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Coming to you straight from the pages of Expanded Bananas! it's the bananasaurus!
"Bananasauruses are the ancient ancestors of the dire banana. Every bit as vicious, and nearly twice as large as their modern descendants, bananasauruses pack a vicious bite and spiked tailstem which make them one of the most deadly of all banana creatures."
Please enjoy this free monster complements... [click here for more] |
Octopus Apocalypse |
Sometimes your miniature battles have to get a little low down and trashy!!! And when that moment comes we’ve got you covered… with free trash bins! This freebie product consists of an outdoor trash bin in three different flavors: Plain, Trash Lettering, and Recycling Logo. With this free give away you’ll find that each version of the bin has their own... [click here for more] |
HAZARD Studio |
The Adventure College Student Handbook focuses on unique, 5e-compatible character options while also offering a rich, magicpunk setting. This sample includes:
Arborstars - a playable species of humanoid trees with novel mechanics including the Beckon Plants cantrip, a rich history, a unique naming convention, and original artwork
Pledgie - a background for those dedicated to an organization... [click here for more] |
Fiona Shade Stories |
***September 2012 News: Now updated with bookmarks!***
Adventure Pack One contains seven complete adventures for use with the Challenger Roleplaying Game system a Free Roleplaying Game. These adventures are relatively short, can be easily adapted to other game systems including Of Mice Men and Wizards, and are designed to take a band of characters from 1st level to 30th level and beyond.
These quests... [click here for more] |
Superior Games Books |
Over the years Paradigm City has been plagued by the worst of the worst--mad scientists, alien invaders, super-powered thugs, killer robots, gorilla gangsters, and more. As diverse as these villains are, they all have one thing in common: they are cooler than the Vice Squad. Led by Johnny Cigarette, the Vice Squad includes such D-list super-criminals as Timmy Too-Much-Bacon, Penny Slots, and Intra-Venus... [click here for more] |
Hex Games |
Pay What You Want
This is an original playset for the Fiasco RPG System! It comes with original rules for hosting an EPIC Fiasco of 6-8 people, as well as some historical information about life in Edwardian England!
The end of the Victorian Era gave way to Queen Victoria's son King Edward VII. Known as the Edwardian Era, it was known as the period of excess, surrounded by garden parties, endless balls... [click here for more] |
Roleplayers Society Publishing |
Seu tempo já passou. São novos e confusos tempos. Tempos onde os jovens não respeitam mais ninguém. Tempos onde a música é mais barulhenta e idiota do que costumava ser. Muitas das coisas e pessoas que você conhecia e até amava já se foram. Você envelheceu. Mas o espírito continua jovem. A chama continua acesa. Você ainda... [click here for more] |
D+1 Design & Games |
Pay What You Want
The Supplement You Didn't Know You Needed for the Game You Forgot You Owned!
The battle had been the stuff of legends. Man versus fish in the sort of epic struggle that had defined virility since the dawn of time. There had been moments when it seemed as if the fish would get away but Tommy Tanaka dug down deep, gave it a hundred and ten percent, and cheated by blowing his entire... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
APPROVED is a social narrative game. In it, red tape is sacred, and your Dreams are just some paperwork away from reality. Every player harbors a Dream. They just need the stamp of Approval.
The latest financial numbers have rolled in, and they’re astonishing. After years of grinding, your Dream is finally within reach. But there’s a catch – you need the thumbs-up from the folks upstairs. Yep,... [click here for more] |
Nat Handsome Games |
Pay What You Want
Assassin Mammoths is a hack of the famous and fabulous Honey Heist by Grant Howitt. It is a thrilling story about secret society of mammoths, that are planning assassination of the president.
It's quick, it's silly, it's a lot of fun and it's free. Simply suspend your disbelieve and may the fun be with you! ... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
 You are a Scottish Hebridean sheep. You are all black and you have two sets of horns. You look fearsome and badass. You are Baaphomet!
And you just found out that you have demonic powers! How will you use your powers? Will you destroy your unworthy enemies? Will you malignantly stare at the masses? Will you wreak havoc on... [click here for more] |
CampfireRPG |
BADASS is not a game that you can attempt to work your way around with logic. In fact, BADASS kicks that logic in the face, twists its arm behind its back and makes it cry for its momma.
Kick a reinforced metal fire door down off its hinges? BADASS Catch a bullet with your teeth? BADASS Slice through an Abrams tank with your katana? BADASS... [click here for more] |
Stargazer Games |
BAM! ist das unanständig geniale Partyspiel, das garantiert für jede Menge Spielspaß sorgt! Hier gleicht keine Runde der anderen! In diesem einfach witzigen Partyspiel besteht die Aufgabe jedes Spielers darin, die Lückentexte mit Begriffen zu füllen und mit dem Ergebnis zunächst den BAM!-Master und dann seine Mitspieler zu begeistern. Wenn die Frage Deutschland sucht BAM!... [click here for more] |
Pegasus Press |
BAM! ist das freche Partyspiel, bei dem Schlag auf Schlag derbe bis geniale Wortspiele entstehen. Das beliebte Spielprinzip erschließt mit BAM! Extrahart neue Dimensionen der Unanständigkeit. Spieler ab 18 Jahren können hier als Grenzgänger des guten Geschmacks im Sekundentakt Tabus brechen. Eigenständig spielbar und mit BAM! kombinierbar. Nicht jugendfrei!
Achtung, bei... [click here for more] |
Pegasus Press |
In diesem Party-Spiel füllt ihr die Lückentexte auf Karten mit passenden Begriffen. Dabei müsst ihr euch nicht um einen grammatikalisch möglichst korrekten oder gar inhaltlich sinnvollen Satz bemühen. Es gilt einzig und allein, den BAM!-Master zu überzeugen, dass euer Begriff der originellste und witzigste ist.
BAM!-Ihr habt es so gewollt! enthält die beliebten „Karten des... [click here for more] |
Pegasus Press |
From the creator of Tales of the Obsidian Idol comes Barbarians of Academia!
Barbarians of Academia is a tabletop roleplaying game for three to six players in which you play a barbarian who has recently traveled through THE SPACE-TIME VORTEX OF AGARTHA, a recent arcane phenomenon that has allowed two-way travel between... [click here for more] |
Ironic Hero Games |
The Customer is Always Right!
An 8.5 x 11 Print-Friendly Customer Service Representartive Sheet for Bath Salts.
... [click here for more] |
Creepy Doll Studios |
The BEAN! The D2 Role-Playing Game First Edition rules introduced a rules lite super easy fantasy gaming mechanic with a fun alternative to dice, yep, you guessed it: beans! While these rules could have stood on their own, Fabled Worlds Games is offering this free errata to introduce a few alternate rules that open up the game so that it works with any genre while still keeping the speed and... [click here for more] |
Fabled Worlds |
When a long lost treasure of tavern legend is found in an old mine, the local town of Beer Gnomes becomes embroiled in a battle of Brothers and recipes. Called in to find the item and restore the peace, the Party must figure out how to party with the undead, schmooze with the Gods and endure horrifying and deadly new foods that have a habit of fighting back! Can our heroes save the day while still... [click here for more] |
GagMen Productions |
Pay What You Want
You’re a robotic bellboy in a gigantic, chaotic, mega-hotel.
The hotel you serve is built upon (and in) a massive asteroid hurtling through space. You assist a diverse client of space-faring humans, time-traveling wayfarers, undiscovered alien entities, and unhappy tourists. You must serve them well. You were built for this job, and you are a piece of the hotel-brain. If you do not function... [click here for more] |
Mystic Ages Publishing |
Keep track of your Bob, Lord of Evil Characters for Free!
This is a full color Character Sheet for Bob, Lord of Evil, which can be printed out as needed.
Plus, if you're using the Bob, Lord of Evil rules to run your adventure (provided in the books Bob, Lord of Evil or Murphy's World), it includes a handy 'Base Action Value %' (BAV) table -- used to establish... [click here for more] |
Peregrine |
Have your Bob, Lord of Evil Characters look great (until they mutate in some horribly nasty way...) -- for Free!
This is a full color Character Sheet for Bob, Lord of Evil, which can be printed out as needed.
Plus, if you're using the Bob, Lord of Evil rules to run your adventure (provided in the books Bob, Lord of Evil or Murphy's World), it includes a handy... [click here for more] |
Peregrine |
Keep track of your Bob, Lord of Evil Characters (no matter how disgusting they become...) -- for Free!
This is a full color Character Sheet for Bob, Lord of Evil, which can be printed out as needed.
Plus, if you're using the Bob, Lord of Evil rules to run your adventure (provided in the books Bob, Lord of Evil or Murphy's World), it includes a handy 'Base Action... [click here for more] |
Peregrine |
Something to look at while mutating into a Darkling in Bob's dungeons...
This is a full color image of the Cover of Bob, Lord of Evil, suitable for printing out as a poster. It is saved at 150 ppi with no compression artifacts.
This poster is a FREE promotional item for Bob, Lord of Evil, a humorous techno-horror roleplay game available from Peregrine... [click here for more] |
Peregrine |
Gather round the fire. Open up.
What is this Booklet?
Bonds & Bonfires is a set of rules for use in conjunction with your favorite medieval fantasy RPG. The purpose of this booklet is to give players some tools to instigate roleplay after a long (and probably dangerous) day of adventures. These scenes revolve around the character’s feelings in an attempt to show a little about... [click here for more] |
Moira Games |
Pay What You Want
Halloween is fast approaching, and Just Insert Imagination has just what you need for you and your group! Grab the FREE Jumpstart for Boomstick!, the comedy-horror Plot Point Campaign for the Savage Worlds roleplaying system.
Boomstick! pays homage to ‘80s favorites Evil Dead 2 and This is Spinal Tap. The Jumpstart includes an introduction, a sample scenario, and... [click here for more] |
Just Insert Imagination |
 Hoja de Personaje para Botín de sangre.
Nos encontramos en el año 131 del reinado del Emperador Rojo, que viva diez mil vidas. Desde el Londres sumido en niebla tóxica hasta los confines más remotos del Imperio Imperecedero, la humanidad sobrevive bajo el mandato de las Casas de Vampiros. Los vampiros gobiernan, y no desde las sombras, sino orgullosa y abiertamente, y... [click here for more] |
Devir |
What Robot Will You Draw?
Perfect for families with children over the age of 10.
Bots 'n Pieces is a role-playing game where you'll join a screwball team of clapped-out robots on the junk-covered frontier planet of Tartaria. You're an Urfling, a Bot created for various purposes: gardening, opera, or WAR. The coolest thing about Urflings? You can COMBINE them into more powerful and weirder... [click here for more] |
Dark Jewel Games |
Pay What You Want
Leur plan est prêt. Il ne leur reste plus qu’à le mettre en oeuvre.
Dans Braquage en Plein Jour, les joueurs sont des criminels pénétrant un lieu important pour y voler quelque chose de grande valeur.
Reste une interrogation : pourront-ils récupérer le butin et se barrer avant que les équipes du SWAT ne défoncent... [click here for more] |
Gulix |
 Breakin, Breakin 2,You Got Served. In all of these movies B-Boys and B-Girls live in a simpler time, a time when greivences could be solved with dance battles. Break: Dance Battle RPG is a simple 2 player dice game where players act out the ups and downs of a dance battles. Very simple dice system and easy character creation mean you can start playing immediatly. Suitable for 2 players and a DJ. 30-45... [click here for more] |
Gordinaak Games |
Pay What You Want
As all great adventures, this began as an off-hand joke and then was rushed to be released in conjunction with Friday the 13th, October 2023. A depressing town has a vampire problem - will you rescue the virgin daughters from the Brides of the Night?
This module is free of licensing and may be shared, modified, and altered as you wish.
Proudly made without the use of intelligence; artificial or otherwise.... [click here for more] |
Buddyscott Entertainment Group |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Timebreakers Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Ziemi zagraża inwazja Groxian! Bohaterowie z wszystkich zakątków czasu i przestrzeni ruszają na odsiecz, ale czy zdołają rozprawić się z kosmicznymi najeźdźcami, zanim będzie za późno?
Timebreakers to szybka i prosta... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
Bunny Heist! Is a goofy, quick-and-easy, RPG for 3+ people.
A quick, fun game based off the fabulous one-page rpg "Honey Heist." (Here! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/236887/Honey-Heist )
You Are a team of rabbits trying to pull off the heist of the century at this year's Grow-n-Show Garden Extravaganza! But your only two starts are BUNNY and... [click here for more] |
Christopher Pustelnik |
Pay What You Want
 It's your first day on the job manning the crisis orb that people from great distances use to ask for help in times of need. Your boss, D'Angelo the Great, left you after half a day of training and you haven't seen him in a week.
It's your job to use the crystal ball to answer any emergency requests to the caller's satisfaction.
Can you accurately determine what the caller's problem actually is... [click here for more] |
Brady Koch |
Pay What You Want
Entering the PocketQuest 2022 Game Jam, here comes Camp Mayhem!
Camp Mayhem is a short but sweet rpg system that revolves around the legendary exploits of kids in summer camp. Each Camper is a different blend of talents and ambitions, ranging from terrifying bullies and elusive teacher pets to the kid eating dirt behind the toilets. The camp consists of all kinds of characters and special deals between... [click here for more] |
Lars Christiansen |
Pay What You Want
You are a group of college students. You are back on campus for the fall semester. You are excited to see your friends and anxious about your classes. Your college campus looks colorful and crisp on this early fall day. But something seems wrong, and you want to investigate. "Campus Fear!" is a 1-page TTRPG set in your favorite college campus, where something spooky or strange happens. It... [click here for more] |
CampfireRPG |
Candidate is a micro story game. You're a candidate seeking high office. Face the press, survive opinion polls and debate the issues all while hoping your dark secret isn't revealed.
You will need:
to read and print the game rules (1 page)
paper and pens or pencils
3+ players and 10-30 minutes
to print the page of game materials (optional).
What's a story game? This... [click here for more] |
Imaginary Empire |
CAPERS Not-So-Super-Powers Volume 1
Six new powers for the CAPERS RPG. They're fun and funny. And quite obviously inspired by a particular action-comedy superhero movie. ... [click here for more] |
NerdBurger Games |
Free Character Sheet for CATS OF CATTHULHU!
This file, in addition to acting as a lien on your soul, serves as a free character sheet. You may print and copy the sheet endlessly for personal use. Includes a brief rules summary and place to draw your own feline champion!
If you don't have the game yet, be sure and check out the Chaos-fighting hijinx of seemingly... [click here for more] |
Catthulhu |
 Character Sheets for Chain of Being, for both Higher Arc and d20. ... [click here for more] |
Limestone Publishing |
A new Challenger is here... I'd like to give a special 'thank you' to the 50,000+ gamers and readers who have downloaded and bought my books in the past 6 months. That's totally awesome guys!
The New Revision Features:
Overhauled skills chapter.
3 new classes.
Condensed races.
Vehicle combat rules.
Hundreds of new magic items and monsters.
Filled out character sheet.
Improved TOC.
A half... [click here for more] |
Superior Games Books |
This is the most up to date version of the Challenger RPG character sheet. It is compatible with the latest revision (September, 13th 2012). Enjoy!
Challenger RPG is free to download in all formats across the internet.
For up-to-the-minute news on Challenger RPG, the new revision, our other hidden products across the internet, and goofball RPG pictures/twitter tweets and cool websites: check out:... [click here for more] |
Superior Games Books |
 This is a fillable Streamer Sheet for Stream at Susmmer Camp
You need the full game to use it: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/404444/Stream-at-Susmmer-Camp
You are a rising star in the world of streaming! However, you've been struggling to create new content. But, you know about one place, where everything that you could imagine... [click here for more] |
Cris Chong |
The award-winning, Image comic book series and New York Times Best Seller is coming to a game table near you! Take a bite out of crime in this foodie, dark-comedy tabletop role-playing game about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants in a clucked-up world.
We're building off the popular fiction-first game mechanics of Forged in the Dark to... [click here for more] |
Imagining Games |
A conversion guide to the popular d20 system for the Chicken Heroics game, becasue if I remember anything from the early 2000s it's that every game needs a d20 conversion!
Playable Chicken Race
Alignment and Deities chart
... [click here for more] |
ChickenMaker |
It's a zombie bunny, at 300 dpi in tif format.
What more do you need? ... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
A wonderful way to make your game night awkward and uncomfortable!
Completely Horrible and Utterly Made Up Covers is a compilation of 8 covers for RPG supplements that don't exist, and probably shouldn't.
Perfect for printing out and putting on the gaming table just as your group is arriving, on top of a stack of unrelated papers.
Contains such classics as:
Bowlers and Haberdasheries: 101 Magical... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
Control the world, one story at a time.
Number of Players: 4-12
Playing Time: 30-90 minutes
Recommended Ages: 10+
At a Glance:
· Rules-light, GM-less, one-off storytelling games
· Free-form world building ensures the same story will never be told twice
· Hidden roles... [click here for more] |
Cherry Picked Games |
Pay What You Want
Chef Alton Green presents: How to Cook Cave Troll
for the Dinner and Gaming Table
Welcome to Flavor Text Adventures!
Adventure comes in all shapes, sizes, and of course... flavors! Who am I? I'm the one and only, the exquisite, illustrious, daring, and let's not forget fabulous, Chef Alton Green - At your service. Flavor Text Adventures are... [click here for more] |
Flavor Text Adventures |
Pay What You Want
Embrace the Standard Fantasy Trope! As a fledgling adventurer you have decided that the best way to get into the business is by attending the monthly Adventurer-Nite at the local White Griffon Tavern. You meet your fellow companions, you get Your First Quest™ and are about ready to go when events happen that change the course of history. Or at least it's something more interesting than whatever... [click here for more] |
Firestorm Ink |