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Camp Hollow Lake

Camp Hollow Lake

Camp Hollow Lake – A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario Camp Hollow Lake is set in the modern day and is designed to recreate the feel of a typical slasher film, including all its clenches. Four pre-generated investigators are provided, each with a secret which can help the investigators piece together what is going on at Camp Hollow Lake.  Camp Hollow Lake is designed for up to 4...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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[Korean] Metronome

[Korean] Metronome

[Korean] CoC 7th 팬 메이드 시나리오 인포: 수록 시나리오: 고리, 다시. 나를 기억해 그리고 잊지 마. 기억의 대가란 잊지 않은 자의 무게(웹 공개) 루프 시나리오 총 3편 수록. 오로지 너를 위해 나는 이 모든 일을 감당할 거야. 같이 살아가자, KPC. 같이...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Contact is a modern scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. It is designed to be played in a single session and is intended for small groups of investigators. Over the course of the scenario, the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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[Korean] 신성모독

[Korean] 신성모독

[Korean] CoC 7th 팬 메이드 시나리오 인포: 수록 시나리오: 우리는 낙원에서 추방당했습니다. 순환탑 낙원과 종교 시나리오 2편 수록. - 떠나는 길이 곧 낙원을 향한 길이고, 우리가 있는 곳이 곧 낙원이니까요. - 기도하고 또 기도하십시오. 당신이 살고...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Broken Arrow: Chernobyl

Broken Arrow: Chernobyl

February 1992, the newly-independent country of Ukraine still has nuclear warheads on its territory, and now one has gone missing. An international group of intelligence officers and scientists must find the culprit, leading them into the dark and nightmarish world of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Broken Arrow: Chernobyl is a Call of Cthulhu 7th edition scenario designed for 2-6 players,...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Azzurrina Is Missing - Delta Green Adventure

Azzurrina Is Missing - Delta Green Adventure

On the night of May 9, 2011, the Agents are urgently summoned by their liaison superior for a briefing in Lincoln, Nebraska. As soon as they arrive at the place of the briefing, an anonymous house in the suburban suburbs, they are assigned a new mission: to find Azzurrina, Senator Wilson's daughter, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. "Azzurrina Is Missing" is a fanmade...   [click here for more]
Born2BPlayer   FREE 

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CTHULHU: Schnellstartregeln

CTHULHU: Schnellstartregeln

Willkommen bei CTHULHU Du interessierst dich für CTHULHU? Du bist nicht allein! CTHULHU ist ein klassisches Rollenspiel, das seit über 30 Jahren seine Spieler in den Bann zieht. Schauplatz der Geschichten ist eine von Lovecraft erschaffene Welt des Grauens. Hier werden gewöhnliche Menschen mit den schrecklichen und fremdartigen Kräften...   [click here for more]
Pegasus Press   FREE 

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Geoff Gillan's The Past Is Doomed

Geoff Gillan's The Past Is Doomed

Arkham in the 1990s: The famous witch-haunted city of Lovecraft's day may still have one foot in the past, but as the 21st century looms, horrors of a more contemporary nature shatter its quiet contemplation. ◊ It starts with the unexplained disappearance of a famous author, Ernst Zabrich; a scholar with some controversial ideas of global conspiracy. Visiting Arkham to research these shadowy forces,...   [click here for more]
Cthulhu Reborn   FREE 

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La scomparsa di Azzurrina - Avventura per Delta Green

La scomparsa di Azzurrina - Avventura per Delta Green

Nella notte del 9 Maggio 2011, gli Agenti sono convocati d’urgenza dal loro superiore di collegamento per un briefing a Lincoln, Nebraska. Appena arrivano al luogo del briefing, un’anonima casa nella periferia suburbana, gli viene assegnata una nuova missione: ritrovare Azzurrina, la figlia del senatore Wilson, scomparsa in circostanze misteriose. "La scomparsa di Azzurrina" è...   [click here for more]
Born2BPlayer   FREE 

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Operation Foxglove

Operation Foxglove

In February 1944, the German military occupies Norway. A team of commandos is sent from Britain to disrupt the transport system behind enemy lines, and make their way to the remote mountain village of Røros. Unknown to them, the Germans have awakened something deep underground, and the team must decide quickly what is most important- their mission, or the town itself. Operation Foxglove...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Dwustronicowy scenariusz stworzony specjalnie na Halloween. Uniwersalny, zachowany w konwencji grozy. Przeznaczony jest dla kilku graczy (od 3 do 5 osób) i skonstruowany w taki sposób, by go skończyć podczas jednej sesji.  Testerzy: Ewa Hopke, Michał Domański, Tymon Zaganiacz Korekta i redakcja: Ewa Hopke Skład: Łukasz Wawrzkiewicz Autor: Skrajnie Poczytalny ...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Stardust Publications Podcast - Episode #2: Industry Product Reviews

Stardust Publications Podcast - Episode #2: Industry Product Reviews (audio product)

Stardust Publications Podcast - Episode #2: Industry Product Reviews. This episode deals with a review of new gaming products both from Stardust Publications and other companies in the gaming industry and there is a brief sneak preview of the soon to be released Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles Role-Playing Game. We do have to apologize for the sound quality of this particular podcast, at the...   [click here for more]
Stardust Publications   FREE 

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  Tales of Menace & Mystery – The Pulp Action Role-Playing Game