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Survive the Tyrant!

Survive the Tyrant!

An RPG-style guide for surviving an authoritarian and oppressive regime ...   [click here for more]
Survive The Tyrant  Pay What You Want

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Longboat Template

Longboat Template

Template for creating a longboat or ship for your tabletop game. Instructions on the build can be viewed on Black Magic Craft Episode 08. Watch the tutorial: ...   [click here for more]
Black Magic Craft  Pay What You Want

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Free! Fantasy Stock Art

Free! Fantasy Stock Art

Looking for affordable hand-drawn fantasy stock art? You've come to the right place my friend! Inside this free pack of 74 hand-drawn images you will find a variety of fantasy items, including daggers, swords, axes, staves, shields, scrolls, spellbooks, potions, torches, war banners, tools, and more! Perfect for an RPG adventure, a dungeon-crawling card game, a medieval trick-taking...   [click here for more]
Axebane Games  Pay What You Want

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This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. The police in Toil, Illinois have their work cut out for them when the sleepy town suddenly suffers an outbreak of bizarre events. Someone's been planting strange trees in the night, replacing bread with ash, and filling coffins with bees. As the day goes on, what at first appeared to be a series of unrelated pranks...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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The Wives of March

The Wives of March

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. Barefoot Crossing seemed like any other sharecropping community on the rural outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. But when the murder of a Methodist preacher sends the community searching for answers across racial and economic divides, investigators stumble into an ancient, inhuman conspiracy. Can they overcome a supernatural...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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Bryson Springs

Bryson Springs

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. In June of 1935, the Dust Bowl still plagued the American Southwest, a third of all people were out of work, and the government’s path to recovery was far from certain. Amidst this Great Depression, the Bryson Springs Ranch suffered a hardship altogether more extraordinary. People were dying in the migrant workers’...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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Battle Maps:  The Haunted Manor House

Battle Maps: The Haunted Manor House

This is a 1"=5' battle map of a haunted or abandoned manor house.  It is set in a generic era so that it can be used in a wider range of genres such as fantasy, modern, or something set in the victorian era.  This map could be a house used by a lesser vampire in a Vampire: The Masquerade or Ravenloft game, or it could be a house inhabited by a lich, or multiple ghosts. ...   [click here for more]
Stoneworker Cartography   FREE 

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The Red Tower

The Red Tower

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter. In The Red Tower, Capone’s reign has ended, and it remains to be seen how much of Chicago’s corrupt infrastructure will be dragged down with him. As two-bit criminals scramble to establish themselves in the power vacuum, the exposed corruption presents an opportunity for muckraking socialists to provoke...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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The Fall Without End

The Fall Without End

This systemless horror scenario originally appeared in the No Security kickstarter.The Fall Without End takes place at Mount McKinley in 1931. As America comes to grips with the real cost of Black Tuesday, the government becomes desperate to find distractions for an increasingly rebellious population stirred by endless woes. As Lindbergh proved, the people love nothing more than heroes capable...   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  Pay What You Want

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A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A Paleontologist's Guide to Running Prehistoric Beasties

A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ...   [click here for more]
Druid GM Designs  Pay What You Want

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Battle Maps:  The City Block

Battle Maps: The City Block

Battle Maps:  The City Block is the first 1"=5' full color miniature battle map offering from Stoneworker Cartography.  It is a very large map when completely printed out, spanning 88 pages at eighty by eighty inches.  That's almost 6.7 feet of pure battle mapping goodness! This map is a replica of a smaller virtual table top version of the City Block map, found...   [click here for more]
Stoneworker Cartography   FREE 

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Village Well - Demo Set.

Village Well - Demo Set.

A simple crank well will fit almost any setting. From ancient through medieval and fantasy up to WWII you will find one in almost every village. It is up to you what part it willl play in your story. Will it hide an entrance to a secret tunnel, sprinng enchanted water or be simply a meeting place for local folk. Build your own detailed well to add this vital structure to your tabletop village. In...   [click here for more]
MiniLab Models  Pay What You Want

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50 Story Prompts and Hooks from Norse Mythos

50 Story Prompts and Hooks from Norse Mythos

Lacking inspiration for game night?  We got you covered!  This PDF contains 50 prompts for Norse and Viking themed games.  Created for The Wyrd of Stromgard but 100% system agnostic, these prompts are heavily inspired by the Eddas and offer a multitude of situations, mythical figures, and legendary quests for your party to take on.  Flexible enough to jump-start an adventure but...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  Pay What You Want

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gothHoblin's Grimoire - Issue 2: Ancient Magic

gothHoblin's Grimoire - Issue 2: Ancient Magic

gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community. What's inside? Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You...   [click here for more]
gothHoblin   FREE 

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Battle Maps:  The Destroyed Command Center

Battle Maps: The Destroyed Command Center

Nestled in the center of a recently fallen outpost, this command center was bombarded and then overrun by an enemy army.  Though the army itself moved on seeking bigger targets shortly after the outpost fell, a small garrison of soldiers were left to hold the outpost and ensure that no one returned to reclaim it.  They are still here, and your players must find some way to defeat them.  This is...   [click here for more]
Stoneworker Cartography   FREE 

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Weapon Cards

Weapon Cards

Embelish your favourite fantasy roleplaying game with these customizable and printable Weapon Cards! Includes layers which you can turn on or off before printing! This PDF also includes fillable forms, which enable you to enter your descriptions and stats before printing out the cards!   11 pages with 98 illustrated weapons (for a total of 98 different cards once printed and cut)!...   [click here for more]
1191 AD Publishing   FREE 

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MADS Quick Start Rules

MADS Quick Start Rules

Come see how the MADS Role Playing Game can provide you with unlimited adventure. The Quick Start Rules contain the basic game mechanics and character conversion guidelines necessary to play MADS. ...   [click here for more]
Point of Insanity Game Studio  Pay What You Want

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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Zero: Basic Adventure

Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Zero: Basic Adventure

Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Zero: Basic Adventure gives you 10 original Classic Fantasy themed miniature figures perfect for roleplaying games or wargames.  All files are 300dpi and include front and back views.  This is a layered PDF giving you two options of colour schemes for the figures.   There are 20 possible miniature combinations in this set!  Please...   [click here for more]
Okumarts Games  Pay What You Want

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Battle Maps:  The Crypt

Battle Maps: The Crypt

This is a 1”=5' battle map of an ancient crypt.  This map is perfect for an old fashioned dungeon like dive, exploring the abandoned crypt where ancient heroes have been buried for a millennium.  Has this crypt been infested by the undead?  Are your players looking to loot the graves of dead adventurers and heroes?  Have local bandits decided to make this crypt their base of...   [click here for more]
Stoneworker Cartography   FREE 

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Grim's Dungeons of Doom: 28mm Books, Scrolls & Maps Vol 1

Grim's Dungeons of Doom: 28mm Books, Scrolls & Maps Vol 1

Grim's Dungeons of Doom: Books, Scrolls and Maps Vol 1, makes your 28mm dungeon scenery come to life. Easy to make books, scrolls maps and more, for your wargames, RPGs and dioramas. Fill your miniature library, furnish your models with the trappings of fine literature and make bare dungeons come alive with added detail! Best of all, it's virtually free! (Although any donations are very welcome) Thats...   [click here for more]
Grinning Skull Studios  Pay What You Want

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The Enchiridion

The Enchiridion

The Enchiridion, or Hero's Handbook, is an ancient Stoic tome of wisdom, now available in this new, illustrated translation, in modern, conversational English. This 2nd century guide to living the good life consists of 52 timeless lessons, ranging from how to deal with the death of a loved one, to whether or not to catcall women (spoiler: don't). This translation is available as a free PDF, or as...   [click here for more]
Sixpence Games   FREE 

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BinderSampler 2018: Kappacino - Coffee stand at the Crossroads

BinderSampler 2018: Kappacino - Coffee stand at the Crossroads

HAPPY FREE RPG DAY 2018! Have a coffee on us :D --+-- Binder Maps are designed to live in a Gamemaster’s three-ring binder. The on the fly solution for Contingency Plans, One-Off Encounters, and the sort of places that one wants to have on hand in case their players cause trouble or the unexpected is required. They can be easily run off a home printer en masse, scribbled on,...   [click here for more]
Joe's Binder  Pay What You Want

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Master NPC Creation Toolkit

Master NPC Creation Toolkit

Welcome to my first product of the KernowGames franchise, this is a basic D&D/general RPG NPC creation toolkit that will aid in NPC creation process, this is the PWYW version, however soon their will be a more in-depth version that will be paid, and will have much more content and pages, with artwork and more options. Thanks. ...   [click here for more]
KernowGames  Pay What You Want

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Papercut Express

Papercut Express

Why is this free? Because frankly, I was young and... Well, this was one of my first products, and while I still believe that I was onto something, the execution was lacking. So if you want it, come and get it, and let me know what you think! I might revisit the ideas here in the future, and I would appreciate your feedback! The Papercut Express is here - the best reason to railroad your players!...   [click here for more]
Walking Papercut  Pay What You Want

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The Grand Pumpkin

The Grand Pumpkin

It's the Grand Pumpkin, RPG Now! A free Halloween-themed paper miniature, front and back. This towering pumpkin monster is perfect for horror and fantasy games. Custom generic miniature base included. 30mm scale mini. 300dpi file, ready for automated cutting machines. (.studio3) ...   [click here for more]
Diesel Powered Games  Pay What You Want

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1d100 Plus Dungeon Concepts

1d100 Plus Dungeon Concepts

This is a quick and easy tool to generate some dungeon ideas for your upcoming fantasy gaming sessions. Simply roll on the tables and let your imagination run wild – you'll have a memorable dungeon concept in no time! Presented here are 100 of the most classical dungeon locations in fantasy roleplaying. Most of it purposefully mundane, but there are some supernatural elements mixed...   [click here for more]
Lore Wise Games   FREE 

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1d100 Political Events

1d100 Political Events

The following random table can be used to generate ideas for your political fantasy roleplaying campaign. What are the nobles currently arguing about behind closed doors? What is currently troubling the king / queen? 1d100 adventure hooks and flavorful events for memorable roleplaying situations Inspired by medieval history and real world events Supernatural / magic references are kept to a bare minimum...   [click here for more]
Lore Wise Games   FREE 

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1d100 Traveling Events

1d100 Traveling Events

The adventurers are traveling through unknown territories. What kind of dangers and challenges await? This random table will help you generate your next adventure hook or challenge. 1d100 adventure hooks and flavorful events for memorable roleplaying situations Inspired by real world traveling / hiking Supernatural / magic references are kept to a bare minimum – gives you full control of the...   [click here for more]
Lore Wise Games   FREE 

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A Dream in the Woods

A Dream in the Woods

The smell of smoke in the forest. A rustle of leaves behind you, then stillness. A glimpse of something more beautiful than you can imagine. You've made the mistake of being a human in the fae woods. A Dream in the Woods is a hack of Lasers and Feelings, inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream. Play as servants of the fae Queen Titania and King Oberon, causing chaos and mischief while trying to please...   [click here for more]
Owl Knight Games   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu: Tales From The Crucible

Achtung! Cthulhu: Tales From The Crucible

Achtung! Cthulhu is a world packed full of heroes, and this brand new revised edition of Tales from the Crucible features eight individuals who have well and truly seized their moment; eight drawn into the chaos of the Secret War, whose very actions are instrumental in giving Section M, Majestic and the Allies a fighting chance against the insidious power of The Order of the Black Sun...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Border Fort

Border Fort

Border Fort DramaScape Free Volume 30 This Product is a full-color, 24 x 20 inch map of a Border Fort, and includes the VTT (Virtual Table top) files. “I knew it: As soon as the wooden gates fell off I realized we were dead men walking.” Do you have what it takes to keep the border safe? DramaScape...   [click here for more]
DramaScape   FREE 

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Character Background Sheet

Character Background Sheet

This is a character background sheet I created for my own party's campaign prep. It is designed to be a quick and helpful resource for a player or storyteller to explore a character's values and how much regard they keep for each in their personal lives and journeys. The system is very simple and open to any use. This is how it works: Keep track of your character’s interests by assigning each...   [click here for more]
The Creator with a Thousand Faces  Pay What You Want

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Character Generator

Character Generator

A simple character generator for medieval fantasy characters, complete with character portraits.  Generate quick NPCs for your game, get your imagination going for your book, or just entertain yourself with unlikely combinations of outfits and professions.  All of the character portraits here are from the British Library's online archive, meaning they are public domain and you're free to use them...   [click here for more]
Chaotic Shiny Productions   FREE 

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City Of Imprisonment [Modern/Near Dark Future Theme Music]

City Of Imprisonment [Modern/Near Dark Future Theme Music] (audio product)

City Of Imprisonment Musical Artist: Tree Dweller (aka David L. Woodrum Jr.) Run Time: 4 minutes, 8 seconds Another Free track from Tree Dweller and Fishwife Games! City Of Imprisonment is a track mixed by Tree Dweller that was heavily inspired from a handful of near dark future movies from the very late 1960's to the very early 1980's... the sort of dystopia...   [click here for more]
Fishwife Games   FREE 

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Crossroads to Valor Freebie 1

Crossroads to Valor Freebie 1

Ever come to a city that you have no map for? Maybe some small hamlet mentioned in an adventure? A town with businesses you know about but nothing about the town itself?  Crossroads to Valor is the answer for your needs.<o:p></o:p> Crossroads to Valor series has several towns and villages with at least three versions for you to chose from.<o:p></o:p>...   [click here for more]
Scrying Eye Games   FREE 

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D12 Calendar with bonuses 2014 by Kev's Lounge

D12 Calendar with bonuses 2014 by Kev's Lounge

Who doesn't want a gigantic d12? It's the biggest damage die you get in most games, so why not make it the biggest die in your collection? This downloadable papercraft kit allows you to make a d12 that's about 10cm or 4 inches in diameter. It doubles as a 2014 desk calendar, so it's got an excuse to sit on your office desk in case you ever need to work out how much damage your barbarian's great axe...   [click here for more]
Kev's Lounge   FREE 

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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Bonus Set One: Fae is Fowl

Darkfast Classic Fantasy Bonus Set One: Fae is Fowl

Darkfast Classic Fantasy Bonus Set Four: Fae Is Fowl gives you six quirky Old School Classic Fantasy themed miniature figures perfect for roleplaying games or wargames.  All files are 300dpi and include front and back views.  This is a layered PDF giving you two options of colour schemes for the main set. Regular sets offer more colours, options and bonus figures. These figures...   [click here for more]
Okumarts Games   FREE 

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Demesnes & Domination FREE VERSION

Demesnes & Domination FREE VERSION

Note: This version of Demesnes & Dominations is FREE without bookmarks or any original artwork included. Otherwise it is the same as the full art version. Enjoy! Simplify Domain gameplay! Expand the scope of your preferred OSR game by making Strongholds mean something! Don't be burdened by new mechanics! Streamline time at...   [click here for more]
Arcane Sword Press   FREE 

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Desert Oasis Battlemap 24 x 24, Foundry Compatible

Desert Oasis Battlemap 24 x 24, Foundry Compatible

Get ready to have a tactical battle inside and around ruins by a desert oasis! There's cover! There's water! There's difficult terrain! There's high ground! The battlemap is 24 x 24 and provided at 300 dpi. Foundry json file included! Battlemap comes in four flavors: Dawn, Dusk, Midnight, and Noon. Enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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Detectives Office

Detectives Office

Detectives Office DramaScape Free Volume 09 The Detectives Office is a 10 x 7 inch, full color floorplan of a Detectives Office, with Hex, Square and No overlay. The zip file includes the VTT file for use online. Includes a 360° View of...   [click here for more]
DramaScape   FREE 

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Forest Ruins Megamap - 96 x 96!

Forest Ruins Megamap - 96 x 96!

Get ready to have a tactical battle inside and around ruins deep within the forest! Confront the ruined bridge, the nest of the acrid drake, the spider lair, and the old temple! There's cover! There's water! There's difficult terrain! There's high ground! The battlemap is 96 x 96 and provided at 150 dpi. Battlemap comes in four flavors: Dawn, Dusk, Midnight, and Noon. Enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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Halloween FREE

Halloween FREE

Halloween Special FREE mini set This set contains 12 detailed front and back artwork fantasy pumpkin characters figurines: Pumpkin Sorcerers Pumpkin Adventurers Evil/Rotten/Scourged Pumpkin Ground Pumpkins (grass / sandy) Pumpkin Family and Pumpkin Pack Grass Ambusher (scorpid) Winged Pumpkinman Flying Pumpkin Horror GIANT Jack O'Lantern => easy mini for kids Special...   [click here for more]

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Heroic Maps - Modular Kit: Jungle Ruins Pedestal

Heroic Maps - Modular Kit: Jungle Ruins Pedestal

Modular Kit: Jungle Ruins Pedestal   Modular Kit: Jungle Ruins Pedestal is a printable dungeon tiles compatible with any RPG/Dungeon-Crawl game. It can be used as a standalone set, or combined with any same-scale tileset. Modular Kit: Jungle Ruins Pedestal comprises a modular tile depicting an overgrown jungle ruin room. A short corridor leads...   [click here for more]
Heroic Maps   FREE 

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Hex Tile Maps - Village and Roads Pack

Hex Tile Maps - Village and Roads Pack

Stand alone taster, sampler or expansion pack to add to existing Dreamworlds Hex Tile mapping packs. This pack features a medieval village, the local road and lanes network and surrounding fields, farms and grassland. These are on compatable Hex Tiles to fit conveniently with the medieval countryside tiles and utilise a unique mapping system of hexagonal terrain tiles; arrange the tiles next...   [click here for more]
Dreamworlds   FREE 

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Hunting Shadows

Hunting Shadows

As the old saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction." History is full of some very bizarre events, some of which remain a mystery to this day. As it turns out, that weirdness is a great starting point for adventure hooks. This resource presents 20 tales of weirdness with varying degrees of uncertainty around them. Some of them have basically been solved or at least have a very reasonable and...   [click here for more]
Raorgen Games   FREE 

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Item Prices for 1940s France

Item Prices for 1940s France

This FREE pdf. includes a short list of item prices for 1940s France, along with a list of automobiles common at the time and some information on Black Market prices. A Generic PDF, free from Hacksilver Games! ...   [click here for more]
Hacksilver Games   FREE 

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Junction Room

Junction Room

Junction Room DramaScape Free Volume 02 This map product is a full-color, 32 x 20 inch, Junction Room.The ZIP file includes VTT images for your online gaming needs. Now includes a 360° View of the map.  Game Masters...   [click here for more]
DramaScape   FREE 

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Long Live the King Rulebook

Long Live the King Rulebook

The king is dead... Finally! Through a skillful combination of live-action intrigue and strategic use of resources, you might become the next ruler of the land. Long Live the King is a live-action strategy game for 5 or more players. Long Live the King is a dynamic game that marries the diabolical treachery and scheming of the best strategic board and card games with the pomp and circumstance...   [click here for more]
Nocturnal Media   FREE 

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Modern Floorplans: An Average Modern Ranger's Station

Modern Floorplans: An Average Modern Ranger's Station

Jacob hated summer camp when he was a kid. This trip did nothing to change his opinon. This was supposed to be a weekend alone at a great camping spot near an old summer camp. However, he now found himself in a game a tag with a pack of werewolves. Jacob ran with only the light of the full moon to help him navigate through the dense forest. He could hear them loping behind just toying with him and...   [click here for more]
Fabled Environments   FREE 

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Modern Floorplans: An Average Thunderbox

Modern Floorplans: An Average Thunderbox

The Thunderbox has been apart of daily lives for many years and has seen a resurgence in recent years. This structure can take many forms and can be comprised of many different building materials from brick to wood. We hope you can find a place for this Thunderbox in your game! What better location for a Thunderbox is there than the Old West. We hope that you will also check out our latest Kickstarter:...   [click here for more]
Fabled Environments   FREE 

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  Dreams And Machines: Player's Guide