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Update (1/1/23): A second edition of Dragonslayers RPG is now available! We are confident that the new edition offers a superior experience for most groups, but we're leaving this rules-lite legacy version of the game accessible to download. Includes: DSRPG Core Rulebook (25 pages), Bestiary (15 pages), Space Opera Conversion (10 pages), Variant... [click here for more] |
Beast Box Publishing |
Learn the how to play our 5e styled game for kids! The treatise explains how to adventure in this 5e super lite styled game for young minds.
Simplified game play, easy to understand rules, short narratives for small attention spans, our adventures are written for families to focus on fun and not get bogged down with the tediousness that can happen with TTRPGs.
This treatise explains how to create... [click here for more] |
Bwilder Games |
Pay What You Want
What if magic was real?
What if, long ago, monsters walked the Earth... ogres, giants, dragons, and vampires, and the smaller, scarier things that haunt the darkness? What if heroes and wizards did battle against them, in defense of humankind?
What if the magic went away?
What if it all just faded into the shadows? What if all the monsters and magic became nothing more than myths or superstitions,... [click here for more] |
The Basic Fantasy Project |
***This products includes both English and Italian Version | Questo prodotto include sia il file Inglese che Italiano***
The Lunar Predator is a Nightfell encounter, unlocked as a stretch goal of the Kickstarter campign, designed together with the community.
They say it's like lightning. The horror begins... [click here for more] |
Mana Project Studio |
Pay What You Want
Intruders! is a complete retroclone of the 1974 edition of The World's Most Recognizeable Role-Playing Game, complete with minor adaptations and quality-of-life updates for a new generation of Old School Revival adventure role-playing game enthusiasts.
Fighting-Man and Cleric character levels up to 10, and Magic-User levels up to 16
Complete randomized encounter charts
Updated and extensive... [click here for more] |
Monkey's Paw Games |
Pay What You Want
This is an excerpt from Mörk Manual, successfully funded on Kickstarter in June 2023.
Mörk Borg mayhem in a grunge fantasy world.
Mörk Manual is a single volume game, including all rules and adversaries needed to get you started. A compendium of classic classes,... [click here for more] |
Booger Goblin Press |
Pay What You Want
If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs. I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories.
The Gaming with Kids Guide is a direct extract from... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
Quickstart Guide & System Reference Document
The Backwater Quickstart Guide & System Reference Document includes character creation rules, essential rules for gameplay, a pre-generated character sheet, and a blank character sheet. It’s 53 pages and includes sketches of original art for the core rulebook.
Want to try the game on your own? Grab our solitaire. Then create a character and... [click here for more] |
Backwards Tabletop |
Pay What You Want
Dust Devils, Goblins, and Humans is a bestiary supplement for the mediaeval fantasy Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings table-top roleplaying system. It features 100 creature entries, including descriptions, stats, and abilities for each creature.
Examples include the Edible Slime, a gelatinous fungus that splits when damaged; Oignomancers, wizards who specialize in onion-based magic;... [click here for more] |
Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings |
Pay What You Want
If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs. I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories.
The Power Outage Reference Guide is a quick guide sheet... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
![LUSUS [USA]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/14126/427656-thumb140.png) A IPER SIMPLE SOLITARY SCIFI RPG
Made in Italy by Qwein Games
Will you be able to save your life and escate the aliens? ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
This is an addition to our main game Grim Hunters. It contains a variety of creatures you can interact with in the game.
Grim Hunters is our new TTRPG that uses a d10 as the main dice, which creates an exciting and unpredictable gameplay. In this game, you will be taking on the role of a hunter, tracking and battling mythical creatures in a modern setting. Instead... [click here for more] |
Digital Troll Studios |
Pay What You Want

Volere è Potere
POW è un gioco di ruolo con un sistema basato sul d10 e pensato per soddisfare due necessità:
divertirsi molto e farlo in fretta!
Ogni sessione di gioco può essere interamente improvvisata grazie alla versatilità del regolamento, che permette addirittura di generare tutti i mostri in... [click here for more] |
Revel Tales |
Abide Asteria
Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment.... [click here for more] |
Abide Asteria |
Pay What You Want
A 64-page guide for the Five Moons RPG! Includes everything a player needs to create a character (and advance up to level 5), plus the rules for skills, combat cronks, low-level spells, armor, weapons, equipment, and basic combat. ... [click here for more] |
Sean K Reynolds Games |
WARNING: This Adventure is already included in the back of the Power Outage Core Guide Book.
The purpose of uploading this separately is due to the additional printable assets that can be found in the back of the adventure. Of course, the adventure can also be used as a setting for whatever system you wish to play.
Synopsis: Robotic Henchmen are ransacking... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
 Gioco di ruolo Fantascienza classico. La razza umana è impericolo un'enorme flotta entra nel sistema solare. Un avanscoperta si avvicina a Marte la base in costruzione lancia l'allerta. Sul posto una vecchia nave scuola di scorta ai cargo la Bartimeus. Serviranno sei mesi alla flotta per arrivare a Marte, nove per l'arrivo del grosso apparso sui satelliti. In prima linea la vecchia nave scuola con... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
In 2009, Avalon Games released it first Mini-Game, Graveyard Dash, and since then we have released a new Mini-Game every month. Mini-Games can be anything—a simple dice game, card game, or print-to-play board game. Avalon has always published these simple but fun games to explorer different types of games and genre, often allowing us, the game designers, the opportunity to develop a game without... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
 Galaventia è la prima ambientazione pubblicata per il sistema Creative Commons Roleplay Rules (2C2R).
Si tratta di un'ambientazione high-fantasy, e all'interno del file zip troverete tutto il necessario per giocare. A una prima occhiata potrebbe sembrare che ci siano troppi manuali, ma in realtà è più semplice di quanto sembri: assicuratevi solo di iniziare la lettura dal manuale chiamato Galaventia... [click here for more] |
2C2R |
Taleweaver Menagerie Addendum: Gloomborne
Unveil the shadows of Vaeloraranth with the Gloomborne, an enigmatic and malevolent new addition to your Taleweaver campaigns. This free addendum introduces three terrifying forms of the Gloomborne—Lesser, Typical, and Greater—each more powerful and sinister than the last.
These creatures are not mere undead, but living shadows born from despair and darkness,... [click here for more] |
Thaloranth Publishing |
About Old Storytellers or a Game of Campfire Lore (AOS) diverges from the realm of classic mythology utilizing the rich themes and fearsome critters found in North American folklore. The genre can varying widely between fantasy, horror, western, mystery, adventure, steampunk, etc. depending on the type of story being... [click here for more] |
Thrill Land |
Add death and destruction - as well as some embarrassing moments - to your BattleSauce adventures! The Monster Horde includes twenty horrible monsters and one ugly boss monster which can be used for random encounters or just picking the worst thing to fight.
For random monster encounters, roll 1D20 and turn to the corresponding page number to see what you're facing!
Use the BattleSauce... [click here for more] |
BattleSauce |
This is a sneak preview of Creature Feature™ for Beyond the Supernatural™.
This sneak preview includes the front cover, credits, contents, and portions of the following: World Overview, NPCs, Creatures on the Loose, the Blood Creeper, Brawling Joe, Crystal Servant, Gormaglut, Muse Devil, Deeper Insights & Clarifications, and The Art of Monsters & Horror.
Creature Feature™... [click here for more] |
Palladium Books |
A Game of Perilous Adventure and Dragonslaying! Dragonslayers RPG is a smart, lean, cinematic fantasy roleplaying game, inspired by action-packed films like The Lord of the Rings trilogy and series like Avatar: The Last Airbender. It is easy to learn, easy to play, and perfect for gamers of all experience levels. This edition is an overhaul of the original... [click here for more] |
Beast Box Publishing |
Dreadnought is a rules-light game designed by the ENNIE nominated team Liminal Artifact that pits nobledark heroes against cosmic horrors borne from the depthless unknown. It's designed to be about the characters and their story. The game has no stats and easy-to-use mechanics built to drive the narrative forward using an Apocalypse Engine with a dreadful... [click here for more] |
Liminal Artifact |
 Gioco di ruolo fantascienza 1,99 euro ultra minimale, battaglie tra astronavi e caccia, conquista spaziale.
Usa un solo dado a sei facce
Non utilizza la scheda personaggio
Caratteristiche livellate
Sistema preferisce parte narrativa a combattimento e azione ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Orcs, they’re everywhere! And now, with the Lore Creature Codex I: Orcs, they can be in your RPG too. Grunts, Bowyers, Warriors and a few other surprises that keep Orcs an unpredictable part of your campaigns. As with all Lore creatures, they are fully scalable to fit any campaign, any level.
Orcs is the first release for the Codex, with regular instalments... [click here for more] |
GameFace Publishing |
This 250-page book compiles 200 creatures, plants and entities that roam the Polaris universe, along with behaviour and background descriptions for them.
Creatures is a sourcebook for the English edition of the Polaris RPG. ... [click here for more] |
Black Book Editions |
This document contains the Monster rules for Core Fantasy Roleplaying playtest. This is a 5E-compatible rules set under construction by Kobold Press.
Facebook | Instagram | Bluesky | YouTube
Discord | TikTok... [click here for more] |
Kobold Press |
This document contains the Kobold and Smallfolk lineages rules for the Black Flag AKA Core Fantasy Roleplaying playtest. This is a 5E-compatible rules set under construction by Kobold Press.
Facebook | Instagram | Bluesky | YouTube
Discord | TikTok... [click here for more] |
Kobold Press |
Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/CgeCzgkW6S
Enter the world of Raven of the Scythe with this free starter set.
You will get the Starter Set Core Rules, Pre Made Characters to start your adventure, and the Adventure "Adventure's in Midshire Starter Set."
Raven of the Scythe is a fantasy RPG that brings you into a world of grim possibilities. ... [click here for more] |
James Embry |
This is a sneak preview of Rifts® Bestiary™, Volume One.
This sneak preview includes the front cover, credits, contents, and portions of the following: Erin Tarn on the Savage Wilderness, Stat Block Terms & Notes, Agenor River Serpent, Bears, Cadborosaurus, Canadian Duckbill, Caterpilar Things, Cerebro-Scramblers, Corrival Battler, Covenant Falcon, Devil Kraken, Devilsaurus,... [click here for more] |
Palladium Books |
Rogues & Royals is mix between the complex and deep rpgs of old, and the easy to learn and flexible rpgs of new! Create your character with in-depth character creation with classes and races! Cast magnificent and uniques spells! Play our simple but tactical combat! Have fun adventuring in the world of Rogues & Royals
Note: this is a playtest edition, so features may... [click here for more] |
Jack White |
SHIVER Double Feature - LIVE NOW on Gamefound
WHAT IS SHIVER?| Winner of BEST RPG at UK Games Expo 2022. Grab the SHIVER Core Book here.
SHIVER is a tabletop roleplaying game that lets players bring their favourite scary movies, spooky tv shows, and horror stories to life. Ever wanted to play through the plot of your favourite film on the tabletop? Or wanted to make sequels,... [click here for more] |
Parable Games |
 Vad vore en värld utan demoner, vandöda och utomjordingar? Antagligen rätt tråkig och vardaglig. Därför presenteras här ett stort antal väsen för att krydda äventyr och kampanjer med, eller till och med bygga handlingen på.
Det är inte heller ovanligt att organisationer forskar på, samarbetar med eller jagar vissa varelser eller utomjordingar. Majestic samarbetar till exempel med illik,... [click here for more] |
MylingSpel |
Pay What You Want
Grimlokk – A Cunning Trickster for Your Game
The Grimlokk is a devious, small humanoid creature known for its cunning and quick reflexes. Masters of stealth and trickery, Grimlokks thrive in the shadows, using their agility and keen senses to outwit foes. Whether as mischievous pests, cunning thieves, or sly assassins, these creatures bring a unique blend of danger and mischief to any campaign.... [click here for more] |
Thaloranth Publishing |
Ever wanted to use a system offering the customization you always wanted without being bogged down with endless options and rules? Ever wondered why everything is either a hit or miss in most systems? Well The ADVANCED: Pandemonium is what you are looking for. This system has full customization options to create not only the character but even the attacks to fully fit your character idea while allowing... [click here for more] |
Beirdo Games |