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Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane. Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.  The new magic schools included are: Telekinism Augmentism Spiritism The new professions are: Prizefighter Cultist Woodcutter The new kin are: Half-orcs Vinelings Demonborn The...   [click here for more]
Squadeth Games  Pay What You Want

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Fantasy 7

Fantasy 7

This is a simple fantasy game I created to meet very specific requirements. I built it in a couple days, and I expect it will appeal to some people, but not others. It brings together ideas from various sources to create a fast-playing, easy-to-learn system which isn’t particularly strenuous to prepare ahead of time. This game is built for an experienced GM running for newer players. You will like...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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Fantasy Mega Map Pack 4

Fantasy Mega Map Pack 4

Mega Map Pack 4! 4x the size! 4x the maps! Most maps (>80%) 48 x 48 with smaller sizes as appropriate. Over 200 maps including Dawn, Dusk, Day, Night, Snowy, or Lava variants! All maps are made in Dungeon Alchemist and are exported at 150 dpi with Foundry integrated .json files included for lighting and walls. You're going to get a huge variety for your table including sites of power, trackless...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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The Rabbit Playing Game 2nd Edition

The Rabbit Playing Game 2nd Edition

The Rabbit Playing Game 2nd Edition The Rabbit Playing Game is a fantasy role playing game Inspired primarily by Richard Adams’ novel Watership Down, but also other stories, fables, and role-playing games that have emulated this genre. Players take on the role of cunning rabbits having dangerous adventures in our world. These rabbits will discover new things, solve problems, befriend allies, and...   [click here for more]
Dave Bezio's Grey Area Games   FREE 

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Sleuth Squad: Clue Critters

Sleuth Squad: Clue Critters

Need a quirky sidekick for your Sleuth Squad adventures? Can't come up with a funny companion? Well, look no further! Clue Critters is a gallery of 20 cartoon Mascots, ready to join your team, give a helping paw and cause some chaos. From talking dogs to snowmen and blobs of glitter, these characters offer humor and skills. Use them as-is, or let them inspire your own creations....   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Jagodowy Las

Jagodowy Las

Zabierz swoje pociechy na wyprawę do Jagodowego Lasu, wspólnie poznajcie jego mieszkańców i stwórzcie fantastyczne opowieści. Przygoda wzywa! Jagodowy Las jest grą fabularną do prowadzenia dzieciom, która bazuje na mechanice Fajerbola. To świat krasnoludków, których młodzi przedstawiciele, szukając swojej drogi w życiu, należą do Strażników. Przemierzają las, gdzie czeka na nich...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Adventure Ahead!

Adventure Ahead!

Adventure Ahead! is a One-Page Tabletop RPG system that provides a super fast route to start fantasy adventures at the table for both players and GMs. The system prioritizes fast mechanics to keep immersion as the focus of your sessions with an easy "doing stuff" system and a lean and fast-paced combat structure. With a page and some six-sided die you'll be ready to adventure, explore dungeons, or...   [click here for more]
StankNasty  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces Supplemental: Cosmic Connections

Space Aces Supplemental: Cosmic Connections

This is a sheet of 20 system-neutral merit badge achievements tuned to promote character bonding, player role playing, and deeper connections between teams. Each achievement is designed to get players looking at, and talking to, each other. Simply print this sheet out, cut it up, and randomly hand one goal to each player at the start of a session. If they a complete it, they will earn a reward such...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Dungeon Chef Class

Shadowdark Dungeon Chef Class

Has your party ever wondered, "We've killed it,  but can we eat it?" Well, if you have a Dungeon Chef in your party, you no longer need to wonder. Or worry.. about getting food poisoning. The Dungeon Chef was inspired by the Manga, Dungeon Meshi, and offers a lighthearted, yet beneficial, optional support class for use in the Shadowdark RPG by the indomitable Kelsey Dionne.  ...   [click here for more]
Alto Tempes Creative Curios  Pay What You Want

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Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

Bots ‘n Pieces, the draw your own robot TTRPG! - QuickStart

What Robot Will You Draw? Perfect for families with children over the age of 10. Bots 'n Pieces is a role-playing game where you'll join a screwball team of clapped-out robots on the junk-covered frontier planet of Tartaria. You're an Urfling, a Bot created for various purposes: gardening, opera, or WAR. The coolest thing about Urflings? You can COMBINE them into more powerful and weirder...   [click here for more]
Dark Jewel Games  Pay What You Want

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Tales of Forge & Fortune - Barebones Quickstart

Tales of Forge & Fortune - Barebones Quickstart

Tales of Forge & Fortune is a Cozy Fantasy Smithing TTRPG where you set out to forge a legacy, on your own or with friends. Traverse the land in search of materials to craft countless wondrous items to sell at your shop within an ever-evolving town! Although crafting is at the heart of this game, there are still PLENTY of opportunities for roleplaying and adventure, without...   [click here for more]
ReadyComicsRoll  Pay What You Want

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Kultakäden lahja - Pienoiskampanja Astraterra-roolipeliin

Kultakäden lahja - Pienoiskampanja Astraterra-roolipeliin

(This product is in Finnish, English description included below) Kultakäden lahja on pienoiskampanja Astraterra-roolipeliin. Se on suunniteltu Astraterran maailmaan tutustuville ja roolipeliharrastustaan aloitteleville pelaajille, mutta sopii hyvin myös harjaantuneemmillekin löytöretkeilijöille. Se koostuu neljästä erillisestä pienemmästä seikkailusta,...   [click here for more]
Harri Savolainen Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Publisher's Choice - Macy: The Best Dog Companion

Publisher's Choice - Macy: The Best Dog Companion

Macy, our family dog, has passed. She was the best. May she live on in a thousand adventures and be loved by a thousand gamers.  ...   [click here for more]
Publisher's Choice Stock Art  Pay What You Want

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The Only Medicine - An "Adventure Ahead!" Module

The Only Medicine - An "Adventure Ahead!" Module

In this adventure, you will quest to obtain rare medicine for a sick child. Travel, exploration, and a tiny dungeon await your players!!! This module was made to run in Adventure Ahead! for a group of level 1 players. The modue includes: NPCs and key locations. A small dungeon and map. Stats for monsters and magic items included. Mysteries for future adventures hooks. Don't have Adventure Ahead!?...   [click here for more]
StankNasty  Pay What You Want

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Sugarplum Village Bakery

Sugarplum Village Bakery

With only eight days ‘til Christmas Eve, your bakery is working around the clock to create treats for the townsfolk of the snow-covered village. Each day brings new challenges, from restocking ingredients to handling last-minute holiday orders. Running your own bakery, you'll need to manage your resources to make sure everyone gets their treats on time. Play alone or compete with others as friendly...   [click here for more]
Grim Sour Games  Pay What You Want

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Micro RPG-R: Bare Bones Basics Rules Preview

Micro RPG-R: Bare Bones Basics Rules Preview

Get a FREE preview of the Micro RPG system for FREE RPG DAY 2023 Micro RPG-R is a super simple and easy-to-learn/play tabletop roleplaying game system. (Hence the "micro" portion of the Micro RPG-R title of the system). This simplicity makes the game accessible to new gamers, gamers with less time on their hands, and even new Game Masters wanting to run a system that is easy to randomize and...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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The Wild Goat Chase

The Wild Goat Chase

“The Wild Goat Chase” is a variation of the widley known “Wild Sheep Chase,” a thrilling Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for an introduction to the hobby at level 1. This three-act adventure begins in a familiar tavern setting but quickly spirals into a whimsical and perilous journey involving a polymorphed sheep, puzzling challenges, and an epic confrontation that ties...   [click here for more]
Digital Mythmaker  Pay What You Want

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Capriccio RPG rulesbook and adventure bundle

Capriccio RPG rulesbook and adventure bundle

Your friends like RPGs but are too capricious to read any manual? As a Game Master (GM), do you feel that complex rule systems hinder your improvising skills? If so, this is the game for you! Capriccio RPG is a Rules Light role-playing game, easy to learn and ideal for one-shot games. It works very well online (e.g. Discord / Google Hangout): maps are optional,...   [click here for more]
Capriccio RPG   FREE 

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Kids, Castles & Caves

Kids, Castles & Caves

I HAVE A NEW KIDS GAME CALLED "DAGGER." IT IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE LINK *I will leave Kids, Castles, and Caves here for those who want to continue to use it. Dad! Mom! Play that dragon with ME!"    How many gamers have heard this from their children? Your kids see all your gaming material and are fascinated. They want to play too! But what if they aren't old enough to...   [click here for more]
Brave Halfling Publishing   FREE 

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The Treatise of Adventure

The Treatise of Adventure

Learn the how to play our 5e styled game for kids! The treatise explains how to adventure in this 5e super lite styled game for young minds. Simplified game play, easy to understand rules, short narratives for small attention spans, our adventures are written for families to focus on fun and not get bogged down with the tediousness that can happen with TTRPGs. This treatise explains how to create...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  Pay What You Want

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Land of Eem RPG Quickstart Guide

Land of Eem RPG Quickstart Guide

UPDATE! Support the Land of Eem crowdfunding campaign: The Lord of the Rings meets The Muppets in this lighthearted, epic fantasy roleplaying game! Land of Eem is a game about adventurers exploring and discovering the remnants of a forgotten, better age. Players take on the roles of lore-seeking travelers,...   [click here for more]
Star & Flame Games  Pay What You Want

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Shadowdark Paladin Class

Shadowdark Paladin Class

The Paladin is a sacred warrior, bound by divine oaths to uphold justice and righteousness, wielding both holy power and martial prowess to protect the innocent and vanquish evil. ...   [click here for more]
Paladin  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces Supplemental: The Trouble With Stasis Pods

Space Aces Supplemental: The Trouble With Stasis Pods

They said the mission would be a "milk run" but the trouble with stasis pods is that you never know what you are going to find when you come out... This supplement provides 64,000,000 different things that could happen when exiting stasis in just 6 rolls of the d20. Space Aces: The Trouble With Stasis Pods is an excellent starting scenerio generator for a crew to begin...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces Supplemental: That One Where

Space Aces Supplemental: That One Where

Every great episode needs a fun b-plot. Whether it’s lower decks ensigns trying to impress the senior staff, or hapless redshirts just trying to NOT get eaten by a Jovian moon beast... a b-plot makes any episode better. Now you can improve your scene changes, break up your space opera story, and keep the fun flowing with this standalone b-plot mini game of your very own. Featuring quick low stakes...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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The Rabbit Playing Game

The Rabbit Playing Game

STOP...before buying this you should know, there is now a 2nd edition of this game.  The new edition has an entirely different minimalist core game system, and contains a setting and 2 adventures.  If you want a classic "old school" type system, this 1st edition might be right for you...if you want a quicker, easier, and simpler system for one shot games, take a look at the 2nd Edition preview....   [click here for more]
Dave Bezio's Grey Area Games   FREE 

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Is It a Plane!? RPG Core Book

Is It a Plane!? RPG Core Book

The comic book role-playing game that replaces dice rolls with doodles! Draw your heroic feats... BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT! Play is fast and frenetic. Players act simultaneously! Lay down your panels, create comic book pages and let the Editor (Games Master) decide from your drawings what happens next. How Do I Take Actions Without Dice? Actions...   [click here for more]
Psychic Cactus Games   FREE 

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Dicey Tales Character Sheet

Dicey Tales Character Sheet

Need a Dicey Tales Character sheet? Well, here ya go! ...   [click here for more]
Dicey Tales Productions  Pay What You Want

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The Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit: Digital

The Classroom Ready TTRPG Toolkit: Digital

Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready" With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.  However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure...   [click here for more]
TTRPGkids LLC  Pay What You Want

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Signet is a card game of strategy, tactics and conquest.  It is simple to learn, hard to master, and with a singular goal: take more of your opponent's cards than they take of yours. It is an exceedingly simple goal, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. Signet is all about your skills as a player, so it will all come down to you. Both players use the same perfectly balanced deck...   [click here for more]
Stormforge Productions   FREE 

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The Ghostlight Roleplaying Game | Player's Guide

The Ghostlight Roleplaying Game | Player's Guide

An open license rules-lite, d20 based tabletop roleplaying game for people who care more for storytelling than level grinding. These universal rules allow you to play in any genre including fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. ...   [click here for more]
roamitygames  Pay What You Want

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Magical Kitties and the Big Adventure!

Magical Kitties and the Big Adventure!

You are Cute. You are Cunning. You are Fierce. You are Magical Kitties, and it’s time to Save the Day! Every Magical Kitty has a human. Every human has a Problem. In Magical Kitties & the Big Adventure, your little girl has lost her doll and you'll need to do everything you can to find it ... including journeying into a haunted house! This interactive, choose-your-own-path...   [click here for more]
Atlas Games   FREE 

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The Caverns of the Savage Sorcerer

The Caverns of the Savage Sorcerer

Centuries ago, a lost deity entrusted the guardianship of the forest to a Unicorn. The deity merged the life force of the unicorn and the spirit of the forest. Since that time a family of unicorns have thrived in the forest. The adventure begins as a band of chaotic kobolds led by a savage sorcerer, Symax began slaughtering the unicorn herd. ...   [click here for more]
Paladin  Pay What You Want

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fortgeschrittener Charakterbogen

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fortgeschrittener Charakterbogen

Der Charakterbogen ist für Kinder gedacht, die nun bereits Lesen und Schreiben können und somit auf den nächsten Schritt ihrer TTRPG-Karriere steigen können. Der Charakterbogen beinhaltet die Möglichkeit der Steigerung mit zum Beispiel den Steigerungskarten und ist für eine Charakter Neuerstellung gedacht. So bildet dieser Charakterbogen den Zwischenschritt für Rollenspielbegeisterte Kinder,...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  Pay What You Want

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She Lost Her Marbles

She Lost Her Marbles

Webs and Witches It's 1:00 a.m. and a gentle breeze pushes greasy-looking clouds across the moon. It's a warm summer night, perfect weather for a sleepover beneath the stars. But tonight, none of you have any intention of going to bed. It all sounded simple enough a few hours ago. Ride to the far edge of town where the old Warwick Mansion stands. Sneak...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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Yarr! DIY Referee Screen

Yarr! DIY Referee Screen

Avast! A Handy and Handsome Referee sceen fer yer favorite rules light Pirate RPG! Ye can take it to a fancy printshoppe or do it yerself with t' kiddies. Landscape format for easy visibility over the screen.   This product consists of three files:A booklet with instructions and some optional rules, the Screen itself in pdf format, the screen in pdf X/1a format. Both pdfs are identical....   [click here for more]
BD Games  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Maps - Map Pack 1 (buildings)

Adventure Maps - Map Pack 1 (buildings)

A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different buildings within a fantasy / medievil environment. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online.  Please check out our other products under Kiolas Gaming  ...   [click here for more]
Kaiolas Gaming  Pay What You Want

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MADCAP Gimmick Cards

MADCAP Gimmick Cards

These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY Each card includes: A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Embark on a Journey Like No Other! In Sparks, a riveting role-playing game that immerses you in a fantastical world of extraordinary powers and daunting perils. Within these pages, discover the secrets of being a Spark Keeper, an individual blessed with a powerful spirit known as a Spark. Together, you and your Spark will navigate through a world teeming with corrupt organizations, mythical beasts,...   [click here for more]
Team No Capes  Pay What You Want

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Astrenor Rule book

Astrenor Rule book

Play as young adventurers about to pass their adventurer diploma in a humorous universe that breaks the codes of traditional medieval fantasy. Join a prestigious guild and set out to explore a world rich in mysteries and dangers, where every choice you make influences the course of your destiny. Whether you are a fearless warrior, a powerful mage, or a cunning thief, Astrenor invites you to forge your...   [click here for more]
Broject Games  Pay What You Want

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Pierwsza Przygoda - starter do RPG dla dzieci Mistrz Baśni

Pierwsza Przygoda - starter do RPG dla dzieci Mistrz Baśni

WITAJ PRZYSZŁY MISTRZU BAŚNI! Proszę, zatrzymaj się na chwilę i spróbuj użyć swojej wyobraźni. Będziesz jej potrzebować bardziej niż kiedykolwiek. Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś bohaterem lub bohaterką. Odważnym rycerzem, mądrą czarodziejką, ciekawskim podróżnikiem czy złotowłosą pieśniarką. Prowadzisz swoją drużynę ku nowemu wyzwaniu. Przemierzacie magiczny,...   [click here for more]
Szkoła Wyobraźni  Pay What You Want

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Bumbleberry Forest

Bumbleberry Forest

Take your kids to explore the Bumbleberry Forest. Meet the creatures who live there and create amazing stories together. Adventure awaits! Bumbleberry Forest is a role-playing game for children, which uses Fireball system. It’s the world of forest elves and the players assume the roles of Forest Guardians - young elves searching for their true calling. They travel the forest and have exciting...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Monkey Business!

Monkey Business!

Embark on an exhilarating RPG adventure as a mischievous gang of enchanted monkeys, trapped in a perilous location and armed with an unusual and dangerous gift – the ability to grant themselves five wishes! But beware, every wish comes with a perilous twist, and they must use their wits and newfound powers to escape their confinement. Exercise caution in your desires, little monkeys, for the consequences...   [click here for more]
Dark Jewel Games  Pay What You Want

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Fatebenders RPG

Fatebenders RPG

Hi, I'm Robert. After five years of design and iteration I present you with Fatebenders! What is Fatebenders about? Player driven story. Think of all the exciting ideas that you've had for your characters in other RPGs but never got to realize because there was some prepared plot that needed to be followed, some monster slain or some villain defeated. In Fatebenders, the only encounters...   [click here for more]
Robert Peetsalu   FREE 

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Witch Scouts

Witch Scouts

Witch Scouts is a rules-light tabletop roleplaying game. Everything you need is contained within this document. It's a great game for a high energy stand alone game or a drop in when someone cancels another game, but it will also support longer, more episodic play. This game is designed to create a story of high-energy childish hijinks with very low stakes. Handout PDFs are available here:   [click here for more]
Acceptable Games   FREE 

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Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

What is Extinction Punk? Extinction Punk is a table-top role-playing game (TTRPG) that blends elements of science fiction and science fantasy to envision a future where humanity fails to stop a man-made extinction event such as a climate cataclysm, a nuclear holocaust, or a biological war. Players of Extinction Punk get to explore the ruins of an Earth that is no longer under humanity’s control...   [click here for more]
Quickphix Club  Pay What You Want

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Mistrz Baśni - Nowa Karta Postaci

Mistrz Baśni - Nowa Karta Postaci

Nowa karta postaci do Mistrza Baśni. Ładniejsza i bardziej przyjazna dla nieczytających dzieci. Do tej karty polecamy pobrać plik z naklejkami zdolności i talentów do samodzielnego wydruku: Link: ...   [click here for more]
Szkoła Wyobraźni  Pay What You Want

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Gaming With Kids, Ranges, Flexibility, and Accessibility

Gaming With Kids, Ranges, Flexibility, and Accessibility

If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs.  I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories. The Gaming with Kids Guide is a direct extract from...   [click here for more]
Go Nerdy  Pay What You Want

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CHAOS System

CHAOS System

Welcome to the CHAOS System, a generic and simple system centered in a "chaotic" use of initiative and action resolution. Grab a bunch of d6 (5 at most per player), create your character in a couple of easy steps and you are ready to go! 12 pages book. 3 pages of rules. Illustrated. Using only a couple of d6s. Fast and easy character creation. A different take on the Experience...   [click here for more]
La Torre de Dimirag  Pay What You Want

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[korean] 미니 RPG 너냐F?!

[korean] 미니 RPG 너냐F?!

사건이 일어났습니다. 그리고 범인은 무조건, 이 안에 있습니다. "나는 아닌데…. 혹시…. 너냐?!" 이 게임은 근거 없는 비방과 무책임한 발뺌 등이 난무하는 책임 떠넘기기 탁상 게임입니다. 이야기 속에서 결국 누가 일을 저질렀는지 그다지 중요하지 않습니다. 무조건 남이 잘못한 것입니다. ...   [click here for more]
ba5909   FREE 

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Adventure Maps - Map Pack 1 (paths and trails)

Adventure Maps - Map Pack 1 (paths and trails)

A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different paths in a variety of environments. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online.  ...   [click here for more]
Kaiolas Gaming  Pay What You Want

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  Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition