This is a VTT map of a large estate. There are 3 versions, including a Roll20 ready map with dynamic lighting. Great for any game you need an estate for your players to search. Or maybe they've been locked in the estate cells and have to escape. Endless uses for this map!
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LicenseYou may use these maps for... [click here for more]
The Bandit CampMap Details: In this design, a road crosses the bottom right corner of the map. Just to the north of the road, a small hidden trail leads to a clearing where bandits have set up a camp to operate from. Besides the standard tents used by "regular bandits" the underbosses' tent lays at the north end of the clearing with some additional equipment and... [click here for more]
Yazzamia Silvermug is a life long lover of taverns. She travels the multiverse visiting as many taverns as she can to document there story in her adventure book. This chapter of Yazzamia Silvermug's Tavern Adventures brings you inside "The Drunks PaladINN".
The Drunks PaladINN includes:
A short description of the tavern and 10 maps in various formats including:
- Top down views... [click here for more]