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Remember those flashes of inspiration that electrified your brain when you first picked up that hardback volume of monsters all those years ago?
The countless nights you sat up thinking of how to use those monsters, where to put them, and when your players would meet them? Those unceasing waves of joy that swam over you and your players as you unleashed those creatures, critters,... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
Pay What You Want
"The following is a compilation containing the eight best entries of the universally celebrated and critically-acclaimed No Artpunk competition. You will find therein no fancy layouts, graphic design high-school projects, goofy ideas or political finger-wagging. Instead the talents of these chosen few have been devoted to that highest achievement: the creation of great adventures using oldschool rulesystems.... [click here for more] |
The Merciless Merchants |
In the days when man knew only the working of stone and fought for their existence against the orc and the goblin, the sky turned to ash and down fell the fiery mountain onto the land. The world tore open and the grey waters rushed in. Those who survived the impact were lost as boiling clouds rushed out in all directions leaving a wasteland in its wake.
The Mountain That Fell left a gift; magic. Near... [click here for more] |
Bat in the Attic Games |
This supplement is a guide to the mechanical methods of running a hexcrawl style campaign. It is written for OSR-style games, specifically Necrotic Gnome's Old School Essentials, but can easily be adapted to fit others. It includes methods of both traveling through hexes and exploring within a hex, clarifications on rules for getting lost, populating a hex with lairs, determining the... [click here for more] |
Third Kingdom Games |
Pay What You Want
Domain Building is a sourcebook for OSR-style games that focuses on the mechanical aspects of founding and building a domain as part of higher-level play. From gaining multiple retainers to manage aspects of one's domain, to clearing and claiming land, to building strongholds and towns, to using the natural resources that a hex provides, Domain Building explores some of the oft hand-waved... [click here for more] |
Third Kingdom Games |
Pay What You Want
Introducing New Big Dragon's Old School Zine The Dragon Horde - Issue #1
Inside this inaugural issue:
• The Monster Roster: the leech-man and the beguine, with Oe/BX/1e stats • d30 feature: Where Does the Weapon Hit? • Familiars Found: Guidelines for Spellcaster Familiars in New Big Dragon's Universal RPG The System
• A Map of Yal... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
New Big Dragon's Old School Zine The Dragon Horde - Issue #2
Inside this 32-page Nordic-themed issue:
• The Monster Roster: Linnorms (Oe/BX/1e information for 6 types)
• The Long and Short of the Viking Longhouse (with several sample maps) • Here's the Thing... (folkmotes and fitting them into your adventures)
• The Völva: A New NPC... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
This is a collection of character sheets for OSR games, such as Labyrinth Lord and Swords & Wizardry and whatever else you like to play. It also includes some DCC RPG sheets. Most of these have been posted online and/or appeared in my zine Black Pudding.
These are hand-drawn in a mix of traditional and digital media.
There are about 9 or so OSR sheets with the classic five saving throws and usually... [click here for more] |
Random Order Creations |
 prototyping a d20 - d6 white box OSR variant, refined to work and play with D&D 0E,1E,2E, PHB, B/X & Companion box modules and materials. efforts to fit all the Whitebox, Supplements, Strategic Review,Dragon magazine, and other classes, in a way that are fun, and balanced mathematically while thematically fitting the original Tolkien, Conan, Kung-fu, Van Helsing character inspirations, minus... [click here for more] |
Steven Hauger |
Pay What You Want
I created this generator for the use with OSRIC or similar systems. The purpose is to create random magic weapons for random treasures without creating an immense list, while still remaining somewhat plausible.
This generator has one downside: One needs to roll several times for any single weapon. This is offset by its two advantages: Nearly any type of weapon can turn up to be an extremely powerful... [click here for more] |
Eichhörnchen Rollenspiele |
Pay What You Want
 Einsatzzweck Dieser Waffengenerator ist vor allem für die Nutzung mit OSRIC bzw. dessen deutscher Übersetzung ALRIK gedacht. Sie soll bei zufälligen bestimmten Schätzen eine größere Vielfalt an Waffentypen bieten, ohne eine ewig lange Liste zu erstellen. Der Nachteil ist natürlich, dass man mehrfach pro Waffe würfeln muss.
Dafür bieten sie zwei Vorteile: Nahezu jeder Waffentyp... [click here for more] |
Eichhörnchen Rollenspiele |
Pay What You Want
An Egyptian-themed Adventure w/ Sandbox Support for character levels 4-6, to use with 0e/1e/BX and compatible retro-clones
Azeneth believed the life of the high priest (or priestess) should be as comfortable as that of the kings and the gods. She spoke her contempt for her father’s “weakness” loudly and publicly, almost from the time she learned to talk. As she neared her teens, she made... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
O Povo do Buraco is the first brazilian Lamentations of the Flame Princess non official fanzine.This zine content will work not only with LotFP, but with all retro clone based games with minimal adaptation.
1- Toolkit for the creation of a small village
2- Magic Objects
3- Poisons
4- An Adventure
5- An Article on Sandboxing ... [click here for more] |
Black Dog |
Pay What You Want
This is the third installment in the Mountain of Fire series. In this installment the adventurers must face an ancient vampire allied with the arch-lich Malcon. This ancient vampire sits in his lonely castle in the Dark Woods of Zanzia playing his pipe organ and creating an army of undead to do his bidding. This unholy artifact must be destroyed or all is lost! ... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
This if the final installment of the Mountain of Fire series. This is the final confrontation with the Arch-Lich Malcon the Firebringer who has been plaguing the kingdom of Zanzia for centuries. This final battle takes place inside of an active volcano which has been the Lich's lair for over a hundred years since he was imprisoned there. ... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
Enviaremos uma copia fisica para residentes no Brasil que contribuirem com 5 dolares.
Aqueles que fizerem a contribuição entrem em contato conosco através do drivethru para enviar seu endereço, caso contrário não teremos acesso aos dados nos impedindo de prosseguir com o envio.
Primeira zine brasileira do jogo Lamentations... [click here for more] |
Black Dog |
Pay What You Want
In November of 2023, Coldlight Press announced an adventure site contest, where prospective adventure writers were to send in a small adventure site designed for dropping in any campaign
Eighteen adventures were submitted, all of them with remarkable charm, creativity, and usability. You are seeing here the cream of the crop, the top eight adventure sites. Selected by the panel of five judges, who... [click here for more] |
Coldlight Press |
Aquilae: Bestiary of the Realm is the largest, most comprehensive, most flexible, and most ambitious fantasy roleplaying bestiary ever conceived. 6,400 complete statblocks, comprising 1,600 monsters, each fdsfddsfdsgiven the Quadded Statblock treatment, enabling them to be used in any campaign setting, with PCs of any level.
After enormous initial success... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Aquilae: Bestiary of the Realm is the largest, most comprehensive, most flexible, and most ambitious fantasy roleplaying bestiary ever conceived. 6,400 complete statblocks, comprising 1,600 monsters, each fdsfddsfdsgiven the Quadded Statblock treatment, enabling them to be used in any campaign setting, with PCs of any level.
After enormous initial success... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Here's a character sheet for the Old School Playbook presented in Black Pudding #4 and in Black Pudding Heavy Helping Vol. One. It's probably most compatible with Swords & Wizardry since I use a single saving throw method for the Playbook.
Enjoy. And if you use the sheet, post pics online of your characters! Because that's fun. ... [click here for more] |
Random Order Creations |
This is a free preview of an upcoming bestiary. Written for Old School Essentials, but usable by any osr-system, this book examines and expands existing monsters, providing them with additional options and types to confound players with. ... [click here for more] |
Third Kingdom Games |
 This is a free previews of the BX Advanced Bestiary, Vol. 2. Currently in layout (the preview is a sample of the current progress), this book should be going live to Kickstarter backers in July, and will then be made available for sale here after backers have gotten their copies.
This book takes the monster entries from E-K in the Old School Essentials Classic book and expands upon them, with new... [click here for more] |
Third Kingdom Games |
Usherwood Publishing has spared all expenses to present to you this line of ‘classic’ First Edition and OSRICTM compatible fantasy-based roleplaying game adventure modules. We haven’t even bothered to type-set the manuscript, because really, why bother? These adventures may not be good for your matured sense of high-adventure, but they should be good for a laugh or two.... [click here for more] |
Usherwood Publishing |
 La scheda del personaggio in formato A4 è compatibile con i GDR old school e con FG&G. ... [click here for more] |
Crucesignati |
Free Player Character Sheet suitable for use with DarkMoore Adventure Modules. ... [click here for more] |
Archaic Adventures |
If you’ve ever played an OSR game then you’ve probably had a player character (or two or three) die smack dab in the middle of the dungeon. As fast as character generation can be in OSR games, rolling up a new character, selecting race and/or class, purchasing equipment, and figuring out spells or skill percentiles can slow down a session: This mini-supplement intends to provide a simple ruleset... [click here for more] |
Three Swords and Three Ravens |
Usherwood Publishing has spared all expenses to present to you this line of ‘classic’ First Edition and OSRICTM compatible fantasy-based roleplaying game adventure modules. We haven’t even bothered to type-set the manuscript, because really, why bother? These adventures may not be good for your matured sense of high-adventure, but they should be good for a laugh or two.... [click here for more] |
Usherwood Publishing |
Free for use at your gaming table, 46 gems big and small generated using All the Treasures of the World: GEMS from Faster Monkey Games. A full copy of the rules is only two bucks, and check out the nice review at Grognardia! ... [click here for more] |
Catthulhu |
Thirty-three shiny baubles, from the cheap to the fantastic, made using the rules from Faster Monkey's ALL THE TREASURES OF THE WORLD: JEWELS! Suitable for any campaign's treasures. ... [click here for more] |
Catthulhu |
The print version of Dungeon Module HG1 The Kringle Castle Invaders has a multi-page center "pull out" section with the town, dungeon, and wilderness maps and encounter stat sheets. For those who don't want to remove those middle pages, or who would like high resolution files (including large full-color wilderness maps) from which the various maps & stat sheets can be printed, this free download... [click here for more] |
The Scribes of Sparn |
Usherwood Publishing has spared all expenses to present to you this line of ‘classic’ First Edition and OSRICTM compatible fantasy-based roleplaying game adventure modules. We haven’t even bothered to type-set the manuscript, because really, why bother? These adventures may not be good for your matured sense of high-adventure, but they should be good for a laugh or two.... [click here for more] |
Usherwood Publishing |
Monsters of Myth is the premiere collection of OSRIC monsters, and contains more than 150 new creatures for use with First Edition-compatible games. A companion in the spirit of the monster collections from the 1970s to 1980s, Monsters of Myth will provide game masters with many unique challenges with which to test their players!... [click here for more] |
First Edition Society |
The New Knights of the All Mind digest-sized booklet is the first in Direbane series intended to be playable with Advanced Labyrinth Lord™ and other OSR rule sets.
Our local San Francisco East Bay group gamed first edition of The World's Most Popular Role-Playing Game for nearly 3 decades, from 1978 to 2005, and recently (in 2019) made a switch to the then-new Advanced... [click here for more] |
Direbane Publishing |
Fangenoire est la version française de Blackmarsh, un contexte libre de Robert S. Conley pour tous les jeux de rôles médiévaux et fantastiques, principalement ceux qui impliquent des dragons et des donjons.
Voilà deux mille ans, la montagne Tombée du ciel créa l'insolite paysage de Fangenoire, y semant d'étranges monstres ainsi que le viz, la magie... [click here for more] |
Usherwood Publishing has spared all expenses to present to you this line of ‘classic’ First Edition and OSRICTM compatible fantasy-based roleplaying game adventure modules. We haven’t even bothered to type-set the manuscript, because really, why bother? These adventures may not be good for your matured sense of high-adventure, but they should be good for a laugh or two.... [click here for more] |
Usherwood Publishing |
The print version of Dungeon Module SS1 The Odboxx of Zoforon has a multi-page center "pull out" section with maps of 3 multi-room encounter areas, monster statistic matrices, and 4 illustrated visual aids for players. For those who prefer not to remove those middle pages, or who would like high resolution files from which the various maps & stat sheets can be printed, this free download contains... [click here for more] |
The Scribes of Sparn |
Seems a little vital information was left out of the Alchemist. If you purchased The Alchemist, then I apologize for this fault. If you haven't purchased it, go buy it so I can apologize to you! ... [click here for more] |
Tubby Tabby Press |
Now on Kickstarter... Taking digital publishing to the next level with the next step in the evolution of roleplaying modules!
The Lost Dungeons of Xon is an original series of tabletop roleplaying modules designed to be inserted into any campaign world. It tells the story of the sorcerer Xon, who was banished by the other members of his order when his ambition and power became too... [click here for more] |
Burning Yeti Studios |
The Lucanii Drift - Player Starmaps
Inside this book:
Layout of Sector Maps
15 Sector Maps
The Lucanii Drift - Starships & Spacement Campaign sold separately on DriveThruRPG.com. ... [click here for more] |
Kitsune Press |
A gazette of the Zontani Sea Region, a fantasy setting. A brief summary of some highlights of this region to enhance adventures found in this area. ... [click here for more] |
The Merciless Merchants |
5-page Cavern Location w/ Spaces to Add Encounters For Use With Oe/BX/1e Editions and Comparable Retro-clones
Only a minimum number of monster encounters have been included in this adventure. Instead, it is designed to allow “population” of the caverns as the DM deems fit, allowing it to be easily adapted into almost any existing campaign (old-school or new).
While this adventure is not part... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
In this issue:
The Aquatic Troll; salt water amd fresh water dwelling trolls.
The Giant Marine Iguana; a 20 ft long version of the Galapagos Island inhabitant, and companion for the aquatic troll.
Xerksis, the Mage-King; if you're running the Bone-Hilt Sword campaign, and would like more information on this unseen atagonist, this article will fill in the gaps of what has not been... [click here for more] |
Usherwood Publishing |