Shibuyan Knights is an Anime style RPG that lets you play adventures like some of your favorite Anime shows and movies. It ships with the steampunk, magical world of Shibuya, where everything works on favors, and as you rise in Reputation Level, you gain more influence and power in the city
Quick, fast character creation. Play a scheming Roppongan, steampunk Tink, battle toughened Warrior, fist-fighting... [click here for more]
Dash is a rules-light generic role-playing game that fits on a print-and-play half fold brochure. It uses a quick dice resolution mechanics inspired by Forged in the Dark games, but with an entirely new spin, using clever ways to make the players want to engage with the game as much as possible.
Minimalist and generic take on the Forged in the Dark formula.
Thematic mechanics... [click here for more]