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Die Screaming: Plutonian Shores

Die Screaming: Plutonian Shores

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “There are approximately a hundred billion stars...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Classy Characters: Robomancer

Classy Characters: Robomancer

Classy Characters: Robomancer is a Pathfinder-compatible sourcebook about the robomancer, a summoner archetype that summons a part-living, part-machine eidolon from a strange plane where flesh, metal, magic, and technology are equally common. This eidolon--called a "mechrilon"--has mechanical body parts, artificial limbs, and other enhancements that blur the line between living creature and...   [click here for more]
Sean K Reynolds Games   FREE 

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Die Screaming: Titanomachy

Die Screaming: Titanomachy

“The year is 1992. To try to counter the threat posed to the planet's survival by Godzilla, Japan's Counter-G Bureau recruited the most brilliant scientific brains in the world to build a fighting machine.” -           Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993) There comes a time in every person's life when they need to rocket punch a tyrannosaur with a giant robot. This is...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Free Universal Print & Play Deck

Free Universal Print & Play Deck

GM? DM? Something more? We've got you covered. Easily create engaging content for any RPG system! Our simple and universal rules allow you to quickly create characters, items, enemies, encounters, and more within seconds, as well as helping you to prepare sessions ahead of time. Whether you're a novice or a veteran, we have something to keep you coming back....   [click here for more]
Chronicle Cards  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming Character Sheet

Die Screaming Character Sheet

Character sheet for Die Screaming. Die Screaming Product Catalogue ...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Cosmic Crusaders

Die Screaming: Cosmic Crusaders

“They became farmers in the fields of stars; they sowed, and sometimes they reaped. And sometimes, dispassionately, they had to weed.” -           Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: Odyssey Two (1982) Through October, all Die Screaming core books are $1 each. Cosmic Crusaders is a player content expansion pack for Die Screaming....   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: From R'lyeh with Love

Die Screaming: From R'lyeh with Love

“Did you really think I was going to give you that list? Before you die, I want you to get this through that thick, primitive skull: I never worked for you. You worked for me.” -           Atomic Blonde (2017) From R’lyeh with Love is a content expansion pack for Die Screaming. Like previous expansions that have now been consolidated, its contents will...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming Form-Fillable Character Sheet

Die Screaming Form-Fillable Character Sheet

Form-fillable character sheet for Die Screaming. Also contains the original PowerPoint if you'd like to edit the sheet for your own use in any way. Die Screaming Product Catalogue ...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Brutal Urth the Role-Playing Game preview

Brutal Urth the Role-Playing Game preview

These slimmed-down rules of our upcoming prehistoric setting RPG are intended to give you and your players a sneak peek of what this game’s setting and rules are like. ...   [click here for more]
Fire Lizard Games, LLC  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: After the End

Die Screaming: After the End

“We had such potential. Such promise. But we squandered our gifts, our intelligence. Our blind pursuit of technology only sped us quicker to our doom. Our world is ending. But life must go on.” -           9 (2009) After the End is a content expansion pack for Die Screaming. Like previous expansions that have now been consolidated,...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Treasure table d100

Treasure table d100

A table of 100 items one might find in a treasure chest: coins, gems, jewelry, ornamental trinkets, and more, with suggested value in SP and GP. ...   [click here for more]
Mixed Signals  Pay What You Want

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Ruined Tower - Разрушенная Башня

Ruined Tower - Разрушенная Башня

Работа, занявшая шестое место среди 10 лучших работ конкурса "Одностраничное подземелье 2017". Мечтали ли вы владеть собственным замком? А если этот замок состоит всего из одной башни и находится вдали от цивилизации на границе...   [click here for more]
SmashStar Games   FREE 

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The Howling Mine (Agents of A.A.R.F, Chapter 1)

The Howling Mine (Agents of A.A.R.F, Chapter 1)

The Howling Mine is the first chapter of the Agents of A.A.R.F  Adventure Path (12 chapters total).  In this chapter PCs are asked to investigate some weird happenings at the Howling Mine as they attempt to proove their worth toThe Canine Kingdom's legendary Arcane Artifact Recovery Force (A.A.R.F) in an attempt to become full time agents.  Agents of A.A.R.F takes place in the Seven Realm of Layna,...   [click here for more]
Happy Gnome Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Chambers of Chaos - Залы Хаоса и Безумия

Chambers of Chaos - Залы Хаоса и Безумия

Работа, занявшая второе место среди 10 лучших работ конкурса "Одностраничное подземелье 2017". Ходят слухи, что в самом центре безумного лабиринта находится Том Древних Знаний. Герой, возжелавший найти книгу и покинуть лабиринт,...   [click here for more]
SmashStar Games   FREE 

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15-04 Free Monster of the Month: Bananasaurus

15-04 Free Monster of the Month: Bananasaurus

Coming to you straight from the pages of Expanded Bananas! it's the bananasaurus! "Bananasauruses are the ancient ancestors of the dire banana. Every bit as vicious, and nearly twice as large as their modern descendants, bananasauruses pack a vicious bite and spiked tailstem which make them one of the most deadly of all banana creatures." Please enjoy this free monster complements...   [click here for more]
Octopus Apocalypse   FREE 

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Alessia Promo PDF - The Kickstarter FAQ

Alessia Promo PDF - The Kickstarter FAQ

The World of Alessia is a high-fantasy campaign setting that combines Wuxia, science fiction, and magic-driven technology. It is a massive world where magic and technology coexist peacefully, impacting every aspect of life, from the Healing Houses of Sillias to the Great Towers of Xin. It is a land where Fyrean Genies meet with Asrian...   [click here for more]
Storm Bunny Studios   FREE 

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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 1, Issue #8, Apr 2016

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 1, Issue #8, Apr 2016

Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and Nova Blast Star Armada, and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.  Especially exciting this month is a great new Pathfinder system, Kung Fu Kuma and more Arcana for stalwart fans. Join...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue #1, Jan 2017

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue #1, Jan 2017

Welcome to Avalon Games Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy. Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue #5, January 2016

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 2, Issue #5, January 2016

Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter.  This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun, as well as new Pathfinder goodies. Also this month we have all new art sets for you to enjoy and other great gaming accessories.   Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Dung Monger Base Class

Dung Monger Base Class

Smells Like Victory Explore the wonderful and thrilling base class that everyone is clamoring to play! Take on the mythical world of sword and sorcery, dragons and magic, bar wenches and kings with the power of the Dung Collector Base Class™ by Little Red Goblin Games! Play your way through all 20 levels of this beautifully written, lovingly laid out, and painstakingly illustrated...   [click here for more]
Little Red Goblin Games   FREE 

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Free20: Black Houses

Free20: Black Houses

Japan is densely populated and thoroughly urbanized. Japan’s largest cities teem with tens of millions of souls, mostly human, but with a handful of stranger beings tossed here and there, hidden within the shadows and in the undreamt parallels down lost alleyways. Black Japan’s heroes are used to a tighter, closer world than their American counterparts. Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki and other great cities...   [click here for more]
Skortched Urf' Studios   FREE 

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Hypercorps 2099: A R.I.P.E. Investment

Hypercorps 2099: A R.I.P.E. Investment

A R.I.P.E. INVESTMENT A Pathfinder compatible adventure for 3-4 PCs of 3rd-4th level [hyper score 3].   The Hypercorps 2099 Kickstarter is funding right now and you can see what the cyberpunk superhero modification to your Pathfinder game has to offer in the suite of free PDFs launching with the project!   Of all the hypercorporations in the world one of the most...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games   FREE 

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Hypercorps 2099: Hypernet

Hypercorps 2099: Hypernet

The Hypercorps 2099 Kickstarter is funding right now and you can see what the cyberpunk superhero modification to your Pathfinder game has to offer in the suite of free PDFs launching with the project!   A world exists within the googols of electronic connections that encircle and suffuse Hypercorps 2099, a digital dimension that can be as a real as a bullet in the...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games   FREE 

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Hypercorps 2099: Netjacker Base Class

Hypercorps 2099: Netjacker Base Class

The Hypercorps 2099 Kickstarter is funding right now and you can see what the cyberpunk superhero modification to your Pathfinder game has to offer in the suite of free PDFs launching with the project!   Netjackers are the elite hackers of Hypercorps 2099—adept at traversing the digital byways of the Hypernet, shredding air real time on a hoverboard, or taking on...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games   FREE 

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Hypercorps 2099: Pathfinder Primer

Hypercorps 2099: Pathfinder Primer

HYPERCORPS 2099: PATHFINDER PRIMER The Hypercorps 2099 Kickstarter is funding right now and you can see what the cyberpunk superhero modification to your Pathfinder game has to offer in the suite of free PDFs launching with the project!   This quick introduction to the Hyper Score system of Hypercorps 2099 is the means by which your fighter becomes a feared dark avenger, your mage...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games   FREE 

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Perplexing Puzzles #1: A Crystal Puzzle is Forever

Perplexing Puzzles #1: A Crystal Puzzle is Forever

Kill! Loot! LEVEL! Repeat as necessary. It is a fact that we as gamers must face; a gaming campaign, at its heart, is an incredibly long corridor with monsters and shinies strewn throughout at regular intervals. GMs, DMs, Storytellers, and their ilk exist to mix this basic premise with interesting plothooks, puzzles, and homebrew mechanics. The end result, if done well, is a memorable...   [click here for more]
Interjection Games   FREE 

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Rapta in Pace - Поройся с миром

Rapta in Pace - Поройся с миром

Работа, занявшая пятое место среди 10 лучших работ конкурса "Одностраничное подземелье 2017". Группа отчаянных храбрецов (или банда непроходимых глупцов?) отважилась пробраться ночью на кладбище и всткрыть несколько захоронений....   [click here for more]
SmashStar Games   FREE 

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The Actuator RPG

The Actuator RPG

The Actuator, a machine capable of literally changing reality, was created to make a utopian paradise. Before it happened, a saboteur used it to transform the world into patches of every kind of genre fiction, scattering the keys necessary to put it back across the globe. Everyone alive found their lives radically altered, some living in science fiction realms with impossible technology and others...   [click here for more]
Final Redoubt Press   FREE 

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Ultimate 2nd Edition Comparable

Ultimate 2nd Edition Comparable

This is the ONLY 2nd Edition Comparable product that you will ever need. Period. Now, 2nd Edition might not be coming out for another 1-2 years, and even the playtest won’t be out for another few months, but I thought I could make a ton of assumptions and capitalize on hype to release a product right now! So go ahead, spend just $39.99 (plus tax maybe?) on a product that we guarantee* will be 2nd...   [click here for more]
Flaming Crab Games   FREE 

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Unextraordinaire NPC Class

Unextraordinaire NPC Class

Many individuals live remarkably mundane lives. Some take it to the next level (or 20) and become masters of the ordinary: unextraordinaires! The unextraordinaire is a hybrid class of the Commoner and Expert, along with some borrowed bits from the Alchemist, Arcanist, Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Fighter, Gunslinger, Magus, Rogue, and a few others that I'm forgetting to add. Maybe we should...   [click here for more]
Flaming Crab Games   FREE 

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[The Nymian Beastlands] Leaked: The Daventi Manifesto 1

[The Nymian Beastlands] Leaked: The Daventi Manifesto 1

A free document giving some special insights into Omarkan society amidst The Nymian Beastlands Campaign Setting. Written in the style of a journalistic NPC, the material ends with a substantial of questions and considerations for players to consider, within the context of the setting. This product contains no Open Game Content. It is meant to serve as a supplemental source of information...   [click here for more]
Krewe of Harpocrates Publication   FREE 

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