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Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them!
This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Préparez-vous à explorer les profondeurs de l'esprit humain. Ces blessures mentales ne se contentent pas de marquer votre corps, elles façonnent votre psyché, impactant vos décisions, vos relations et votre perception de la réalité. Ne laissez pas vos joueurs échapper à l'horreur psychologique qui les attend !
Ce supplément a été conçu pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos parties de... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This product is released under the CC BY 3.0 license, and it includes the original Scribus file and art assets as a template for designing and publishing your own Tricube Tales One-Page RPGs (including for commercial use). There's also a template and step-by-step instructions for creating your own print-on-demand one-page RPGs.
“In the distant future, humanity has spread... [click here for more] |
Zadmar Games |
I Plan To upload more In the future. This first one Is pay what you want.
Image Specs: A4 - Logo Removed
Commercial Stock Art License The image can appear in print, electronic or web-based advertisements for the product in which it features. The image may not be used in another stock art collection or sold Individually.
The licensee... [click here for more] |
drbjr |
Pay What You Want
It's a zombie bunny, at 300 dpi in tif format.
What more do you need? ... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day.
Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks!
FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015
Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!)
Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams.... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Free demo-set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Church of Apocalypse: Scums."
The set includes 18 really grim miniatures of crazy fanatics and list of bases.
The figures may be used at any fantasy,dark fantasy or horror setting. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
This is a guide to insane Lovecraftian classroom rigor. Is it intended to be used along with Stealing Cthulhu by Graham Walmsley.
An introduction from the guide:
Why You Should & How You Could (Use This)
H.P. Lovecraft is a ghost in some circles. To many readers, he haunts silently and unrecognized in the background of the very... [click here for more] |
Pete Figtree's Ruthless DeeVersions |
Free demo-set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Church of Apocalypse: The marked ones."
The set includes 9 really grim miniatures of dangerous and powerful mutants.
The figures may be used at any fantasy,dark fantasy or horror setting. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
Free demo-set of "Roads of Apocalypse" 32mm series.
"RoA. Church of Apocalypse: Guardians of Blood."
The set includes 9 really grim miniatures of warlocks and greater mutants or Chaos warriors.
The figures may be used at any fantasy,dark fantasy or horror setting. ... [click here for more] |
Distrigillator |
Pay What You Want
Chocolate bunnies and so on might also be appropriate, but that's not really how we roll.
As a gift from us here's a picture of Jesus for you to use in your personal and professional products. It's a 300 dpi image and use is subject to the attached license.
Happy Easter. ... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
The Unhallowed Metropolis, Revised Combat Reference Sheet is intended to help players more readily engage in their favored form of violence against both the living and the animate dead. If you already have your copy of Unhallowed Metropolis, Revised, this presents an invaluable resource in culling whatever threats may present themselves in the streets of the London,... [click here for more] |
New Dark Age |
Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and Nova Blast Star Armada, and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Especially exciting this month is a great new Pathfinder system, Kung Fu Kuma and more Arcana for stalwart fans.
Join... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
A pice of free 300 dpi .tif clipart for you to use in your personal and professional projects, subject to the attached license. Happy Halloween! ... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
 Welcome to the Dragonmeet 2017 brochure, inside this FREE download you’ll discover all the info you need to enjoy the UK's premier gaming meet up, which takes place on Saturday December 2nd at the Novotel London West in Hammersmith from 9am until late.
As well as a wealth of information about what’s going on at the show, you can also learn more about the seminar schedule which includes special... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
The Outbreak is Over. The Infected have been all-but wiped out. Now, finally, there is a chance for humanity to rebuild and recover.
This is a post-zombie post-apocalypse game of survival, suspense and horror. The Infected aren't slow, stupid or numerous. They hunt you from the ruins, as starving and desperate as anyone else.
Humanity hasn't totally collapsed. It's there, in countless... [click here for more] |
Immersion Studios |
Parchment Pages and Clawed Paper - Stock Art
Perfect for player handouts, maps and as a background in RPG publications.
The edging is hand drawn in line fine ink pen and the colour and effects were added using a PC (but the original plain line art is also included)
ZIP File Contents
1 PDF 7 pages depicting 2 "parchment page" backgrounds - slightly different designs and... [click here for more] |
Inked Adventures |
The file contains one PDF image to use as you see fit.
Tim Skipper is a freelance illustrator, nerd, and RPG fan.
He provides illustrations in traditional and digital mediums for fans and publishers.
Feel free to ask about any projects you have ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
When you trespass,
the reason you feel
you are being watched
is because you are.
The fear is real.
When you steal,
the dread that comes over you
is neither guilt nor paranoia,
but the cold certitude of fate.
The curse is real.
When you die,
know that your life was but a flash
upon the face of the deep
in the mind of your judge.
We are real.
And we are arisen.
— Ankh-Nephris,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
This character sheet is for use with Clockwork & Cthulhu, Clockwork & Chivalry and homebrew Renaissance system games. It has been updated to include a space to record Sanity Points, using the rules introduced in Clockwork & Cthulhu and soon to be available in Renaissance Deluxe. ... [click here for more] |
Cakebread & Walton |
 The Mythos is older than humanity, Gods, and Titans, with an unknowable otherness that can shatter them all. This slumbering horror lurks in the shadows, carrying out its alien machinations with little regard for those beneath it until it requires pawns.
This Art and Asset collection is provided for community content creators making Masks of the Mythos supplements as part of the Storypath... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Silent Legions Art Pack is a free collection of 56 black-and-white line images and one color cover first used in the Silent Legions Lovecraftian horror RPG. As part of the successful Kickstarter campaign, I arranged to buy full rights to the art from the original artists, allowing me to release it for free personal and commercial use by other... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
PDF of Sygil, The Mirrored Reality rulebook ... [click here for more] |
Gavriel Quiroga |
Cthulhu rises over the city skyline. This piece was created as a filler for the Forever Folio August edition (a free eZine showcasing RPG Kickstarters, plus articles, adventures etc - available here) and was made using the photographic talents of Alexey Vinokurov and the artistic manipulation skills of David Sharrock.
The piece is free to download and use in your own project. It isn't particularly... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Design your own adventures and modules for Vaesen using the Free League Workshop Community Content Program. This zip file contains:
Indesign Template
Indesign Template compatible with older versions
Word Template
Free fonts
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Crafting Zone Entertainment TM and Weird Dragon Labs TM are pleased to present License and Publisher-Friendly STOCK-ART TM. This new line of stock illustrations is a useful tool for those publishers who do not have the necessary resources to hire professional artists to develop their products individually. With License and Publisher-Friendly STOCK-ART TM,... [click here for more] |
Crafting Zone Entertainment |
Crafting Zone EntertainmentTM y Weird Dragon LabsTM se complacen en presentar License and Publishers Friendly STOCK-ARTTM, su nueva línea de stock-art o reserva de imágenes, diseñada específicamente para ser un recurso útil para todas aquellas editoriales o creadores independientes de rol que no cuentan con los medios necesarios para contratar ilustradores profesionales que desarrollen imágenes... [click here for more] |
Crafting Zone Entertainment |