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Βασιλεία Ζητιάνων - Kingdom of Beggars

Βασιλεία Ζητιάνων - Kingdom of Beggars

Ποιος δεν έχει ακούσει ιστορίες για το πως οι ζητιάνοι στο δρόμο προσπαθούν να σε εξαπατήσουν με διάφορους τρόπους για να σου πάρουν τα λεφτά, πως στη πραγματικότητα η ζητιανιά είναι το επάγγελμά τους, και κατά τα άλλα ζουν...   [click here for more]
Angelos Alexopoulos  Pay What You Want

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Gilded nova association membership

Gilded nova association membership

The Gilded Nova association is the most esteemed, elite and most sublime (and most importantly wealthy) club there is in the third imperium. Simply joining the club is a massive investment worth millions of credits and each outing costs many more millions of credits since of course YOU want to be the official sponsor of the clubs next outing? This supplement is an addition to the B-company supplement...   [click here for more]
Klomster's workshop  Pay What You Want

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Publisher's Choice - Invisible Stalker Special Release!!!

Publisher's Choice - Invisible Stalker Special Release!!!

Publisher's Choice -Quality Stockart Invisible Stalker Publisher's Choice - Invisible Stalker This collection of quality stockart figures include three depictions of an Invisible Stalker!!! Each full body image is 32x57 inches  (920dpi transparent fluff) and in full color. Publisher's Choice Stockart is provided to aid new publishing companies...   [click here for more]
Publisher's Choice Stock Art  Pay What You Want

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I Win

I Win

NOTE: This title was an April Fool's joke for 2019, and is not recommended for actual use in a balanced game. "...great..." - C.W You know how every gaming supplement says that there’s no real “winners” in RPGs, and that everyone wins if you have fun? Bull. I Win contains Merits/Powers that have had that silly “fluff,” “character development,”...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Bloodlines: the Redacted

Bloodlines: the Redacted

NOTE: This was an April Fool's product for 2020, and thus should be noted as not containing useful material for a game. Contained within is a preview of the early stages of development of several official* bloodlines that will be coming soon to Vampire: the Requiem players! However… due to our inept lawyer, the Non-Disclosure Agreement we had our writers sign actually made...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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SotM's Guide to Grouping (APRIL FOOLS 2020)

SotM's Guide to Grouping (APRIL FOOLS 2020)

Secrets of the Masquerade reveals the perfect, fool proof way to play a meaningful and a seamless Vampire:the Masquerade session. It is also the most dense work ever put together, with only one page (two, including the cover). Enjoy the perfectly concentrated snob piece of perfect advice that even you could apply, right now, to your games! Can be ported to other World of Darkness, and even Chronicles...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Mirrors: Picaroons!

Mirrors: Picaroons!

Just for fun: this title isn't an actual game supplement. April 1st 2020 Finally!  It has arrived! Build your party of brave, "Picaroons!" and find dungeons full of monsters sitting on piles of LOOT! This book contains everything you need for endless fun, exploring, and filling pages with more LOOT!  (everything...aside from parts of the game that are derived from other games or would...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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DSA5 - Kleine Pfeil- und Bolzenkunde

DSA5 - Kleine Pfeil- und Bolzenkunde

Kleine Pfeil- und Bolzenkunde Fokusregeln für verschiedene Pfeilspitzen und Bolzentypen ...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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DSA5 - Kurzabenteuer - Die Hochzeitsretter

DSA5 - Kurzabenteuer - Die Hochzeitsretter

Es soll eine beschauliche albernische Bauernhochzeit werden, aber dann wird diese buchstäblich von dunklen Wolken überschattet. Werden die Helden in der Lage sein die Feierlichkeiten und die Festgesellschaft zu retten? Oder wird sich „bis dass der Tod sie scheidet“ als kürzer erweisen, als das junge Brautpaar denkt? Angesiedelt in Albernia, aber auch an anderen Orten mit Sumpf, Fluss und Wäldchen...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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The Voidbound Isle

The Voidbound Isle

The Voidbound Isle is an exploration-focused adventure that takes players from level 1-13 as they discover the secrets and mysteries of a vast, cursed island. This adventure is setting-agnostic; it can take place in Golarion or in your own original world. The bulk of its content involves exploration and wilderness survival as the party ventures throughout a strange and perilous new land, but this adventure...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Witajcie w listopadowym wydaniu naszego Zina "To się Wytnie!", pełnym inspiracji, pomysłów i magii! Jesienne wieczory to idealny czas, aby zanurzyć się w bogactwie świata RPG, a listopad szczególnie kojarzy się z mroczniejszymi, tajemniczymi tematami. W tym numerze przygotowaliśmy dla Was kilka smakowitych kąsków! Nowinki ze świata RPG – zapraszamy do aktualnego przeglądu najnowszych...   [click here for more]
lore of darkness  Pay What You Want

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Witajcie w 8 wrześniowym numerze „To się Wytnie!” – Zinie, który wita nadchodzący miesiąc z nową dawką ekscytujących artykułów i inspirujących treści! W tym numerze zanurzymy się w mroczne zakamarki świata duchów, tajemnicze światy i kulturowe zjawiska, które pobudzą Waszą wyobraźnię i poszerzą horyzonty. Rozpoczynamy od fascynującego artykułu „Bilet na… Księgarze”,...   [click here for more]
lore of darkness  Pay What You Want

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Chamomile Has Illustrations

Chamomile Has Illustrations

My name is Chamomile, I have illustrations, and now, so do you. Contained in this pack are over a hundred color and black-and-white stock illustrations for the fantasy genre released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license for pay-what-you-want. That means you can pay any amount of money including none at all for the pack, you can use the illustrations in any product you like...   [click here for more]
ChamomileHasAdventures  Pay What You Want

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In The Ruins

In The Ruins

A new setting & a new system for the Game of the North - the Game of the North gets some class! This guide walks you through the character creation process for the In The Ruins campaign setting -inside you'll find ways to generate a new background & outlook as well as an all new personality guide - meant to help you understand which of the 80(! Yes 80!) new character classes is right for you....   [click here for more]
Game of the North  Pay What You Want

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The Game of the North Player's Guide

The Game of the North Player's Guide

The Public Domain meets the Old School Renaissance in a game for creators & storytellers. The Game of the North balances the theatricality of the table experience with the strategy of a wargame & the unbounded infinity of an art project. Specially formulated for players and referees who like to make their sessions special, their settings unique & their stories sublime the Game of the North...   [click here for more]
Game of the North  Pay What You Want

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3D scenery - Drow Architecture

3D scenery - Drow Architecture

STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !   You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print some Drow or Dark Elves buildings just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like !   The STL files are printable on any 3D printer, we...   [click here for more]
Via Ludibunda  Pay What You Want

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City of Shiran

City of Shiran

Shiran is Hârn’s smallest city. Located on the north bank of the Thard River near Lake Benath, it is the second-largest settlement in the Thardic Republic and capital of Shiran Province, one of six in the Republic. Shiran is one of the Republic’s economic and cultural centers. The city has a reputation for corruption and hedonism and is known throughout Hârn as the “City of Sins.” Shiran...   [click here for more]
Columbia Games Inc.  Pay What You Want

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Gatekeepers: The Source Files

Gatekeepers: The Source Files

Gatekeepers is a role-playing game of fantasy intrigue. These are the source files for making your own supplements: cards, location books and adventures. Contents: 16 PSD files for the front and back of the 8 decks used in the game 12 PSD files for the currency tokens used in the game 2 Fonts, one for paragraph titles and one for special symbols used by the game Feyhaven World map, in PNG and PSD...   [click here for more]
Lagging Dice LLC  Pay What You Want

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Tales of Entropy

Tales of Entropy

Tales of Entropy is a story game for 2-6 players. Each player takes a central role in depicting a dramatic scenario that sets the scene for murder and romance, friendship and conflict. The central characters are set against each other from the start, but it is up to the players—and the dice—whether the tense starting situation spirals into chaos and destruction or a blaze of glory at the end. The...   [click here for more]
Petteri Hannila  Pay What You Want

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3D scenery - Basic Houses

3D scenery - Basic Houses

STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !   You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print 4 different houses, just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like !   The STL files are printable on any 3D printer, we recommend using...   [click here for more]
Via Ludibunda  Pay What You Want

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3D scenery - Specialty Houses

3D scenery - Specialty Houses

STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !   You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print 4 different houses, just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like ! You can mix and match some parts with the designs from the Village...   [click here for more]
Via Ludibunda  Pay What You Want

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Now Featuring PRODUCTION DEV - Spetember 17th, 2024 ATTENTION: This is a Production Development Document, not a completed product. It is FULLY playable, but is missing art, as well as minor rules and fluff that do not impact game play. It may contain typos, and other errors that will be added to the Errata and updated frequently to the downloadable document here....   [click here for more]
Zenith Entertainment Group  Pay What You Want

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Emergence - A Telken Lost Story Deck

Emergence - A Telken Lost Story Deck

You wake up, remembering an old life; well lived but ended. What is this place? Why are you here? Explore the world of Telken Lost using the introductory story Emergence. Play one of four starter characters as they begin a new life in unexpected surroundings. ...   [click here for more]
Telken Lost Games  Pay What You Want

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Before the Empire (the 3.0 SRD)

Before the Empire (the 3.0 SRD)

This is based on the text of the original 3.0 SRD. Everything that is included in the 3.0 SRD is included, and everything not in the SRD was not included. The contents have been formatted for convenience. Incompatibility Notice: This book is not necessarily compatible with anything. FAQ Q: Does this contain rules for character creation or leveling up? A: No, those were not in the...   [click here for more]
Wandering Star LLC  Pay What You Want

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Fae Nightmares

Fae Nightmares

Play characters who are becoming something less human and more like the beings found in stories; the Fae, monsters, gods, and everything in between. Fae Nightmares is a Modern Urban Fantasy setting for the Savage Worlds Deluxe system. Fae Nightmares combines the Urban Fantasy genre’s roots in detective and horror stories, and the wonder and fear found in Fairy Tales. Players and...   [click here for more]
Dark Smile Games  Pay What You Want

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Fateforge - 1 - Corebook: Adventurers

Fateforge - 1 - Corebook: Adventurers

We bring you the Fateforge corebook in Pay What You Want. The Fateforge corebook is part of the Tetralogy, a four-book collection that won a silver ENnies Asward for Best Writing. The Tetralogy includes the core book Adventurers with a full expanded version of 5E system ; Creatures, a complete bestiary ; Grimoire the book of magic and Encyclopedia,...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Fateforge - 2 - Spell book: Grimoire

Fateforge - 2 - Spell book: Grimoire

"Fateforge, Epic tales in the world of Eana for 5th Edition. A love letter to Sword & Sorcery and the world's greatest RPG, from the team behind Shadows of Esteren, the most awarded French RPG."    Grimoire is the second book of the Fateforge series. Centered on magic and spellcasters, it includes information on: Modular Magic. The modular system...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Fateforge - 3 - Monster Compendium : Creatures

Fateforge - 3 - Monster Compendium : Creatures

Creatures is a collection of more than 200 monsters, animals, and characters compatible with the 5th edition of the most famous role-playing game. Half of its contents will surprise your players, putting a twist on fantasy classics; the other will bring them face to face with brand new creatures, both friends and foes. It presents encounters and dangers typical...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Fateforge - 4 - Lore Book & Toolbox : Encyclopedia

Fateforge - 4 - Lore Book & Toolbox : Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia is a 360-page lore book for your 5th Edition campaign, including multitudes of ready-to-use cities, locations, NPCs, plot hooks, and magic items for your next game session. Across this book, you will find 15 cities and many locations ready to serve as the settings of your next adventures. Each of these places has its own identity, featuring many...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Papercraft Dice Set - Blank - 9.5in

Papercraft Dice Set - Blank - 9.5in

Roll your own way with this massive set of blank papercraft dice. Numbered papercraft dice also available. ...   [click here for more]
Belguard Productions  Pay What You Want

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Papercraft Dice Set - Numbered - 9.5in

Papercraft Dice Set - Numbered - 9.5in

Roll your own way with this massive set of papercraft dice. Includes both edge-numbered and point-numbered d4s, as well as standard and spindown style d20s. ...   [click here for more]
Belguard Productions  Pay What You Want

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Shadows of Esteren - Book 1 Universe

Shadows of Esteren - Book 1 Universe

Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game with horrific and gothic overtones, in a dark, low fantasy setting Esteren won three ENnies for the year 2013 : Best Interior Art GOLD, Best Production Value GOLD and Product of the Year SILVER! "Sometimes a game just comes along and blows you away in all respects. This year, that game was Shadows of Esteren." NOW LIVE...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless)

Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless)

PDF Pay What You Want can be found HERE! Infinite Worlds means Infinite Options. Gossamer Options: Characters is a different kind of supplement for Lords of Gossamer & Shadow. Originally created as a set of fan blog posts by designer Mark Knights, about 30 character builds presented at three different point levels (Low, Medium, and High), providing you with over 90 ready...   [click here for more]
Rite Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Moebius Adventures Core Rules

Moebius Adventures Core Rules

The Moebius Adventures Roleplaying Game is a universal, cross-genre rule system that will take you on a journey up the Mobius Strip and back again until you see all the stops along the way. The Core Rules book starts the trip by providing all the basic rules for the system. Here you'll learn about character creation, general gameplay, combat rules, and possibly even save the village of Domerre from...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  Pay What You Want

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The Land Against, part 1 - A Trophy Dark Incursion

The Land Against, part 1 - A Trophy Dark Incursion

"Today, February 24, at 5:00 Kyiv time, the armed forces of the Russian Federation began intensive shelling of our units. [...] At the same time, the aggressor began shelling peaceful Ukrainian settlements along the border." © General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces  24.02.2022 "Why did it start?" Ugh, what a stupid question. If it happens, it’s necessary. Our leader isn't stupid, savvy?...   [click here for more]
Ex Nihilum  Pay What You Want

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The Land Against, part 2 - A Trophy Dark Incursion

The Land Against, part 2 - A Trophy Dark Incursion

"Today, February 24, at 5:00 Kyiv time, the armed forces of the Russian Federation began intensive shelling of our units. [...] At the same time, the aggressor began shelling peaceful Ukrainian settlements along the border." © General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces  24.02.2022 The headache and voices are still here. I…we still don’t know where we are and how we can find the way…...   [click here for more]
Ex Nihilum  Pay What You Want

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Dagger by Proxy

Dagger by Proxy

Package includes:  All-in-one rule book, using the elegant and flexible d6 system  Mobile friendly digital character sheet (1-click to calculate a skill check!)  Interactive world map for keeping track of past missions and to show the global shift in power  Random enemy generator (ideal for random encounters)  Cryptor: a tool similar to the enigma for enciphering / deciphering messages Don't...   [click here for more]
Covert Ops Games  Pay What You Want

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Devoidness-Ancestialian-A secret spiece of dragon-Stock illustration

Devoidness-Ancestialian-A secret spiece of dragon-Stock illustration

Welcome to my collection of royalty-free stock illustrations. My name is Devoidness and I work as a freelancer illustrator-concept artist. Every single image you may come across in this art-selling corner is entirely produced by me. License & Copyrights Ideal for book publications. Image information: Title: Ancestialian-A secret spiece of dragon Number of...   [click here for more]
Devoidness  Pay What You Want

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The Glass-Maker's Dragon: Starter Set of Cards

The Glass-Maker's Dragon: Starter Set of Cards

Welcome to the Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG! Herein find all the starting quests, optional quests, and associated flipcards that you'll need to get a Fortitude: the Glass-Maker's Dragon campaign started: a beautiful set of 45 quest cards; two specially branded "Over the Top" cards that are even more over the top than usual,...   [click here for more]
Jenna Katerin Moran  Pay What You Want

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A Traveller's Guide to Aphos

A Traveller's Guide to Aphos

Learn of and explore the expansive and gothic world of Aphos.  In these pages, you will learn of a dark and mysterious world. Complete with 3 new races, classes, and backgrounds, all rooted in the world's lore and culture, Aphos awaits you to wander its vast lands or perhaps create a story to guide a party. With races like Lingering Ones and Artifactals, one can explore the aspects of living an...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Baron's Storyteller Roundtable

Baron's Storyteller Roundtable

This PDF includes handouts from Baron’s Storyteller Roundtable, a workshop about social and group-dynamic aspects of social deception game Blood On The Clocktower. Now, for the first time, you can get all 65+ handouts in one book. Storyteller Roundtable draws from twenty-five years studying, working with, and teaching small-group dynamics. Roundtable helps your group...   [click here for more]
Baron Ted  Pay What You Want

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여름의 연대기

여름의 연대기

공개 배포 링크 : -여름의 연대기 -Blue Lucid Dream -Gloomy Cosmos 계절이라곤 여름밖에 남지 않은 세상. 1년 전부가 무더운 여름이 되어버린지 시간이 꽤 지났지만 전과 달라진 건 별로 없습니다.  세상은 빠르게 현실에 적응했고 우리들도...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Dragons - 1 - Livre de base : Aventuriers

Dragons - 1 - Livre de base : Aventuriers

Nous vous proposons le livre de base de Dragons en Pay what you want (« Payez ce que vous voulez ») Notre objectif est ici de partager au plus grand nombre ce corpus de base. Produire ces livres a demandé plusieurs années de travail. Aujourd’hui, nous souhaitons le diffuser au maximum dans la communauté qui nous a tellement soutenus. Nous serions aussi très heureux que ce...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Dragons - 3 - Bestiaire : Créatures

Dragons - 3 - Bestiaire : Créatures

Créatures est un recueil de plus de 200 monstres, animaux et personnages compatibles avec la 5e édition du plus fameux des jeux de rôle. Une moitié de son contenu surprendra vos joueurs en revisitant de grands classiques de la fantasy, l’autre en les confrontant à des créatures inédites, hostiles ou amicales. Il présente des rencontres et des dangers...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Dragons - 4 - Livre d'univers : Encyclopédie

Dragons - 4 - Livre d'univers : Encyclopédie

Encyclopédie est un livre d’univers pour votre campagne de Dragons, comprenant des dizaines de villes, lieux, PNJ, accroches scénaristiques et objets magiques prêts à l’usage pour votre prochaine partie. Vous trouverez dedans 15 villes et de nombreux lieux prêts à servir de cadres à vos prochaines aventures. Chaque endroit a sa propre identité,...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Les Ombres d'Esteren - 1 - Univers

Les Ombres d'Esteren - 1 - Univers

Imaginez une péninsule aux collines escarpées, des forêts denses où le jour peine à percer, des vallées brumeuses et des forteresses à flanc de montagne... et par-delà les océans tumultueux, le Continent, vaste et mystérieux. Dans ces paysages grandioses, Les Ombres d’Esteren vous propose un monde dur et réaliste, dans lequel l’impact du surnaturel n’est jamais banal ou anodin,...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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(SNS)Synesthesia Synthetica

(SNS)Synesthesia Synthetica

This is an early access game and will continue to be updated. Step into a world where flesh transcends metal, and biotechnology reigns supreme. Synesthesia Synthetica is a Biopunk table top roleplaying game built for digital and real life play. On an alternate future earth, after a horrific calamity knocks technological progress into a tailspin, the world is wholly entrenched in a snowy hellscape...   [click here for more]
Kubota Productions  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in ashrum

Adventures in ashrum

Fire forged it. Time forgot it. Magic haunts it. Welcome to Ashrum—an ancient volcano's crater where five realms clash in the shadow of destiny.   From the barbarian stronghold of Bruma, Rolaf the Unyielding watches over a land where danger lurks in every crevice. In the west, dwarven Crag-Dwellers brave the Devil's Canyons, where raging rivers carve paths through stone and mist conceals both fortune...   [click here for more]
Coyote custom  Pay What You Want

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Ashlands: M.E.R.C.s

Ashlands: M.E.R.C.s

Ashlands: M.E.R.C.s is a scyber-fantasy tabletop roleplaying game where you play as Militarized Emergency Reinforcement Contractors in the 890th year after the Ruination. These killers-for-hire include all manner of augmented cyborgs, lab-grown chimeras, half-demon devil worshippers, and devout android mercenaries. The battlefield is Newland City, a sprawling metropolis that has stood...   [click here for more]
Wolfhound RPGs  Pay What You Want

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Beneath the Crystal Sea

Beneath the Crystal Sea

     Abri is a world that draws distant visitors to it's shores. Gods answer the prayers of not just the faithful, but any mortal willing to ask. They scheme against the elemental titans, and play complex plots beyond mortal understanding.      Beyond the Crystal Sea is a campaign setting for d20 5th Edition rules. It includes 26 unique nationalities, fourteen playable species, rules for political...   [click here for more]
James McLellan  Pay What You Want

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  Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition