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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 27 of the Frontier Explorer. Our new author in this issue is Jerry Boucher, who also drew the absolutely amazing cover image for the issue. The cover is a callback, albeit from the sathar side, of the classic Elmore painting that graces the cover of the original rules. His article looks at the construction and use of the sathar weapons.
In addition to Jerry’s... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to the 40th anniversary year of Star Frontiers and issue 35 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue starts with a throwback to the early days of the game with an article by Richard Rose about one of the first ships he designed even before he had the Knight Hawks rules. He also gives us a Knight Hawks adventure later in the issue.
Tom Verreault continues the starship theme... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 32 of the Frontier Explorer. We start off with a “Blast from the Past” and a play report of an old Star Frontiers game from decades ago. The “Blast from the Past” series presents articles found on dead Star Frontiers websites or other places from before the magazine started and the early days of the game. This issue has three such articles, the a-ready... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 26 of the Frontier Explorer. This is a more typical grab-bag issue with no particular theme, although it definitely leans heavily to the weapons and equipment direction. We have articles by two new authors this issue: Nick Landry and John Blaylock, with articles on portable power sources and energy weapons, respectively. I think we can expect to see more articles... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 24 of the Frontier Explorer. Now that Spacefleet has cleared out the recent sathar incursion, we can start publishing again.
This issue picks up right where we left off including some articles that were ready to go but didn’t make it into issue 23. All of the usual articles (Jurak Hangna, comics, etc) are here along with articles about derlict spaceships, and... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 23 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue focuses on Clarion Station and all the things to see and do there. As part of our Warriors of White Light challenge, we have a couple of articles detailing the home of the Clarion Royal Marines. The other feature article in this issues is one detailing a conversion of the Star Frontiers races to the new FrontierSpace RPG.... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 33 of the Frontier Explorer!
This issue begins with another blast from the past with an old web article by Andrew Campbell on the use of solar sails on ships in the Frontier. Oscar Rios gives us a vrusk name generator as well as a system brief on the Solar Minor system. We finish off the Radiation in the Frontier series by Joseph Cabadas and Jerry Boucher details... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 28 of the Frontier Explorer. In this issue we have a grab bag of articles including more installments of the Things That Go Boom! series, this time on landmines, a new, optional ruleset for combat and actions, a look back at an old Star Frontiers Choose Your Own Adventure book, and a review of a White Star module.
A fun item is this issue is our Create a Character... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 22 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue sports and amazing cover image by Chris Walton. Inside, you’ll find a variety of articles include some character archetypes, new equipment, new creatures, and rules for constructing space stations. This issue also contains some early information on a new game FrontierSpace by DWD Studios that will see some coverage in... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 36 of the Frontier Explorer. While it wasn’t intended, this issue ended up with a Knight Hawks theme with details on a number of different ships and lots of rules related to starships.
Steven Parenteau gives us two different ships with deck plans along with an article about a small PSA inspired by thinking about life onboard those starships. Tom Verreault gives... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 34 of the Frontier Explorer.
As a nod to the Halloween season, this issue starts us off with a look at the Archetypes of Horror and how to use them in a Star Frontiers, an article my Tom Verreault. We also welcome a new author, Ken Wang who details out a spacer organization, original designed for the Cepheus Engine, but that can be dropped into any sci-fi setting.... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 29 of the Frontier Explorer. We kick off the issue with a new ship by a new author, Shawn Starky, detailing a small hull size 4 freighter. We are also introducing a new series, “An Alternate Frontier,” by another new author, Richard “GreyMyst” Farris. The first article, Electrochemical Slugthrowers, looks basic projectile weap-ons and provides a variety of... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 30 of the Frontier Explorer! This issue introduces two new authors RJ McDonough and Oscar Rios. RJ talks about the “Art of the Crossover” and bringing outside resources into your game while Oscar gives us a couple of new equipment articles, one on needler weapons and a second on restraints.
This issue brings back our “Frontier in Miniature” series looking... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
And welcome to issue 25 of the Frontier Explorer – The Summer of Sathar. When we put out the call for articles in issue 24, we had so many sathar submissions that we decided to do another issue dedicated to the arch enemy in the Star Frontiers setting. This issue contains articles covering topics such as sathar biology, vehicles, robots, weapons, creatures, and social structure. ... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 31 of the Frontier Explorer! This issue introduces a new author, Michal Lausier, who provides us a Traveller short story, Bones and Mortar. Oscar Rios provides us with ten standard sathar NPCs you can drop into your campaign. We also have another needler article following the one last issue, this time, converted to the “Alternate Frontier” setting that Richard... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome it issue 21 of the Frontier Explorer. This time around we have another spaceship themed issue and you might just recognize the cover image. As we are celebrating the Star Frontiers 35th Anniversary I thought I’d use the iconic Knight Hawks cover image for this issue.
The issue contains a pair of new ships along with a redesign of the venerable assault scout with updated... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Issue 19 of the Frontier Explorer is now available. This year is the 35th anniversary of Star Frontiers and issue 19 takes us back to where we all started, Volturnus, Planet of Mystery. We have a number of articles looking at equipment, adventures, and background material about the planet.
In addition we have a number of our regular features, more robot articles, a debut article... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Issue 20 of the Frontier Explorer is now available. This issue marks five years of publishing the Frontier Explorer (how time flies). Together we’ve produced over 800 pages and over 400,000 words of content and by the looks of it we are still going strong.
This issue is primarily focused on creatures and races. What is a science fiction game without more races and creatures... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello explorers!
The Sathar are coming! Issue 6 of the Frontier Explorer is now available for download. This issue focuses on the Sathar and provides a wealth of information on how to integrate the sathar into your campaign. Most of the content is rules agnostic and would allow the inclusion of the sathar regardless of the game system.
Articles include information on sathar society and military... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Welcome Explorers!
Issue 8 is now available for download. This issue brings us a variety of topics including races, ships, equipment, and creatures. We also have a variety of campaign background material, a new comic series, and another story about the exploits of Rodworth Shimout. This issue also includes the second of many articles on converting the Star Frontiers setting to the Stars Without... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Welcome Explorers!
Issue 9 is now available for download. This issue is all about spaceships. We have a couple of awesome deck plan by Joseph Meager that we rescued from a lost Star Frontiers site. Plus submissions from some regular contributiors and a cargo ship by a new author, M. Derryberry. In all, there are three sets of deck plans, a writeup on a fourth class of ships, some space stations,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Astral News Report!
Now you can quickly make good-looking, futuristic news-o-blog articles for your Sci-Fi game!
Here's what you get: 1 Affinity Template, with 6 Master Pages, with 3 News Styles. Each style has different fill-in-the-blank subjects to get your creative juices flowing. Use as a weekly update for your game sessions, an in-world discovery, or as a hand out for a pre-written adventure.... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
Hello explorers!
And Happy Halloween! We have a treat for your goodie bag. Issue 10 of the Frontier Explorer is now available for download. This issue includes a ghost story, tips on incorporating horror into your science fiction game, and a horror themed adventure.
Also included are the next installment of many of our standard columns as well as new ships, some optional ship rules, and a look... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Welcome Explorers!
Issue 7 is now available for download. This issue brings us a couple of new authors, Daniel R. Collins and Jason Combs, both with great articles on new fighters - one about new fighters to use in the game and one about new fighter miniatures. We also have a new location on Volturnus, some new equipment for space vehicles and a new sathar vessel. The issue definitely ended up... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello explorers!
Welcome to issue 11 of the Frontier Explorer. One of the big events in the past few months has been the release of the D&D 5th Edition rules. The Frontier Explorer is proud to present a conversion for the Star Frontiers races and weapons to the 5th Edition system. Written by Michael Long, he and friends have play-tested this conversion to work out the kinks so it should... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 12 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue is all about psionics. We have a variety of articles on mentalist powers, equipment, creatures, and a new alien race by Laura Mumma, an author making her debut contribution to the magazine. I think you'll really enjoy the race she's invented.
In addition to the mentalism articles there are a variety of optional rules articles... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
This issue contains all the usual entries from equipment to spaceships to races to creatures to stories. It also branches out a bit in that one of the ships presented is primarily designed for Starships & Spacemen 2ed but has a Star Frontiers conversion. In addition, we have some articles by a couple of new authors including one of our Patreon supporters, Scott Holliday.... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Lucky issue 13 of the Frontier Explorer is now available. This issue’s mini theme is racing and character mounts. We have a number of articles describing new creatures that can be used for races or as mounts for your characters when away from civilization as well as rule for running racing events in game or in your campaign.
Additionally we have another new race, some new ships... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Frontier Explorer issue 18 is now available. This issue is focused on spacecraft (we have four new ones) and optional rules for the Knight Hawks board game. In addition we have a variety of campaign background material along with the usual Jurak Hangna articles and comics.
This issue took a little bit longer to put together because I had an absolute crazy last four weeks including... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Frontier Explorer issue 17 is now available. This issue is focused on robots and leads off with an amazing article by author Joseph Cabadas that collects, collates, and combines the various robotics rules from the Star Frontiers rulebooks and magazines into a single comprehensive rule set that can be used with either the Alpha Dawn or Zebulon’s Guide rules. Following up on this... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to Issue 16 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue is a big reminder that this really is a community magazine and that we couldn’t do it without you. A special thanks to Joseph Cabadas and Chris Donovan who stepped up and provided a huge number of articles for this issue.
In this issue you’ll find a variety of new equipment, weapons, and vehicles, as well as a complete... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page.
... [click here for more] |
RitualCuts |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 15 of the Frontier Explorer. A special shout out to author Laura Mumma who provided several features for this issue with her revisiting of Janus, a planet presented as part of a Star Frontiers competition module at MassConfusion in 1984. She’s cleaned up the planet and critters and presented them anew for use in your game.
In addition we have many of our regular... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Perhaps the World's finest fantasy art magazine.
DunJon Fantasy Femme Fatale eZine as it names suggests is fantasy art magazine that primarily focuses upon femme fatales. (Beautiful, yet dangerous women.) It is also a print collection. (All buyers of this pdf may print images for personal use.) It is also a Stock Art Catalog, all images in this and other DunJon eZines are up for sale. (Those who want... [click here for more] |
Stainless Steel Dragon |
Pay What You Want
Built for use with INDEX CARD RPG by Runehammer Games
Look To Your Left is my little fanzine in honor of Index Card RPG and the amazing DIY spirit it brings to the table. Inside is a small collection of various goodies, ideas, and resources to kick start your imagination or drop into a pre-existing game. Things like:
Trial: Last Stand on Old Iron Hill. Can you survive the voracious... [click here for more] |
Kane's Kiln |
Built for use with INDEX CARD RPG by Runehammer Games
This is my second volume of Look To Your Left, a fanzine to honor of Index Card RPG. Inside is a small collection of various goodies, ideas, and resources that I thought might be helpful for game masters to use at their own tables. Things like:
Trial: A Temple…Or A Tomb? Explore a haunted tomb with a combination of... [click here for more] |
Kane's Kiln |
Built for use with INDEX CARD RPG by Runehammer Games
This is the third volume of Look To Your Left, a fanzine to the great game of Index Card RPG. I collected a bunch of goodies, ideas, and resources that I thought might be helpful for game masters, and things I've used at my own table. Plus some killer, creepy art from JDHull of Epic Sloth Games. Things like:
Mini-Adventure:... [click here for more] |
Kane's Kiln |
What is this?
This pamphlet is a list of battlefield modifiers you can use to inspire you when making encounters for your tabletop game. Apply one or a few to each fight to multiply the tactical options available to you and your players.
What this pamphlet is not:
This pamphlet is not a list of feats, combat modifiers for players, tactical options, or spells. It is also not tied to any particular... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
 Welcome Folks, just some updates going on around Soujourner Games and publication times. The Perspectve Volume 7; Issue 1 ... [click here for more] |
Sojourner Games |
Welcome to The Sandbox, a free irregular journal from Kevin Crawford and Sine Nomine Publishing. Sine Nomine fans have noticed the regular flow of freebie material I've produced, such as the Mandate Archive series for Stars Without Number, Black Streams for the Red Tide setting, and other free releases for other systems and particulars. The... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |
Behold the second issue of The Sandbox, a free irregular journal from Kevin Crawford and Sine Nomine Publishing. Sine Nomine fans have noticed the regular flow of freebie material I've produced, such as the Mandate Archive series for Stars Without Number, Black Streams for the Red Tide setting, and other free releases for... [click here for more] |
Sine Nomine Publishing |