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Brancalonia Kingdom Map - ITA + ENG

Brancalonia Kingdom Map - ITA + ENG

Updated Map of the Brancalonia Setting: the Bounty Kingdom. Enter Brancalonia, a land full of pitfalls and profit possibilities, in the most incredible and roguish Italian role-playing game you have ever participated in! The adventures of Brancalonia knaves take place in what its inhabitants simply refer to as “The Kingdom”, or "the Bounty Kingdom". This map is updated at the very last version...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games  Pay What You Want

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Brancalonia Blank Sheet + 9 Pregenerated Characters - ENG

Brancalonia Blank Sheet + 9 Pregenerated Characters - ENG

Updated English Blank Sheet + 9 Pregenerated Iconic Characters - ENGLISH VERSION. This file consists of the official Brancalonia Blank Sheet - English version + the pregenerated sheets of the first 9 Iconic Characters of the game, 3rd Level each:  - Syr Guerrin from Aurocastro: Human Knight Errant (Paladin)  - Jolanda of House Savory: Human Swordfighter (Warrior) - Uriah: Silvan Pagan (Barbarian)...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games  Pay What You Want

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The Little GM Help Book

The Little GM Help Book

This little guide gives simple advice on making game sessions enjoyable and organized, with insights on handling different player types, planning game timelines, and setting clear goals for a smooth and fun RPG experience. ...   [click here for more]
Matt Belcher   FREE 

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The Astral Scarab - A fantasy flying machine

The Astral Scarab - A fantasy flying machine

Are you bored of long journeys by horse? Do you spend long boring weeks on the road hiking between dungeons only to clear them in an hour. Does the bard's singing travel songs get on your nerves, is the halfling asking "are we there yet?" again? You need to travel in style, you need to travel at speed, you need to fly. The Astral Scarab is the lastest in steampunk...   [click here for more]
Chloe The Cartographer  Pay What You Want

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Brancalonia Scheda Bianca + 9 Personaggi Pregenerati - ITA

Brancalonia Scheda Bianca + 9 Personaggi Pregenerati - ITA

Updated Italian blank Sheet + 9 Pregenerated Iconic Characters - ITALIAN VERSION. Questo file contiene la Scheda ufficiale di Brancalonia (2 facciate) + le schede precompilate (2 facciate ciascuna) dei primi 9 Personaggi Iconici del gioco, tutti di 3o Livello:  - Guerrino da Aurocastro: Umano Cavaliere Errante (Paladino) - Jolanda di Avoja: Umana Spadaccina (Guerriero) - Uraia: Selvatica Pagana...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games  Pay What You Want

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The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..." Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them. On the...   [click here for more]
Above Average Creations  Pay What You Want

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The Roulette Dungeon

The Roulette Dungeon

We attended Supanova Melbourne for a panel! We set out to make the longest dungeon crawl we could based on audience responses in 45 minutes, and it turned out pretty fun! The map is available for you to download and play here! Included are the RWMAP and RWMETA files you will need to open the map in Arkenforge with all of the unique assets placed - so you can experiment with changing them and learn...   [click here for more]
Arkenforge  Pay What You Want

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Free Universal Print & Play Deck

Free Universal Print & Play Deck

GM? DM? Something more? We've got you covered. Easily create engaging content for any RPG system! Our simple and universal rules allow you to quickly create characters, items, enemies, encounters, and more within seconds, as well as helping you to prepare sessions ahead of time. Whether you're a novice or a veteran, we have something to keep you coming back....   [click here for more]
Chronicle Cards  Pay What You Want

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Timer Sheet

Timer Sheet

Timer Sheet for your games Print, cut out and put it on your table to track events that are going to happen in a certain amount of time. Timers can be in any time scale: TURNS, ROUNDS, HOURS, MONTHS or whatever you decide. Count down the events on the sheet with each tick of time to put your players on edge. Danger + Ticking Time = Success. Empty tents are included...   [click here for more]
Khanist Games  Pay What You Want

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The Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var Combat Maps

The Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var Combat Maps

5 Combat maps which can be used with The Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var adventure module. Please note that this product only contains 6 pages (ready to print) This product is intended to be used alone or with the Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var adventure module from Wolfhill Entertainment.  Thank you for your interest and enjoy! See The Sunken Temple of Chloren-Var...   [click here for more]
Wolfhill Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Free Map Tiles: Cave Tunnels 2

Free Map Tiles: Cave Tunnels 2

Included are nine 8x8 tiles for building cave complexes. Each is black & white, and printer-friendly. Each also comes in pdf file for easy printing and a png file for virtual tabletops. Expect no frills here. These tiles were made to be simple and easy to incorporate into any game. Terms of Use These images were created by Josh Cornwell, and are intended to be a resource...   [click here for more]
Copper Dragon Games  Pay What You Want

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Dreams of the Cogmancer 007

Dreams of the Cogmancer 007

"Deep within the heart of the Feywild, the scream of machinery echoes. It’s whispered that it is the creature known only as the Cogmancer, and that he bends metal and time to his will. Where he goes the land is sundered and time is broken." 007 is a trip into the Feywild at the behest of a mysterious benefactor. Included are the NPC The Time Thief, the Cogmancer, his minions the Cog Watchers...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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Armor (AC) Cards

Armor (AC) Cards

ARMOR CARDS Aren't you tired of asking your players their ACs with each monster attack, over and over again? I sure am. With these ARMOR CARDS your game will flow! In the PDF, there are two sets of ARMOR CARDS from AC 7 to AC 30 in two different designs as you can see in the cover image. One design has fields to write character and...   [click here for more]
Khanist Games  Pay What You Want

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Wolfhill Entertainment Map Pack II

Wolfhill Entertainment Map Pack II

5 hand drawn combat maps.  Please note that this product only contains 6 pages (ready to print) Come see what exciting products Wolfhill Entertainment has to offer by searching our current titles. Thank you for your interest and enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
Wolfhill Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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The Fallen Frontier 010

The Fallen Frontier 010

They are now called the Rotlands.  Trees that stood for a hundred generations have mysteriously perished.  Only the hardiest and most ignorant remain in this forsaken land now. Ancient seals begin to fail and old allegiances fray, while a new evil looms.  It is a time of dark reckoning. 010 Begins a three pack arc that will include a siege and a climactic confrontation with a villain.  This pack...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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Port of Chains 009

Port of Chains 009

"The dark past of a port city looms. A blight moves beneath the water as chains slither along the ships and beaches, and tear innocents from their hammocks and beds back to the frigid waves. Blame is cast about, but all know it is the city’s own terrible past, a past where it was called the City of Chains, that drives this horrible curse." 009 weaves a tale about a port city plagued by...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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Cooking Unicorn two ways

Cooking Unicorn two ways

This is a free handout that plyers can find in-game  ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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Kanonen & Schießpulver (D&D5e)

Kanonen & Schießpulver (D&D5e)

Einige Hausregeln zum Thema Kanonen: Schaden, Reichweite, Ladezeiten usw.  In meinen Gruppen verwende ich eine eigene Regel für Kanonen (Land und See) und diese Regeln möchte ich mit euch teilen.  Für Feedback wäre ich dankbar. Ihr findet mich auf twitter unter @norbert_moesl ...   [click here for more]
Norbert Mösl  Pay What You Want

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The Siege of Rootkeep 011

The Siege of Rootkeep 011

After a long and arduous journey through the Rotlands, the heroes at last make it to the citadel of Rootkeep, only to find their enemies, the Army of the Frontier, already at its gates. Can the heroes convince Rootkeep’s disillusioned queen to keep up the fight, and can they solve the mystery of the artifact given to them, and save this last stronghold against evil? 011 is the second part of a three...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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The Eternal Howl 008

The Eternal Howl 008

"A lone caravan travels through a treacherous mountous in a dark and otherwordly realm. Howls echo and claws scrape stone as the gnoll tribes wait in ambush, and far above, a baleful new star flickers in the night sky." 008 is a trip into the Plane of Shadow to escort a carriage bearing precious cargo. Included are the art and statblocks for the warriors of the Icetalon, Slimefang, and Grave...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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AEJUNK05 - Junk Planet 5

AEJUNK05 - Junk Planet 5

This series, Junk Planet, was created by Colin Christenson as a compliment to our many other sci-fi sets, a place to visit on missions and a place to scrounge for parts between adventures. Junk Planet 5 features more fantastic tile terrain from Will and Nasos, with a few special parts from Carl and Colin. Many thanks to the whole team for all the help on this one. We really had a blast putting this...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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Avalon Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue #3, March 2018

Avalon Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue #3, March 2018

Welcome to Avalon Game’s Newsletter. This month we have some Sci-Fi-based goodies for you with the release of new Infinite Future fun; of course, new Pathfinder and 5e products abound. Included are new clip art and other great gaming accessories for you to enjoy.               Join the best fans in the world and play a game by Avalon. ...   [click here for more]
Avalon Game Company   FREE 

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Chain of Being Character Sheets Pack

Chain of Being Character Sheets Pack

Character Sheets for Chain of Being, for both Higher Arc and d20. ...   [click here for more]
Limestone Publishing   FREE 

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Cooking Basilisk two ways

Cooking Basilisk two ways

This is a free handout that players can find in-game  ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games   FREE 

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Cooking Griffin two ways

Cooking Griffin two ways

This is a free handout that players can find in-game  ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games   FREE 

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Cooking Hydra two ways

Cooking Hydra two ways

This is a free handout that players can find in-game  ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games  Pay What You Want

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Cooking Pegasus two ways

Cooking Pegasus two ways

This is a free handout that players can find in-game  ...   [click here for more]
Manabu Games   FREE 

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Creator Pack 1

Creator Pack 1

This one is for the construction of rooms, houses, dungeons etc! Contains 567 assets with 7 different colour combinations for the wood! These wood colours are: Birch Grey Mahogany Maple Oak Pine Walnut The ZIP file contains 567 .PNG files. Including colour and wood variants this amounts to; 16 door frames 2 door handles 280 doors...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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Creature Pack 31

Creature Pack 31

Some aquatic monsters with very sharp teeth, sharks! :D  Someone on my Discord was asking about aquatic creatures and I realized the problem is most tokens "float" above the water. I decided to do some cool blurring effects and have the fins sticking out! This makes the rest of the token detail fade away unfortunately, but if you like me and love that immersive feel on the battlemap.. hopefully...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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Daemonar d20

Daemonar d20

Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo! Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting. Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system! The...   [click here for more]
Alessia Lonardi  Pay What You Want

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DHAC2 Make Your Own RPG Maps

DHAC2 Make Your Own RPG Maps

This step-by-step guide walks you through the creation of maps for roleplaying games using the Pages application from Apple Inc. Pages is a powerful (and free!) word processing and page layout application for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It can also be used on other platforms with a web browser at: ©2024 Dean Graham Apple, iPad, iPhone, Mac, and Pages are trademarks of Apple...   [click here for more]
Die Happy Games   FREE 

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Dr. Grordbort's Scientific Adventure Violence Quick Start & Pregens Bundle

Dr. Grordbort's Scientific Adventure Violence Quick Start & Pregens Bundle

“A dazzling ‘Uchronism’ that works both as a satire of our times and as a convex mirror for a future that never was. A violent, vibrant Neverland, witty and brilliantly realized.” - Guillermo del Toro on Dr. Grordbort Presents Victory A Complete 240-page Starting Scenario + 13 Pregenerated Characters! Based on the art, comics, and universe created by Wētā Workshop's...   [click here for more]
Crowbar Creative   FREE 

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Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Garden Features

Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Garden Features

This PDF fill-out form creates a schematic map and organized record of the features and possible encounters in a parkland garden, from parterres to pergolas. The first page is a schematic grid – just write the description(s) of garden features in the squares of the grid, and you get a quick diagram of where those features are situated relative to each other. On the...   [click here for more]
Daniel James Hanley   FREE 

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Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Interior Room

Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Interior Room

This PDF fill-out form helps you record every detail of an important room in a Grand House, from the walls to the furniture. Useful for recording spontaneously determined characteristics for future reference. A supplemental form intended for use with: Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Castle, Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Mansion, or Ghastly Affair...   [click here for more]
Daniel James Hanley   FREE 

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Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Tower Interior

Ghastly Affair Location Catalogue – Tower Interior

This PDF fill-out form helps you define the rooms inside a stand-alone tower with its own entrance and interior stairs, such as might be found along the curtain walls of a concentric castle. Only use this form if the tower is its own self-contained structure, and not simply an extension of a larger building. A supplemental form intended for use...   [click here for more]
Daniel James Hanley   FREE 

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Heroes & Heels Advanced Quickstart: A Bar Full Of Fun

Heroes & Heels Advanced Quickstart: A Bar Full Of Fun

Advanced quickstart for full Heroes & Heels game, also available on this site. Try cyberpunk/urban fantasy in a 5E compatible way. Not rules light, room for hit points, armor class, power slots recovered only at long rests as well as powers you can use all the time.  This is an advanced quickstart, its a little harder to play but can be managed if you know a little 5e (and a players manual won't...   [click here for more]
Cheeze-Puff Productions   FREE 

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Item Cards Set 0: Free Sample

Item Cards Set 0: Free Sample

Free sampler containing 24 individual cards included in: RGP001 Item Cards Set 1: Adventurer's Gear - 112 different cards detailing mundane items with which to equip your adventurers. RGP002 Item Cards Set 2: Potions - 28 Potions in 3 dose sizes (plus a blank 1 dose potion card) 112 cards in total. RGP003 Item Cards Set 3: Animals - 28 Animals in 4 different colours 1 for each...   [click here for more]
Roleplay Geek Publishing   FREE 

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Warriors of the Wild is a fantasy d20 product line designed for both players and game masters. It offers well-balanced and thoroughly play-tested classes constructed around various animal, natural, and tribal themes. These classes are perfect for any combat-heavy game, be it in dungeons, cities, the wilderness, or other planes. This product features the juggernaut, a prestige class ideal for...   [click here for more]
Paragon Publishing   FREE 

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Mica's Monsters [OGL 5e] [BUNDLE]

Mica's Monsters [OGL 5e] [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. April Fool's Fool (OGL 5e) Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF Happy April Fools! Fight the Fool of April in an exciting and gimmicky encounter! This includes a pdf with some supporting lore and extra info for the monster as well as a seperate png for ease of use. Enjoy this product?...   [click here for more]
Mica Raymond   FREE 

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Name Tents for Roleplaying Games

Name Tents for Roleplaying Games

A useful template to use in a convention game. Simply print, cut and fold and you have a table tent to present player and character names to the table. ...   [click here for more]
Crafted Crossroad Publishing   FREE 

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Norwesteron Base iSLAND Map

Norwesteron Base iSLAND Map

Norwesteron is an island-nation that you can use for a new campaign, or as part of an expedition to a new land. We include three high-resolution maps: one fully detailed for the Game Master, another without civilzation markers, and a simple black-and-white shoreline to use if the island is completely unknown to the players. All maps use a standard hexagon overlay for tracking movement. Basic details...   [click here for more]
Wydraz   FREE 

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Spycraft 2.0 Control Screen

Spycraft 2.0 Control Screen

This PDF contains six lush insert panels for use with any landscape screen - three outer panels featuring an exciting collection of Spycraft art and three inner panels collecting the most useful references and resources for Spycraft 2.0. Actions Cover Critical Miss Effects Disposition Effects Encumbrance Modifiers Stress Damage DCs Subdual Damage DCs  Using Skills Vehicle Skills and Focuses Weapon...   [click here for more]
Crafty Games   FREE 

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Storm Bunny Studios: A Catalog of Ideas

Storm Bunny Studios: A Catalog of Ideas

As Storm Bunny Studios moves into 2018, it's expanding its library of immersive and exciting content by adding two new campaign settings, as well as adding a third in 2019 (if not, sooner). These new worlds are being designed for a variety of mechanical systems but will include new content for the latest edition of the world's most famous tabletop RPG.  This short,...   [click here for more]
Storm Bunny Studios   FREE 

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Swords and Dragons

Swords and Dragons

Fantasy Card Game Swords & Dragons Enter the world of Swords and Dragons from the world of Arduin. This is a fantasy themed card game playable for up to 10 players. It will delight fantasy enthusiasts, card players, and children alike. 108 playing card deck includes 8 suits, 4 dragon wild cards, and 19 “sobriquet” cards. Download the rules for free today! Rules for basic play (Mad Queens...   [click here for more]
Emperors Choice Games & Miniatures C   FREE 

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The Black Wing's Wrath 012

The Black Wing's Wrath 012

Hope is lost. The Knightlord and his monstrous mount cast a long shadow across the city. The creature looses a guttural shriek that echoes through the bloodstained avenues. Howls of despair echo from the city below as civilian and warrior alike peer upwards from every corner of the siege. Will our heroes be able to pluck victory from its slavering maw, or will all their sacrifice have been for nothing?...   [click here for more]
StoryForge   FREE 

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The D20 Status Effect Deck

The D20 Status Effect Deck

The status effect deck is an easy way to hand your players a concise written description of that whatever effect, spell, or potion might be affecting them. As the GM, you can also place the cards beside the notes for any monsters you might be using for your game. Conditions are often forgotten or can end up making the mechanics of the games, not work write. The d20’s features on each card, follow...   [click here for more]
Deep Dungeon Games   FREE 

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The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Demo Deck

The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Demo Deck

In ages past, there lived a mysterious, dwarven wizard-king named Moebius Spinn. Through his countless adventures, Moebius had accomplished many great deeds and lived a very meaningful and fulfilling life, enough to fill a thousand lifetimes. However, as his life-cycle was coming to an end, the great wizard-king wanted to preserve his life’s work and protect the power he had gained before the constraints...   [click here for more]
Mystic Dragon Games   FREE 

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Visual Alignment Tracker

Visual Alignment Tracker

  Wicked K Games proudly presents our first free product: the Visual Alignment Tracker!  This system creates a balanced approach to handling PC alignments and alignment changes.  As the players make decisions, their alignment score gradually changes to reflect these actions.  The tracking boxes maintain the PCs score totals and the point values translate into coordinates on the gridded graph. ...   [click here for more]
Wicked K Games   FREE 

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  Hostile Setting