued by the worst of the worst--mad scientists, alien invaders, super-powered thugs, killer robots, gorilla gangsters, and more. As diverse as these villains are, they all have one thing in common: they are cooler than the Vice Squad. Led by Johnny Cigarette, the Vice Squad includes such D-list super-criminals as Timmy Too-Much-Bacon, Penny Slots, and Intra-Venus...   [click here for more]
Hex Games  Pay What You Want

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Alternative Travel Rules

Alternative Travel Rules

This is a FABULA ULTIMA MOD that changes and adds to the Travel Rules of the Core Rulebook, published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party Licence. With these Alternative Travel Rules, the Players will experience slightly slower, more contemplative travels through the game world, focusing on expanding it's worldbuilding and the characters' relationships with each other...   [click here for more]
TailsPr  Pay What You Want

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Alternity Deluxe Character Sheet

Alternity Deluxe Character Sheet

The best way to record all of your Alternity character's vital information is on an official Alternity Deluxe Character Sheet! For use with the new Alternity Science Fiction Roleplaying Game from Sasquatch Game Studio, the Deluxe Character Sheet tracks all of your character's key details, including: Stats and skills Talents and other abilities Gear and Property Curriculum...   [click here for more]
Sasquatch Game Studio  Pay What You Want

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Alternity Protostar System Map and Reference Pack

Alternity Protostar System Map and Reference Pack

The Alternity Protostar Map and Reference Pack is a perfect companion to the Protostar Mission Guide. The pack includes a star map of the systems accessible through the Triton Gate and the Protostar Nexus, and a double-sided reference card detailing the entries on the map. The included player reference cards give players key details on the primary factions of the...   [click here for more]
Sasquatch Game Studio  Pay What You Want

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Ambrosia : Nectar of the Gods

Ambrosia : Nectar of the Gods

What would you do if you were offered the power of the gods? Would you fight for Justice? Would you avenge a lost soul? Would you change the world? Go ahead, take a drink… Ambrosia : The Nectar of the Gods is a Tabletop Role Playing Game like no other. Using a simple dice system, an innovative character sheet, and a trump system involving drinks, this...   [click here for more]
Monster Chest Productions  Pay What You Want

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AMP: Year One QuickStart

AMP: Year One QuickStart

You are the first super-powered beings in the world. What will you do with your power? There are no Heroes. There are no Villains. Only hard choices await in this amazing supers RPG. The AMP: Year One QuickStart includes the following: -Setting and Rules Summary -Intro Adventure: Team Player -8 Pregenerated Characters ...   [click here for more]
Third Eye Games  Pay What You Want

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Anarcha Australis RAW

Anarcha Australis RAW

25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION After the Total Economic Collapse of 1993, Australia became an anarchy, plagued by ethanol-fuelled biker gangs and Ronin from the north. Twenty-seven years later, how will you survive in the ruins of the Great Southern Land? Anarcha Australis is a draft manuscript of a game I wrote up in 1992, emailed to someone, and then lost. Twenty-five...   [click here for more]
PowerFrame Games  Pay What You Want

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Another day in the force

Another day in the force

This adventure can be played on its own or integrated into a campaign. It is highly customizable Players will have to face a Solomani insurgent group that wants to end the Imperial occupation of the planet. ...   [click here for more]
Mongoose  Pay What You Want

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Answer The Call Fillable Hero Base Sheet

Answer The Call Fillable Hero Base Sheet

This is a fillable hero base sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL! You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and VEHICLE sheets as well. ...   [click here for more]
Conor Gleeson  Pay What You Want

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Answer The Call Fillable Vehicle Sheet

Answer The Call Fillable Vehicle Sheet

This is a fillable vehicle sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL! You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and HERO BASE sheets as well. ...   [click here for more]
Conor Gleeson  Pay What You Want

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Antarctica: 2099

Antarctica: 2099

By the early 21st century, the harmful impacts of climate change had become all too clear. The burning of fossil fuels was choking the atmosphere with greenhouse gases & toxic fumes, while the clearing of natural landscapes was wiping out ecosystems. This triggered a cascade of disastrous global consequences. Weather systems broke down, crop harvests failed, coastal cities were flooded while inland...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Anyworld Quickstart

Anyworld Quickstart

Anyworld is a roleplaying system that works in any genre. The core mechanics are incredibly flexible and yet simple enough for newcomers to grasp very quickly. All you need to play is the Anyworld rulebook and a handful of six-sided dice. The Quckstart includes most of the basic rules along with 4 premade characters. There is also a Kickstarter live right now for Heartless - a horror adventure supplement...   [click here for more]
Netherborn  Pay What You Want

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Ape Collection!

Ape Collection!

Jungle encounter? Why not throw in some apes?! This set includes a baboon, gorilla, and Kong sized giant gorilla!  You can print these as is with supports and a brim. ...   [click here for more]
mz4250  Pay What You Want

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Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Double Sided)

Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Double Sided)

This is the double sided version of the Apocalyptia 1st Edition Character Sheet. This is a compact sheet with both sides presented on one landscaping page for quick easy printing. ...   [click here for more]
Jordan Fannin  Pay What You Want

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Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Single Sided)

Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Single Sided)

This is the single sided version of the Apocalyptia 1st Edition Character Sheet. This is a compact sheet with both sides presented on one landscape page for quick easy printing. ...   [click here for more]
Jordan Fannin  Pay What You Want

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APOCTHULHU System Reference Document

APOCTHULHU System Reference Document

This is the APOCTHULHU System Reference document. It contains all the open content from the APOCTHULHU RPG. We informally call this game engine the "Cthulhu Eternal" System (and other, non-Apocalypse versions of the same rules are published under that name). Whether you are a publisher or a gamer, you can use this under the terms of the Open Gaming License. This is NOT the...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn  Pay What You Want

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Apollo 47 Optional Card Deck

Apollo 47 Optional Card Deck

This is a completely optional card deck for the game Apollo 47. If you buy the POD deck you'll get a PDF of the one page deck-specific rules for Apollo 47. Use these cards to be reminded that the Moon is a vast surface of basalt and grit mostly devoid of remarkable features. To use: Separate out the Prompt cards.  Scatter those about to picked up and consult as whim requires. Take the moonscape...   [click here for more]
The Hutchingsonian Presents-PlaGMaDA  Pay What You Want

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Arcane Synthetic

Arcane Synthetic

Arcane Synthetic is a Lineage that permits you to play a robit from a distant time. Uses a special spell storage mechanic for their ability.  ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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Arkadia Grzech pierworodny

Arkadia Grzech pierworodny

A simple role playing game being mix of fantasy and science fiction in the style of Heavy Metal comic magazines. Designed for sandbox gaming. "A spaceship crashes on the abandoned planet, somewhere on the outskirts of the Galaxy in the midst of the civil war..." Intended for mature readers ...   [click here for more]
Nimsarn  Pay What You Want

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Arkadia Niechciani goście

Arkadia Niechciani goście

An addition to the role playing game Arkadia: Grzech pierworodny (Arkadia: The Original Sin). Introduces new Nations, vehicles and additional random tables. "One night the Sun had risen up earlier ..." Intended for mature readers Dodatek do gry RPG Arkadia Grzech pierworodny. Wprowadza nowe nacje, pojazdy i nowe tabele. "Pewnej nocy Soce wstao wczeniej..."...   [click here for more]
Nimsarn  Pay What You Want

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Arkelon Chronicles - Playtest

Arkelon Chronicles - Playtest

Welcome to Arkelon, a world of progress, conflicts and incredible diversity. Following the discovery of a large underground alien city, technologies leapt hundreds of years into the future, making it possible for those lineages to rapidly evolve, and even start to conquer space and other planets. Even though this world is technologically advanced, that does not mean that it has no perils. Large monsters,...   [click here for more]
Wendigo Workshop  Pay What You Want

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Armes à feu

Armes à feu

Ce supplément permet d'inclure un grand nombre d'armes à feu aux campagnes de Mythras : armes à poudre noire telles que les mousquets et les fusils à silex, armement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, armes contemporaines et armes futuristes telles que les blasters et les fusils laser. Il introduit de nouvelles mécaniques de combat à distance, de nouveaux effets spéciaux, et modifie quelques règles...   [click here for more]
d100fr  Pay What You Want

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Armour Astir Advent: Basic

Armour Astir Advent: Basic

This is the Basic edition of the ruless, stripped down and available for free. For the full book complete with art, see: Armour Astir: Advent is a high-fantasy roleplaying game about striking back against an authority that seeks to control you. It is a game of rival pilots clashing...   [click here for more]
Briar Sovereign  Pay What You Want

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Aspect Apocalypse

Aspect Apocalypse

We don’t know how it started. We do not know why.  We know that it’s happening. We are going to die. A minimalist setting book for the Aspect freeform RPG. Get inspired by prompt tables and build your own apocalypse. ...   [click here for more]
Aspect RPG  Pay What You Want

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A giant mothership looms over a planet, preparing an orbital bombardment. A busy archivist catalogs thousands of data nodes tallying the knowledge of an entire species. Three inner-city thieves drop down a garbage chute and fly away on mystical shard powered hoverboards.  Welcome to Aspera, the Science Fiction Roleplaying game where players take on the roles of vibrant characters from a distant science...   [click here for more]
Aspera TTRPG  Pay What You Want

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  D6 Forge: Core Rulebook