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British Fantasy Names - Ancient to Medieval
by Chaos Gen

British Fantasy Names - Ancient to Medieval

From Romans to the Welsh, from Cornish to Scottish Highlanders, from Vikings to the English. Use over 3000 British names for your fantasy characters, historic games and medieval settings.

British Fantasy Names - Ancient to Medieval
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"One Shot" - DM [BUNDLE]

"One Shot" - DM [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Battlemaps - Inns Regular price: $3.00 Bundle price: $2.00 Format: PDF Battlemaps – Inns   Battlemaps for tabletop RPG’s. With these five maps you would be able to play through your battles in your adventures, for any Tabletop Fantasy RPG. The names of the inns were created by my fantasy, however...   [click here for more]
Black Hand Guild  $10.99 $7.50

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20 snotlingów do jaskini weszło

20 snotlingów do jaskini weszło

Jest to scenariusz „z przymrużeniem oka” i raczej przeznaczony jest dla graczy doświadczonych, którzy będą potrafili stworzyć odpowiedni klimat sesji. Grupa snotlingów ma za zadanie zbadać niezbadane jaskinie i sprostać czekającym ich tam wyzwaniom, a przy okazji nie zginąć wskutek nieprzemyślanych działań towarzyszy. Będzie można być zgniecionym, utopionym, otrutym, zmiażdżonym,...   [click here for more]
Gladin's Forge  Pay What You Want

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A Bigger, Better Monster: Homunculus

A Bigger, Better Monster: Homunculus

A Bigger, Better Monster is a PDF series helping gamemasters improve their fantasy gaming monsters. It is system neutral, but covers all the basics of what the original monsters appears to do, and how to customize them for your own adventures and campaigns. From Page Two: In literature, a homunculus is a miniature person, first appearing in Religio Medici, though it most likely appeared in folklore...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $0.95

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A Bigger, Better Monster: Ooze

A Bigger, Better Monster: Ooze

A Bigger, Better Monster is a PDF series helping gamemasters improve their fantasy gaming monsters. It is system neutral, but covers all the basics of what the original monsters appears to do, and how to customize them for your own adventures and campaigns. From Page 2: Rather than focus on one of the oozes from your favorite fantasy game, I want to address the entire field of gelatinous creatures....   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $0.95

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A Bigger, Better Monster: Swarms

A Bigger, Better Monster: Swarms

A Bigger, Better Monster is a PDF series helping gamemasters improve their fantasy gaming monsters. It is system neutral, but covers all the basics of what the original monsters appears to do, and how to customize them for your own adventures and campaigns. This PDF shows how to turn swarms from just another encounter into a different kind of encounter. In this system, swarms do not have armor class,...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $0.95

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Adventure Framework 49: Nest Beyond the Stars

Adventure Framework 49: Nest Beyond the Stars

Danger: Moderate. Pages: 12 (exc cover & credits). Map: Yes Master Ballard, scholar and artefact hunter, has a problem. The last expedition he sent searching for the Quotaal Ziggurat in the Suurat Jungle vanished without a trace, and he's in need of a second crew to go find them (and the pyramid, not...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 50: Night at the Green Goblin

Adventure Framework 50: Night at the Green Goblin

Danger: Low to Moderate. Pages: 15 (exc cover & credits). Map: Yes "The Green Goblin Inn & Taphouse? Yeah, I ‘eard of it, down on Cinder Street if I remember right. What are you after the Goblin for? Not peace and quiet I hope. No? Didn’t think so. Well, luck o’ the Silver Wolf to you my friend. You’ll be needin’ it."   Night at the Green...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 53: The Deck of Many Things

Adventure Framework 53: The Deck of Many Things

Danger: Moderate. Pages: 15 (exc cover & credits). Map: Yes “Good and mighty Sirs and Madams! What an honour this is! Please forgive my intrusion, but Master Rogarth, the esteemed Keeper of Relics, has urgent need of your services. I implore you, follow me now to Master Rogarth’s home that he may speak with you immediately. I regret to inform that time is already...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 55: Well of Demons

Adventure Framework 55: Well of Demons

Danger: Moderate. Pages: 12 (exc cover & credits). Map: Yes There are whispers in quiet corners that Sister Millicent, of Northgate’s Order of the Anointed, is seeking stalwart mercenaries to escort her into the Sunstone Ranges. She is hoping to locate an abandoned observatory. Well of Demons is a moderate to high danger wilderness trek & dungeon...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 56: Shadow Over Wistwood

Adventure Framework 56: Shadow Over Wistwood

Danger: Moderate. Pages: 11 (exc cover & credits). Map: Yes Worn by the first, and last, Magus Queen of Bahsait, the Crown of Belidbarazûl is a relic of the Second Age; a golden coronet with curling wings and a tapered spire. Before the Queen was executed by her own people, Belidbarazûl’s sorcery all but erased the city of Nephtkir, swallowing it beneath the...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 57: Fens of Molot Baat

Adventure Framework 57: Fens of Molot Baat

Danger: Moderate to High. Pages: 13 (exc cover & credits). Map: No Sibling mercenaries Myrra and Cason are seeking stalwart warriors to accompany them into the Trackless Moors to plunder the ancient ruins of Mölot Baat… and perhaps rescue their friend, who was taken prisoner by barbarians two weeks earlier. Course, the ruins are very large. She could...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 60: Winterwold

Adventure Framework 60: Winterwold

Danger: Moderate to High. Pages: 13 (exc cover & credits). Map: Yes It is said that the last of the elves died in the Second Age, eradicated by the serpentmen in their genocidal war against the fey. Whilst it is true that no living elf remains in the Midlands, that is not to say they are without...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 62: Barrow of the Broken

Adventure Framework 62: Barrow of the Broken

Danger: Moderate Pages: 16 Map: Yes Aye, that’s the report from Ol’ Walloc. Some kind of giant reptile, preying on the farm stock, tearing down fencing, you know how it goes. Along the border lands, o’ course; beast’s no threat to the folk sheltering behind Northgate’s walls. Still, we can’t...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press  $2.99

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Adventure Framework 67: Sky Tower of Belk Xos

Adventure Framework 67: Sky Tower of Belk Xos

This one's FREE y'all! :)  We're trying a new format; hopefully presenting the info in a clearer way to make running the adventure easier - any feedback gratefully received! (here or our Discord is probably best, but we also have a website and Reddit too). As always, Adventure Frameworks are just that - adventure sites and scenarios with enough meat to run a session or three,...   [click here for more]
Pickpocket Press   FREE 

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Adventure Location 004 - The Bandit Camp

Adventure Location 004 - The Bandit Camp

In the wake of the breakup of the Kingdom and the division into separate states the iron grip of law and order slackened just enough across the borderlands. This coupled with the fractured nature of the local economy and the ravaging of farmlands in the brief bloody rebellion, has left the people of the region desperate. The few merchants travelling the area have been forced to raise prices due...   [click here for more]
Garblag Games  $4.00

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Adventure Location 005 - The Roadside Temple

Adventure Location 005 - The Roadside Temple

Those that worship the sun god often place moveable crystals, mirrors and reflectors atop their temples. This serves many purposes. It can form a beacon of light to travellers in the night, much like a lighthouse for lost ships. It can bring light down into the temple itself for times of prayer and sermon. However, it’s greatest function is to cast the last sunlight on the graves of the dead...   [click here for more]
Garblag Games  $4.00

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Adventure Maps Vol.1.

Adventure Maps Vol.1.

Adventure Maps Vol.1.   Fantasy Maps for tabletop RPG’s. With these two maps (with variants all together three maps) you would be able to play through your campaing in your session in any Tabletop Fantasy RPG. The names of these maps created by my fantasy, however you can come up with any other name in your session.   These...   [click here for more]
Black Hand Guild  $2.99

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AESS312 - Space Ships: Computers

AESS312 - Space Ships: Computers

Check out our latest Kickstarter, Roqom: 3d-printable Hell terrain and miniatures right here. This set, Computers, features all the pieces you need to fill out the interior corridors of a ship or station, gridded for 1 inch combat. Featuring Computer models by three different Aether Studios Artists: Nasos Maloudis, Nora Smiles, and Will Walker. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  $7.00

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AESS331 – Space Ships: Crew Qtrs

AESS331 – Space Ships: Crew Qtrs

Check out our latest Kickstarter, Roqom: 3d-printable Hell terrain and miniatures right here. This set, Crew Quarters, features out first attempts at crew spaces, personal quarters, bathrooms and other less “critical” areas of ship operations but still vital to the crew. Beds, bunks and more to help squeeze in as many red shirts as possible for future use! Space Ships is Aether Studios premiere...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  $8.00

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AESS352 – Deck Floors

AESS352 – Deck Floors

Check out our latest Kickstarter, Roqom: 3d-printable Hell terrain and miniatures right here.   This set, Deck Floors , was a project we worked on for a very long time. Dave Townsend and Will Walker went through multiple rounds of vision to get this set right. Every letter and number plus extras to help diversify your ship layout to the max. Space Ships is Aether Studios premiere line...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  $7.00

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Cienie pośród mgieł

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Cienie pośród mgieł

WITAJCIE W ANVILGARDZIE Wyrusz na spowite mgłą ulice Anvilgardu w pierwszej kampanii do gry Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound. Cienie pośród mgieł to rozbudowana sześcioczęściowa kampania osadzona w wolnym mieście Anvilgard, w której grupa Duszosplecionych ma za zadanie wykorzenić korupcję i zdemaskować tajemniczy Krąg Czarnej Łuski – organizację złożoną z członków...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $29.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Czempioni Ładu

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Czempioni Ładu

WEZWIJCIE CZEMPIONÓW ŁADU! Dodatek Czempioni Ładu zapewnia graczom wiele nowych możliwości podczas tworzenia postaci do Warhammer Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound. Zawiera nowe Archetypy, Talenty oraz nowe niszczycielskie zaklęcia. Dodatek, który trzymasz w rękach, jest pełen treści i opcji pozwalających ci na niezwykłe urozmaicenie waszych sesji Soulbound....   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $19.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Ekran Mistrza Gry

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Ekran Mistrza Gry

Ekran Mistrza Gry do Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound jest niezbędnym elementem arsenału każdego Mistrza Gry! Niezależnie od stylu gry i poziomu doświadczenia Ekran Mistrza Gry zawiera wiele przydatnych informacji. Ekran Mistrza Gry to trzypanelowy ekran z niesamowitą ilustracją przedstawiającą grupę Duszosplecionych stawiających...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $15.00

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Fregata w Ogniu

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Fregata w Ogniu

NIEBEZPIECZNE PRZYGODY W KRAINACH ŚMIERTELNYCH Po kataklizmie jakim był Nekrowstrząs, miasto Świetlista Włócznia rozpaczliwie potrzebuje zaopatrzenia i wsparcia. Ogromna flota Kharadronów została zebrana, aby sprowadzić do nowego miasta prowiant, osadników i przedsiębiorczych kupców. Do ekspedycji dołącza grupa nietypowych bohaterów — Duszospleconych, śmiertelników...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation   FREE 

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Karta Drużyny

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Karta Drużyny

Karta Drużyny do gry fabularnej Age of Sigmar: Soulbound. ...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation   FREE 

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Karta Postaci

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Karta Postaci

Karta Postaci do gry fabularnej Age of Sigmar: Soulbound. ...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation   FREE 

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Niepokorni Vossheima

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Niepokorni Vossheima

W centrum Shyish, królestwa Wielkiego Nekromanty Nagasha, leży Żałobny Gród, w którym żywi i umarli współistnieją od pokoleń. Ta wiekowa forteca przetrwała Erę Chaosu dzięki pomocy Radukara Wilka, niezwykle potężnego Wampira Przeklętych Dusz. Od tego czasu krwiopijca wykorzystał swoją reputację „zbawiciela”, aby przejąć władzę nad miastem. Tworzył swój wizerunek dobrotliwego...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $4.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Pamiętna noc

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Pamiętna noc

Podczas Święta Pamięci mieszkańcy Świetlistej Włóczni zbierają się, by wspominać ofiary Nekrowstrząsu. Jednak gdy mieszkańcy opłakują zmarłych, niespokojne duchy ponownie powstają, by przejąć kontrolę nad Świetlistą Włócznią. Tej pamiętnej nocy światło Świetlistej Włóczni może w końcu zgasnąć. Miasto zostaje opanowane przez duchy i widma, a potężna banshee...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $3.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Podręcznik Podstawowy

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Podręcznik Podstawowy

Burza Sigmara rozbiła hordy Chaosu, stając się iskrą, która ponownie rozpaliła nadzieję w ludach zamieszkujących Krainy Śmiertelnych. Położone w ten sposób podwaliny cywilizacji umożliwiły powstanie bastionów sił Ładu i przez krótki czas wydawało się, że niekończący się napływ ciemności może zostać powstrzymany. Wtedy jednak nadszedł Nekrowstrząs, a nieumarłe legiony...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $29.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Schronienia w krainach

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Schronienia w krainach

Ostatnie bezpieczne miejsca w Krainach Śmiertelnych upadają. Kiedy Sigmar zbiera swoje siły w otoczonych wysokimi murami miastach, szalejące wojny i bezsensowne magiczne katastrofy pochłaniają sanktuaria leżące poza nimi. Schronienia, które wciąż stoją, wykorzystały dziwne i ekstremalne metody, aby przetrwać. I chociaż grupa Duszosplecionych lub Nieśmiertelnych Gromowładnych może...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $3.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Ulice Świetlistej Włóczni

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Ulice Świetlistej Włóczni

Świetlista Włócznia jest najmłodszym z Miast Sigmara – bastionów światła i cywilizacji w świecie pełnym przemocy i grozy. Dla śmiałków gotowych na odbycie niebezpiecznej podróży do jej bram ta rodząca się powoli metropolia pełna jest okazji, jakich nie znajdą nigdzie indziej w Krainach Śmiertelnych.  Dodatek Ulice Świetlistej Włóczni daje graczom...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $3.99

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Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Ziemie dotknięte Fatum

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - Ziemie dotknięte Fatum

Mieszkańcy Krain Śmiertelnych przez długie lata znosili cierpienie z rąk sił Chaosu, a takiego bólu nie zapomina się łatwo. Płomyk nadziei jest ulotny i choć mieszkańcy wierzą, że Burza Sigmara i powrót Duszosplecionych przyniosą lepszą przyszłość, to wciąż towarzyszy im obawa, że ta walka może nic nie przynieść. Zwątpienie, egoizm i strach już raz doprowadziły...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation  $3.99

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Arcknight Tokens: Legendaries

Arcknight Tokens: Legendaries

ARCKNIGHT TOKENS: LEGENDARIES ArcKnight Legendaries contains Dragons, Giants, Behemoth, Death Tyrant, Balor, Kraken, Rhemorhaz, Elementals, a Griffon Rider and other mythical and large creatures. This pack includes 24 high quality PNG transparent background VTT tokens. ArcKnight Digital VTT Tokens are resized to a perfect 512px x 512px for all pieces to fit in squares. We’ve also...   [click here for more]
Arcknight  $4.00

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Arx Renovator Keep1: Exterior Edition (no interior)

Arx Renovator Keep1: Exterior Edition (no interior)

Introducing the Arx Renovator Keep1: Exterior Edition, your fortress stripped bare for maximum strategic mayhem. Forget the cozy furnishings, this keep is all about dominating the battlefield. Built for Brutality: Stark and unforgiving: Few windows, maximum arrow-deflecting surfaces. Single-file chokepoint: Two doors funnel invaders into a gauntlet of your design. Ascend to oblivion: Lure attackers...   [click here for more]
GameScape3D  $12.00

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Battle Troopers Codex

Battle Troopers Codex

This set contains 11 unit types in 3 color skemes with over 850 unit weapons variations  this pdf has 309 pages Battle Troopers Units Captain  Champion  Engineer  Psychic Path Finders  Battle Troopers  Jet Pack Troopers  Support Troopers  Path Finder Bikers Battle Bikers  Destroyers Print, fold, glue and cut out! This is a Digital product...   [click here for more]

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Believers of the Holy Oak

Believers of the Holy Oak

Detective Module and the location description for any Fantasy / Horror Role Play set This set contains: Players map (colorful one) GMs map (black and white one) Description of the Tall Oak village Description of some of the villagers The story (detective story) ...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  $0.99

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Belltower Island

Belltower Island

A well kept secret about a forgotten place in the Old World! A portal leading to a dark realm and a tower to destroy the portal and the monster that emerge from it. Oh, and a dwarf named Gorrick Hardgut! ...   [click here for more]
Creative Fosse   FREE 

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Benedictine Abbey / Monastery

Benedictine Abbey / Monastery

The layout is based on a real world, ancient Benedictine Abbey. The decor has many liberties as the map is set up for a fantasy-type world. This is the ground floor. The 2nd floor and crypts will be coming soon. Files included in the zip: Abbey (Ground Floor) - GRID.jpg (9240 x 6020 px) Abbey (Ground Floor) - GRID-sm.jpg (4620 x 3010 px) Abbey (Ground Floor) - LABELS.jpg (GM reference) Abbey (Ground...   [click here for more]
Guild Astrogator   FREE 

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Black Crusade: Binding Contracts

Black Crusade: Binding Contracts

Binding Contracts follows a group of Heretics as they pursue the prophecy of the Many-Eyed, a dread oracle of Chaos. The Ruinous Powers have whispered to her that Solace will end in fire when a star descends from the sky. They murmur that the terror and confusion this event brings about must be properly dedicated to the Chaos Gods. Before this portent appears, the Heretics must infiltrate...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $4.95

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Black Crusade: Core Rulebook PDF

Black Crusade: Core Rulebook PDF

The intoxicating lure of Chaos leads untold millions down the path of corruption, and the noblest of intentions offers little protection against its dark influence. A soldier’s bloodlust, a politician's ambition, a lover’s desire, and even a mother’s whispered prayer over her feverish child – they are all the playthings of the Dark Gods. Why resist? Wealth, power, and happiness await those...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $29.95

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Black Crusade: Game Master's Kit

Black Crusade: Game Master's Kit

Guide your players down the path of Chaos with The Game Master’s Kit for Black Crusade! This helpful resource features a Game Master’s screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on one side and a wealth of useful quick references on the other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full colour booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $9.95

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Black Crusade: Hand of Corruption

Black Crusade: Hand of Corruption

A windswept Imperial penal world silently orbits its dimming sun, perilously close to the dark influence of Chaos. To claim such a prize for the Ruinous Powers would bring great favour and glory to you and your fellow Heretics, and its substantial resources would help lay the foundation for your own Black Crusade. But welcoming this world into the roiling bosom of the Screaming Vortex will be no easy...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $19.95

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Black Crusade: The Tome of Blood

Black Crusade: The Tome of Blood

The Tome of Blood, a supplement for Black Crusade, is the second of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers. It is devoted to Khorne, the Lord of Skulls, perhaps mightiest of the Chaos Gods, and his powerful minions who carry his blood-drenched banner across the worlds of the Screaming Vortex. Within its pages, Heretics gain terrible new armaments and weapons...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $19.95

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Black Crusade: The Tome of Decay

Black Crusade: The Tome of Decay

Focusing on Nurgle, the Chaos God of pestilence and plague, The Tome of Decay, a supplement for Black Crusade, serves up all manner of ailments, resources, allies, and ideas for Nurgle’s grotesque followers. The Tome of Decay also includes advice for GMs on running their own plague-filled campaigns! In addition to powerful new allies and ailments for the twisted followers of...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $19.95

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Black Crusade: The Tome of Excess

Black Crusade: The Tome of Excess

“You believe there are limits to existence. My god shows me otherwise, and in his service I have known realms where indescribable pleasure and pain become as one. Come, let me show you...” –Lascivoux the Devourer, Sensati Extremis of the Barbed League   The Tome of Excess is a sinfully indulgent supplement for Black Crusade. This powerful tribute to Slaanesh...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $19.95

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Black Crusade: The Tome of Fate

Black Crusade: The Tome of Fate

Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Change, weaves the unfathomable strands of Fate from his Impossible Labyrinth deep within the warp. For the innumerable masses, Fate is a cruel and arbitrary force...but for the Tzeentch’s chosen few, it is a path to ultimate power. The Tome of Fate is a mind-bending supplement for Black Crusade! The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $19.95

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British Fantasy Names - Ancient to Medieval

British Fantasy Names - Ancient to Medieval

     3000+ British Names for Fantasy Characters in d100 Lists Tables visible in Previews under the product image. Use these names for fantasy characters, using ones that have been part of history on the island of Great Britain. Romans, Celts, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, English, Welsh, Scots.  Use for adventures and campaigns set in classic fantasy settings, alternate histories and...   [click here for more]
Chaos Gen  $3.00

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Broken Ground Gaming Mat 44x30 Combat Patrol Incursion

Broken Ground Gaming Mat 44x30 Combat Patrol Incursion

Take your game experience to the next level! "Broken Ground," a digital file featuring original artwork by Terrainify, provides a versatile backdrop to a variety of games and RPG adventures.  Its mix of earthy brown and lush green shades is countered by rugged, broken stone (or is it ore? or dragon scales??) peering through the natural landscape, suggesting that challenge - and even danger - are not...   [click here for more]
Red Mage Games  $2.99

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Broken Ground Gaming Mat 44x60 Strike Force Size

Broken Ground Gaming Mat 44x60 Strike Force Size

Take your game experience to the next level! "Broken Ground," a digital file featuring original artwork by Terrainify, provides a versatile backdrop to a variety of games and RPG adventures.  Its mix of earthy brown and lush green shades is countered by rugged, broken stone (or is it ore? or dragon scales??) peering through the natural landscape, suggesting that challenge - and even danger - are not...   [click here for more]
Red Mage Games  $2.99

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Broken Ground Gaming Mat 44x90 Onslaught

Broken Ground Gaming Mat 44x90 Onslaught

Take your game experience to the next level! "Broken Ground," a digital file featuring original artwork by Terrainify, provides a versatile backdrop to a variety of games and RPG adventures.  Its mix of earthy brown and lush green shades is countered by rugged, broken stone (or is it ore? or dragon scales??) peering through the natural landscape, suggesting that challenge - and even danger - are not...   [click here for more]
Red Mage Games  $2.99

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