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A custom sheet of The Society Headquarters in map format (55.5 x 43 cm). It contains all the Facilities, Personnel, and Contacts from the Vaesen Core Rulebook, displayed on a beautiful map inspired by a real Swedish mansion. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
What's So Scary About Upsala ...
It's that time again! VaeZine, Issue 4, has hit the digital newstands. The theme for this issue is Castle Gyllencreutz, the city of Upsala, and headquarters and cities in general ... oh my! We've packed a lot into this issue, and we think you are going to love it as much as we did putting it together.
Without futher ado, our offerings this issue include:
Urban Haunts
Interview... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Do you ever wish you just had a little something to send to your players new to Vaesen? Something that summarizes the things they need to know to play but not so detailed they don't read any of it? The Vaesen Player's Quickstart is the answer!
This document is designed as a quick primer that GMs can send to new players (or new players can obtain for themselves) before... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
The Rumors of our Demise were Greatly Exaggerated
We did some retooling of VaeZine in the midst of some major personal life changes, but finally Issue #3 ... Themed Aquatic ... is out for everyone to enjoy. In addition to some of our usual features, we do have an interview with Johan Egerkrans that we are proud to present to you all. And you might have heard some rumblings about VaesenCon 2024 ...... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
A New, Quarterly, Fan-Produced Zine to Enhance Your Gameplay in the World of the Vaesen Roleplaying Game
Thomas Bailey, Johnell Hipol, and David Wartmann have put together what we hope will be a great resource for fans and players of the Vaesen Nordic Horror Roleplaying game by Free League.
In the inaugural issue we have several articles ready to help you improve... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
We're Back!
The Sophomore Issue of VaeZine, a Quarterly, Fan-Produced Zine to Enhance Your Gameplay in the World of the Vaesen Roleplaying Game is Now Available
Thomas Bailey, Johnell Hipol, and David Wartmann are back with more pages of resources for your adventures in the world of the Vaesen Nordic Horror Roleplaying game by Free League.
In addition... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
This quick-start rulebook contains all you need to dive into the world of Death Valley, where you will take on the role of an undead resident of Bardo’s Bluff. Whether you desire to exist in peace or seek out revenge for your wrongful killing, there is always something or someone determined to make your life hell.
From the award-winning creator of Be Like a Crow comes a TTRPG that is quick to learn... [click here for more] |
Critical Kit Ltd |
Pay What You Want
Every Year Zero Game is different, but two main forks can be identified – the original dice pool variety (using pools of D6s) and the more recent step dice version (using a variety of polyhedral dice).
If you ever wondered how to include stress dice on a YZE game with step dice, or if you plan to convert a YZE game from D6 dice pool to Step Dice this homebrew based on the YZE SRD if for you. ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is a map of a Coaching Inn in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Dance of Dreams' from the Core Rule Book. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance so I can keep my hardware up to... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This deck of cards will provide you with an easy way to generate random critical injuries in combat. The cards are compatible with any Year Zero FTL RPG.
Use this deck when you’re playing a Year Zero FTL RPG and a player character attracts a critical injury. Instead of rolling a D66, have the players randomly draw one of the cards.
You could even have the player keep the card for reference until... [click here for more] |
Twin Engine Publishing |
This is a map of a London Townhouse in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Hampsetad Group' from the 'Mythic Britain and Ireland' expansion. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This deck of cards will help you handle the initiative draw during combat in any Year Zero FTL RPG.
Each player taking part in the conflict, either voluntarily or involuntarily, draws a card. The GM draws one card for each NPC (or group).
The number on the card determines the order in which you act in the conflict.
The contents of this deck are not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by... [click here for more] |
Twin Engine Publishing |
Use this deck when you’re playing a Year Zero FTL RPG and the player characters engage in a chase.
The deck contains two sets of the manoeuvres that may be performed in a chase.
In each round, the participants will pick the card that corresponds to the manoeuvre they chose to attempt. The selected cards are then simultaneously revealed.
The contents of this deck are not affiliated with, sponsored,... [click here for more] |
Twin Engine Publishing |
All’interno del pacchetto troverete 8 mappe esclusive e 2 mappe base per il gioco (Città di Pripyat e città di Chernobyl).
Mosca Città: il cuore pulsante di un impero che non si è mai spezzato.
Mosca Metro: la rete sotterranea dove la sopravvivenza si intreccia con la politica.
Semey: un luogo lontano dai grandi centri, ma fondamentale per capire... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Critical injuries cards for Year Zero Engine FTL Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF
This deck of cards will provide you with an easy way to generate random critical injuries in combat. The cards are compatible with any Year Zero FTL RPG.
Use this deck when you’re playing a Year... [click here for more] |
Twin Engine Publishing |
$27.59 $13.80
L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi.
Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere.
Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo.... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
Una mappa base per giocare al gioco di ruolo Dawn of Pripyat. ... [click here for more] |
Collettivo Antracite |
Pay What You Want
Dossiers of the Society (Dossiers der Gesellschaft) contain everything VAESEN game masters and players need (or so)!
A4 - 2 Dateien: farbig und druckfreundlich (schwarz-weiß)
The official character and headquarters sheets didn't give me enough space and information, so I've expanded and rebuilt them a bit. In addition, there are sheets... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Dossiers of the Society contain everything VAESEN game masters and players need (or so)!
A4 - 2 files: color and printer friendly (black-white, reduced graphics)
The official character and headquarters sheets didn't give me enough space and information, so I've expanded and rebuilt them a bit. In addition, there are sheets for Vaesen, NPCs... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |