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Long ago, we left behind our natural home. Now, we traverse the heavens, traversing an endless and enigmatic void never meant for us. All we knew for all our existance - the sun, the horizon, even our natural gravity - is long behind us. It is time we become more like the void that is our home or be lost like a stranger in the dark.
To be Voidtouched is to understand that the grand mysteries of space... [click here for more] |
Christian Sorrell |
This is an in-universe recruiting pamphlet for the Interstellar Sex Workers Union, the ISWU.
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com or contact... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a pamphlet for a Fiasco inspired social roll system for The Mothership Sci-fi Horror RPG.
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a pamphlet featuring streamlined downtime rules for The Mothership Sci-fi Horror RPG.
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved.
This product contains assets that were procedurally generated with... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a pamphlet for a surgical system for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. These rules inject the inherent riskiness of surgery into your game.
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
Pay What You Want
This small module provides an optional method to generate new characters. It was created to avoid unnecessary randomness and weak rolls with players stuck in forced options, while providing more freedom to the players to actually fuel their own vision.
The rules are aimed to be fully modular, so pick and chose what rules segment you prefer and skip the rest.
Four PDF versions provided; full color,... [click here for more] |
Daniel Roos |
Pay What You Want
 Characters may come across spaceships, whether derelict, abandoned or perhaps taken in combat. If they search these spaceships, they will find various items. Whilst cargo might be the most valuable, spaceships can have other things onboard them, and this supplement has 100 such to find. From random junk to equipment that doesn't work properly to items that might have value or use. This PDF supports... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
$1.49 $1.25
 Hargrave Associates is a four-page toolkit for Mothership that adds a little theming to your next mission briefing. Regardless of where you're sending your players, send them in style with Hargrave.
Discover the hidden secrets of Breifing Room 9, the most beige room your players will ever encounter.
Give them an opportunity to find out whether the J6-19 briefing droids really... [click here for more] |
Brett Rolfe |
 Physical copies available soon through the Tuesday Knight Games store!
You are an agent of the Company. You answer to the Board and the Shareholders above them. Time is money. People are numbers. Lying is like breathing.
Become a servant to the all-powerful Company with this new custom class for the Mothership Sci-Fi... [click here for more] |
Joshua Kramer |
Navigate corporate intrigue and play interstellar spy games in this new, covert class for Mothership 1st Edition.
Become a company Agent: conducting subterfuge, surveillance and infiltration missions on behalf of your corporate handlers. Work with or against your embedded crew, leveraging insider knowledge of the corporate world to achieve your objectives.
The Agent Class... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
 You wake from cryo, immediately aware that something is off. Space doesn't feel like space. Your ship unmoving, stuck in hyperspace, attached to Their Ship. Do you meet Them? DO you work with Them to figure out what is going on? to solve the mystery of how and why you are where you are? Why they are here as well?
You hear all sorts of crazy stories about what goes on in hyperspace while the sleepers... [click here for more] |
Thorium 90 Productions |
A claustrophobic mystery set on an isolated moonbase observatory. Light-borne contaminants and infected colonists threaten to overwhelm the base in an uncanny tide of blue.
Moonbase Blues is a 2-page sci-fi horror scenario compatible with the Mothership RPG 1st Edition (Tuesday Knight Games), or usable with your favorite sci-fi tabletop RPG system. Excellent for one-shots or as a location... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
A 2 page, print-friendly black and white pamphlet module, compatible with the Mothership RPG (1E).
Claw Out takes place on the cargo ship Agamemnon as it travels with cargo and passengers destined for a remote mining facility. The first death can be attributed to natural causes, although there was an argument about the cat, and it is not clear how the parrot escaped the locked... [click here for more] |
yeggership |
 Operation Fishblade - A Mothership 1e pamphlet adventure
The [REDACTED] Corporation commenced a dark project called OPERATION FISHBLADE. Troubleshooter Scarla Suozzi commands a team of drones, disguised as “alien fish with robotic bodies”, to accomplish [REDACTED]’s goals. The PCs board the her ship, the Galathea, with the intent to stop these "alien fish" but will... [click here for more] |
Dragon Peak Publishing |
During a repair job to the remote freespace station PIRAD ONE, you meet a unique group of social and political outcasts and quickly learn that some have more powerful secrets than others. There is a force working from the shadows - one commune member is here on behalf of DEXTRO-SINGLETON, a powerful corp willing to do whatever it takes... [click here for more] |
Christian Sorrell |
 The cargo hauler Red Fortitude, bounces from colony to colony station to station on the Rim, shunting whatever cargo they can get a contract for from point A to point B. When a pre jump tradition goes wrong on the ship, some of the crew become exposed to...well...something. No one can figure out what it is, where it came from or how it got loaded on, but deadlines are deadline and the affected crew,... [click here for more] |
Thorium 90 Productions |
A complete sandbox campaign for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG or your favorite Sci-Fi RPG system.
This pamphlet supplement ties twelve 3rd party Mothership adventures together for convenient use in sandbox campaign play. It features:
A gorgeous pixel art map keyed with all included adventure locations plus extra points of interest... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
6 hours ago: Emergency systems were initialized on Icarus Station, a small monitoring facility in low solar orbit
5 hours ago: Icarus crew reported multiple deaths and “one GOBLIN with a knife.”
4 hours ago: All communications went dark. ... [click here for more] |
Christian Sorrell |
"I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ULTIMATE badass! State of the badass art! You do not wanna fuck with me." - Pvt. Hudson, Aliens (1986)
ULTIMATE BADASS is an optional rules pamphlet for the Mothership Sci-fi Horror RPG (1e) that injects over-the-top action into the frightening and tense Mothership experience.
Create stronger (but far from invincible) characters.
Choose over-the-top,... [click here for more] |
Christian Sorrell |
A distant sector glows with the fires of war, atmosphere bleeding from broken fleets ferrying sound over once vacuous space. Corporate armadas and huddled masses make first pilgrimage to a newborn holy land.
Wrath of God is a spaceship-bound hex crawl through a corporate warzone for the Mothership Sci-fi Horror RPG 1e. It briefs... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
 For over a century, the colonial ship USCSS Atlas drifted through the void after an EMP knocked it off course. Now broken in two and marooned on an uncharted planet, the ship is a graveyard, its colonists vanished. The Disaster Recovery Unit awakens to silence, darkness, and the faint echoes of something... alive.
The mission was colonization. Now, it's survival.
"Atlas Bearing... [click here for more] |
Mikael Ribeiro |
 A faint power signature originating from an abandoned research station leads players on a deadly retrieval mission through a horrid hive. Can the crew find the station's highly valuable CPU core, or will they fall prey to the infestation?
This 2-page, trifold adventure for Mothership 1E includes 15 areas, new horrors, random events, an escalation table and a player map. ... [click here for more] |
One-Eyed Werebear |
$2.50 $2.00
Set up the base camp on Pavel Theta, a planet scheduled for survey and archaeology research. The first excavation team has cleared the grounds and eliminated all vermin and hazards at the site. The mounds of earth covered in neon yellow flowers tell a different story.
Burying Grounds on Pavel Theta is a pamphlet adventure compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG.... [click here for more] |
Single Stage to Orbit Press |
 Mercenary contractors registered to the Cendrillon PMC are those who have proven through experience to protect assets better than your common Marine grunt. Each of the mercenaries available this month have expertise and mastery in domains that we assure will help any client get out of a tough spot.
Check the Cendrillon Mercenaries for Hire this month on station!
The Dreamer
Digital... [click here for more] |
5 Million Worlds Press |
 Consolidated Sentience, Con/Sen, is a Rimspace Android Manufacturer operating under the Proxi Marchandises Technologiques Android Merchant umbrella. PMT Android Merchants buy and hawk wares all over Rimspace, scout for new production methods, and recruit industrial facilities. Con/Sen is one such facility: a station-side storefront and museum, and a back-end of offices and... [click here for more] |
5 Million Worlds Press |
A cornucopia of bizarre and upsetting equipment, baubles, and curiosities found in the seedy depths of X-Class stations or the rotting hulls of ghost ships. Guaranteed to make your players say "I hate that" "no" and "f— this."
Compatible with Mothership or your favorite Sci-Fi RPG.
Unearth such wonders as:
A warm thermos filled with fragrant coffee. If consumed, texture chunky and bristling with... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
Pay What You Want
 Help the settlers of the jungle moon Acyx from an invading flora by delivering an experimental herbicide. The vines strangle the few facilities that remain, and the inhabitants have exhausted all other options. It’s just some weeds, what’s the big deal?
The Flora on Acyx is a pamphlet adventure compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. Contracted to help settlers... [click here for more] |
Single Stage to Orbit Press |
-"Echo Echo Alpha Niner, this is USCSS Silverback acknowledging the activated G.M.E.P of the USS Scorpio. Requesting a response, over."
Nothing but silence, just the crackling of static noise.
-"USS Scorpio, please respond."
Why was there no response? What´s that unfamiliar vessel connected to the Scorpio? The original plan was simply to retrieve the cargo and continue the mission,... [click here for more] |
Mikael Ribeiro |
Thousands of ALCOR stations dot known space serving cheap fuel cores, lousy "entertainment" and questionable culinary choices.
This pamphlet module for MOTHERSHIP presents you with a safe place for your players to rest and relieve stress... as long a something doesn't... [click here for more] |
Víctor J. Merino |
 A brochure adventure for Mothership RPG. The gold rush is over. The spore pods of Hayden V, swelling in the magenta light of a dwarf star, are prized across the galaxy as hallucinogenic cosmetics for the rich. Unfortunately that same star is going to send a life-scouring solar flare over and through the forest moon in 24 hours. The rock’s been picked over, but there’s rumors of one last great... [click here for more] |
Joel Hines |
A Mothership 1E brochure adventure in a space coffee stand. Treasured associates, Thank you for joining the AstralBrews family! You may be experiencing discomfort as a result of the onboarding process, but please understand that nausea, sweating, and retrograde amnesia are all natural and temporary side effects of your new AstralBrews Cerebral Recipe Chip. Please know that: 1.... [click here for more] |
Joel Hines |
 An urgent brochure adventure for Mothership RPG by Joel Hines. Tinea Weather Station was commissioned to observe and study the unpredictable weather patterns of the tidally locked water world of Mani. Earlier today, for unknown reasons, its orbit began to rapidly decay. Once you arrive, you'll have about 3 hours before the station burns up in the tempestuous atmosphere. Your mission is to extract... [click here for more] |
Joel Hines |
 Sargasso Cluster is a two-page one-shot scenario for Mothership® inspired by Space Hulk by Games Workshop, Event Horizon, the Star Trek Animated Series episode “The Time Trap,” and the Mary Celeste.
The Pitch: A derelict vessel in deep space contains an unknown gravity drive – a rich salvage opportunity.
Everything you need to run the Sargasso... [click here for more] |
Gregory Harris |
 The wind blows the slow sands away, revealing a hatch to a long forgotten place. A place of power, a place that should be feared... Your clan got the lead on the hatch from a mysterious saiyiki. Now you stand before an underground mystery. For use with Gordinaak and Mothership RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Gordinaak Games |
 A One-Shot compatible with the Mothership Sci Fi Horror RPG 1E (First Edition)
! Update: PRINT+PDF Bundle now also available at the Tuesday Knight Games webstore !
A geological survey station on a distant moon fell silent after logging anomalous readings. Your crew is tasked with investigating what happened, rescuing priority personnel, and securing other station assets. ... [click here for more] |
The Escape Vector |
![RV Games Rules Pamphlet Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/22180/409947-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Social Rolls for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF
This is a pamphlet for a Fiasco inspired social roll system for The Mothership Sci-fi Horror RPG. This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
$2.97 $0.00
Forget booze-bending snore leave, take your UTO hours to one of our safe and thrilling Dinoplex theme stations!
Explore a seedy dinosaur wildlife park! Corporate-horror laden tourism turns to terrifying disaster scenario when a pyrotechnics malfunction looses starving dinos on hapless visitors.
Dinoplex: Cataclysm is a sci-fi horror pamphlet adventure... [click here for more] |
Anodyne Printware |
 TechRot s a suggestion for an overarching story, a narrative guide and an explanation to a lo-fi cassette type of sci fi universe and how that basic level of tech can coexist alongside a more slick, advanced type of technology.
Use this as a blueprint for lore and history, an overarching campaign backbone as The Stem begins its return, or simply as a way to paint the technological scene for players... [click here for more] |
Svedjenaeva |

A brochure sized, one-shot module designed for Mothership.
For 300 orbits of the binary system Galtros Major, workers of Braid Industries have mined the molten core of A.Xo31for its dense Helix-Iron. But when a new crystalline structure was discovered, everything changed.
This product is 1 of 5 stand-alone modules designed alongside Mayday Files, a Mothership Bestiary. Check it out!
Buy the lot... [click here for more] |
Burning Light Press |
A brochure sized, one-shot module designed for Mothership.
The C.S Herschal is a derelict vessel floating through the void of space. The crew are dead, the ship is infested with a horde of hostile creatures, and its Hull and Support systems are barely clinging to life. But, with a cargo bay filled with valuable goods, is the danger worth the risk.
This product is 1 of 5 stand-alone modules designed... [click here for more] |
Burning Light Press |

A brochure sized, one-shot module designed for Mothership.
Over 200 years countless folk would transform a chunk of rock into a thriving metropolis filled with boisterous souls; excavating, sculpting, and fabricating hundreds of square kilometres of stone into a highly urbanized civilization. Diagamma 6 stands as a beacon for the lost and weary soul, a haven for unscrupulous mega-corporations and... [click here for more] |
Burning Light Press |
 This tri-fold pamphlet for the Mothership RPG contains three new classes (Director, Marshal and Sergeant) and a modified panic table for grittier short-term consequences. ... [click here for more] |
Linus Weber |

A brochure sized, one-shot module designed for Mothership.
A private research station funded by weapon, pharmaceutical, and synthitech manufacturers. It specializes in the research of aggressive and formidable life form.
But what could go wrong when you house a score of incredibly dangerous creatures in a hostile environment?
This product is 1 of 5 stand-alone modules designed alongside Mayday... [click here for more] |
Burning Light Press |
 A safe home is a rare jewel in the Lowland Wastes. Living underground may offer refuge from the blizzards, but how long can the safety last? Winter’s grasp creeps in through the cracks, ambitious Lordlings descend from above, and inconceivable threats rise from below…
What will we do when we are caught in the middle, with no way out?
Slipping... [click here for more] |
Storm’s Eye |
 A cheap Jump-1 ticket? You thought you got lucky.
Now, stuck in the airlock with the other marks, you couldn’t feel lower. Then the warning lights flash. You hear a loud clunk, and your stomach sinks. In a blink, you're all gulped into the nothing beyond with a brief whoosh.
Stars spin as you tumble through space, screaming promises of violence upon the friend who said... [click here for more] |
ATypicalFaux |

A brochure sized, one-shot module designed for Mothership.
Need a break from the endless virtual grind of the corporate world? From the ever-present industrial smog of urbanized society? Wish you could lie back and gaze upon passing nebulae and pulsing quasars as android hosts bring you Qualian cocktails and appetizers from the exotic Morit-zae Five? Or that you could waste the night away under... [click here for more] |
Burning Light Press |
 The Sleeper Crew Pamphlet Duo is an officially licensed third-party product for Mothership RPG. With its Extended Cryosleep complications, this pamphlet gives a novel start to any Mothership adventure.
The Premise: The PCs have "volunteered" to join The Sleeper Crew (a Division of Freezer Operations). Freezer Ops put them... [click here for more] |
5 Million Worlds Press |
![Creeping Threats [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/23349/484827-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Burying Grounds on Pavel Theta Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $1.50 Format: PDF and MP3 Bundle Set up the base camp on Pavel Theta, a planet scheduled for survey and archaeology research. The first excavation team has cleared the grounds and eliminated all vermin and hazards at the site. The mounds... [click here for more] |
Single Stage to Orbit Press |
$3.20 $3.00
TAMA-81 eradicated their persistent xeno infestation. It took YEARS. Now, a wave of vermin has burst open on sensors...
This is a tri-fold adventure pamphlet for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. It is a bug hunt crawl through a space station in the Cerdo System. It features a map, procedures, three creatures, and an npc. This pamphlet is playable with very minimal prep, so it is a great one-shot... [click here for more] |
RV Games |
Named after Delta Blues legend Charley Patton's song, this minimal prep pamphlet adventure is a river-travel hex crawl through the dangerous Slate River Delta. The goal? Recover a beacon that has washed up on the oceanic shores, and make it back to the Landing Zone alive.
This game includes:
5 Boat Loadouts
5 Delta Guide NPCs
5 Environmental Encounter Tables
5 Hex Horrors, and... [click here for more] |
RV Games |