The Scheliden-Theodore Company sent scientist Tim Varney through an experimental transdimensional portal located in a remote facility on a moon of the planet Midian. They returned within minutes, with a body 10 years older and as a creature only referred to as “mama.” Mama births “babies” and wants nothing more than to take care of them.
A guard killed one of mama’s babies, and all communication... [click here for more]
Make your perfect interstellar Magical girl!
Be careful you don't undergo a monstergirl mutation.Sacrificing your patron for more power!
Cant Decide? Don't worry! This game is fully Rollable.
Solo play ready! And waiting for you to try today!
- Make your own skills!
- fly to different planets experience the vastness of space
- ... [click here for more]
You watch sunrise shimmer across the lake. Two weeks ago, bus-loads of kids arrived at camp, hyperactive hellions looking to you to provide some summer fun. They’ll be up and out of their bunks, barreling into today’s activities, before you know it. But for now, it’s quiet. Peaceful. You could almost forget what transpired here last year… That was the plan, of course. To forget. Pretend it... [click here for more]