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STL files to 3D print scenery for wargames and roleplaying games on any 3D printer !
You will get a link to download an archive containing STL files that will allow you to print 4 different houses, just load them in the software provided with your 3D printer and print them as many times as you like !
The STL files are printable on any 3D printer, we recommend using... [click here for more] |
Via Ludibunda |
Pay What You Want
Package includes:
All-in-one rule book, using the elegant and flexible d6 system
Mobile friendly digital character sheet (1-click to calculate a skill check!)
Interactive world map for keeping track of past missions and to show the global shift in power
Random enemy generator (ideal for random encounters)
Cryptor: a tool similar to the enigma for enciphering / deciphering messages
Don't... [click here for more] |
Covert Ops Games |
Pay What You Want
Dawn of a New Age
"Dawn of a New Age is a powerful and captivating tale of bravery, love, and the enduring human spirit. Set in the Norse world of Frostland, the story follows the journey of a young woman named Dawn of Snow as she battles to overcome incredible odds and reclaim her place in the world.
With its richly woven tapestry of folklore, mythology, and historical fact, Dawn's... [click here for more] |
Anderian Designs Ltd |
Pay What You Want
You've returned wearing your own corpse
But your Suffering still shackles you
Flesh, blood, and living breath
Your craving for Chi is neverending
An eternity of night stretches before you
The only way out is Dharma
The... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Hardboiled role-playing in the style of "Brick" and "The Big Sleep." This rules-lite game is designed to emulate the best noir detective fiction by turning secrets and relationships into tactical tools. Pre-game prep is quick and rules are easy to learn, making it great for pick-up games and busy Directors.
This compilation edition includes...
The core rules, pre-gen protagonists, and sample relationship... [click here for more] |
Daniel Bayn |
Pay What You Want
The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle themselves. As the story progresses, they become aware of the plans... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
Pay What You Want
The Day One adventures are meant to serve as an introduction to the game mechanics and unique realms of Torg Eternity. All across the world, the villainous Possibility Raiders have invaded Core Earth. Where they land, the laws of reality bend to resemble the strange worlds they came from - known as cosms in Torg Eternity.
Each adventure is set within the first 24 hours of this coordinated attack.... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Alla fine del Medioevo, il Flagello dei Morti si è abbattuto su Europa, Africa e Asia, dando inizio all’era più buia della storia. Oggi, nel 1514, gli eroi dei Nuovi Regni sono pronti a combattere per riconquistare il Mondo.
Ultima Forsan è un gioco di avventure selvagge e minacce mortali, ambientato in una versione macabra e alternativa del nostro Rinascimento.
In questo libro... [click here for more] |
SpaceOrange42 |
Pay What You Want
When most people think about creating a Greek inspired world, they might think of togas and maybe throwing a Pegasus or two into the world and decide to exclude the majority of the Monster Manual. But what does this mean for a game around a table? Can you throw mindflayers into a Greek inspired world and still have it feel like Classical Greece? In my own opinion, absolutely you can, and this guide... [click here for more] |
The Bearded Halfling |
Pay What You Want
 Bienvenido a este estercolero al que llamamos vida. Eres un punk, lo que significa que eres un perfecto hijo de puta, o más te valdría serlo. Tanto da que seas un bárbaro bajado de las montañas que ha aumentado su ya de por sí fuerza inusitada gracias a unos nuevos brazos prostéticos, o un bardo que malvive en las calles tocando su laúd eléctrico... [click here for more] |
J.J.Alonso |
Pay What You Want
 Do you like trains? I like trains. Trains are interesting, and so are you. You should buy a train. Can't afford one? Buy digital maps of a train. This pack includes maps of several trains passing through a tunnel. Also included is a battlemap for a ghost train, which is a type of train you can't buy. The only way to get a real ghost train is black magic, and that never goes well. INCLUDES:... [click here for more] |
Digital Maps for interesting people. |
Pay What You Want
Are you thirsty for more action, drama, and suspense? What about courtly intrigue and and political maneuvering? This and more can be found in the all-new role-playing game “Sword & Musket” brought to you by the creator of STAKE. In Sword & Musket, you play as a cavalier, rifleman, or bucaneer and aid Queen Elizabeth in maintaining peace between Tudor England and her European neighbors... [click here for more] |
Leo Winstead |
Pay What You Want
Este es un mapa en varias versiones realizado a partir de las copias de mapas del SXVIII creados por Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d´Anville, corregidos y traídos a la nueva vida por Juan Morán Sáez. El paquete se compone de cinco mapas para jugar a rol con el juego Revolución (de próxima aparición en las publicaciones de Agencia Especial) y unas reglas ligeras de viajes. Los mapas pueden usarse... [click here for more] |
Agencia Especial |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to The Plundering Time, a TTRPG set in early colonial Maryland, a time of intense sectarian, political, and cultural conflict. Europeans will flee the burning wreckage of their adopted hometown, out into the unmapped and untamed wilds of The New World. Native American characters must react quickly and strategically to the sudden upheaval of regional power, safeguarding their own family's... [click here for more] |
The Old Line Story |
Pay What You Want
This 120-page artbook bestiary includes the anatomy, behavior, and origins of over 20 classic fantasy creatures. Each interconnected through a series of recorded histories, myths, and first-hand encounters that can form an essential background to any detailed game world.
Who is this book for?
• FANTASY ART LOVERS- This beautifully bound book measures 8x10 and is printed on thick high-quality... [click here for more] |
The Multiverse Library |
Pay What You Want
Who knows why we're fighting anymore? For the glory of our countries, the irradiated ash heaps? For political ideologies so long forgotten they're meaningless idols? For resources all already consumed by the war? The last remaining fighters are the Casualties, the scavengers, survivors and soldiers of the Warzone. Assume the role of one of these wretched conscripts and battle through suicide missions,... [click here for more] |
Ross Hollander |
Pay What You Want
 Corporations went too far. Executives too out of touch. Managers cared too little. Workers had too much. The REVOLUTION began.
Office buildings are now hardened fortresses. Even a minor delivery undergoes deep background checks before gaining entry.
Full files and work history were generated on your behalf. You are part a key REVOLUTIONary cell, after all. In place for months, you... [click here for more] |
Thought Punks |
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Eric Lofgren Presents: Dragon Sword
This stock art image by Eric Lofgren depicts a Dragon Sword with winged hilt and sporting a stylized dragon’s head. Is it magical? Simply expensive and ornate?
This colour purchase includes one JPG and a TIFF version each of the image with background and without, all at 300... [click here for more] |
Misfit Studios |
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 The books of Enid Blyton of solving mysteries in the English countryside come alive in this rainy-day RPG for the whole family. Simple fast rules allow you to jump in and get running in a moment! ... [click here for more] |
Tin Star Games |
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Gods are real. All of them. From Thor to Vishnu to Mr. G himself, the gods that mankind have worshiped for millennia are real, tangible entities that live on Earth.
Most people are oblivious. For the most part, folks don’t realize that the gods are real. They might have faith in them, but they don’t know that Cronus may live just down the street from them.
... [click here for more] |
Cosmic Loser Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 What is LFG?
LFG is a d20 RPG system. LFG strives to be the most believably realistic role-playing game that maintains the wonder and excitement of medieval combat, magic, and mythical beasts. The suspension of disbelief and immersion into your gaming world are paramount. All the rules for LFG were carefully designed to make every action, decision, spell, and monster... [click here for more] |
Logical Fantasy Gaming |
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Join the quest for the Spear of Destiny, Excalibur, the Chintamani stones, or Yggdrasil (The World Tree). Under the looming shadow of war, world powers look to uncover the secrets of past civilizations to tip the balance in their favor. Your characters are explorers and adventurers who travel the world in search of lost knowledge and relics. OSRPG PULP ACTION 1935 offers easy, quickplay rules for your... [click here for more] |
One Shot RPG |
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Unleash the primal power within you as you step into a world forgotten by time, brought to life in the pages of Rise of the Shapeshifter Tribes. This system-agnostic setting book for tabletop role-playing games invites you to explore Earth's deep history, where early humans are graced with the ability to transform into mighty animals. Each tribe, defined by their totem animals—... [click here for more] |
Cole Burgett |
Pay What You Want
 A gathering of guests from afar, a stormy night and a deathly scream that fills the halls. The guests rush towards the sound to find themselves standing over a corpse… their host has been murdered!
But, unbeknownst to the killer, you’ve made your living and your fame as an investigator. Can you find the murder weapon, narrow the list of suspects and accuse the killer before the storm ends and... [click here for more] |
Diceman Games |
Pay What You Want
Note: You must have a copy of The Between to play this game.
The Between: Ghosts of El Paso is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of ghost hunters—the Vigilance Committee—in the township of El Paso, Texas in the late 19th century, after the War but before the first railroad came through. The Vigilance Committee is dealing with the effects of the Wounded Night, a seasonal phenomenon in... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
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The d20 System Game of Pulp Action!
A new era begins in the 1920s - an era of imagination, of globe-trotting exploration and mad science. An era in which excitement awaits everywhere from the lofty skyscraper penthouses of New York City, to the sweltering jungles of the Congo. It is an era of Adventure!
Heed the Call to Adventure!
Requires the use of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
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The glorious 1800s. It is a thrilling time, the beginning of the century, and of new philsophies as well. Naval empires that for ages relied on muskets, bayonets, and the discipline of infantry lined up in their bright uniforms are now toppling because of outbursts of republican revolution and colonial rebellions. Freethinking and ambitious gentlefolk, wearing dress suits and top... [click here for more] |
The Imago Cult |
Pay What You Want
Big Country Mobster is a solitaire tabletop game set in the Big Country Boxing universe of BCB. The player, that's you, creates a mobster and sets out to take over Paradise City. Can you survive and become PC's next Don?
All one needs to enjoy this game in a book is this book, a ten-sided die, paper, and pencil. ... [click here for more] |
DarkAgeOfGames |
Pay What You Want
Mark RPG - Playtest Edition
Note that this is a first-draft playtest edition. The price is set to PWYW, and any money raised will go towards developing the game and buying in art.
Zorro, Spanish California, and Adventure...
Built for the swashbuckling adventuring Game Master who wants that Rolemaster feel but doesn't want to have to hack systems together themselves.
This game takes Whitebox... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Pay What You Want
A Historical Fiction Viking Setting based on Norse Mythology
This book is a supplement to the Genesys game line that lets you use the Narrative Dice System in a world of historical fiction set based on Norse mythology!
In Midgard, you'll become a part of the feared Vikings! Helped, or hindered, by the powerful beings of Asgard. Their actions depend on your relationship with them.
This supplement... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
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Unlock the drama and embrace your destiny with these special decks for use with Torg Eternity.
Drama cards control the initiative and pacing of the game, and trigger pecial events during encounters, chases, or important tasks. Destiny cards allow the heroes to to bend reality and perform extraordinary feats. Cosm cards reinforce the World Law of a realm and provide an opportunity for rewards...... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
16 archetypes from various cosms. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
 コアルールのGM スクリーンの日本語版が出てないので、マスタースクリーンとアーキタイプが無い状態で遊んでいる日本のハイロードとストームナイトの諸君! 副読本として英語版と一緒に使用してご活用ください。 GM スクリーンは日本語用に再編集してみました。A4横サイズで印刷して透明なハードケースに入れて使用してください。... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
 Yarnspinners is a collaborative story-telling game that acts as a frame that allows one or more players to craft a share story of western themed adventures in the format of a GM-less roleplaying game. Our game picks up as the players relax in the saloon or sit at a campfire at the end of the day of adventuring.
The players will work together to craft a scene which will be explored by a single player... [click here for more] |
Diceman Games |
Pay What You Want
 "Світанок Нового Часу! Відчуй свободу, яви світу свої амбіції!
Але май на увазі — на світанку тіні завжди найглибші..."
Славні 1800-ті. Початок століття – яскравий час, злам епох і смислів. Морські імперії,... [click here for more] |
The Imago Cult |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Epidemic Osiris, the open-source RPG system that offers the perfect blend of realism and game speed.
The Epidemic Open-Source Roleplaying System (OSRS), or as we call it, Osiris, is a general framework of rules for running any sort of Role Playing Game. The open-source part means that you are free to add to it, run your games in it, and publish supplements and adventures using Osiris... [click here for more] |
Epidemic Books |
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 Global Action Force (GAF for short) is a simple, no-nonsense, fast-paced action game intended to be played while 20 beers buzzed. The goal is for players to create action heroes that emulate characters from action movies of the seventies to nineties such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal, Bruce Lee, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Wesley Snipes. One player plays as the director of the game and challenges... [click here for more] |
Hollow Wanderer |
Pay What You Want
Quick and easy role-playing rules for the Great War
OneDice WW1 is a role-playing game set against the backdrop of the Great War of 1914-18. A global conflict, costing millions of lives, the war involved the mobilisation and shattering of the mightiest of armies ever assembled. It was fought on a previously unimaginable industrial scale. Whether you want to play as one of the front-line... [click here for more] |
Cakebread & Walton |
Pay What You Want
**I have currently set this and many of my products to 'pay what you want/can', this is a rough time for all of us around the globe and I want to do my part to support everyone out there trying to get through this and have some fun, if you are in a position to support me making more maps I really appreciate it and cant thank you enough, but if you are unable to for any reason please enjoy these on... [click here for more] |
MapGuffin |
Pay What You Want
Season 3 of The Between expands the innovative game of gothic horror with a new playbook, a new Mastermind, and 6 new Threats. You must have a copy of The Between to use this material.
Details of what you'll find in Season 2:
The Legacy A new hunter has arrived at Hargrave House! [Insert Smash Bros. new fighter meme] !e Legacy is a classic monster hunter... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
Pay What You Want
Season 4 of The Between expands the innovative game of gothic horror into the realm of pulp science-fantasy with a new playbook, a new Mastermind, and 5 new Threats. You must have a copy of The Between to use this material.
Details of what you'll find in Season 4:
The Martian A new hunter has appeared in Hargrave House! The Martian is an exiled royal from... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
Pay What You Want
The Reality War has begun. Fight it behind enemy lines.
Seven Realities have invaded Earth. While soldiers and civilians are fighting and dying on the frontlines, the only ones who can make a difference are the Storm Knights. They are the ones who bring the fight to the enemy, by crossing enemy lines, blowing up Reality Bomb factories and rescuing hostages of Invading corporations, by digging for... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Apex Predator
Avert the Cartoon Apocalypse In This Adventure for Torg Eternity
Something sinister is going on behind the doors of the Apex Novelty and Weapons factory in the cosm of Toonville. Can Earth‘s Storm Knights solve the mystery and put an end to the cross-dimensional war profiteering?
This three-act adventure starts with the Storm Knights on a Delphi Council mission in... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
"Alienòr is a lyrical game that approaches an unusual subject with confidence and verve. In a world stuffed with monster hunts and power fantasy, Alienòr takes a different approach and delivers a really fun, unique gaming experience." —Jason Morningstar, creator of Fiasco and Night Witches
This is a storygame about the ladies-in-waiting to Eleanor of Aquitaine, an intriguing... [click here for more] |
Maracanda |
Pay What You Want
 Ouvrez une page au hasard et écrivez votre prochaine aventure à l'aide de la Fresque à Jouer ! Ce recueil est une collection d'aides de jeu inspirées par 31 photographies sur des thèmes aussi variés que le tatouage, la soupe, le minimalisme ou encore la bagarre. Les tables aléatoires proposées permettent de pimenter vos aventures rôlistiques d'objets, de personnages et d'événements... [click here for more] |
Exomondes |
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A two-to-three session scenario for the Gaslight period of Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition.
The year is 1895. Oscar Wilde’s trial has just concluded, making the news across London. In Deptford, a family discovers that their child has been replaced by . . . something else. When the investigators take the case, they find themselves on a tour across the soot-choked streets of East London,... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
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Introducing Fail Forward RPG Fail Forward is a setting-agnostic roleplaying game designed for oneshots and short campaigns. The system provides the tools to run games without mechanical preparation required. A game master who designs their own scenarios can thus give up on worrying on the mechanics and concentrate on the narrative content! Why should I get Fail Forward?... [click here for more] |
Nuclear Saints |
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OneDice Raptors
Quick and easy dino role-playing rules
OneDice Raptors is a role-playing game red in tooth and claw. In it, you play velociraptors. Hungry velociraptors. Velociraptors with attitude. Co-operate with you pack-mates to bring down creatures bigger than you! Protect your eggs from other hungry dinosaurs! Fight for dominance within the pack! Bite! Rend! Tear! In an ancient world... [click here for more] |
Cakebread & Walton |
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WINNER — ENnie Awards 2019, Judges' Spotlight prize
Containing the first two chapters of The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game!
This PDF has everything you need to play your first sessions in this fantastical setting, exploring 16th-century Brazil and its monstrous and magical secrets.
The Elephant & Macaw Banner is an award-winning... [click here for more] |
Porcupine Publishing |
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![[Korean] GOLDEN DREAM OF YELLOW COMET](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/404235-thumb140.png) 무더위 식히려 금빛 은하수 흐르는 계절입니다. 뭇사람들 자주 볼 수 있는 것에는 큰 관심을 두지 않으므로, 매년 찾아오는 유성우 따위는 뉴스에서 다뤄지지 못합니다. 그러나 별의 잔해들은 언제고 지구 향해 떨어지고 있습니다. 대기의 마찰열에 불붙어 지면에 다다르지 못한 채 잿더미 되어 흩어지더라도.... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
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