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Coriolis - Mental Injuries

Coriolis - Mental Injuries

Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them! This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Coriolis - Critiques Mentaux

Coriolis - Critiques Mentaux

Préparez-vous à explorer les profondeurs de l'esprit humain. Ces blessures mentales ne se contentent pas de marquer votre corps, elles façonnent votre psyché, impactant vos décisions, vos relations et votre perception de la réalité. Ne laissez pas vos joueurs échapper à l'horreur psychologique qui les attend ! Ce supplément a été conçu pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos parties de...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Strength of the Meat - A Short Vaesen Mystery

The Strength of the Meat - A Short Vaesen Mystery

The animals, what’s happening to them? Last week it was the lambs at the Larsson farm, the week before the hens of the Gustavssons and now.. Now the prized cow of the farmer Sten is missing. Right from the cowshed she was taken. Sten blames his brother Stig, but how could Stig wreck the door like that? "The Strength of the Meat" is a short Vaesen mystery, most suitable to run as a one-shot...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Travel to the Mythic Alps ranging from eastern France to western Slowenia. Includes 23 Vaesen (and counting) from all around the Alps, presented in a fashion similar to the Vaesen Core books with Flavor Text and sample Conflicts. 4 new archetypes complete with 17 additional talents befitting the Region. A small framework to set your campaign in. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Witch Cat Inn

The Witch Cat Inn

This is a map of a Coaching Inn in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Dance of Dreams' from the Core Rule Book. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance so I can keep my hardware up to...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Hamnskiftarbältet – ett mysterium till Nordiska Väsen

Hamnskiftarbältet – ett mysterium till Nordiska Väsen

VINTERN HÅLLER HÄRJEDALEN i ett kallt grepp. En ung man har försvunnit spårlöst och en otäck best jagar i skogarna runt Älvros. Allt grundar sig i en gammal konflikt mellan byns präst och en familj som lämnats åt sitt öde. HAMNSKIFTARBÄLTET är ett mysterium skrivet för GothCon XLVII (2024). ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Karhorra: Muzyka do sesji RPG

Karhorra: Muzyka do sesji RPG (audio product)

Głodny umysł stanowi żyzny grunt dla potworności, a tam, gdzie koszmar zdoła zapuścić korzenie rozkwitnie najobrzydliwsza zgroza. Karhorra to gra RPG inspirowana klasykami kosmicznego horroru i powieści gotyckich, w której gracze wcielają się w postaci sawantów – adeptów nauk, gotowych zmierzyć się z koszmarami...   [click here for more]
Karhorra  Pay What You Want

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Newford House

Newford House

This is a map of a London Townhouse in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Hampsetad Group' from the 'Mythic Britain and Ireland' expansion. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Ghosts of Makeout Point

Ghosts of Makeout Point

A Boulder-first Valentine’s Mystery for Tales from the Loop.   February, 1986. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Boulder City teen hotspot Makeout Point is at the busiest it’ll be all year (or, at least until high-school graduation). But this year it’s not just love that’s in the air… it’s apparitions.       Ghosts of Makeout Point is...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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A group of kids discovers a dark secret of the Community Center in Rembertów, where dangerous accidents keep happening to youthful actors appearing in the musical directed by Majka Jeżowska, a well-known Polish singer. Language: Polish Grupa utalentowanych Dzieciaków odkrywa mroczną tajemnicę Domu Kultury, w którym dochodzi do niebezpiecznych wypadków przydarzających się młodym aktorom...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Skuggan av igår

Skuggan av igår

Skuggan av igår är ett matigt scenario till Nordiska väsen. Rollpersonerna besöker herrgården Fogelvik där det nyligen börjat inträffa märkliga och högst oförklarliga ting. Herr Jegerschiölds pipor har förvandlats till flöjter och det har växt grenar med blad från Fru Jegerschiölds käpp. Scenariot är ett mysterium med lite action och ett uns av skräck (om man vill)....   [click here for more]
Rollspelskollektivet  Pay What You Want

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Vaesen - Le Manoir aux curiosités

Vaesen - Le Manoir aux curiosités

Un scénario d’introduction à Vaesen, dans lequel les joueurs, en proie à des visions étranges, font la rencontre de Linnea Elfeklinte et Algot Frisk. Ceux-ci ne tardent pas à les mettre sur la piste d’événements étranges qui se passent au château Gyllencreutz..    ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Den rastlöse går igen

Den rastlöse går igen

Den rastlöse går igen är ett scenario löst skapat för Nordiska väsen. Rollpersonerna i Sällskapet får en bedjan av prästen Vera Gårde i Krylbo om hjälp. Kyrkovaktmästaren har blivit galen och andra märkliga ting sker i trakten. Scenariot är ett mysterium som går ut på att genom samtal med ortens befolkning lista ut vad som hänt och hur man kan stoppa det....   [click here for more]
Rollspelskollektivet  Pay What You Want

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Dawn of Pripyat Quickstart

Dawn of Pripyat Quickstart

L’asteroide Eridu ha colpito la Terra, frammentandosi. Sta per succedere qualcosa che cambierà gli assetti del potere. Dawn of Pripyat vi metterà davanti a uno scenario dove sono presenti mutanti, fenomeni atmosferici anomali e devastanti (detti Feal) e luoghi disabitati, non molto lontani dalla civiltà. Un mondo dove il potere cerca di occultare la verità, che ogni tanto sfugge al suo controllo....   [click here for more]
Collettivo Antracite   FREE 

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Eldritch Automata Quicklaunch Guide

Eldritch Automata Quicklaunch Guide

Welcome to the dark and dangerous world of Eldritch Automata. Designed in the Year Zero Engine and inspired by the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, and EscaflowneElridtch Automata takes place in a recent-apocalyptic world filled with horror, drama, and psychological...   [click here for more]
Gehenna Gaming   FREE 

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Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery

Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery

In which a rural community is paralysed by night terrors… What would you do if every time you closed your eyes you felt something stalking you, something flowing into your room and pressing down on your chest? What does it want? Why won’t it stop? This Vaesen Nordic Horror RPG Mystery takes us to the rural heartland of Sweden between Stockholm and Gothenburg,...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Fearsome Wilderness: The Roleplaying Game - Free Version

Fearsome Wilderness: The Roleplaying Game - Free Version

Dystopian entertainment. Expendable reality stars. Convicted criminals who will stop at nothing to survive. Now broadcast live 24/7 from the Fearsome Wilderness!  Con Air meets Lost? Or is this roleplaying game more The Running Man meets the Revenant?  Survive the wilderness, wrangle North American cryptids, uncover its mysteries, and let your miserable adventures entertain the galaxy....   [click here for more]
Geektopia Games   FREE 

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Lo scienziato Pripyat - Avventura per Dawn of Pripyat

Lo scienziato Pripyat - Avventura per Dawn of Pripyat

Lo scienziato di Pripyat è una breve avventura introduttiva per Dawn of Pripyat. Questa storia narra le vicende di un famoso professore della Krae, Rudolph Podolski, che sta facendo sperimentazioni umane usando eridite. Il dottore è ossessionato dagli effetti che questa può produrre sull’uomo e dalle possibilità che si possono sviluppare utilizzandola. Questo capitolo contiene tutto ciò che...   [click here for more]
Collettivo Antracite   FREE 

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Mappa Zona di Alienazione

Mappa Zona di Alienazione

Una mappa base per giocare al gioco di ruolo Dawn of Pripyat. ...   [click here for more]
Collettivo Antracite  Pay What You Want

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Monstren från Stormhattsskogen - Ett äventyr till Nordiska Väsen

Monstren från Stormhattsskogen - Ett äventyr till Nordiska Väsen

Sällskapet är på resa längs landsbygden en sen oktoberdag när deras droska plötsligt stannar. På sidan av vägen ligger en blodig jacka. Ett brev sticker upp ur fickan... något hemskt har hänt i byn Östertorp. Till dig som läser detta, vi behöver din hjälp. Ett mörker har fallit över Östertorp. Det började med ett mord men nu har det blivit fler. Vi behöver...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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New talents for Vaesen

New talents for Vaesen

For those who thought there were too few talents in Vaesen, here are 23 new talents to choose from. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Once Upon the Dead Quickstart

Once Upon the Dead Quickstart

In the enchanted world of Mythia, fairy tales, folklore, and myths are real, living seamlessly with one another. The fantastical stories, epic legends, and mythology throughout history come to life intertwining with the survival horrors of a road warrior zombie apocalypse. A decade has past since the undead menace befell the lands in the event known as the Flood. This cataclysm devastated the flourishing...   [click here for more]
Epic Pride Gaming   FREE 

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Sleepy Hollow Character Sheets (PDF)

Sleepy Hollow Character Sheets (PDF)

Enhance your Sleepy Hollow tabletop roleplaying experience with our official Sleepy Hollow character sheets, available in this digital PDF bundle. Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, this set includes two styles to suit your gaming needs: Decorative Version: A beautifully crafted 2-page character sheet that immerses you in the eerie world of Sleepy Hollow....   [click here for more]
Kids in the Attic   FREE 

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Tajemnice Pętli - Ogniste Lato

Tajemnice Pętli - Ogniste Lato

OGNISTE LATO Tegoroczne wakacje w Rembertowie są zupełnie inne od dotychczasowych. Panująca od maja susza i brak opadów spowodowały, że w całej Polsce wybuchają pożary łąk i lasów. Nawet w Rembertowie czuć w powietrzu spaleniznę, a niebo przybiera niepokojąco pomarańczowy kolor. Obowiązują zakazy wstępu do lasu, co uprzykrza życie Dzieciakom, które na razie nie wyjechały na...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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The Wynd Within the Willow - A FREE Focus for a Vaesen Mystery

The Wynd Within the Willow - A FREE Focus for a Vaesen Mystery

“Then she was questioned about a certain tree growing near her village. To which she answered that […] there was a certain tree called the Ladies’ Tree, and others called it the Fairies’ Tree […] and often she heard the old folk say – not those of her family – that the fairies frequented it…” - Excerpt from the Trial of Joan of Arc The wynd within the willow tree...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Vaesen - Ayudas de juego Estaciones de misterio

Vaesen - Ayudas de juego Estaciones de misterio

Ayudas de juego de las aventuras presentadas en Estaciones de misterio.   ...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen - Ayudas de juego Saga de la montaña perdida

Vaesen - Ayudas de juego Saga de la montaña perdida

Ayudas de juego de las aventuras presentadas en Saga de la montaña perdida   ...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen - Ayudas de juego Un secreto malvado y otros misterios

Vaesen - Ayudas de juego Un secreto malvado y otros misterios

Ayudas de juego de las aventuras presentadas en Un secreto malvado y otros misterios. ...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen - Free League Workshop Design Templates

Vaesen - Free League Workshop Design Templates

Design your own adventures and modules for Vaesen using the Free League Workshop Community Content Program. This zip file contains: Indesign Template Indesign Template compatible with older versions Word Template Free fonts ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Vaesen - Hoja de cuartel general

Vaesen - Hoja de cuartel general

Hoja de cuartel general para Vaesen, el juego de rol de horror nórdico ...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen - Hoja de personaje

Vaesen - Hoja de personaje

Hoja de personaje para Vaesen, el juego de rol de horror nórdico ...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen - Hoja de personaje editable

Vaesen - Hoja de personaje editable

Versión editable de la hoja de personaje para Vaesen, el juego de rol de horror nórdico ...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen - Las viñas del Señor

Vaesen - Las viñas del Señor

El recién nombrado Duque de la Seu d'Urgell ha convocado a los miembros de La Sociedad con sede en Barcelona a acudir a la zona para investigar una extraña enfermedad que está atacando las viñas del lugar. Aunque inicialmente parecía que se trataba de la plaga de la temida filoxera, recientemente han empezado a tener lugar sucesos extraños en la zona que no parecen tener explicación racional...   [click here for more]
Devir   FREE 

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Vaesen: A Scandinavian Bibliography

Vaesen: A Scandinavian Bibliography

A short, free bibliography of English-language sources on Scandinavian folklore for Vaesen GMs and players. ...   [click here for more]
Graeme Davis   FREE 

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VAESEN: Dossiers der Gesellschaft - erweiterte Charakterbögen und Spielhilfen (DE)

VAESEN: Dossiers der Gesellschaft - erweiterte Charakterbögen und Spielhilfen (DE)

Dossiers of the Society (Dossiers der Gesellschaft) contain everything VAESEN game masters and players need (or so)! A4 - 2 Dateien: farbig und druckfreundlich (schwarz-weiß) The official character and headquarters sheets didn't give me enough space and information, so I've expanded and rebuilt them a bit. In addition, there are sheets...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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VAESEN: Dossiers of the Society - extended Character Sheets and Game aids (EN)

VAESEN: Dossiers of the Society - extended Character Sheets and Game aids (EN)

Dossiers of the Society contain everything VAESEN game masters and players need (or so)! A4 - 2 files: color and printer friendly (black-white, reduced graphics) The official character and headquarters sheets didn't give me enough space and information, so I've expanded and rebuilt them a bit. In addition, there are sheets for Vaesen, NPCs...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing   FREE 

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Welcome to Grimsbury: Player's Guide

Welcome to Grimsbury: Player's Guide

Welcome to Grimsbury is a TTRPG of English folk horror, occult activity, errant scientific experiments and otherworldly encounters centered around the fictional English region of Grimsbury. Players take the roles of visitors to Grimsbury and its environs, investigating, adventuring and working to survive the forces arrayed against them. Fans of The Wicker Man, Dr. Who, Children...   [click here for more]

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  ACKS II Revised Rulebook