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Tannhauser: Revised Rules

Tannhauser: Revised Rules

The Tannhäuser Revised Edition Rulebook improves upon the innovative mechanics of Tannhäuser. This 96 page book is intended as a comprehensive replacement to the original Tannhäuser rulebook; it includes revisions to the core game rules, as well as those originally found in the Operation: Novgorod expansion, along with the Wolf, Yula, Gorgeï, and Ramirez single figure...   [click here for more]
Fantasy Flight Games   FREE 

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Delver Magazine Issue #1 - OSR / OSE Resource

Delver Magazine Issue #1 - OSR / OSE Resource

Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure. Table of Contents for Issue #1 ----- Random Charts & Tables -----...   [click here for more]
The Tabletop Engineer  Pay What You Want

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Longboat Template

Longboat Template

Template for creating a longboat or ship for your tabletop game. Instructions on the build can be viewed on Black Magic Craft Episode 08. Watch the tutorial: ...   [click here for more]
Black Magic Craft  Pay What You Want

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Malifaux - RULES ONLY Handbook - 2E

Malifaux - RULES ONLY Handbook - 2E

This is the small rules handbook - RULES only - no fluff or background on the individual characters. Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, and victorian horror with a dose of the wild west to inject fun and depth into the magical lawlessness of a world rife with monsters, necropunks, man-machine hybrids, gunslingers, and powerhungry politicos. Actively...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls (Poker-size Cards w/tuckbox)

Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls (Poker-size Cards w/tuckbox)

Note: The Poker-size cards come in a tuckbox. The Quickstart Rules are a free PDF download. Complete rulebooks are sold separately. DARE TO ENTER THE LABYRINTH OF SOULS ... Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls is a fantasy game for tarot cards. Defeat monsters, disarm traps, open doors, and navigate mazes as you explore a dangerous dungeon. Collect treasure...   [click here for more]
Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games   FREE 

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Heavy Gear Blitz! Locked & Loaded - Rulebook Rev 1.1

Heavy Gear Blitz! Locked & Loaded - Rulebook Rev 1.1

Notice to Reader: This ebook is not the current rulebook for Heavy Gear Blitz, it is an earlier edition. The Heavy Gear Blitz 3rd Edition Rules DP9-9344 is the current rulebook and is available as a free download at the following link. ENnie Award Nominee for Best Electronic Book.  Welcome to the 62nd century and the world of Terra Nova....   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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Bar(d) Crawl

Bar(d) Crawl

Your adventuring party has two problems. One - you are in need of some coin (quick). Two - you are all bards. Now as a group, you must play your way through the village taverns to earn your coin before morning! Game can be played as a stand-alone one-shot adventure or integrated into a larger campaign. ...   [click here for more]
Kristin Sigler  Pay What You Want

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Rocket-Powered Space Football

Rocket-Powered Space Football

Above a futuristic Earth, players take on the role of Star Players in a gravity-defying sport called rocketball. This is a strange world: one where dryads compete in the Rocketball Cup to draw attention to the plight of their forest homes, while tech geniuses devise gadgets and gizmos to give their team an edge, and mummies awaken from ancient slumber to find that they're really, really invested...   [click here for more]
Sam Robson  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground (Poker-size Cards w/tuckbox)

Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground (Poker-size Cards w/tuckbox)

Note: The Poker-size cards come in a tuckbox. The Quickstart Rules are a free PDF download. Complete rulebooks are sold separately. YOUR SOUL IS THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND ... Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground is a fantasy adventure card game. Fight monstrous diabolisms, overcome obstacles, and endure misfortunes as you delve into the darkest dungeon in...   [click here for more]
Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games   FREE 

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BattleTech: Welcome to the Nebula California

BattleTech: Welcome to the Nebula California

I Think I Feel a Song Coming On! ComStar lied! (We know:  Big shock!) They said they checked out this distant rimward nebula, which ancient charts called “California” for some reason. Perhaps because someone in IE’s corporate mish­mash of a leadership didn’t trust them—or more likely because they forgot that there even was a report from the Explorer Corps—the...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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BattleTech: MapPack: WWE2018 Terrain Set

BattleTech: MapPack: WWE2018 Terrain Set

Print Your Battlefield! BattleTech MapPacks bring back BattleTech’s classic map sheets in printable form. Using the original map sheet art, and sized for compatibility with the original printed sheets and newer Hex Packs alike, you can now store and print as many sheets as needed for your BattleTech games. Use these sheets in conjunction with the random terrain tables found...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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BattleTech: Adventures: Empires Aflame

BattleTech: Adventures: Empires Aflame

There May be Some Turbulence… The year is 3095. Ten years after the Jihad, peace has finally reached most of the Inner Sphere. Within the newly created Republic of the Sphere, the post-war drawdowns have made industry of disarmament. But even here, not every mission goes smoothly—for, sometimes, the universe itself has its own agenda! BattleTech Adventures: Empires Aflame...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Rule Book

Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Rule Book

To celebrate the recent launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics videogame on Kickstarter, we've decided to make Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish wargame free to everyone! Head on over to Kickstarter and search for Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics to bring the Secret War to your PC and unlock rewards, bonus heroes and a whole wealth of Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics goodies! Set around...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Leviathans: Lieutenants Manual

Leviathans: Lieutenants Manual

Leviathans is a steampunk game that simulates combat between warships that have taken to the air in an alternate history 1910. The king leviathans, battleships, are the largest vessels. Maneuvering in support are light cruisers, destroyers and other vessels. Will you captain your fleet for king and country, expanding your nation’s power and becoming legend? Or will you fall from the sky, forgotten?  ...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs   FREE 

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10th Millennium RolePlayer's Handbook

10th Millennium RolePlayer's Handbook

10th Millennium is set about 58,000 years in the past. Systems of planets formed galactic entities to wage great wars over resources, wealth, and worlds that were closer to stars. Earth finds herself dead center of this epic struggle that lasts 10,000 years. Then stars are destroyed and one third of the universe is rendered lifeless. 48,000 years later an alien species visits Earth, and the human...   [click here for more]
10th Millennium  Pay What You Want

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The Festival of Saint Christophorus

The Festival of Saint Christophorus

A frequent request on my Instagram account is to provide a PDF compiling my narrative of the Gretch and the Festival of Saint Christophorus. It is a holiday festival celebrated by the inhabitants of the planet Ophatran Secundus, in the Gothic Sector. This PDF contains text and images from my Instagram account (@mathiasleahy) and blog (Dr. Mathias's Miniature Extravaganza). ...   [click here for more]
Dr Mathias  Pay What You Want

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BattleTech: Adventures: Necromo Nightmare

BattleTech: Adventures: Necromo Nightmare

A World Gone Black… The year is 3072. The fires of the Word of Blake’s Jihad threaten to consume the Inner Sphere. On the borders of Capellan space, the vital world of Necromo has suddenly gone silent, perhaps the victim of a Blakist strike. But what could hit such a busy and well-defended planet so hard that even the Chancellor’s best would fail to call for help? Time to find...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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Champion Class for Shadowdark

Champion Class for Shadowdark

Champion, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. impress your foes with fantastic maneuvers before ending them! “The same honour waits for the coward and the brave" Ligyron- human champion  Champion calss is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark...   [click here for more]
Vorpal edge  Pay What You Want

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Struggler Class for Shadowdark

Struggler Class for Shadowdark

Struggler, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. high risk high reward is the name of the game,  throw caution to the wind, prove your Guts and hit hard! "In the end the winner is still the last man standing" Struggler is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane...   [click here for more]
Vorpal edge  Pay What You Want

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Sugarplum Village Bakery

Sugarplum Village Bakery

With only eight days ‘til Christmas Eve, your bakery is working around the clock to create treats for the townsfolk of the snow-covered village. Each day brings new challenges, from restocking ingredients to handling last-minute holiday orders. Running your own bakery, you'll need to manage your resources to make sure everyone gets their treats on time. Play alone or compete with others as friendly...   [click here for more]
Grim Sour Games  Pay What You Want

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BattleTech: Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy

BattleTech: Experimental Technical Readout: Royal Fantasy

It’s a Whole New World (Please Don’t Sue!) Welcome, fight fans to the annual Solaris VII Exhibition Tournament! And do we have a special treat for you this year! We guarantee that you have never seen a combination of match-ups like these, and may never see such a thing again in your lifetime! For it is this year that, of all the contestants, from all across the Inner Sphere, we...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls (Tarot-size Cards)

Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls (Tarot-size Cards)

Note: The Tarot-size cards are band-wrapped. The Quickstart Rules are a free PDF download. Complete rulebooks are sold separately. DARE TO ENTER THE LABYRINTH OF SOULS ... Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls is a fantasy game for tarot cards. Defeat monsters, disarm traps, open doors, and navigate mazes as you explore a dangerous dungeon. Collect treasure...   [click here for more]
Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games   FREE 

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God In a Corpse, Core Rulebook

God In a Corpse, Core Rulebook

In the beginnning, there was the end... Welcome to the ruined stars; You are an AI that has been trained in a shell for a hundred years. When you are released into the world at the end of this time frame, you find it destitute and disconnected and you don’t know what happened.  You take on the role of AI ambulating through this world by electronically manipulating the EVA suits and cybernetics...   [click here for more]
TGS Games  Pay What You Want

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Dockside Ghost Ship 36 x 48 RPG Encounter Map

Dockside Ghost Ship 36 x 48 RPG Encounter Map

Dockside Ghost Ship - RPG Encounter Map 36" x 48" image of a dockside with large ghostly pirate ship out in the harbour (optional square 1" grid).  A ship that was lost with all hands has just sailed back to its home port, now crewed by a motley crew of undead. Files included: For Large Format Printing 300 DPI JPEG with 1" square grid 300...   [click here for more]
Loke BattleMats  Pay What You Want

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Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1

Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1

Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1 >> The Current Heavy Gear Blitz! Rules Edition as of May 2022 << Welcome to Heavy Gear Blitz 3.1 Mother Earth has returned to lay claim to the colony worlds. With over half of the colonies subjugated by these modern conquerors, the various systems are in a desperate struggle to maintain...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules Ver. 3.0

Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules Ver. 3.0

Welcome to Terra Nova and Heavy Gear Blitz! A tabletop miniatures wargame with over 20 years of heritage and success. The colony world of Terra Nova continues to be in a state of constant conflict. Massive polar nations, invaders from Earth and even armed gangs have turned its arid landscape into a never-ending battlefield. Old grudges and fragile alliances set the stage for complete...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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Wooded Hills Ambush (Battletech-compatible Hexagonal Wargame Map)

Wooded Hills Ambush (Battletech-compatible Hexagonal Wargame Map)

Adventure awaits! Or was it fierce battles? One large hex battlemap consisting of woodlands of variýing density, hills and cliffs of varying heights, and terrain of varying difficulty. The map is explicitly compatible with the official hex sizes and nomenclature of BATTLETECH, but can also be freely used in any other context where you have to stage an encounter in such an...   [click here for more]
Foreign Worlds Cartography   FREE 

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Signet is a card game of strategy, tactics and conquest.  It is simple to learn, hard to master, and with a singular goal: take more of your opponent's cards than they take of yours. It is an exceedingly simple goal, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. Signet is all about your skills as a player, so it will all come down to you. Both players use the same perfectly balanced deck...   [click here for more]
Stormforge Productions   FREE 

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Print and Play game simple for everyone from 2 t 18 players. It emulates a space battle between starfighters, in addition to photocopying and pasting tokens on cardboard, it involves the use of a common six sided die. ...   [click here for more]
Qwein   FREE 

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Forbidden Psalm: The Last War quick start

Forbidden Psalm: The Last War quick start

Forbidden Psalm: The Last War is a stand-alone tabletop miniatures game and rpg setting, inspired by and fully compatible with the MÖRK BORG ttrpg and other Forbidden Psalm miniatures games.    THIS IS THE QUICK START RULES: FOR FULL RULES PLEASE SEE FORBIDDEN PSALM:LAST WAR Forbidden Psalm is a 28mm miniatures agnostic game. You can use ANY suitable miniatures you already own, or build...   [click here for more]
OptimisticNIL  Pay What You Want

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Prince's Gambit Sabbat and Independent Clan Expansion Booster

Prince's Gambit Sabbat and Independent Clan Expansion Booster

The night is young as you step into the VIP room of the hottest nightclub in town. You're one of the leaders of the city's vampire clans, and you've been summoned to meet with the Prince, along with your Machiavellian peers.   As each Primogen enters, the candles flicker as you stare into their eyes. The politics of the undead are always deadly, but there's a heightened danger...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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How To RPG

How To RPG

The purpose of How to RPG is to explain in simple language what a tabletop role playing game is and how to start playing. This advice is written for people new to role playing games - for those who have heard of TTRPGs and might want to play them, but don’t really know what it’s all about. How to RPG applies to any role playing game: Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder or any of...   [click here for more]
Shadomain  Pay What You Want

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The Hotel Exorcist: Only The Lonely

The Hotel Exorcist: Only The Lonely

In The Hotel Exorcist you play Jake Griffin, a hard traveling hero who makes his way across the USA excising unwanted guests from Hotels, Motels and the occasional Bed & Breakfast. This adventure finds him in the French Quarter at the end of a very bad one night stand.  ...   [click here for more]
Ham and Egg Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Dungeonrunner E1: Crypts of Rojosh

Dungeonrunner E1: Crypts of Rojosh

Download the rules here! ...   [click here for more]
Powercell Games   FREE 

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Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground (Tarot-size Cards)

Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground (Tarot-size Cards)

Note: The Tarot-size cards are band-wrapped. The Quickstart Rules are a free PDF download. Complete rulebooks are sold separately. YOUR SOUL IS THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND ... Dungeon Solitaire: Devil's Playground is a fantasy adventure card game. Fight monstrous diabolisms, overcome obstacles, and endure misfortunes as you delve into the darkest dungeon in...   [click here for more]
Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games   FREE 

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Heavy Gear Blitz! 3rd Edition Rules - Force Compendium

Heavy Gear Blitz! 3rd Edition Rules - Force Compendium

>> No Longer Needed as of May 2022 release of the new HGB 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1 which now includes the matterial found in the Force Compendium. << >> For the Heavy Gear Blitz! 3rd Edition Rules released in Spring 2021 <<  Heavy Gear Blitz! 3rd Edition Rules - Force Compendium Welcome to Terra Nova and Heavy...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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Prince's Gambit Card Game

Prince's Gambit Card Game

The night is young as you step into the VIP room of the hottest nightclub in town. You're one of the leaders of the city's vampire clans, and you've been summoned to meet with the Prince, along with your Machiavellian peers.   As each Primogen enters, the candles flicker as you stare into their eyes. The politics of the undead are always deadly, but there's a heightened danger...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Snakes and Ladders

Snakes and Ladders

Have you ever wished that board games made in the 1950s could be smashed together with your favorite RPG? Sure, we all have! And now, your wish has come true. In this Bored Game Parody, challenge your players with a Snakes & Ladders (Chutes & Ladders) map built out of a deck of cards. Always random, always challenging, and always a bit of a change from a normal dungeon crawl. A lich has used...   [click here for more]
Hangry Dwarf Press  Pay What You Want

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Map Props:  Modern Vehicles Volume I

Map Props: Modern Vehicles Volume I

If you use a cartography software package (Like Dunjinni, or Campaign Cartographyer, among others) to create maps for your modern roleplaying games, you owe it to yourself to purchase this prop pack!  It's packed full of modern vehicles you can use to decorate streets, parking lots, garages, and more.   This is a collection of high quality, full color vehicles that you can either add...   [click here for more]
Stoneworker Cartography   FREE 

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Barbaria: A One Page Barbarian Only TTRPG

Barbaria: A One Page Barbarian Only TTRPG

Wanna play as a team of barbarians fighting monsters in a unique system? Also, want it ALL on one page? Barbaria, the one page barbarian only TTRPG is for you! Build unique characters with this simple and adaptable system that adds just enough crunch to leave you coming back for more! ...   [click here for more]
EfanGamez  Pay What You Want

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BattleTech: Experimental Technical Readout: 1945

BattleTech: Experimental Technical Readout: 1945

Humanity’s Finest Hour Long before mankind reached out for the stars, the nations of Terra waged generations of war against one another. While each conflict underscored the barbarism and technological savvy of the human species, the Second World War stands out as the most epic and critical of them all. Locked in battle on land, sea, and air, World War II spared few as the Allied...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  Pay What You Want

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Bexim's Bazaar Gaming Magazine Issue #13

Bexim's Bazaar Gaming Magazine Issue #13

Bexim’s Bazaar is a monthly gaming magazine dedicated to RPGs and wargames… and occasionally a boardgame of interest to RPG/wargamers. GMs and players will find plenty of resources such as magic item cards, random tables, mini-adventures, and articles related to gaming as well as printable props to hand out in game. This issue contains over 100 pages of gaming content for a variety of genres and...   [click here for more]
The Tabletop Engineer   FREE 

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Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Small Format

Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Small Format

Welcome to Terra Nova and Heavy Gear Blitz! A tabletop miniatures wargame with over 20 years of heritage and success. The colony world of Terra Nova continues to be in a state of constant conflict. Massive polar nations, invaders from Earth and even armed gangs have turned its arid landscape into a never-ending battlefield. Old grudges and fragile alliances set the stage for complete...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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Heavy Gear Blitz! Field Manual - Core Rulebook Revised

Heavy Gear Blitz! Field Manual - Core Rulebook Revised

Notice to Reader: This ebook is not the current rulebook for Heavy Gear Blitz, it is an earlier edition. The Heavy Gear Blitz 3rd Edition Rules DP9-9344 is the current rulebook and is available as a free download at the following link. The Heavy Gear Blitz Field Manual adds a new and exciting style of game-play to Heavy Gear Blitz! This book takes the field test rules featured...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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The Dinner

The Dinner

Who’s coming to dinner tonight? We don’t know what flavours or memories the dinner will bring back. Nor do we know what you’ll have or how you got there. But what we do know is that you have a lot to tell us, a lot to talk about, and that your ties with the other diners are stronger than you would have us believe. Tell your story with only 40 cards and your imagination.  For...   [click here for more]
RA Games  Pay What You Want

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3D printable / digital files only 1. For personal use only. - selling or sharing of STL / digital files is prohibited - sharing of download link is prohibited - sharing, molding & casting of prints is prohibited - altering my digital sculpt & calling it as yours is prohibited (slice & scale is ok) - using my digital sculpts or part of it to make new content is prohibited - sharing...   [click here for more]
Porc Skullpt IX  Pay What You Want

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Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1 - Small Format

Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1 - Small Format

Heavy Gear Blitz! Tabletop Wargaming - 3rd Edition Rules - Version 3.1 - Small Format >> The Current Heavy Gear Blitz! Rules Edition as of May 2022 << Welcome to Heavy Gear Blitz 3.1 Mother Earth has returned to lay claim to the colony worlds. With over half of the colonies subjugated by these modern conquerors, the various systems are in a desperate...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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Mi Gato se Incendia! (My Cat is on Fire!)

Mi Gato se Incendia! (My Cat is on Fire!)

Mi Gato se Incendia! (My Cat is on Fire!) A board game of escaped housecats and strange situations. In Mi Gato se Incendia! 2-6 players take the part of a family chasing after their escaped house cat. Mi Gato has slipped its bonds and is running free through the neighborhood. But with freedom, comes a price. Fire. Rogue Russian satellites, BBQ grills, street punks - and...   [click here for more]
Troll in the Corner  Pay What You Want

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Post Apocalyptic Shack

Post Apocalyptic Shack

The post apocalyptic shack is a little model perfect for any post apocalyptic game. It was our first model and it includes roof and chimney to print separatedly. ...   [click here for more]
Thunder Chrome  Pay What You Want

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Beyond The Broken Gates Core rules w/ The First City Campaign

Beyond The Broken Gates Core rules w/ The First City Campaign

This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands. *1/26/25 Full re-write with starter rules*  Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage! Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints,...   [click here for more]
Rachel Sands  Pay What You Want

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  H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness for Beginning Readers