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*includes player handouts and VTT maps in .zip folders
Go to Hell! You’ve signed a deal with a devil promising amazing powers in this life in return for servitude in the next. But after the signatures dried, you found you missed some of the fine print… Gather a party of mortals with buyer’s remorse and plunge into the Nine Circles of Hell. There you will find devils, traps, magic, deceit,... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |
$9.99 $7.99
*Now includes Full-detail and simplified VTT maps in a .zip folder.
Across the woods and between the mountains lies Lugos Valley
The region has never been peaceful: it is home to ravenous beasts, shapeshifting serpents, and legions of undead. But lately, a struggle between the lich Duchess Dragomir and her vampire husband Count Brasov has thrown... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |
Engine is the magazine for AGE System roleplaying enthusiasts, covering Blue Rose, Fantasy AGE, Modern AGE, Cthulhu Awakens, and other games using the Adventure Game Engine rules. In our premiere issue:
Apprehension: Rules for fear and dread for Blue Rose and Fantasy AGE, with notes for other games.
Enemies & Allies—The... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |
*Now includes Full-detail and simplified VTT maps in a .zip folder.
Either intentionally or unintentionally, the party has teleported to the mysterious Ebonpeak Isle, home of the most prestigious magical academy of the Known World. To their surprise, however, they find the island floating through the Temporal Plane!
To return home, the party will need to solve the... [click here for more] |
Chris Powell |
The Lost Shipwreck of Le Griffon Has Been Found!
A Discovery Made
A mysterious statue is found below the deck of that barnacled wreck and dredged from its depths. A once in a lifetime recovery for the local maritime institutions.
An Event Set
An unveiling at the Port of Ludington Maritime Museum is announced by its curator — the stodgy and uptight Lance Handerson. It's cravats,... [click here for more] |
Dark of the Night Network |
Pay What You Want
Greetings, denizens of the dark, dwellers of the fantastical, and lovers of the macabre. Welcome to the realm of TERROR, where unspeakable horrors and forbidden magics await. SIMPLE 5E HORROR, is a tome of arcane rituals and twisted rules, crafted to enhance your tabletop roleplaying games with spine-tingling terror. This mystical mini grimoire, beckons to those daring enough to delve into its secrets.... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
$1.99 $0.99
Mountains of madness, cave complexes inhabited since before history, and secret temples under moldering ruins are all part of the Mythos horror genre. With DREADCRAWLS #0: Strange Places, you can generate these bizarre, haunted locations with a few dice rolls and simple decisions. From underground complexes to hyper-dimensional locales... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |
$7.99 $5.99
Z radością witamy Was po raz szósty w wakacyjnym, lipcowym numerze "To Się Wytnie". Ten numer poświęciliśmy wyjątkowemu podręcznikowi do gry fabularnej "Kult: Boskość Utracona". Przedstawiliśmy też ogólne zasady systemu PBtA. W tym wydaniu znajdziecie mnóstwo nowości, zapowiedzi oraz informacji o zbliżających się wydarzeniach i konwentach. Specjalnie dla Was przygotowaliśmy również... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Witajcie drodzy Czytelnicy! Z radością witamy Was w siódmym numerze naszego zina "To się wytnie!". Tym razem przygotowaliśmy dla Was wyjątkowy numer, poświęcony magicznym i tajemniczym istotom, które od wieków zamieszkują wyobraźnię ludzi. W tym wydaniu szczególną uwagę poświęciliśmy wróżkom oraz fascynującym stworzeniom z kultury słowiańskiej. Znajdziecie tu nie tylko nowinki... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko... Mówi się, że najtrudniej zacząć, a my właśnie postawiliśmy nasz pierwszy krok, aby dzielić się z Wami naszą pasją do gier RPG. Jesteśmy grupą znajomych z całej Polski, którzy spotykają się na Discordzie, by tworzyć mroczne historie i przygody w Świecie Mroku i nie tylko. Prowadzimy kanały na YT, Instagrama i TikToka,... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
This 53-page issue is a Occult Fiction Horror Reference (Ref).
Occult Fiction is a speculative fiction subgenre of fantasy, horror, and mystery (often used in romance and sometimes in science fiction) that uses supernatural, magic, and the unknown in settings as a source of fear. It often revolves around subjects hidden knowledge, secret wisdom, the paranormal,... [click here for more] |
Ken Wickham |
$4.99 $4.98
This 118-page issue is a Horror Reference (Ref) 2nd edtion. It has material built around several questions.
What is horror?
What are some horror subgenres?
What fiction sources my serve as a companion to horror RPG gaming?
What type of random d100 tool may help to create a horror story?
What is a brief timeline of highlights for horror novels, movies,... [click here for more] |
Ken Wickham |
$4.99 $4.98
This 57-page issue is a Gothic Reference (Ref).
From vampires to Frankenstein's monster to a headless horseman to haunted mansions and hungry werewolves and darkened worlds, Gothic horror explores horror and romance stressing the mysterious, sinister, or violent events in a gloomy, messy, grotesque, or supernatural setting such as ruined castles, dark mansions,... [click here for more] |
Ken Wickham |
$4.99 $4.98
Witamy Was serdecznie po raz piąty na łamach naszego magazynu, tym razem poświęconego jednemu z najbardziej kultowych i fascynujących uniwersów w świecie gier – Fallouta. To miejsce, gdzie przeszłość spotyka się z przyszłością, a zgliszcza dawnego świata kryją nie tylko zagrożenia, ale i nieskończone możliwości. Zapewne każdy z Was, tak jak my, poczuł dreszcz emocji, gdy po... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
"To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Cieszymy się, że po raz trzeci jesteście z nami. Kwietniowy numer poświęciliśmy zbliżającej się premierze polskiego wydania podręcznika do Wilkołaka Apokalipsy 5 edycji, którą zapewne w kwietniu ogłosi AlisGames. Postaraliśmy się przybliżyć Wam świat Garou, kim są, jakimi plemionami można grać, a przede wszystkim dokonaliśmy... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Miesiąc maj poświęciliśmy Cthulhu, odsłaniając przed Wami kilka podręczników z tego uniwersum. Czytając ten numer, dowiecie się, czym jest Cthulhu, jak powstał i kto jest odpowiedzialny za jego powstanie. Przedstawimy sylwetkę Howarda Philipsa Lovecrafta, dokonamy porównania trzech systemów: Zew Cthulhu, Pulp Cthulhu i Achtung!... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the first collection of themebooks for Fear of the Unknown. This collection includes Deadly Dreams, Found Footage, Halloween Party, Curious Things, Day of the Mall, and The Return. You'll need the core rules to play. A theme is... [click here for more] |
Sixpence Games |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Cieszymy się, że jesteście z nami drugi raz. Po pierwszym numerze dostaliśmy dużo pozytywnych reakcji, co bardzo nas ucieszyło i zmotywowało do pracy. Ciągle się rozwijamy, poznajemy świat pisania czasopism i będziemy wdzięczni za wszelkie wskazówki, sugestie. Drugi numer poświęciliśmy świeżemu tematowi, czyli premierze... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Killing for a Cause is a new charity RPG zine. This issue, Bloodsuckers, is about vampires, and proceeds from this go to support the Against Malaria Foundation, a charity that stops the most fiendish bloodsuckers in the world, mosquitos, from killing people with their deadly curse (malaria).
This issue contains new and original vampire-themed... [click here for more] |
Sixpence Games |
Pay What You Want
An IKEA inspired horror
Modular Demons, Some assembly required.
Everything you need to summon some foes to slay your enemies and really tie the room together. Yes their terrible screams and uncomfortable clicking noises are just the thing to make your house into a home. Easy to follow instructions and demon parts that practically put themselves together.
Just print out the various components and... [click here for more] |
JonzyE |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Issue 9 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month we have three adventures for you. In Raging Bull there are two concepts depending on how your group operates. Most fantasy games are very much European in outlook but there are hints at possible adventures in a more exotic African styled world suggested by an NPC that the players never get to meet. For those of a more action... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 20 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
Adventuring We Shall Go!
This month brings you another adventure Facing the Idiyva
Can your players sneak into an Idiyva settlement and steal a magic ring? There is at least one nasty surprise waiting for them if they try, that is for sure.
Random City Houses
I show a simple technique for creating really simple, unique house floorplans on the fly. You... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
The RolemasterBlog is a fan run blog written by GMs and players of probably the best roleplaying game ever written, not that we are biased!
This month brings more monsters, the Vampire and Vampire Spawn as well as three playable adventures. Stand By Me is a role players vampire story where saving the innocent surpasses the need to kill the monster. At the other end of the spectrum we have a vampires... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Field of Battle is a new system-agnostic zine for tabletop roleplaying games.
In this first issue, you will find:
Eight NPCs your players might meet in fantasy, sci-fi, horror and other genres of games, each with adventure hooks and detailed backstories!
Four new monsters, from the mighty Sand Giant to the terrifying Vodjanoi
Veridium Prime, a planet setting for sci-fi adventures,... [click here for more] |
Keith DEdinburgh |
Welcome to Issue 10 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
Brian wrote recently that he had published nearly 200 documents for Shadow World on the Rolemaster Blog and the Rolemaster Forums. What I want to achieve here is bring these together into the first printed edition of Brian’s Alternative Spell Law or BASiL as it has become known.
It is my understanding that BASiL is a working document in that it is still... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 11 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month is all about BASiL, Brian’s Alternative Spell (i) Law. We are featuring 33 new spell lists what is Essence part 2. These spell lists encompass the traditional Magician base lists, so this is where you are going to find you fireballs and lightning bolts.
It is also where BASiL really starts to shine in my opinion. No longer... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Is an independent, 30-page-zine for MÖRK BORG featuring new rules, weird random tables, items, and a new, miserable class. Rummaging through its pages you might find...
An NPC appearances generator, for providing a hideous face to that weird quest giver, or that scum who just stole all your silver
Advanced rules for combat, aimed shots, and... [click here for more] |
Giulio "GVIX" Vissio |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Issue 12 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month we complete the Essence section of BASiL. We have five new essence spell lists and one special preview list from the Channeling BASiL lists.
In addition we have two new monsters, the Mummy and Mummy Lord.
I also want to start a discussion about NPCs and stock NPCs in particular. There are as many different types of NPC out there as there are... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 17 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
Adventuring We Shall Go!
This month brings the biggest we have published so far Scorpion Rock.
I think the adventures in this fanzine are some of the most popular articles and I also think that a paid for fanzine is the best place for them. Posting adventures on the publically available blog means your players may have already read the ending and that... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 19 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
Adventuring We Shall Go!
This month brings you another adventure Edge of the Sea.
Can your players prevent the return of an ancient sea god determined to wash life from the surface of the land? Can they thwart the plans of a rather flambouyant sea faring pirate? ... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 15 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month is all about ideas and giving you inspiration to make things your own.
I want to introduce the idea of different kinds of magic. We have the three realms and we have Arcane but we haven’t had anything truly new for nearly four decades. So this month I am introducing Blood Magic that does away with Power Points during casting.
After that... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 14 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month we are starting to look at Brian Hanson’s Mentalism realm in BASiL. Of the three realms this is the least well developed, in my opinion.
What we have for you this month are seven mentalism lists. That may not seem like many but do bear in mind that BASiL is built on the assumption that characters will be of ‘no profession’ so there is... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 13 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month brings 25 new Channeling Spell lists from Dark Woundings to Herb Mastery, here is the first part of the BASiL Channeling book by Brian Hanson. ... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 16 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month is all about adventure writing and ideas. I present three potential ‘philosophies’ as well as two adventures which I hope you can play through with the minimum of GM preparation.
I also reprint a story by Captain S. P. Meek. This story was first published in 1930 and is now in the public domain. I hold this story up as an eample of how we... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Welcome to Issue 17 of the Rolemaster Fanzine.
This month brings two adventures 'Vesticide' and 'Fire Dragon' and in addition the shapeshifting Dream Team. The dream team could make an intestesting addition to any campaign. If you have ever been tempted to have an 'anti-party' then maybe the dream team is for you.
In addition you also get some essay style articles by me. I always enjoy having a good... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
While roaming the wilds, your group of adventurers encounter a crazy cat lady who begs for your aid. You climb down a well that leads you to facing corrupted creatures and terrible traps all for the promise of treasure!
Maiden, Mother & Crone is a brochure-sized adventure compatible with any fantasy RPG.
Cover art by Brad McDevitt
Words and map by J. Yamil
Special thanks... [click here for more] |
J. Yamil |
Maze Magazine #1 is India's first TTRPG magazine that features work from the most talented TTRPG writers, artists, and designers - in and from India.
Published by PanicNot!, this 100-page debut issue contains adventures, settings, art, monster stats, and game design concepts that will bring wonder and delight to your table-top gaming sessions.
Inside... [click here for more] |
PanicNot! |
$19.99 $14.99
You're a couple, or maybe siblings, or lifelong friends. But something has happened between you that threatens to tear you apart. Maybe it's infidelity, or you're in love with the same person, or you fall on different ethical sides about resurrecting dinosaurs for a theme park.
To make matters worse, you're also stranded together on a mysterious island.
It Takes This Long is a two-player... [click here for more] |
Two Fish in a Jug |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Equipment in Gaming Regular price: $4.98 Bundle price: $1.70 Format: Watermarked PDF
This 45-page issue is for Equipment in Gaming.
How can equipment be usine in narrative RPG gaming?
Is equipment just a prop and reward or can equipment affect the narrative of the characters, story, mood/atmosphere,... [click here for more] |
Ken Wickham |
$36.00 $14.96
Welcome to 1985 Pennsauken, New Jersey
You’re just in time for a cozy summer-time fright-fest.
Sunscream is the first published micro-module under the Splatterhaus label. An entire setting — people, places, threats, and a map — packed into a front-and-back flyer. Included are both the highly spoileriffic Game Master flyer and a barebones Player version with detailed information... [click here for more] |
Dark of the Night Network |
Pay What You Want