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Defend your home. Face the unknown. Survive the night. You are a villager from a quiet hamlet in the Lower Princedoms, far from the bustling cities and ports of the world. The Autumn War may have spared your home, but it left scars across the land. Life remained a daily struggle for survival, but now a new threat has emerged – a monstrous creation of the war, a chimeromantic beast,...   [click here for more]
Ogre Pit Games  Pay What You Want

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Witches of Midnight Quickstart

Witches of Midnight Quickstart

Witches of Midnight Quickstart is a gender inclusive "hopeful horror" urban fantasy Forged in the Dark table-top game. Players take the roles of Wyld Witches and their Familiars who form a Coven for mutual support in a dark and harsh modern world. --- It's the not-too-distant future and your magical powers aren't registered. You can't rely on the electronic infrastructure of the world economy or...   [click here for more]
Balsamic Moon Games Collective  Pay What You Want

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HUMAN… ALMOST: A Post-Cyberpunk Police Procedural Roleplaying Pamphlet – PLAYTEST VERSION

HUMAN… ALMOST: A Post-Cyberpunk Police Procedural Roleplaying Pamphlet – PLAYTEST VERSION

PREMISE: Unregulated technocrime endangers The City; state-of-the-art criminals overwhelm the police. To improve their odds, human officers are assigned synthetic partners. Together, humans and machines protect and maintain this promising metropolis from technological chaos. Human… Almost is a post-cyberpunk police procedural tabletop...   [click here for more]
Egg Embry Publishing  Pay What You Want

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a|state Nicely,Done

a|state Nicely,Done

Nicely, Done is a short mission for the new edition of a|state, along with a beautiful primer to the setting of The City. Mire End is a forlorn place: miles of brick and concrete tenements, all slowly disintegrating. Water covers the streets, the drainage systems destroyed long ago. The damp and rotting lower floors of most buildings are left empty. Denied help by the powerful...   [click here for more]
Handiwork Games   FREE 

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Alien Omen

Alien Omen

Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption. Includes: 5 Playbooks 8 Pages of "how to play" 3 Factions "Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews Downtime...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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Shibuyan Knights Quickstart

Shibuyan Knights Quickstart

Shibuyan Knights is an Anime style RPG that lets you play adventures like some of your favorite Anime shows and movies. It ships with the steampunk, magical world of Shibuya, where everything works on favors, and as you rise in Reputation Level, you gain more influence and power in the city Quick, fast character creation. Play a scheming Roppongan, steampunk Tink, battle toughened Warrior, fist-fighting...   [click here for more]
AshyFeetGames  Pay What You Want

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a|state Risk/Reward Grid

a|state Risk/Reward Grid

One of the many useful innovations in a|state second edition is the Risk/Reward grid.  This grid is a useful tool for tracking the manipulations of risk and reward. When the GM sets the risk and reward, put a marker of some kind on the appropriate square. It is easy then to move the marker around to reflect changes from special abilities, pushing, teamwork, or going bigger or smaller. After making...   [click here for more]
Handiwork Games   FREE 

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Blades '68 Playtest Preview

Blades '68 Playtest Preview

Welcome to the Blades '68 Playtest Preview! Inside this 15 page preview you'll get a taste of the world of Doskvol 100 years after Blades in the dark! It also includes a link to sign up for the playtest and get the full 300+ page playtest draft. Thank you for helping us make Blades '68 the best game it can be! Blades ’68 is an official supplement for Blades in the...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions   FREE 

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Bridgemire Watch: The Citizen

Bridgemire Watch: The Citizen

The Bridgemire Watch are expanding their ranks once again. This time to include the suspiciously ordinary citizen. A recruit with little to offer it seems besides another warm body, but is there more to this unexceptional watchman then we realize? Nah, probably not. - A New Class for use with Bridgemire Watch For updates and downloads check out ...   [click here for more]
BrianJansen   FREE 

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Bridgemire Watch: The Howler

Bridgemire Watch: The Howler

The Bridgemire Watch have expanded their ranks to include the fun loving werewolf community. The people of the moon aren't common among the watch but those that are bring a pathological sense of revelry and chaos to every patrol! - A New Class for use with Bridgemire Watch - A New Class for use with Bridgemire Watch For updates and downloads check out ...   [click here for more]
BrianJansen   FREE 

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Bridgemire's Signature System

Bridgemire's Signature System

This is a generalized and simplified free PDF of the system used for Bridgemire Watch and Bridgemire Bay. ...   [click here for more]
BrianJansen   FREE 

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CHEW: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart

CHEW: The Roleplaying Game - Quickstart

The award-winning, Image comic book series and New York Times Best Seller is coming to a game table near you! Take a bite out of crime in this foodie, dark-comedy tabletop role-playing game about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants in a clucked-up world. We're building off the popular fiction-first game mechanics of Forged in the Dark to...   [click here for more]
Imagining Games   FREE 

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Dash is a rules-light generic role-playing game that fits on a print-and-play half fold brochure. It uses a quick dice resolution mechanics inspired by Forged in the Dark games, but with an entirely new spin, using clever ways to make the players want to engage with the game as much as possible. Features Minimalist and generic take on the Forged in the Dark formula. Thematic mechanics...   [click here for more]
Fari RPGs   FREE 

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External Containment Bureau Character Sheet

External Containment Bureau Character Sheet

Record your agent's progress on this free, form-fillable and print-friendly character sheet for External Containment Bureau! You will need a copy of External Containment Bureau to use this sheet. You can buy a copy of ECB at this link. Your Purchase Includes:  Fillable, print-friendly character sheet PDF Thank you for visiting The Mythic Gazetteer... your guide to bright new worlds!...   [click here for more]
Mythic Gazetteer, LLC   FREE 

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Glow in the Dark Playbooks and Reference

Glow in the Dark Playbooks and Reference

Tribe and survivor playbooks for Glow in the Dark, plus rules reference and tables. ...   [click here for more]
Don't Roll a One   FREE 

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Greenwood Outlaws

Greenwood Outlaws

Greenwood Outlaws is a minimalist Forged In The Dark game for cinematic one-shot play sessions. It is set in a medieval-inspired world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. The game was designed for 2–4 hours-long play-sessions with 4–5 players and uses six-sided dice. Prior knowledge of the Forged In The Dark rules engine might be helpful in understanding this game. Player characters are a...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Greenwood Outlaws - Tools of the Trade

Greenwood Outlaws - Tools of the Trade

An eclectic collection of quirky items to use in Greenwood Outlaws game. ...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Greenwood Outlaws - Unexpected Allies

Greenwood Outlaws - Unexpected Allies

Unexpected allies is a supplement for the Greenwood Outlaws. It is meant to be used together with the base game. It includes new player character options in the form of 6 new animals. They represent characters from outside Greenwood, who, for one reason or another, found themselves in opposition to Prince Rupert and the Sheriff. Additionally, the supplement also includes a set of story hooks, some...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Kosmosaurs RPG - Character and Ship Sheets

Kosmosaurs RPG - Character and Ship Sheets

THIS IS THE CHARACTER SHEET and SHIP SHEET for the KOSMOSAURS RPG (description of the game below) You are a dinosaur. You are a Kosmo Ranger. You are a Kosmosaur—a protector of the galaxy. You and your companions travel through the stars to help all sorts of people, planets, and organizations by preventing disasters, battling assassin robots, banishing chaos mutants from...   [click here for more]
Old Skull Publishing   FREE 

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Sig Quickstart - The Shard of Empire

Sig Quickstart - The Shard of Empire

There is only one true city; a place of multiversal trade, cultural exchange, and mixed blood. A place where monsters come to scheme and gods come to die. Sig is the nexus of the multiverse. It's a city connected to everywhere, a refuge for the oppressed and a prize for tyrants. It's a place where culture is at the fo refront, with diverse faiths and tongues struggling for space in the crowded metropolis....   [click here for more]
Genesis of Legend Publishing   FREE 

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Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Bioclasses)

Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Bioclasses)

Synthicide is a best-selling game that released in 2017. It debuted a grimdark cyberpunk setting where players take on the role of interstellar criminals known as sharpers. These bioclasses are for the re-release of Synthicide using the Forged in the Dark system: Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark. They make the second half of your character when combined with your playbook. Click here to try...   [click here for more]
Will Power Games   FREE 

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Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Crews)

Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Crews)

Synthicide is a best-selling game that released in 2017. It debuted a grimdark cyberpunk setting where players take on the role of interstellar criminals known as sharpers. These rew sheets are for the re-release of Synthicide using the Forged in the Dark system: Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark. Click here to try the quickstart guide! Click here to purchase the full game! In Synthicide,...   [click here for more]
Will Power Games   FREE 

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Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Playbooks)

Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Playbooks)

Synthicide is a best-selling game that released in 2017. It debuted a grimdark cyberpunk setting where players take on the role of interstellar criminals known as sharpers. These playbooks are for the re-release of Synthicide using the Forged in the Dark system: Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark. Click here to try the quickstart guide! Click here to purchase the full game! In Synthicide,...   [click here for more]
Will Power Games   FREE 

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Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark (Quickstart)

Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark (Quickstart)

Synthicide is a best-selling game that released in 2017. It debuted a grimdark cyberpunk setting where players take on the role of interstellar criminals known as sharpers. This quickstart is for the re-release of Synthicide using the Forged in the Dark system: Synthicide: Shapers in the Dark. Click here to purchase the full game! In Synthicide, the Galaxy has...   [click here for more]
Will Power Games   FREE 

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Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Ships)

Synthicide: Sharpers in The Dark (Ships)

Synthicide is a best-selling game that released in 2017. It debuted a grimdark cyberpunk setting where players take on the role of interstellar criminals known as sharpers. These ships are for the re-release of Synthicide using the Forged in the Dark system: Synthicide: Sharpers in the Dark. Ships serve as a critical resource for your crew, helping you get around the Galaxy and face off against...   [click here for more]
Will Power Games   FREE 

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The Mischief

The Mischief

Scurrying About With Little Friends Doskvol isn’t clean. It’s streets are dirty and so are it’s people; and where there’s dirt there are always rats. Most people look at them with disgust, but the Mischief knows they’re smart and have a role to play in the city. They’ll take that strong work ethic and together they’ll clean up the city. Either that or have a little...   [click here for more]
Border Reiver Publishing   FREE 

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The Plague - Character Sheets

The Plague - Character Sheets

THE PLAGUE is a Forged in the Dark tabletop RPG about a industrial fantasy world where group of doctors, scientists and occultists struggle to stop an apocalyptic plague from wiping out all life. They have nine missions to accomplish this goal before all is lost. In this game you'll work to help the common folk while dealing with corrupt governments, greedy criminals, dogmatic churches and...   [click here for more]
Taylor Seely-Wright   FREE 

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The Plague: Ex Nihilo Edition - Forged in the Dark

The Plague: Ex Nihilo Edition - Forged in the Dark

THE PLAGUE is a Forged in the Dark tabletop RPG about a industrial fantasy world where group of doctors, scientists and occultists struggle to stop an apocalyptic plague from wiping out all life. They have nine missions to accomplish this goal before all is lost. In this game you'll work to help the common folk while dealing with corrupt governments, greedy criminals, dogmatic churches and...   [click here for more]
Taylor Seely-Wright   FREE 

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Tribes in the Dark - Playtest

Tribes in the Dark - Playtest

Tribes in the Dark - Playtest We are the dispossessed, the Children of Hom, the Fallen, we are the Eight Tribe and we stand alone. We are those who walk away, those who turn our backs on the Seven Sisters, on our mothers and fathers, and venture into the wastelands around us to find our destiny, to find our calling. Some of us are rebels or outlaws, others malcontents...   [click here for more]
Dream Pod 9   FREE 

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  Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Decks - 2nd Edition