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This is a sheet of 20 system-neutral merit badge achievements tuned to promote character bonding, player role playing, and deeper connections between teams. Each achievement is designed to get players looking at, and talking to, each other. Simply print this sheet out, cut it up, and randomly hand one goal to each player at the start of a session. If they a complete it, they will earn a reward such... [click here for more] |
T-Rex Games |
Pay What You Want
UPDATE! Support the Land of Eem crowdfunding campaign: https://www.backerkit.com/c/exalted-funeral/land-of-eem
The Lord of the Rings meets The Muppets in this lighthearted, epic fantasy roleplaying game!
Land of Eem is a game about adventurers exploring and discovering the remnants of a forgotten, better age. Players take on the roles of lore-seeking travelers,... [click here for more] |
Star & Flame Games |
Pay What You Want
A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different buildings within a fantasy / medievil environment. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online.
Please check out our other products under Kiolas Gaming ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
Pay What You Want
These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY
Each card includes:
A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them... [click here for more] |
Sanguine Productions |
Pay What You Want
If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs. I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories.
The Gaming with Kids Guide is a direct extract from... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different paths in a variety of environments. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online. ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
Pay What You Want
Jagodowy Las to miejsce, w którym krasnoludki i oswojone zwierzęta żyją w zgodzie, daleko od ludzkich siedzib. Krasnoludki mieszkają w swoich wioskach, ukrytych przed oczami ludzi głęboko w lesie, w pniach drzew lub w norkach, po sąsiedzku ze zwierzętami. Strażnicy to młode krasnoludki, w których role wcielają się gracze. W lesie pełnią funkcję pomocników... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol Junior |
This is Tor'Paq the world as we know it now.
This is a living map and will be updated as we add cities, landmarks, and other items of interest. ... [click here for more] |
Bwilder Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a Pay Want You Want product: if you choose to download this set of tiles for free, please can you, in lieu of payment, agree to accepting emails from The Black Fortress so that you can recieve infomation about our new products. Many thanks.
This Tile Set contains 4 different... [click here for more] |
The Black Fortress |
Pay What You Want
A Complete Gaming Experience with Books, Maps and More!
WanderSquares is a fantasy table-top roleplaying game for adventurers 9 and up. It features an ever-changing map, a choose-your-path adventure guide and 16 inspiring characters to choose from. The Full-color Print & Play version contains 2 booklets, 2 quickstart guides, and all the parts and pieces from the... [click here for more] |
WanderSquares |
Walentynki krasnodziadków to krótka przygoda do Jagodowego Lasu napisana z okazji Święta Zakochanych. Dzieci często reagują zakłopotaniem na wszelkie wątki romantyczne i unikają ich z dużym zaangażowaniem. W przygodzie postawiono więc na motyw miłości dwojga staruszków, którzy są razem od dziesiątek lat, a mimo to nie przestają się kochać. Dziadek Jałowiec zapragnie... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol Junior |
These are the maps for the Mayhem-Museum adventures set-up in full-color to be printed off on 11"x17" stock. I hope you enjoy these maps and supplements -if you haven't already, please consider buying some of our fine Dare-Luck Club products! Small publishers like us need the community's support to continue to produce and grow. Thanks! ... [click here for more] |
Dandyline Games |
Pay What You Want
Over a year of downloads, with people all over the world playing as heroic ferrets performing feats of derring-do in the night, a single question has been asked time and again.
"Where are those character sheets you promised us?"
Finally, they have arrived.
This may not be the final version of the character sheets and play aides, any suggestions on how to improve them would be more than welcome.... [click here for more] |
Vulpinoid Studios |
Pay What You Want
If you run a school, library, hospital, charitable, or social program that supports children, but are hard pressed on funding, reach out to me on twitter @ bebarce and I will work with you to get you a copies for free or at print/ship costs. I will also reach out on your behalf to companies that produce or sell accessories.
The Power Outage Reference Guide is a quick guide sheet... [click here for more] |
Go Nerdy |
Pay What You Want
Create your own case for Murder Mystery Headquarters: A case of Deja Vu using this unique, hand-drawn map. Brought to you by BeeThreeDee artist: Jeff Witty. ... [click here for more] |
BeeThreeDee Miniatures |
Pay What You Want
W tym dodatku znajduje się pięć scenariuszy, których wydarzenia mają miejsce w nowych częściach Jagodowego Lasu oraz poza nim. Do gry potrzebny będzie podręcznik podstawowy do Jagodowego Lasu (dostępna jest darmowa wersja PDF), papier, ołówki i kości.
Scenariusze zostały napisane według prostego schematu: • Wprowadzenie, w którym pokrótce omówiony jest temat przygody.
• Prolog,... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol Junior |
Su un foglio un mini board game sui duelli aerei della seconda guerra mondiale in africa tra la Regia Aereonautica e Royal Air Force.
CR 42 Falco contro Gloster Gladiator
Il gioco con regolamento completo di miniature è un print and play, basta 1 dado a sei facce, degli amici fogli e matite. ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
This is the map for Age of the Tempest - Sword of the High King.
To play, you also need the Player's Handbook, Game Master's Handbook, character sheets, and a set of dice. ... [click here for more] |
Tornado |
Pay What You Want
Un Gdr minimale per famiglie, ambientazione fantasy classica, tutto in appena 8 pagine, con tabelle e miniature dei cattivi. Come sempre gratis.
Altri giochi su http://giochidiqwein.altervista.org
Crescere non signirfica smettere di sognare !! ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
This pack contains 10 tokens depicting cartoon animals.
... [click here for more] |
Midnight Owl Games |
Enhance inclusivity in your Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition sessions with Accessible Character Sheets designed for players with print and reading disabilities. Created with input from the community, these character sheets prioritize ease of use and personalized engagement.
Key Features:
Emoji-based design: Simplify navigation with intuitive emoji symbols alongside text prompts.
Personalization... [click here for more] |
Wyrmworks |
This series, Junk Planet, was created by Colin Christenson as a compliment to our many other sci-fi sets, a place to visit on missions and a place to scrounge for parts between adventures.
Junk Planet 5 features more fantastic tile terrain from Will and Nasos, with a few special parts from Carl and Colin. Many thanks to the whole team for all the help on this one. We really had a blast putting this... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Battlelund is The Paper Wargame. It is accessible, adorable, and affordable. Battlelund is the charm and cute that everyone needs. It is made for everybody in the world to enjoy with anybody they want. Awaken your dreamer and find the treasure that is Battlelund.
Hello! Inside this exciting Sampler Product of Battlelund: The Whimsical Fantasy Wargame, you'll find... [click here for more] |
Sundered Vault |
BattleSauce Adventure Map and Assets
3 Blank maps for creating your own games including: 5x5 gridded BattleSauce short map 11x11 gridded BattleSauce short map 18x23 gridded BattleSauce full length map
Also included: Stone walls Branch/vine/Root walls Trees Plants Wooden walkway Stone floor Table Potions Doors Treasures Weapons And More!
The BattleSauce Adventure Map book is designed for minimal... [click here for more] |
BattleSauce |
2. Card 24 – Instruction Manual (Illustrated).pdf
3. Card 24 (Modern Age) Front.xcf
4. Card 24 (Modern Age) Rear.xcf
5. Card-24_Gradient-01.ggr
6-8. Icon 01.xcf, Icon 02.xcf, Icon 03.xcf
9-12. icon00.png,... [click here for more] |
Unknown Depths |
A handy collection of tables and charts with a bookmarked table of contents to have the various tables and charts used for gamplay at your fingertips. If you want free Character Sheets in Microsoft Word forms format for easy Player Character creation email me at evolutionearth3@gmail.com
Also check out the game books that go with the Charts and Tables!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Pay What You Want
Please enjoy these Freebie Tokens:
Displacer Beast
If you like the style, check out:
Critters & Creatures
The Monster Token Pack 01: The Classics
Which Contains:
Aboleth, Basilisk, Bulette,
Death Knight, Demilich, Flumph,
Gelatinous Cube, Hell Hound, Mimic,
Owlbear, Purple Worm, Rust Monster
Each Token comes as a transparent PNG or with a gradient background. ... [click here for more] |
Fighter Guy Studios |
Pay What You Want
You are on your own as you experience the excitement of the desolate island all by yourself. Skeletons are among the many things that can be found concealed on this island. Your level of fear is rising with each step that you take forward. Is there anyone attempting to conceal himself from view? What kinds of exciting experiences can visitors expect to have on this island?
Instant Digital Download... [click here for more] |
Pimmy1985 |
BattleSauce Shorts are mini BattleSauce games designed to be played in one sitting. Mobile friendly layout and design. Brief introduction to BattleSauce gameplay. Minimal role playing. Small file size. Game ready map(s). Dungeon of the Blue Goblins
Written and Illustrated by Michael Startzman (No Thank You, Evil, The Strange Bestiary, The Ninth World Bestiary)
Nefarious goblin brothers... [click here for more] |
BattleSauce |
So you like playing with the fundamental energy sources that comprise the universe. Fire, Water, Air, Earth were the original four elements described by the ancient Greeks but you know better... plasma pulse anyone?
Also check out the game books that go with the Elemental!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual, Player's Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406551/Players-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Sensitive to the wounds of others? Able to lay on hands and heal disease, bleeding wounds, mental illness? Care for all wounded creatures no matter what? You may be an Empath and your powers are needed in the harsh environments that is planet earth.
Also check out the game books that go with an Empath!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Love gadgets? Have to figure out how something works no matter what? Work late into the night to solve a structural problem? Annoy people with your technical knowledge? You're an Engineer and much sought after for your skills.
Also check out the game books that go with the Engineer!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual, Player's... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Are you in tune with mother nature? Thrive on helping the plants grow and animals survive? Want to return earth to its former environmental glory? You may be an Environmentalist and your powers are blessed even though you are feared.
Also check out the game books that go with the Environmentalist!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
The character sheets & additional tools for Expedition: Incredizoology tabletop roleplaying game.
Ex:In features highlightable character sheets, no locked in classes, specialisations that can be mixed and matched and a 'learning up' system of levelling up.
For more information, see the Expedition: Incredizoology core rulebook.
You will get everything you need... [click here for more] |
Imagined Chaos Games |
Download this file to use for a character sheet when making your monster for Fae! ... [click here for more] |
Eden Park Tales |
Перед вами D20 генератор случайных событий в Fairyforest.
D20 событий, которые игроки могут встретить в деревне Два дуба или в дороге. Это поможет сделать игровой процесс более интересным и внесёт разнообразие в ход приключения.... [click here for more] |
Tony's gamecraft |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. VTT -Character- Token Pack 1 Regular price: $4.10 Bundle price: $2.00 Format: Image VTT -Character- Token Pack 1
My Youtube channel has most of my token samples check them out.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEbOaEeqANQx3bHkrmnRlBA... VTT -Character- Token Pack 2 Regular price: $4.10... [click here for more] |
Wild Magic Surge |
Blank character sheet for use with FASERIP CAMELOT ... [click here for more] |
Blank character sheet for use with FASERIP ... [click here for more] |
You are on your own as you trek through the wilderness. This woodland hides a great many things, including skeletons. As you proceed forward, you experience increasing levels of fear.
Is there anyone trying to stay out of sight?
What kind of adventures will be had in this wood?
40x30 Winter Forest Map Set 3 Instant Digital Download
- 2 JPG Files
With these map files:
Forest... [click here for more] |
Pimmy1985 |
You are on your own as you trek through the wilderness. This woodland hides a great many things, including skeletons. As you proceed forward, you experience increasing levels of fear.
Is there anyone trying to stay out of sight?
What kind of adventures will be had in this wood?
40x30 Winter Forest Map Set 3 Instant Digital Download
- 8 JPG Files
With these map files:
Forest... [click here for more] |
Pimmy1985 |
Find yourself wandering the forest, fascinated by its sounds and silence? Know how to talk to the flora and fauna and they let you pass unharmed? Believe in helping the planet return to its origins of vast forests and other eco-systems? You are a Forester. Protector of the wilds.
Also check out the game books that go with the Forester!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Instead of index cards you can also use this nice charactersheet to play "FUK! The System" Games. ... [click here for more] |
Mannifest Games |
Fascinated by the fundamental building blocks of life? Like to create new species using existing DNA by adding and subtracting genetic traits? Enjoy the company of pets more than people? You might be a Genetitech and people thiink you're a bit insane.
Also check out the game books that go with the Genetitech!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
This free bookmark features textures from the Gingerbread House - a modular terrain kit to let you build out whimsical tabletop gaming environments. Pick up this bookmark if any of the following applies to you:
You love Paper Realms terrain and want to see it everywhere!
You love reading and could really use more bookmarks.
You're just here for whatever freebies you can get your hands on?
Whatever... [click here for more] |
Paper Realms |
Grass Forest Map can be used in campaigns or adventures in various tabletop role playing games.
-40x30 grid -2k resolution of 2048 x 1536 px -8 JPEG Files
With these map files include:
Grass Forest Map 1 & 2 - Day with grid & without grid - Night with gird & without grid
... [click here for more] |
Adammapster |
Have a way with computers? Would rather be within the net than outside of it? Spend hours figuring out passcodes and security weaknesses? Love to reprogram and improve functionality? You are a hacker, plain and simple.
Also check out the game books that go with the Hacker!
(Game Engineer's Techncal Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406520/Game-Engineers-Technical-Manual, Player's Manual https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/406551/Players-Manual,... [click here for more] |
Gregory W Burgess |
Getting started on a quest with younger players is a rewarding experience, and there's nothing better than having a great character sheet to match. I've made this character sheet A4. It's large and bold to help all players. Young and ancient. Note: Please note that this is an unofficial product, and is not endorsed in any way. I make no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright... [click here for more] |
Andrew Dowell |
Pay What You Want
The Dig Deep Tavern
The Dig Deep is a brand new BattleSauce Ingredient for Adventure (IFA) I created as a supplement for the full length adventure Shadow of the Dragon! As an IFA, the 'Tavern can be added to any BattleSauce adventure or even used as a game board short - with more details about usage included in the PDF.
The free version contains the tavern map and detailed... [click here for more] |
BattleSauce |
Have you used official initiative cards, only to be frustrated with the numbers stopping at 9?
These initiative cards are a free and easy way to print out your own, extending all the way to 27, enough to provide initiative for even the largest battle.
PDF includes fronts and (optional) backs. Use as much as you want.
Want the base initiative cards without buying an official product? Print 1-9.
Want... [click here for more] |
Grayfisher |