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A frequent request on my Instagram account is to provide a PDF compiling my narrative of the Gretch and the Festival of Saint Christophorus. It is a holiday festival celebrated by the inhabitants of the planet Ophatran Secundus, in the Gothic Sector. This PDF contains text and images from my Instagram account (@mathiasleahy) and blog (Dr. Mathias's Miniature Extravaganza). ... [click here for more] |
Dr Mathias |
Pay What You Want
This one is for the construction of rooms, houses, dungeons etc! Contains 567 assets with 7 different colour combinations for the wood!
These wood colours are:
The ZIP file contains 567 .PNG files. Including colour and wood variants this amounts to;
16 door frames
2 door handles
280 doors... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
Following on from my first Creator pack 1 which had a bunch of wooden walls, windows and doors, today I finished up Pack 2 for stone walls! Now, this at its surface is a pretty simple pack, only 6 walls and a few nice plain pillars but there are 8 colours for all of these, PLUS you can totally combine them with the wooden wall colours!
Obsidian stone combined with grey wood? Walnut and terracotta?... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
These are non-official, free, fan works made under a fan use policy, they are tokens for use in personal games online. Using these for commercial products or projects is not intended and you should seek a licensing agreement with the IP holder if it is required.
Circle Variants are included in the free pack! The ZIP file includes PNG files without shadows and... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
These are non-official, free, fan works made under a fan use policy, they are tokens for use in personal games online. Using these for commercial products or projects is not intended and you should seek a licensing agreement withthe IP holder if it is required.
Some more sci-fi inspired tokens today, these are space bugs! :D Based on the Tyranids from... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
The Inquisition descends into the shadows of Coscarla district!
Edge of Darkness is an investigation-based introductory adventure for Dark Heresy.
A mysterious death in a forlorn district of the vast hive city of Scintilla draws the attention of the Inquisition, and the Acolytes are dispatched to discover more. To expose the truth, the Acolytes must confront corruption, heresy, and... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Salvation Demands Sacrifice presents three alternate Radical Career Ranks—the Demagogue, the Infil-traitor, and the Saboteur.
Each of these Radical Careers is a method for an Acolyte to experience the darker side of the Inquisition, existing as part of the shadow war waged by the agents of the Golden Throne against the myriad enemies of Mankind—the Enemy Within, the Enemy Without, and the Enemy... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
PURGE THE ALIEN IN THE NAME OF THE EMPEROR! Final Sanction is an introductory adventure for the Deathwatch roleplaying game. Landsholm is a planet in the balance, suffering from rebellion and anarchy. The Inquisition suspects an alien influence behind this unrest, and requests assistance from the Deathwatch. Vile xenos creatures place the fate of the planet in danger, and the only the Deathwatch can... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
The sequel to the Free RPG Day adventure, Forsaken Bounty.
Picking up where Forsaken Bounty left off, Dark Frontier finds the players having stirred up dark forces and alien powers. Where these powers will take them, you will have to play Dark Frontier to find out! ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
A Player's Aid to Building and Fighting Starships.
Streamline ship construction including a walkthrough of the shipbuilding process, and both the Essential and Supplemental component lists. In addition, the last page provides a welcome summary of starship combat, listing the available Manoeuvre, Shooting and Extended actions available during combat. ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Secrets of the Koronus Expanse; a history of deeds and events both grand and nefarious. ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
FORSAKEN BOUNTY is an introductory adventure for the ROGUE TRADER roleplaying game. Adrift in a dangerous region of space, a derelict vessel offers a tempting opportunity. Rogue Trader Sarvus Trask and his crew are determined to wrest a profit from the badly-damaged ship—but all is not as it appears. The seemingly-abandoned light cruiser contains a deadly secret that stands in the way of Trask’s... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Note: This is a retroclone of old school British war games in Turkish.
Sahipkıran ile tarihin ve hayal gücünün sınırlarını zorlayın! Esnek kuralları sayesinde Ortaçağ, Dünya Savaşları, bilim kurgu ve fantastik temalarda oyunlar oynayabilirsiniz. Basit ve anlaşılır Temel Kurallar ile... [click here for more] |
Utku Tönel |
Something simple that should be useful for everyone building maps, lots and lots of wooden floors! This pack contains 6 texture styles, each in three variants, with 7 different colour combinations for the wood!
These wood colours are:
The ZIP file contains 126 PNG colour assets. ... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
Following the cataclysmic events of the Necroquake, the newly reclaimed city of Brightspear is in desperate need of supplies and support. A huge Kharadron fleet has been assembled to bring provisions, would-be settlers, and enterprising merchants to the new city. Joining the expedition are a group of unlikely heroes — Soulbound, mortal beings chosen by the gods to defend the Mortal Realms.... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Age of Sigmar: Soulbound is set in Games Workshop’s mythic fantasy setting of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, where gods and monsters wage endless war in eight near-infinite realms. Players take on the role of Soulbound, god-chosen heroes of great power brought together through an arcane ritual and granted the might to stand against the tide of Chaos,... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Durante los últimos siete años, un tramo del río ha sido objeto de misteriosos ataques piratas. Los barcos son encontrados a la deriva, desprovistos de carga y tripulación, y sólo quedan signos de violencia.
A pesar de las patrullas y de varias investigaciones, los guardianes del río locales no han logrado descubrir la causa. De hecho, un buen grupo de ellos ha desaparecido recientemente, encontrándose... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Los ganchos de aventuras presentados en este PDF sirven para inspirar a los DJs a construir sus propias aventuras utilizando las ubicaciones que se encuentran en el Capítulo 10: El glorioso Reikland del reglamento de WJdR, y para proporcionar detalles adicionales sobre Reikland en su conjunto. La ubicación sugerida para cada idea de la historia está marcada en negrita, pero se puede mover o reutilizar... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Ayudas de juego y material para los jugadores de El Enemigo en la sombra, primera parte de la campaña El enemigo interior. ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Ayudas de juego y material para los jugadores de Muerte en el Reik, segunda parte de la campaña El enemigo interior. ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Los edificios de Reikland son tan variados como su gente. Los que se detallan aquí son ejemplos comunes de su tipo, y se proporcionan para inspirar tus propias creaciones.
Incluye edificios comerciales, domicilios, posadas y tabernas, edificios municipales y edificios religiosos. ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Esta aventura tiene lugar durante el periodo de Mondstille en un hostal aislado en la vieja aldea minera de Kupferal, en lo alto de las Montañas Grises, por encima de Hugeldal, en Reikland. ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Sólo los condenados y los necios viajan en Noche Bruja, ya que el cambio de año despierta a los muertos, llamándolos a salir de tumbas sin nombre y de lugares de reposo no consagrados. Los sacerdotes de Morr son los únicos que están a salvo, y su solitaria vigilia es la única protección contra los muertos inquietos. Así que, ¿quién eres tú?: ¿un necio, un alma condenada o un sacerdote... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Erratas de la 1º impresión del Libro básico de Warhammer. Estas erratas están corregidas en la 2º impresión ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Durante la GenCon de 2019 di una charla a la que llamé ‘¿Quién está teniendo una noche agitada?’, en la que describía el proceso de crear aventuras de tramas múltiples como Nochea agitadas y días difíciles, publicada hacía poco. A medida que la audiencia daba ideas, fuimos creando el germen de la aventura que estás leyendo ahora.
Esta aventura tiene lugar en un Jardín de Morr... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Hoja de personaje para Warhammer Fantasy, el juego de rol, 4º edición. ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Versión editable de la hoja de personaje para Warhammer Fantasy, el juego de rol, 4º edición. ... [click here for more] |
Devir |
El Viejo Mundo está plagado de historias heroicas de grandes figuras de renombre. Desde el legendario Sigmar Heldenhammer y sus compañeros hasta las románticas historias de Geneviève Dieudonné y Detlef Sierck, todos los hombres, mujeres y niños del Imperio pueden recordar los nombres de innumerables ejemplos legendarios. Pero la verdad sobre estas personas es a menudo mucho más turbia de lo... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Dondequiera que viajes en el Imperio, hay monumentos observándote.
Se alzan para conmemorar figuras de la historia, grandes acontecimientos o los gustos estéticos de un noble ricachón. Muchas bulliciosas plazas, esquinas, puentes o porterías contienen una estatua o algún otro tipo de obra de arte conmemorativa. Incluso en los lugares más remotos, la gente con menos medios erige piedras bastas... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Queridos amigos,
Por favor, permítanme presentarme. Soy un humilde poeta, apenas un principiante, que ha oído de sus venturas y desventuras y desearía trasladar esas gestas al pergamino. Aunque soy conocido para los pocos residentes de esta ciudad que aprecian el arte literario, no espero que mi obra les resulte familiar, ni tan siquiera que conozcan mi nombre, pues me temo que mi primera obra... [click here for more] |
Devir |
El Imperio está plagado de santuarios dedicados al dios guerrero. Se encuentran en las esquinas de calles concurridas, en los tramos solitarios de caminos del bosque y en los hogares de los devotos. Un santuario sigmarita es más pequeño que un templo y no suele tener ningún sacerdote que lo atienda. Pueden adoptar muchas formas, desde un ídolo tallado de manera tosca hasta un edificio elaborado... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Aventuras en Ubersreik: Si las miradas matasen... está diseñado para que lo jueguen Personajes principiantes, pero también lo pueden jugar grupos experimentados, aunque es posible que algunos de los encuentros deban modificarse si quieres que el desafío que se ofrece sea digno. El escenario empieza cerca del asentamiento de Grausee y acaba en Ubersreik. Alternativamente, podría ubicarse... [click here for more] |
Devir |
This week we present Adventures Afoot in the Reikland!, a supplement to Chapter 10: Glorious Reikland from the WFRP rulebook.
Adventures Afoot in the Reikland! is written by Ben Scerri and offers over fifty adventure seeds for the Reikland locations presented in WFRP. To ensure they are easy to use, all locations are marked in bold text, but most of the ideas can be relocated to almost... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Get your print friendly Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Character Sheet here! ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Night of Blood is one of the most played WFRP scenarios of all time. It was originally written over thirty years ago by Jim Bambra for WFRP 1stedition, and was published in White Dwarf 87 in March 1987. Later, it was republished in the WFRP 1st edition supplement, The Restless Dead, and has been a firm fan favourite ever since.
It’s a dark, stormy night, and the forest creaks as foul... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Conversion Tables for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Conversion Tables provide a guide for converting first and second edition Characters and NPCs to the current fourth edition rules. We’ve included a comprehensive list of Skills and Talents, with some additional guidance on updating trickier Character Traits.
This document is a useful addition for any Grognard who wants... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
A handy separate file of the First Edition WFRP character sheet. Currently not form-fillable. ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Get your Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition Character Sheet here! ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
This pack presents complete profiles for the six pre-generated Characters from the WFRP Starter Set. They conform to the standard WFRP rules, and are ready use.
When using this group, be aware it contains Characters that are more experienced than your average band of starting WFRP ne’er-do-wells. In particular, you should consider the Characters’ Experience, Status, and Career Level. ... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Legends claim the Beast of Ortschlamm stalked the marshes near Ubersreik for centuries. But few believe it…
When the adventurers agree to help Rutger Reuter, a charismatic, young merchant from Ubersreik, little do they realise what’s in store. What starts as a simple job guarding building supplies, soon turns to tragedy, horror, and murder. The Characters will not only need... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Jim Bambra creó originalmente Noche de sangre para WJdR1, y se publicó por primera vez en el nº 87 de White Dwarf, en marzo de 1987. Se convirtió en un favorito entre los fanáticos de WJdR y luego se presentó como parte de la campaña Los muertos inquietos, en 1989. Esta versión del escenario está dirigida a personajes relativamente... [click here for more] |
Devir |
Rain of Mercy is an entertaining introduction to the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium and Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory. The booklet — originally only available as part of Free RPG Day — is a short primer on the world of Warhammer 40,000, the glorious Imperium and its many foes, and the forsaken Gilead System trapped by the Great Rift. It also... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |
Graveyard Shift is a clandestine mission perfect for introducing players to the horrors of daily life (and death) in the 41st Millennium. Tasked by an Interrogator of the Inquisition to retrieve a dangerous xenotech artefact, the Agents explore a corpse starch production facility, encounter villainous Scum, and scour the dangerous wastes of the Boneyards before confronting the... [click here for more] |
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. |