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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 015 Khitomer Accords

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 015 Khitomer Accords

Tales from The Klingon Empire The explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis sent physical and philosophical shockwaves throughout the Klingon Empire and fractured ancient beliefs and eviscerated long-held traditions. Whereas the Khitomer Accords were heralded by many in the Empire as the greatest step to galactic peace, factitious sects emerged to oppose the treaty with the United Federation of Planets....   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 014 Cold War

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 014 Cold War

“In space, all warriors are cold warriors.” - General Chang The later 23rd century was a dynamic period when bold Starfleet captains and crews waged a cold war with the Klingon Empire and other polities across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants while also conducting Federation business across the known Galaxy. Ships and crews were often pushed to their limits while attempting any number of missions,...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 013 Dangers in Space

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 013 Dangers in Space

Space, being the final frontier, has an endless supply of new discoveries and adventures. It also, however, is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence. As a crew, it is just as important to investigate and analyze the dangers space presents for the safety and future of the many unique species across the Galaxy. These events, in particular, give science and engineering departments opportunities...   [click here for more]
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Sentience – Quick Start

Sentience – Quick Start

SENTIENCE: Quick Start Sentience is an exciting, innovative new sci-fi RPG written by Al Spader and Alison Cybe. This 46-page quickstart guide allows players and GMs to quickly dive into the world of sentient robots. The book also includes six pre-generated characters which give players a chance to explore what the protagonists in the game look and feel like. EXCITING...   [click here for more]
The Yellow Hand  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 008 Spacewrecks

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 008 Spacewrecks

Tales of shipwrecks have fascinated mankind for ages, and it’s likely that tales of spacewrecks will fascinate those who explore the stars. At their heart, these tales are as much about the intrepid adventurers and lost souls who served aboard these ships and those who find them, as they are about the ships themselves. This packet presents ten detailed mission briefs, each detailing a spacewreck....   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 012 Starfleet Academy

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 012 Starfleet Academy

There is no better institution than Starfleet Academy to prepare officers for space exploration. The lessons in this mission briefs pack revolve around the Academy’s San Francisco headquarters during The Next Generation era. Gamemasters can easily transport the action to any off-world Academy campus, any era of Starfleet’s existence, or perhaps even to the Klingon Defense Force’s military...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 011 Lower Decks

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 011 Lower Decks

Ah! Junior officers! Some people might look down on these upstart crewmembers who are so often given the grunt work to perform. But all jobs are essential on a starship and all crew members are valuable. While senior officers might get the spotlight, there is a universe of action for lower deckers. Prepare to get your hands dirty as you take on the menial and transform it into the memorable!...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 010 Ancient Civilizations

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 010 Ancient Civilizations

The Galaxy is ancient beyond easy comprehension - on the order of a million times older than Human civilization. Uncounted civilizations have risen and fallen before the dawn of recorded history of any Federation world. While most of their remains have long since vanished, many have left ruins or artifacts that endure to the present. Other ancient societies live on, wielding technologies or mental...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 009 Mysteries

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 009 Mysteries

Space exploration is a treasure trove of mysteries for the curious; for those who love to dig deeply into a question to find the answer, or perhaps to reveal even more questions. There is no shortage of strange and wondrous things in the cosmos, and a spacefaring crew will regularly be faced with mysteries of all kinds, at varying difficulty and complexity. This packet presents ten detailed mission...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 007 First Contacts

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 007 First Contacts

Few missions are more important to Starfleet officers than first contacts. Meeting new civilizations and discussing mutually beneficial alliances is critical to securing borders and contributing to the material needs of the Federation. Successful first contacts may result in the growth of the Federation, while a failed first contact could result in the creation of a new adversary. This packet presents...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS PDF 005 Starbase Adventures - FREE

Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS PDF 005 Starbase Adventures - FREE

As beings explore the Galaxy, they often build or create waypoints in the form of a starbase, space station, planetary outpost, or the like. These waypoints often act as gathering places for a wider variety of interstellar traveller, and are often magnets for adventure and intrigue. Starfleet officers and other explorers and travellers encounter a wide variety of situations – be they hazardous or...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 004 - Trade Ledgers PDF

Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 004 - Trade Ledgers PDF

Starfleet isn’t the only organization exploring the cosmos and warping from system to system. The Galaxy is full of independent trader crews, smuggling rings, mercenary groups, and more, most of which do not share Starfleet values or Federation ethos. During their tours of duty, Starfleet crews must be prepared to encounter any number of ruthless and cunning adversaries. This packet presents ten...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 006 Psychic Incursions

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 006 Psychic Incursions

The Galaxy is full of strange and wondrous beings, many possessing equally strange and wondrous abilities of the mind. Psionic communications, telekinetic strikes, and empathic manipulation are all challenges awaiting unprepared crews exploring the cosmos. While deep space exploration may not be for the faint-hearted, it’s definitely not for the weak-willed. This packet presents ten detailed mission...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 002 - Disasters

Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 002 - Disasters

Following Starfleet’s mandate of exploration in any era of play, including The Next Generation era, is a noble pursuit not without risk. Space is massive, filled with as many potentially amazing discoveries as it is full of nightmarish death traps and disasters waiting to challenge an unprepared crew. Space exploration is for the bold, not the faint of heart, and even then, the boldest of explorers...   [click here for more]
Modiphius  Pay What You Want

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Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 003 - TNG Anomalies

Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 003 - TNG Anomalies

For as long as explorers have travelled through space, they have encountered or reported an abundance of amazing anomalies, many of which remain unexplained. Scientific wonders of all kinds scattered throughout the vastness of space await bold Starfleet officers to discover and study, engage, or avoid. This packet presents ten detailed mission briefs oriented around strange and wondrous anomalies,...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 019 Space Megafauna

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 019 Space Megafauna

Starfleet’s mission is to explore strange new worlds, but sometimes the strangest forms of life can be found between those worlds. The mechanisms allowing life to evolve in the emptiness between stars are as mysterious as the life-forms themselves, be they vast, space-faring leviathans or shimmering swarms of microscopic life stretching across nebulas. Whatever form they take, these life-forms represent...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 018 Political Actions

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 018 Political Actions

Political conflicts are a part of any encounter where other species are involved. Be it diplomatic negotiations or an adversarial conflict, Starfleet crews find they must understand the intricacies of political maneuvering if they are to secure their own safety as well as the stability of the Federation. Failure could mean war. This packet presents ten detailed mission briefs oriented around political...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 001 - Growing Pains

Star Trek Adventures: BRIEFS 001 - Growing Pains

The years immediately following the formation of the United Federation of Planets in 2161 were fraught with challenges for new Starfleet crews, whether they were pushing the boundaries of explored space or developing relationships with the many species that chose to join the newly formed Federation. Former adversaries became allies, and a multitude of species had to learn how to work together. TM...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 017 Beneath the Raptor's Wings

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 017 Beneath the Raptor's Wings

Starfleet was founded as an exploratory and peacekeeping organization. Over the course of its history, it has also been called upon to defend against alien threats. Nothing could have prepared Starfleet, however, for humanity’s first full-scale interstellar war. It was a conflict which shaped the destiny of what became the Federation and their foe, the Romulan Star Empire. This packet presents ten...   [click here for more]
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Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 016 The Alpha Quadrant

Star Trek Adventures BRIEFS PDF 016 The Alpha Quadrant

With a long service history, the U.S.S. Enterprise and its crew under Captain Kirk have been present at many historical events for the Federation. These events often create a ripple effect across the Galaxy, causing changes no one could have expected or predicted; changes that can be for the betterment - or loss - of all. The ten missions contained in this pack relate to or take place during...   [click here for more]
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2d20 System Reference Document

2d20 System Reference Document

The 2d20 System Reference Document (or 2d20 SRD) is a free toolkit that allows creators to craft their own 2d20-based role-playing games and supplements. It explains all the core mechanics of the system, enabling game designers to create exciting experiences around Modiphius’ cinematic high-action and dramatic ruleset.  The 2d20 SRD serves as a central reference for the “core” of the 2d20...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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2d20 World Builders Logos and Templates

2d20 World Builders Logos and Templates

This packet includes logos, Word, and InDesign templates for use with the Modiphius 2d20 World Builders program. ...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu - Halloween Horrors 2 FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu - Halloween Horrors 2 FREE!

Welcome to another chilling edition of Halloween Horrors – are you as ready to be terrorised as Achtung! Cthulhu presents its now annual offering of ghosts, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night!?  This year (2023) we’ve a special treat with five FREE fantastically frightening Halloween Horrors from the devious mind of acclaimed horror writer Bill Heron, all...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu - Mysteries of the Manor PDF FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu - Mysteries of the Manor PDF FREE!

Horror at a Stately Home! Welcome to Section M: Priority Missions, smaller one-shot missions and scenarios to help out the hard-pressed GM. Inside you’ll find a complete mission brief and full colour map to help you run a shorter one-shot session, plus a set of seeds to provide inspiration for further adventures. Strange events are occurring at Raynethorpe Hall in East Anglia, where Lord Edward...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu - Szybki wypad do Francji - broszura startowa

Achtung! Cthulhu - Szybki wypad do Francji - broszura startowa

Odważysz się stawić czoła grozie czyhającej w samym sercu Saint Sulac?   Dołącz do grupy alianckich agentów i zbadaj tajemnicę, która nęka ten zakątek Francji. Kim są Czarne Słońca? Dlaczego ta senna wioska jest przez nich nękana? Co robią z więźniami, których przetrzymują w zagadkowym zamku? Darmowa 48-stronnicowa broszura startowa zawiera: - kompletny zestaw...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d0: Halloween Horrors (FREE PDF)

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d0: Halloween Horrors (FREE PDF)

All Hallow’s Eve, or Halloween, has long been an unquiet time when restless spirits roam abroad, and it is said, the dead walk the Earth. It’s a no-less challenging time in Achtung! Cthulhu’s Secret War, when myriad monsters are unleashed at the witching hour to wreak havoc upon unsuspecting mortal foes. In this FREE supplement for the Achtung! Cthulhu TTRPG, we present five villainous fiends...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 - Containment Breach (FREE PDF)

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 - Containment Breach (FREE PDF)

The Horrors Have Taken Over the Asylum! Welcome to Section M: Priority Missions, smaller one-shot missions and scenarios to help out the hard-pressed GM. Inside you’ll find a complete mission brief and full colour map to help you run a shorter one-shot session. Containment Breach has been specially written to accompany the FREE Halloween Horrors III, so download...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 - Halloween Horrors 3 (FREE PDF)

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 - Halloween Horrors 3 (FREE PDF)

Welcome to Halloween Horrors III – now more terrifying than ever before! In this eldritch tome of terror you’ll discover five new horrors for the Achtung! Cthulhu RPG which you can either combine with the Containment Breach! scenario or use as standalone NPCs in your campaign. Anselm Badenhorst, codenamed Hydra is a young...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Quickstart

Dare you face the terror lurking at the heart of Saint Sulac? Join a band of intrepid Allied agents as they investigate the mystery gripping this obscure corner of France. Who are the mysterious Nazi Black Sun? Why have they overrun this sleepy French village? What are they doing with the villagers they imprison in the mysterious ancient chateau at its centre? This FREE 48 Page Quickstart PDF contains:...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Eat for Victory! - Recipe Book FREE PDF

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Eat for Victory! - Recipe Book FREE PDF

Eat For Victory! The Official Achtung! Cthulhu Recipe Book brings the Secret War to your dinner table! The Section M Mess Officers have painstakingly crafted these delectable treats from across the North African theater and beyond. Featuring such sugary delights as the sweet Moroccan Snake Cake and the dangerous sting of the Scorpion Cocktail! Section M invites all agents...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Operation Kindling (PDF) FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Operation Kindling (PDF) FREE!

Punch Evil in the Tentacles! Welcome to the Secret War! In Operation Kindling you’ll get your first glimpse into the hidden globe-spanning conflict between the forces of good and evil. Only you and your scrappy band of heroes can defeat the malignant forces of the occult, and the malevolent might of their Mythos masters! In this standalone mission for use with the new free Basic Rules, your agents...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Operation Ultimatum - PDF

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Operation Ultimatum - PDF

Foil a Bizarre Alien Experiment! Welcome to Operation Ultimatum, a one-hour introductory mission to help showcase Achtung! Cthulhu and the 2d20 system. Whether you’re new to roleplaying games, or just new to the rip-roaring pulp adventures of the Secret War, this mission has been specially designed to be fun and accessible— and provide the perfect introduction...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Quick Reference Sheet (PDF) FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Quick Reference Sheet (PDF) FREE!

This FREE Quick Reference PDF gives you access to all the major Achtung! Cthulhu rules at a glance and also features a handy set of tables. There’s quick guides on skill tests, uses for Momentum, opposed tests and how to improve the odds, plus reminders on all the major and minor actions you can take in a action scene, as well as those all-important attribute bonuses....   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Quickstart Pack (PDF) FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Quickstart Pack (PDF) FREE!

Welcome to the Secret War! With this Free Quickstart Pack you’ll get your first glimpse into the hidden globe-spanning conflict between the forces of good and evil! Only you and your scrappy band of heroes can defeat the malignant forces of the occult, and the malevolent might of their Mythos masters!  Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 immerses you in a world of fast-paced pulp adventure,...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: The Malevolent Grove FREE PDF

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: The Malevolent Grove FREE PDF

Explore a Haunted Forest Every place in the world has its ghost stories. The dark places of malevolence and dread. Do not stray from the road, do not linger in the dark, do not enter the forest. One such location is the Malevolent Grove. Centuries ago, a church was built containing waters of great mystical power which could transport people through time and space. Unholy rituals profaned the site...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Wallpaper Pack (2023) FREE!

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Wallpaper Pack (2023) FREE!

Bring Achtung! Cthulhu’s heroic world of pulp adventure and the terrifying might of the mythos to your desktop with these seven FREE wallpapers from a variety of awesome artists. Included are some classic scenes from the Secret War like the Blood Ritual, Nightgaunts attacking B17s, the Heroes of the Secret War, Cromwell crushing Shoggoth and Cthulhu towering over...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Andromeda: An Unofficial Mission Compendium for Star Trek Adventures

Andromeda: An Unofficial Mission Compendium for Star Trek Adventures

To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life, and new civilization, to boldly go where no man has gone before… These words have been uttered by some of the most influential Captains that Starfleet has ever yielded. They embody Starfleet’s guiding principles, regardless of era. That’s why, when a mysterious alien is discovered that claims to come from a place no one in the Alpha/Beta...   [click here for more]

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Cohors Cthulhu RPG Quickstart (PDF)

Cohors Cthulhu RPG Quickstart (PDF)

RAISE A GLADIUS AGAINST THE GODS! Cohors Cthulhu is a roleplaying game of Lovecraftian cosmic horror set against a backdrop of epic heroism, intrigue, and strife during the height of the Roman Empire. This Quickstart Guide has everything you need to plunge into this world and experience its struggles firsthand, featuring an abridged summary of its 2d20 System rules and six pre-generated PC...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Prologue Quickstart - PDF

Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Prologue Quickstart - PDF

Fight the Cults of the Cthulhu Mythos in the Hidden War across the Roman Empire. An adventure wargame and range of 28mm-scale heroes and monstrous Mythos miniatures! Discover the world of Cohors Cthulhu and adventure wargaming! In this prologue, take on the role of a Roman centurion and his cohort as they are ambushed by monstrous Mythos creatures. Learn as you play, with...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Conan - Starter + Leże Kutallu

Conan - Starter + Leże Kutallu

WITAJCIE W ERZE HYBORYJSKIEJ Gra fabularna Conan: Przygody w erze niewyśnionej na podstawie prozy Roberta E. Howarda zabierze was do świata Conana Barbarzyńcy, gdzie bohaterowie ze skrwawionymi mieczami w dłoniach stawiają czoła posępnemu czarnoksięstwu, egzotyczne lądy czekają na śmiałych odkrywców, w zapomnianych ruinach znaleźć można zarówno niebezpieczeństwa,...   [click here for more]
Copernicus Corporation   FREE 

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Dark Mirror: An Unofficial Mission Compendium for Star Trek Adventures

Dark Mirror: An Unofficial Mission Compendium for Star Trek Adventures

Empress Hoshi Sato, long may she reign, has graciously allowed the engineers of the Terran Empire to examine and reverse-engineer her flagship, the Defiant. It has led to many technological advances that have allowed the Empire to further subjugate other species and acquire new stellar territory. Meanwhile, the greatest minds of the Empire have successfully enhanced the Human genome to create a...   [click here for more]

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Deep Space 24: An Unofficial Mission Compendium for Star Trek Adventures

Deep Space 24: An Unofficial Mission Compendium for Star Trek Adventures

The Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk is but a year away from completing its Five-Year Mission. The Ceratodraco have recently joined the Federation with full member status. The Alpha and Beta Quadrants are at peace. However, there are those that would seek to destabilize the relationship between the Klingons and the Federation. It’s up to the crew of Deep Space 24 to hold the line and prevent...   [click here for more]

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Diuna - Znak Czerwia - broszura startowa

Diuna - Znak Czerwia - broszura startowa

Diuna: Znak Czerwia - broszura startowa. Znajdziesz w niej wszystko, co pozwoli ci zaznajomić się z podstawami gry Diuna: Przygody w Imperium oraz rozegrać prostą przygodę w świecie Diuny. Diuna: Przygody w Imperium to gra fabularna, która zabierze cię w daleką przyszłość, poza wszystko co jesteś sobie w stanie wyobrazić. Imperium – skomplikowana maszyneria oparta na feudalnej polityce,...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games   FREE 

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Dragonmeet 2017 Brochure

Dragonmeet 2017 Brochure

Welcome to the Dragonmeet 2017 brochure, inside this FREE download you’ll discover all the info you need to enjoy the UK's premier gaming meet up, which takes place on Saturday December 2nd at the Novotel London West in Hammersmith from 9am until late.  As well as a wealth of information about what’s going on at the show, you can also learn more about the seminar schedule which includes special...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Dreams and Machines World Builders Art Pack

Dreams and Machines World Builders Art Pack

This packet includes illustrations and pieces of art that you can use in your World Builders Dreams and Machines creations. See the official Licensed World Builders guidelines for more information on the use of this and other sources of art. ...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Dreams and Machines: Character Sheet PDF

Dreams and Machines: Character Sheet PDF

FREE form-fillable character sheet to record your character’s journey, for use with Dreams and Machines 2d20 roleplaying game. Dreams and Machines collide in a far future where its people come together to rebuild, the ultimate tale of hope and heroism in the shadow of the Wakers. Danger grows and the world is once more under threat. Do you dare to dream?   A vast distance from...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Dreams And Machines: Coloring Book (PDF)

Dreams And Machines: Coloring Book (PDF)

When Wakers stop dreaming, they always attack, they always destroy, always kill.   Learn about the world of Evera Prime from Kari and Abe, unlikely companions in a world torn apart by devastating mechs, and color beautiful line art from the Dreams and Machines setting with this Free PDF. 8 black and white illustrations for coloring accompanied by their full-color illustrations and...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Dreams And Machines: Quickstart Guide (PDF)

Dreams And Machines: Quickstart Guide (PDF)

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF DREAMS AND MACHINES A world in the far future, cut off from Earth, where inhabitants balance on a razor’s edge between technological distrust and reverence. A world where sleeping mechs form part of the landscape, part of the culture. Banners and flowers decorate the rusting goliaths while the communities that make their homes around them celebrate births, festivals, and...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide

Dune: Adventures in the Imperium Wormsign Quickstart Guide

"They say you can't drill in the desert--storms and sandtides destroy equipment faster than it can be installed, if the worms don't get you first." The Dune: Adventures in the Imperium roleplaying game takes you into a far future beyond anything you have imagined, where fear is the mind killer so be sure to keep your wits about you. The Imperium is a place...   [click here for more]
Modiphius   FREE 

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Ten starter zawiera streszczenie podstawowych zasad  gry, gotowe postacie oraz przygodę początkową – Częstotliwość Maszyny. Wszystko, czego potrzebujecie, by zacząć swoją wędrówkę po pustkowiach! 64 strony, pełen kolor. ...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games   FREE 

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  RUNES #5 - Fantasy RPG Zine for Shadowdark