Перекладено з дозволу автора / Translated with the author's permission
МОТЛОХ! - 20-30 хвилинна соло-гра, в якій ви мандруєте пусткою в пошуках МОТЛОХУ, який потім можна продати в найближчому поселенні. Дорогою вам треба заповнювати маленьку... [click here for more]
Перекладено за ліцензією Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International / Translated under Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International License
ОЛАФ б'є ДРАКОНА своїм МЕЧЕМ - це настільна мікрогра для одного або двох гравців. Це приблизно про... ну, майже про те,... [click here for more]
This very special 80% off bundle contains some of our most popular Electrum bestsellers, including two self-standing scenarios that include all of the rules needed to play them and a number of compelling RPG supplements! Most of these titles will soon be Gold bestsellers, so this is your best chance to get them together at this great price. 100 Oddities for an Alchemy... [click here for more]
This very special 75% off promotional bundle contains all of our newest titles, including several great sets of battle maps, some exciting self-standing adventures that include all of the rules needed to play them, beautiful sets of cardstock miniatures, some fun game supplements, and more! 100 Oddities for a Wizard's Tower [Revised, Updated & Expanded Edition]Regular... [click here for more]