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Inside this pack you will find 30 high-resolution images (300 DPI in PNG format) for use in your own ICRPG publications! Some of the drawings included in this pack are: - Weapons - Potions - Armor - Helmets - Books - Scrolls - Dungeon Door - Coins - Treasure Chests - Pile of Skulls - Bones - Anvil - Barrels - Alchemy Ingredients - Ale and Food - Castle on a Hill - Desert Fortress - Runestones - Cave... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
Perfect map to run an encounter involving an orc camp at the top of snowy mountains in an arctic environment.
You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Looking for affordable hand-drawn fantasy stock art? You've come to the right place my friend!
Inside this free pack of 74 hand-drawn images you will find a variety of fantasy items, including daggers, swords, axes, staves, shields, scrolls, spellbooks, potions, torches, war banners, tools, and more! Perfect for an RPG adventure, a dungeon-crawling card game, a medieval trick-taking... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
Pay What You Want
 Macy, our family dog, has passed. She was the best. May she live on in a thousand adventures and be loved by a thousand gamers. ... [click here for more] |
Publisher's Choice Stock Art |
Pay What You Want
Tired of samey and tropey medieval civilizations and societies in your realistic or fantasy RPGs? With this generator, based on actual theories of political development, you can generate entirely unique, detailed societal structures, governments, and conflicts which are entirely realistic, but may have never occurred in the real world.
You may create civilizations appropriate to your world’s equivalent... [click here for more] |
Currentpattern |
Pay What You Want
"Faraway, in the greatest battle in this age of the world, the
forces of the Bleak Warlock were undone, but at a dear cost. Lifes' of
many were lost, and the Emperor themself, hero and hope of the Free
People, fell -for raise never again. In the wake of Worlock's defeat a
mighty storm of snow thunder and hail rose, hammering the fugitives
and... [click here for more] |
ORB – Old Raging Barbarian |
Pay What You Want
 Extra "Mystery" Sheets for Murder Mystery Headquarters: A Case of Deja Vu. Produced by BeeThreeDee Miniatures LLC, All Rights Reserved, 2023. ... [click here for more] |
BeeThreeDee Miniatures |
Pay What You Want
Terms of Use
These images were created by Josh Cornwell, and are intended to be a resource for personal use, or for small presses and independent publishers to use in their own products. Any of these images may be used for personal or commercial use, provided you follow the following rules:
Please give credit to Josh Cornwell wherever you recognize artists and/or contributors. The... [click here for more] |
Copper Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
This eBook will help guide you on the different topics to improve your hobby skills from building miniatures, painting them to a level you are happy, and how to showcase them online. While I focus on gothic sci-fi miniatures, you can use the tips in this book for figures for wargaming, tabletop games, RPG, scale models, or really any other plastic miniature.
This is the first book in the Beginner... [click here for more] |
Joe Baird |
Pay What You Want
This is a copy of the standard license included with all our stock art products. We encourage you to download this free copy and read it before purchasing our artwork for use in your products. Thanks.... [click here for more] |
Publisher's Choice Stock Art |
Arjade's Map Packs are designed to help take the difficulty out of preparing your games. With royalty free content for use in professional game products, this book gives you dozens of dungeon tiles to build high quality maps for your own adventures.
This pack contains:
22 Room tiles
45 Corridor tiles
Over 350 Objects and Furnishing tiles
Over 100 Object tokens.
All on pages you are free to print... [click here for more] |
Arjade Productions |
Welcome to my collection of royalty-free stock illustrations, my name is Evangelia Kaliva and I work as a freelancer illustrator. Every single image you may find in this tiny art-selling corner is entirely produced by my own hands.
License & Copyrights
Ideal for book publications. Please visit the address below to view licence. https://www.dropbox.com/s/efeo8a8aoneqhl1/vagelio%20stock%20art%20licence.pdf?dl=0... [click here for more] |
Vagelio |
Pay What You Want
 Create your own case for Murder Mystery Headquarters: A case of Deja Vu using this unique, hand-drawn map. Brought to you by BeeThreeDee artist: Jeff Witty. ... [click here for more] |
BeeThreeDee Miniatures |
Pay What You Want
The Map Tiles Sample Pack was created to give Game Masters a chance to try out building adventure maps with art assets from Studio WyldFurr, before investing in one of the larger Map Tiles packages from the range of art assets produced by Studio WyldFurr. The sample pack includes a limited range of art assets compared to our other map tiles packs.
The pack was designed around a Pink Marble theme... [click here for more] |
WyldFurr |
Pay What You Want
Free Dungeon Map
If you like the map, and you can afford it, come back a support the publisher.
1 Map at 300dpi for print/VTT
1 Map at 72dpi for VTT
also both maps have a 10mb version
Made using The Crypt of Ryken D’aar Dungeon Tile Set
Which has over 300 hand drawn PNG Dungeon Tiles,... [click here for more] |
The Vaults of McTavish |
Pay What You Want
This plant comes from the Mazith plant handbook. you may use this plant anyway you see fit including in your own works for sale. ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
Pay What You Want
This plant comes from the Mazith plant handbook. you may use this plant anyway you see fit including in your own works for sale. ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
Pay What You Want
This plant comes from the Mazith plant handbook. you may use this plant anyway you see fit including in your own works. ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to my collection of royalty-free stock illustrations, my name is Evangelia Kaliva and I work as a freelancer illustrator. Every single image you may find in this tiny art-selling corner is entirely produced by my own hands.
License & Copyrights
Ideal for book publications. Please visit the address below to view licence. https://www.dropbox.com/s/efeo8a8aoneqhl1/vagelio%20stock%20art%20licence.pdf?dl=0... [click here for more] |
Vagelio |
Pay What You Want
A Bit More Adventure presents it's inaugural publication...
50 Kobolds, Cute, Mischievous
This is an art book of AI generated images of the cute and mischievous little creatures that inhabit most fantasy worlds. The art styles vary greatly from abstract to realistic, mundane to magical. Names and a short description of the character is provided. It is completely system agnostic.
ALL images... [click here for more] |
A Bit More Adventure |
Enjoy this Thumb guide for the Artifacts of the Arcan Publishers Editions. Enclosed is also 4 free images, 2 B/W and 2 Color 300 dpi tiffs you can use for free, but only these 4 images.
See what your buying. Pages from this Thumb guide cannot be used for publication, it is a guide ONLY.
Hope to see you embellish your wonderful modules and adventures with Artifacts of the Arcane! ~VShane ... [click here for more] |
V Shane |
Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun and Nova Blast Star Armada, and of course new Pathfinder goodies. Included are new art sets and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Especially exciting this month is a great new Pathfinder system, Kung Fu Kuma and more Arcana for stalwart fans.
Join... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun; of course, new Pathfinder and 5e products abound. Included are new clip art and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.
Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ... [click here for more] |
Avalon Game Company |
Welcome to Avalyn Adventure #19. In this series we get the characters back to the Northern part of Sadakadish and back into the war between the Deseratans and the forces of the Hin Gon currently led by Peace Lord Black. ... [click here for more] |
Any GM can design a basic dungeon. A dedicated GM takes the extra time to craft exciting, logical and challenging dungeons that are so much more than a series of rooms stuffed full of monsters and treasure. Be Awesome At Dungeon Design comprises eight dungeon design essays by ENnie Award winning designer Creighton Broadhurst. Handling such subjects as a dungeon’s purpose, design, ecology, dressing... [click here for more] |
Raging Swan Press |
Over the last two decades, The Big List of RPG Plots has been cited, quoted, thanked and excerpted in articles for computer-game design, a book on Hollywood screenwriting, and more than a few pen-and-paper RPGs. I wrote it in 1993 as an article submission for Pyramid magazine (they rejected it). I later tried to shop it to Dragon and Shadis and others... [click here for more] |
Cumberland Games & Diversions |
 This bundle includes 8 classic monsters, with a twist!
Images are black and white, png files, 400 dpi, 8 x 5.5 inches.
All files are bundled in a zip file.
If you need another format or customized characters feel free to contact me at:
Characters samples at:
http://gercurti.wordpress.com ... [click here for more] |
Ger Curti Artwork |
Just looking to work with some other smaller companies to create some great products. Let's work together! ... [click here for more] |
VanDragon Studio |
 Monster Mage Games presents the Dead Man Delineation Master Index. Inside are keywords that are associated with images you may be looking for, then the issue number and name that correspond with the keyword. Hopefully you can quickly peruse the index to see if anything strikes your fancy! This index will be edited and updated every few months to reflect new stock art that is being added.... [click here for more] |
Monster Mage Games |
Collection of textures, frames, fonts, and stocks for anyone willing to create they own Edelweiss content.
Complete with simple and flexible license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Have fun and keep being awesome! ... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Mazith Players Handbook Beta 1.0 Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Mazith is a Game system for everyone it does not matter what type of RPG you like to play. Mazith is designed for you to take what you have created and expand it to the next level.
This is the player's... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
This plant comes from the Mazith plant handbook. you may use this plant anyway you see fit including in your own works. ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
This plant comes from the Mazith plant handbook. you may use this plant anyway you see fit including in your own works for sale. ... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
GMC - It's Game Master's Choice!
Need generic products for your campaign world?
Look out for the independent "Generic Maps" series. Every issue can be used by publishers and/or game masters alike.
Terrain Pack I Add-On contains 10 full color 150dpi .png terrain images of ten combinable dungeon areas (each 1,378 x 1,378; 16 x 16 squares), which are compatible with the Generic Maps #7 dungeon... [click here for more] |
GMC - It's Game Master's Choice!
Need generic products for your campaign world?
Look out for the independent "Generic Maps" series. Every issue can be used by publishers and/or game masters alike.
Terrain Pack II Add-On contains 10 full color 150dpi .png terrain images of ten combinable dungeon areas (each 1,378 x 1,378; 16 x 16 squares), which are compatible with the Generic Maps #7, #7.5,... [click here for more] |
"The Rede Lecture was delivered by Mr. John Willis Clark, M.A., the Registrar of Cambridge University, in the lecture room of anatomy and physiology yesterday (June 13th, 1894), the subject being 'The position, arrangement, and fittings of libraries during the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, with the special notes on the system of chaining books.' The lecture was illustrated by lantern slides, and... [click here for more] |
dicegeeks |
Something to gaze at while you dream of your next adventure!
This is a full color poster of the Cover of Murphy's World suitable for printing out as a poster. It is saved at 150 ppi with no compression artifacts.
This poster is a FREE promotional item for Murphy's World, a humorous techno-fantasy Roleplay Game available from Peregrine as a downloadable PDF for just... [click here for more] |
Peregrine |
Something to look at while your spaceship plunges through the atmosphere!
This is a full color poster of Murphy's World the planet, along with its rings and numerous orbiting satellites, suitable for printing out as a poster. It is saved at 150 ppi with no compression artifacts.
This poster is a FREE promotional item for Murphy's World, a humorous techno-fantasy... [click here for more] |
Peregrine |

Quantum Eccentric Studios will be releasing Newsletters to keep you updated on the creative process and to inform you about the future. ... [click here for more] |
Quantum Eccentric Studios |

Quantum Eccentric Studios will be releasing Newsletters to keep you updated on the creative process and to inform you about the future. ... [click here for more] |
Quantum Eccentric Studios |
We've created a basic Orcish language for our our Drintera™ fantasy TTRPG setting. In Drintera, orcs are not inherently evil. They're people. Using this language, you can give names to characters and places to make orcs come to life.
Free to use, modify, and republish under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Nikoy snyree! ... [click here for more] |
Shewstone Publishing |
 Here, I paint a Catapult from WizKids with mostly regular craft paint. This mini took about 20 minutes to paint (give or take for dry times). I haven’t painted any minis in quite a long time, so I did this one as I work my way back into it. Hope you enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Swords & Sandals |
Pay What You Want
This stock art image by Nathanaël Roux depicts a Pirate Otter wielding a harpoon. He is wearing a captain's coat and stripped pants.
In RGB profile, 38.844 inches x 111.111 inches @ 72 dpi (2804x8000 px).
This purchase includes one Line art PNG.
For a Color version follow this link
Stock... [click here for more] |
Barkalot Designs |
 Create your hero on this easy and simple to use character sheet to begin your adventures in the realm of Quantum Lapse. ... [click here for more] |
Quantum Eccentric Studios |
To commemorate the passing of Queen Elizabeth II we have produced this single page random table generator to produce attributes for your NPC queens.
Naturally, by switching the gender it would work for a king. (And other royalty / NPCs)
You can use this material in any way*, including in books for publication**. Queen Elizabeth led a life of service, and we offer this as a memorial... [click here for more] |
The Grinning Frog |
GMC - It's Game Master's Choice! Come to the world, where mortals created and became gods, where the Long Night powers orcs and undead and where ruins of a glorious past let deities fear for their existence. A world of enigmatic NPCs: from the Ancients, over the mythical Sirison and the Guardian of Simit to a being of unknown age and power, the Quirin. Look out for the independent... [click here for more] |
GMC - It's Game Master's Choice!
Come to the world, where mortals created and became gods, where the Long Night powers orcs and undead and where ruins of a glorious past let deities fear for their existence. A world of enigmatic NPCs: from the Ancients, over the mythical Sirison and the Guardian of Simit to a being of unknown age and power, the Quirin.
Look out for the independent "Quirin... [click here for more] |
Rick Hershey Art Rates (2024-2025)
I'm Rick Hershey, an experienced illustrator and designer with over two decades of freelance illustration under my belt. If you're ready to hire an illustrator for your next project then I encourage you to download my rates and samples!
Inside my 2024-2025 rate book, you'll uncover a treasure trove of my finest work. Each piece has been crafted with passion and precision,... [click here for more] |
Publisher's Choice Stock Art |
This a FREE medieval-themed song suitable for your fantasy RPG sessions. This is the instrumental version of the famous christmas song telling the tale of the little christmas dragon that wanted a big treasure hoard for christmas!
The track is cd-quality (192 kb/s) and 2:31 long. ... [click here for more] |
Megaton Games |