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"A Dirty World" Cover Poster

"A Dirty World" Cover Poster

The front cover image for "A Dirty World," sized suitable for high-quality printing....   [click here for more]
Greg Stolze   FREE 

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"Archaeologist in Need" One-Shot Adventure PDF

"Archaeologist in Need" One-Shot Adventure PDF

PDF-Only Version Archaeologist in Need:  A simple escort gone terribly wrong. Upon inspecting the monolith, something goes wrong. The archeologist is the key and the only hope the party has of shutting down this dangerous construct. Perhaps the party will uncover the true nature of this monolith if they can succeed, or maybe they will uncover an optional final phase of the dangers....   [click here for more]
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile  Pay What You Want

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"Assault on Klagdon Keep" One-Shot Adventure PDF

"Assault on Klagdon Keep" One-Shot Adventure PDF

Assault on Klagdon Keep: This 5e compatible adventure is great for groups of new players, veterans, or just overall murderhobos to fight and pass judgment. A level 5 adventure with a twist. "A state of emergency for the realms under the Council of Kings: one royal, bearing one of the Crowns of the One-Hundred Kings, has gone rogue. A unit of valued and reputable citizens in good favor...   [click here for more]
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile  Pay What You Want

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"Chronica: Age of Exploration" Preview

"Chronica: Age of Exploration" Preview

Chronica: Age of Exploration is a hybrid world of fantasy and real world history, the result of fantastic creatures and magic bleeding into our world. Age of Exploration, our first setting in the Chronica series, takes place in a world similar to our 16th and 17th centuries, with many other that period's discoveries. This free preview of Chronica: Age of Exploration is designed to introduce players...   [click here for more]
Zac Angel   FREE 

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"Forest of Fear: The Dragon's Reign"

"Forest of Fear: The Dragon's Reign"

This map pack. It presents 1 map for Forest, each with different times, for a total of 8 maps. Download all of them as one. PDF, You can save all the maps at once an easy clicks. The versions include: Day & Night Gridded and Gridless Rain & no rain For printing License...   [click here for more]
Play1up  Pay What You Want

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"Grave-Robbing, A Primer" One-Shot Adventure PDF

"Grave-Robbing, A Primer" One-Shot Adventure PDF

Grave-Robbing, A Primer: A 5e compatible desert fantasy adventure with options for either a level 3 or a level 6 party. A collection of mercenaries, grave-robbers, and vagabonds are all gathered with the promise of gold upon delivery. The party must successfully navigate the dangerous Red Desert, locate a newly scouted monolith of immense size, and find a way inside in order to loot...   [click here for more]
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile  Pay What You Want

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#1 With a Bullet Point: 6 Godling Feats

#1 With a Bullet Point: 6 Godling Feats

Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world-building is a useful skill, you don't always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn't have time to slog through a page of history for every magic weapon. Sometimes all that's needed are a few cool...   [click here for more]
Rogue Genius Games   FREE 

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#Feminism preview

#Feminism preview

Looking at the world through a feminist lens reveals absurd, tragic, and fascinating situations. Written by feminists from eleven different countries, #Feminism offers bite-sized takes on contemporary feminist issues. Each of the 34 nano-games in this collection requires between three and five participants, simple (if any) props, and up to an hour of play time. The games range from silly to serious,...   [click here for more]
Pelgrane Press   FREE 

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Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 2

#NEW 2

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 3

#NEW 3

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 4

#NEW 4

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 5

#NEW 5

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 6

#NEW 6

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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#NEW 7

#NEW 7

Primo numero di #NEW, la nuova rivista digitale di Wyrd Edizioni. Un contenitore ricchissimo di anteprime, speciali e contenuti esclusivi che vi permettono di conoscere o apprezzare ancora di più le nostre linee e, dai prossimi numeri, anche la narrativa! Ma la cosa più...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Edizioni   FREE 

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'TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)' Character Sheets

'TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)' Character Sheets

This free download contains one page with four blank, printer-friendly TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) character sheets, and one page with information about the game and the various supplements and scenarios available for it.  TSRPG is a rules-light storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere, from the airport waiting area you...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing   FREE 

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'TSRPG' Coasters/Character Sheets

'TSRPG' Coasters/Character Sheets

We have always said that all of the stats for a TSRPG (Travel-Sized) RPG character can fit on something the size of a coaster, so we have created a coaster that has a complete TSRPG character sheet on one side of it!  Just download and print out on heavy paper or cardstock the page associated with this freebie; cut along the solid guide-lines and fold along the...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing   FREE 

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(5E) The Mostly Useless Grimoire

(5E) The Mostly Useless Grimoire

The Mostly Useless Grimoire is a compilation of spells for 1st level characters that are intended to insert some humor into your D&D adventure. Not all the spells listed may be the most useful, but they should all make your adventure more interesting and fun, whether it’s a part of a player’s spellbook or a scroll that your party finds. ...   [click here for more]
Petoskey Games  Pay What You Want

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(Adventures) The Cooperative Dungeon Collection (01 - 04)

(Adventures) The Cooperative Dungeon Collection (01 - 04)

Cooperative Dungeon 01 - Terror and Blasphemy The marilith, Blasphemy, has spent many years building up her complex and gathering minions to her aid. It is up to a strong group of adventurers to remove her from this plane, permanently, either for the good of all or in an effort to replace her as a rising evil force for others to fear. With thirty encounter areas, and many traps,...   [click here for more]
Creative Mountain Games   FREE 

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(Aid) Firebeetle's Quick Sheets

(Aid) Firebeetle's Quick Sheets

All Quick Sheets show: − Your AC, including Touch and Flat-footed − Skills your GM may have to roll for you, including Hide, Move Silently, Listen, and Spot − Your primary missile and melee attacks − Your saving throws − Your initiative and grapple − Your starting HP − Your movement rates Various Quick Sheets may show − Number of spells a day, spell DC, ranges, area templates,...   [click here for more]
Creative Mountain Games   FREE 

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(Another) Yes/No Oracle

(Another) Yes/No Oracle

A game mechanic commonly used in Solo RPGs are the Yes/No Questions. How it works is simple: whenever you want to know something, just ask a question whose answer is limited to a Yes or No. Is the goblin armed? Are the guards sleeping? Is there a rock near me? There are many oracles to answer these Yes/No Questions,...   [click here for more]
Gustavo Coelho   FREE 

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(DIY GM Tools) Blank Starship Deck Plan Map

(DIY GM Tools) Blank Starship Deck Plan Map

(DIY GM Tools) Presented here is a blank top down oval shaped starship deck plan map with set of 7 image variations. The set includes images with and without grids at 300 DPI all over 2000 pixels in size. The suggested grid scale is 10'x10' but the blank maps can easily be scaled to whatever size you need. The maps can be oriented either in portrait layout or landscape layout. The example given in...   [click here for more]
Luminous Design  Pay What You Want

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(Map Pack) Darkstorm Adventures: Silverflame's Legacy: Escape to Stangate

(Map Pack) Darkstorm Adventures: Silverflame's Legacy: Escape to Stangate

Darkstorm Adventures: Silverflame's Legacy is a brand new adventure module designed for 5e and Pathfinder 2e. This is the map pack bundle you can download and use for your VTT of choice. Check out the Adventure Module here! On Sale now: ...   [click here for more]
Walrus Game Studio  Pay What You Want

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(MG2) Traveller Super Simplified Space Combat (Version 1.1)

(MG2) Traveller Super Simplified Space Combat (Version 1.1)

A lot of the space combat in Traveller is between small-ish vessels, less than 1000 tons displacement. This sort of combat isn’t really that complex. I think it’s pretty interesting myself, but it’s not the aspect of Traveller that my players are interested in. In such a case, it would be nice to be able to resolve a fight between their Q-Ship and one or two pirate ships relatively quickly, with...   [click here for more]
Kethos Project Publishing   FREE 

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(Not So) Advantageous Abilities (5e)

(Not So) Advantageous Abilities (5e)

Advantageous Abilities provides Game Masters a toolkit with which they can easily add feature abilities to monsters and NPCs, giving their NPCs an advantageous edge (or just a little role-playing fun). Each product in this line has more than 15 themed feature abilities, and instructions that allow GMs to easily customize existing creatures or create all new foes.   (Not...   [click here for more]
Dire Rugrat Publishing  Pay What You Want

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-U- Essentials

-U- Essentials

Everything you need to get a taste of -U- the Game of Stories is here... for free. -U- Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple, universal game of -U-. It includes all the essential Print2Play pages from the core book with a brief introduction to the game as a whole.  Includes: Core Rules At-a-Glance Character Records Story Outline Records Player Point Records If you like this,...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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-U- Options: Modifiers

-U- Options: Modifiers

Optional rules for any game Powered by the -U- the Game of Stories rules. Sometimes, it's not enough to just roll three 6-sided dice and see what matches in a game of -U-. Sometimes, the Story Referee needs to apply a scale of success to the task at hand. Enter -U- Options: Modifiers, a 1-page solution for the need to scale Character Checks in any game of -U-. Note: Fully compatible...   [click here for more]
AnSR Games   FREE 

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Bibiano Mesquita  Pay What You Want

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0one's Black & White: Medusa Hideout

0one's Black & White: Medusa Hideout

For years people of the city have been searching for the hideout of the famed medusa. Someone suggests she’s too clever to be a normal monster. Voices on the street say she’s actually an evil wizard heading a band of outlaws. Nobody knows the true purpose of the medusa but sometime she leaves behind a petrified corpse marked with a medusa head... This product details an underground medusa hideout...   [click here for more]
0one Games   FREE 

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0one's Blueprints Hand Drawn -  Waterfall Dungeon Preview

0one's Blueprints Hand Drawn - Waterfall Dungeon Preview

Welcome to our newest line of maps products! The maps will go live in June 2022, in the meantime here is a fully functional preview featuring a gorgeous hand-drawn map. enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
0one Games   FREE 

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1%er - Character Sheet

1%er - Character Sheet

Live to Ride, Ride to Live! An 8.5 x 11 Print Friendly Character Sheet for 1%er - The Outlaw Motorcycle Game....   [click here for more]
Creepy Doll Studios   FREE 

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1'into Space - The Trooper

1'into Space - The Trooper

1' INTO SPACE The Trooper Want interstellar adventure without leaving your seat? 1' into space turns every journey into a galactic saga. Step into the shoes of a Star Trooper, alone against the universe, in a game designed for fast-paced action and instant immersion. Finally finish your games! Designed for solo players, 1' into space stands out for its speed and simplicity. Choose...   [click here for more]
Doppelgänger Publishing   FREE 

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1/600 scale Tropical Island 01

1/600 scale Tropical Island 01

A small island for your 1/600 naval wargames like Manowar, Oak & Iron, Age of Sail, and others.   One or more textures on the bases presented in this pack of these 3d models have been created with photographs from These photographs may not be redistributed by default; please visit for more information. nonPareil institute is committed to building better futures...   [click here for more]
nonPareil   FREE 

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1/600 scale Tropical Island 02

1/600 scale Tropical Island 02

A new small island for your 1/600 naval wargames like Manowar, Oak & Iron, Age of Sail, and others. One or more textures on the bases presented in this pack of these 3d models have been created with photographs from These photographs may not be redistributed by default; please visit for more information. nonPareil institute is committed to building better futures...   [click here for more]
nonPareil   FREE 

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10 Animalistic Features

10 Animalistic Features

The Beast is never far from claiming control over the Kindred. For the members of Clan Gangrel, this harsh truth is writ large upon their very flesh. As Self-Control fails and ego falls to Frenzy, the Gangrel come to resemble the very Beast they hope to control.   10 Animalistic Features includes: 10 unique...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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10 Faction Flags

10 Faction Flags

Need some color for a town? A bit of extra background for an NPC? How about a ready-made plot hook? Factions can do all that and more. 10 Faction Flags gives brief descriptions of ten factions and the flags that inspired them. Fight tyranny with the templars of the Griffon Rampant, avoid run-ins with the brutal mercenaries hired by the United Marine Provinces, or try to prove yourself worthy of joining...   [click here for more]
Chaotic Shiny Productions   FREE 

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10 Fantasy Coins

10 Fantasy Coins

Gold piece. Copper piece. Gold piece. Gold piece. Yawn. Silver piece. So how much did we get? Gold and silver coins in the common currency of the realm have their place. But isn't it nice to spice things up every once in a while? Presenting ten unique (and very pretty) coins to throw into your treasure hoards. Trade your common gold for Ariac Leonins or a handful of bronze 5-Tov pieces. Find Copper...   [click here for more]
Chaotic Shiny Productions   FREE 

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10 Feeding Surprises

10 Feeding Surprises

In some games, the acts of hunting and feeding are glossed over, while in others, they are a central part of the story. Presented here are 10 feeding surprises that can be inserted into any game, whether the hunt is an integral and dramatic part of the story or whether it is usually handled quicker and more abstractly. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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10 Free cartoon inspired animal tokens.

10 Free cartoon inspired animal tokens.

This pack contains 10 tokens depicting cartoon animals. ...   [click here for more]
Midnight Owl Games   FREE 

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10 Free human fighter VTT tokens

10 Free human fighter VTT tokens

This pack contains 10 beautiful tokens depicting human fighters.  This product contains assets that were, wholly or in part, procedurally generated with the aid of creative software(s) powered by machine learning. ...   [click here for more]
Midnight Owl Games   FREE 

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10 Old Objects Sample

10 Old Objects Sample

Hey, I decided to give some samples of my Magical Object Maker results based off of a mad lib. And since I want it to fit into your campaign I have left the choice of the ecaxt object it is up to you. Example: This item is a Holy Ancient Weapon that summons a object and the wielder can only turn on and off the effect which can be used 11 times a week. ...   [click here for more]
Christy Embry  Pay What You Want

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10 Paces

10 Paces

10 Paces brings Wannabe Games flair to the western world. Using pace die to bring the excitement of quick draw duels to the tabletop world. 10 Paces is a simple and flexible system that allows players to pick up and start playing in just a few minutes. The world of 10 Paces is ruled by the almighty equalizer of the bullet. Many live in fear of the threat of violence,...   [click here for more]
Wannabe Games   FREE 

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10 Personajes Predefindidos

10 Personajes Predefindidos

Grupo de personajes predefinidos para partidas rápidas, comprende una pareja de cada raza jugable en Devious. ...   [click here for more]
deviousrpg   FREE 

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10 Region Maps

10 Region Maps

Party wandered off the edge of the map? Need a setting for a quick one-shot? Looking for campaign inspiration? There's a lot of solutions for those problems, but here's one they all have in common: a good map. 10 Region Maps presents a Player Version and a DM Version map for each of five regions - ten maps total. Player maps label the geographic features, most of the cities, a few of the danger areas,...   [click here for more]
Chaotic Shiny Productions   FREE 

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100 Dwarf Drinks (made with the Dwarf drink Maker tool)

100 Dwarf Drinks (made with the Dwarf drink Maker tool)

This Pdf is a list of 100 dwarf drinks made using the Mazith Dwarf Drink maker tool that can be found here on drive though RPG. ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games   FREE 

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100 Last Names For Fantasy Adventurers, Set 1

100 Last Names For Fantasy Adventurers, Set 1

100 Last Names For Fantasy Adventurers, Set 1 This handy chart provides 100 random names for fantasy adventurers and non player characters. Author: Dave Woodrum Page Count: 1 page. ...   [click here for more]
Fishwife Games   FREE 

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100 Magic Item Quirks

100 Magic Item Quirks

Welcome to 100 Magic Item Quirks – a list of interesting oddities you can add to your party’s magic item finds to give them a bit more personality. A +1 sword or armor is a fantastic find, but it is much more fun when it has one or more erratic features that activate when it is used or even when it is just possessed. Quirks represent small mistakes a wizard, artificer, or other...   [click here for more]
Lucky Dice Games   FREE 

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100 numbers between 1 and 100, Inclusive

100 numbers between 1 and 100, Inclusive

Have you ever found yourself stuck mid-game, searching for a random number between 1 and 100 but unable to come up with one? Be stuck no more!  The Most Mathematically Correct Lists Presents: 100 numbers between 1 and 100! Never be at a loss for numbers between 1 and 100 again. This handy reference will undoubtably be useful to both players and game masters as they strive to introduce...   [click here for more]
Troll in the Corner  Pay What You Want

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100 Potion & Other Drink Names

100 Potion & Other Drink Names

The “Helpful” series is designed as seeds to help provide starting blocks for adventures. These lists are meant for GM's, but players can use them as well. This particular Helpful List is all about the names potions and other drinks your players find and consume. Some of them are good, some bad, others are downright weird, like Protection against Squirrels..? What effects do these potions have?...   [click here for more]
Ennead Games  Pay What You Want

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100 Roadside Encounter Ideas

100 Roadside Encounter Ideas

Sometimes all a GM needs is a little inspiration. Especially for the frequent question of, "So, what happens while we're on the road?" This book will give you 100 great ideas on how to answer that question. Never get stuck again for a road trip or travel encounter! Here are a few examples from the book: #1. A passing mail-courier's horse gets spooked and throws courier. The courier...   [click here for more]
Roleplaying Tips Publishing   FREE 

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  The Stew, 5th Edition