The Bridgemire Watch are expanding their ranks once again. This time to include the suspiciously ordinary citizen. A recruit with little to offer it seems besides another warm body, but is there more to this unexceptional watchman then we realize? Nah, probably not.
- A New Class for use with Bridgemire Watch
For updates and downloads check out
... [click here for more]
The Bridgemire Watch have expanded their ranks to include the fun loving werewolf community. The people of the moon aren't common among the watch but those that are bring a pathological sense of revelry and chaos to every patrol!
- A New Class for use with Bridgemire Watch
- A New Class for use with Bridgemire Watch
For updates and downloads check out ... [click here for more]
Unexpected allies is a supplement for the Greenwood Outlaws. It is meant to be used together with the base game.
It includes new player character options in the form of 6 new animals. They represent characters from outside Greenwood, who, for one reason or another, found themselves in opposition to Prince Rupert and the Sheriff. Additionally, the supplement also includes a set of story hooks, some... [click here for more]
There is only one true city; a place of multiversal trade, cultural exchange, and mixed blood. A place where monsters come to scheme and gods come to die.
Sig is the nexus of the multiverse. It's a city connected to everywhere, a refuge for the oppressed and a prize for tyrants. It's a place where culture is at the fo
refront, with diverse faiths and tongues struggling for space in the crowded metropolis.... [click here for more]