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 Mad Scribe Magazine is a quarterly tabletop gaming magazine available in both pdf and print. Issue #9 is the first issue of 2025 and features the following:
The beautiful & talented Griffin Maria, Playboy Model and Cosplay extraordinaire (whose image graces the cover), a new section on miniature painting techniques written by Dracoya Minis, a 1-shot horror adventure titled "The Country Hill Manor.... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2023 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 112 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Pay What You Want
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2024 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 112 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Pay What You Want
"Gnome Stew has hit another home run for the Game Master. Never Unprepared has earned a permanent place in my GM toolbox, right along side the likes of Robin’s Laws of Good Game Mastering, Hamlet’s Hit Points, Play Dirty, Eureka, and Masks. Highly recommended." -- RoleplayDNA review
2013 Origins Award nominee for Best Game-Related Publication - 2013 ENnie Award nominee for Best... [click here for more] |
Encoded Designs |
Once, in the time before the gods forgot their names, when the world was flat and floated on a sea of chaos, there was an age of gleaming cities, untamed wilderness, enlightened devils, greedy spirits, and mighty heroes. This was the age of the Exalted, champions empowered by the highest of gods.
Tomb of Dreams will jumpstart your group’s Exalted game—all you... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
$2.99 $1.79
No more boring fights!
How many times have your combats happened in a bland 2D map with no interesting tactical options? If you have time to prepare an encounter, you can craft a detailed map with flavorful options and a varied environment. If you're improvising or playing solo, you won't have that luxury. Usually, in this kind of games we don’t plan our encounters (or almost anything) in advance,... [click here for more] |
Crimson Scholar Press |
 The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2022 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all of the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 84 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing each of the individual... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
$5.99 $4.99
A full color. hand illustrated tileset for the Hex Kit map making desktop application. It includes over 1,100 tiles to get you started making your Hex Kit map. Each tile was illustrated by hand in traditional mediums, scanned, then edited to work with Hex Kit. This set includes a bright, colorful selection of terrain and icon tiles such as forests,... [click here for more] |
cone of negative energy |
This title includes two versions of a large map for a Sewer, one with a grid and one without. The non-grid version of the map and three full-page illustrations appear in a preview PDF, and high-resolution JPG versions of both maps, along with a custom compass rose, are included in a ZIP folder. The gridded versions of the map is 36 x 24 inches and has 1-inch squares.
These beautiful maps by noted... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
When I first stumbled upon the concept of hexcrawls, I had no idea how much it would reshape the way I thought about tabletop role-playing games. It was a simple idea—explore the world one hex at a time—but within that simplicity, I found something truly profound. Unlike traditional, linear RPGs that guide you from one pre-defined plot point to the next, a hexcrawl allows you to carve your own... [click here for more] |
Basunat |
 The riders emerged from the mist, their cloaked figures blending into the eerie green haze. Hooves splashed silently through the mire as a blackened citadel loomed under a sickly moon, its spires clawing at the sky. The air reeked of decay and old magic, whispering them onward into the dark.
This time something inspired by my recent encounter with Dragonbane - I wanted to have a track that... [click here for more] |
Hideous Hiss |
“Twenty three short essays from twenty three exceptional Game Masters and creators that will invariably aid you in your quest to make your games better because they reflect what happens, rather than what you have planned.” — Sean’s Pick of the Day review
2015 Golden Geek Award nominee for Best Supplement and Best Artwork & Presentation
Improvisation... [click here for more] |
Encoded Designs |
Great moments don't just happen on their own.
GM intrusions offer an opportunity for the Numenera GM to really shine--and for the players to experience incredible turning points in their characters' stories.
But how do you use this feature of the game to its fullest? Taking the Narrative by the Tail offers tips and techniques for great GM intrusions, as well as a sampling... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
“If you’re planning on running a campaign, you’ll want this book.” — Critical Hits review
2014 ENnie Award nominee for Best Aid/Accessory - 2013 Golden Geek Award nominee for Best Supplement
Do you ever wish you had a guide to help make running ongoing campaigns easier and more fun? Then you need Odyssey: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Campaign Management—to... [click here for more] |
Encoded Designs |
 Solo RPG Revolution: Using AI as Your Game Master takes the solo RPG experience to unprecedented heights, introducing a hybrid approach that fuses the best of human creativity with the power of advanced AI systems. This book is not just about replacing the traditional Game Master; it's about unlocking new possibilities for storytelling and gameplay by blending the dynamic adaptability... [click here for more] |
Basunat |
 Easier Solo Mystery Play This book is aimed at solo roleplayers that want to get more from running mystery adventures. There is a constant tension between knowing more than your character could know, and not knowing enough to bring a mystery to a satisfying end. When do you give yourself clues, how can you have a clue that you created but your character doesn’t know what it means? How do you create... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Easier RPG Publishing 2025
Hints, Tips, and Thoughts on Publishing on DriveThruRPG
Note: Buying this title as the PDF will also give you the 2023 and 2024 versions of the PDF if you interested in how the publishing process is evolving.
This book was born out of the DriveThruRPG.com Pocketquest game jam. That is an annual game jam intended to bring new people into publishing. I found... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |

It's time to take the power of exercise into your hands and begin your quest to might and muscle!
Follow the instructions contained within the hallowed pages of The Adventurer's Guide to Exercise to level up your fitness and become a paragon of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
The Adventurers Guide to Exercise is a 24 page treasure trove of information that... [click here for more] |
The Mighty Odd |
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2021 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all of the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderous worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 74 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing each of the individual... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Solo Roleplaying - A brief introduction
This is a guide to the barest essentials of solo roleplaying. If you are unfamiliar with how playing RPGs by yourself works at its core, this guide will help you get started.
Reasons to play by yourself
The most common reason tends to be not being able to find a suitable group to play with. While it’s true there are numerous online platforms... [click here for more] |
Little Dreamer |
$2.00 $1.25
Infinigrad roils over a corrupted and mutated plane of intersecting multiverses, a situation brought on by wanton abuse of magically weaponry during the Alleyway Conflagration.
After long eons of fighting, The Law was introduced. The Law is a curse that prevents any of The Guilds directly raising arms against one another.
Only The Adventurers, those vagabonds... [click here for more] |
Gorgzu Games |
The Cursed Grove is an adventure filled with mystery and danger, perfect for players levels 1-4. Once a peaceful forest grove, it has fallen under a dark curse, twisting the guardian into something unrecognizable. Strange whispers drift through the branches, and those who enter often find themselves stricken with a mysterious sickness. The heroes will have to make their way through thorn-covered paths,... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Do you like creating hexmaps for your games?
Do you enjoy the aesthetics of classic wilderness maps?
Well, fear not, for here is an entire tileset with that classic look you know and love.
The best part about this tileset is that it's HEX KIT compatible!
With around 88 different tiles for you to choose from and a collection of 154 different icons of landmarks, there's simply no map... [click here for more] |
Eryssel's Journeys |
$6.00 $4.00
Building Story in Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Learn to be a good gamemaster by learning how to be a good writer. Inject great stories into your roleplaying games by taking advantage of decades of fiction writing instruction. See how 22 different writing concepts apply to specific roleplaying games like D&D, Fate Core, Dungeon World, and Hillfolk. ... [click here for more] |
Diceless Hero Games |
The young warrior known as Visiting Flare wanders Vaneha in search of the answers to the jumbled broken puzzle that is his past.
In times of stress he catches fleeting glimpses of a time when his power reshaped history, but he does not know whether those visions are real or what they mean. When the truth is revealed to him, his past and present will collide and legends will come alive once more.
This... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Is this your fastest guide on how to create great, structured adventures for any role-playing game, using simple but powerful techniques? It might be! 11,000+ words, 76 pages—a complete guide to develop, write, and creatively mold your adventures and campaigns.
The book consists of these sections (and a few more):
How to Structure an Adventure
What... [click here for more] |
PenguinComics |
 Welcome to issue 41 of Never Mind the Dice Rolls zine, your friendly monthly TTRPG magazine. Each issue contains reviews, scenarios, advice, and other things TTRPG!
Never Mind the Dice Rolls Issue 41 contains:
Review: Dreams & Machines Starter Set - An interesting game setting which lead to a lot of fun at the table.
Town of Secrets Local Undertaker - Our new series... [click here for more] |
NMtDRzine |
"Do you know who I am?"
“I don’t, sir. I don’t. And that’s not the best way to ask for special—”
“No, no, I mean, do you know who I am? I’m having trouble remembering right now.”
Thus begins these excerpts from the columns of the Nova Age's most opinionated freelance journalist. Swine and Cheese Party contains... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
In the Age of Sorrows heroes were chosen by the gods to stand or fall as champions of Creation. Whether they narrowly escaped death, struck a death-bargain with the goddess of sharks, or faced hellish aberrations, their heroic deeds ring throughout the ages.
Tales from the Age of Sorrows gathers a dozen tales about the Solar Exalted, Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, and their mighty foes.
Stories are... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Market Day: RPG Economy Software
Have you ever wanted to do stuff like vary local prices? Imitate supply and demand? Ensure there's more to look at while shopping?
If so, you probably encountered the same issue: it takes a lot of work. No more!
With Market Day, you can imitate a full economy with weighted rarity, settlement size, and price variation, all based on a random seed. This means that if... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
Does it sometimes feel unsatisfying that a fifth-edition character can drop to zero hit points (essentially be on death's door), receive healing, then be back to full fighting strength with absolutely zero reprocussions? If so, this lingering injury system might help.
Basically, it presents a very simple set of rules whereby there are mechanical consequences--lingering injuries--when a character... [click here for more] |
Luke Hart |
Gillian Jericho is a young blogger with the interview of a lifetime: the mysterious Antaeus of Team Tomorrow. He’s a nova, one of the superpowered beings that started to appear in the world ten years ago.
But the interview takes a bizarre twist, and Gillian soon learns why Antaeus wants to speak to her... and some of the hidden secrets about the world of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant.
This comic... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Written by a veteran game store owner, the Game Retailer Guide is a how-to industry manual that contains everything you need to know in order to start and run a successful game-selling business.
Topics the Game Retailer Guide covers include:
* Administration & Planning
* Building and Equipping the Store
* Competitive Analysis
* Products and Services
* Marketing & Advertising... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
The Book of Worlds is a comprehensive guide to building fantasy worlds.
Starting from scratch, this book will show you how to map continents, design cities, build adventuring regions, and more. You may also generate characters, civilizations, religions, magical systems, dungeons, creatures, natural wonders, dynamic plots, and other elements to create your own lore and adventure-filled world.... [click here for more] |
Sam Smith |
Pay What You Want
No Words Necessary!
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
 Welcome to the world of GEBB! This set of downloadable Cardstock Characters™ miniatures includes all of the main players from the popular and bestselling science fiction comic, including aliens Vz-7007z, Edwina, Joyce, Derek, the Old Gray, Leftie, and two regular Grays; cyborg Steve; human serfs Marcus and Pix; and even a large model of primordial monster Mama Shug. All of them are provided in two... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Download these plans and follow along with the video on YouTube from Tabletop WitchCRAFT to build this tabletop Barracks and Tower for your tabletop games. The tower is detachable and has 3 playable levels, and the Barracks can be used as a standalone building as well.
The 11”x17” plans encompass the entire build, and the 24”x36” plan is for those that can plot this size and the entire... [click here for more] |
Tabletop WitchCRAFT |
From: KS 1
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC.
Length: 10 minute loop
Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years... [click here for more] |
Plate Mail Games |
Basic Solo Fantasy RPG Gaming & Writing Tools is a collection of tools, refered to as functions, that help you to play a solo game using polyhedral dice. It works by generating either answers to questions, step-by-step, or keyword prompts for interpretation.
It adds 10 pages of never-been-seen material containing advice, a new table, and 20 premade adventure... [click here for more] |
Ken Wickham |
$19.99 $9.96
We’ve got the wand you need!
Welcome to Aarlstrom’s Magical Wand Shop, a full-color collection of over two dozen wands to pick for your next adventure. Wands range from common to artifact rarity and are all compatible with D&D 5E or any roleplaying system.
More than a mere spellcasting stick, each wand contains details about its design, use, instructions for crafting, and accompanying... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
$9.99 $4.99
When noble ruler and skilled musician Sir Orfeo is deprived of his wife by supernatural forces, he relinquishes leadership of his realm and withdraws to the forest as a hermit in grief. While living in the wilderness and playing his music for wild beasts, however, he learns what befell his wife and ventures into the otherworld in an attempt to rescue her.
“Sir Orfeo” is an anonymous Middle... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
The Sticky GM
This book is all about making running your role-playing sessions more dynamic, responsive and simply more enjoyable for you, the Game Master/Dungeon Master/Keeper of Secrets or whatever your favourite game calls it. The game makes little or no difference.
You are just as much a player as those on the other side of the screen, it is just your role that is different. You deserve to have... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
This is the full version of Your Best Game Ever. Check out the free preview.
Unlock the secrets of consistently awesome RPG experiences—for players and GMs!
We’ve all had them: games where the party clicked perfectly. Climactic moments when everything came together amazingly. Favorite characters everyone loved. Sessions and campaigns that became the stuff of legends—moments that were... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
 Welcome to issue 40 of Never Mind the Dice Rolls zine, your friendly monthly TTRPG magazine. Each issue contains reviews, scenarios, advice, and other things TTRPG!
Never Mind the Dice Rolls Issue 40 contains:
Review: Eat the Reich - We review this violent punching Nazis standalone game from Rowan, Rook, & Decard. They also really really kindly let us use a piece of art for the cover! ... [click here for more] |
NMtDRzine |
Easier Encounters
Encounters are fundamental to great game sessions and campaigns. This book contains my ideas on combining player goals, character choices, stakes, and consequences for building encounters that build into adventures and into satisfying campaigns.
... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Genre: Any horror/Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC/Length: 10 minute loop
<o:p></o:p> ... [click here for more] |
Plate Mail Games |
Do you want to write better role playing game story plots? Don't have much time but would like to have engaging storylines for your players to explore?
Key highlights:
Harness your full personal capability using keyword association
Write fast - as quickly as in 10-15 minutes from scratch to gaming table
Be more varied than ever - avoid cliched anti-climatic story arcs
How to run... [click here for more] |
ThinkDifferent |
Pay What You Want
Genre: Horror Any/Format: Mp3 and FLAC/Length: 10 minute loop ... [click here for more] |
Plate Mail Games |
 What you have before you is a collection of over 400 tricks of the GM’s Trade. These are GMing tips that Stephen Chenault has accumulated since he took up the mantel of Game Master back in 1980. They cover getting started at the table, absent players, creating tension, running encounters, meta-gaming, using settings, staying on track, how best to roll initiative, and so very much more. They are... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |