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Tianxia: Path of Destiny is a Lifepath Generator for Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade!
This PDF acts as an Appendix to the Kung Fu fantasy setting outlined in Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade, and can help you jump-start character creation. Presented as equal parts random tables and character creation workshop, Jack Norris's... [click here for more] |
Vigilance Press |
Pay What You Want
Magonomia™ is the tabletop roleplaying game of Renaissance wizardry. The player characters are wizards whose magic is based on authentic sixteenth century folklore. Together, they explore mysteries in a world steeped in invisible spirits, enigmatic faeries, and secret societies.
What destiny do your stars foretell?
Welcome to Magonomia
This product is a self-contained, playable version... [click here for more] |
Shewstone Publishing |
Tianxia Accelerated is a set of guidelines for using Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade with Fate Accelerated Edition!
This PDF acts as an Appendix to the Kung Fu fantasy setting outlined in Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade. It is designed to help fans of Fate Accelerated Edition use the Kung Fu rules... [click here for more] |
Vigilance Press |
Pay What You Want
Inspired by the It's Not My Fault cards by Evil Hat and my love of card based oracles, this PWYW play-aid can be used for Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE) or as a randomizer for any quick fantasy setting. INMFortune requires a tarot deck or other suitable randomizer. It includes a character generator, a section on world building, a scene generator, tips on solo/GM-less play, a lengthy specialties... [click here for more] |
Tangent Zero |
Hark! Hear now the Tale of the Lord of Nightmares! Once, he was merely the dream of a frightened child. Each morning he would fade away and each night he would return. He knew, however, that one day he would fade forever and face his eternal death. And so he dared to commit the ultimate sin! To steal the imagination from an innocent child, leaving it without hopes and dreams, without fun or happiness,... [click here for more] |
Benjamin Z. Edelen |
Pay What You Want
Fate Of Heroes is an hack of Fate Accelerated, suited to play the role of adventurers forced to become heroes to fight some dark evil threat.
The game is built on the foundation of Fate Accelerated (an Evil Hat product), with several influences also from Apocalypse World (by Vincent Baker).
The game contains 22 pages with a brief introduction to the setting, a set of short rules for players and GM,... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
There are secrets that they don't teach in school. Bookmarks in history books that point to pages that don't exist. The world that has been sold to us is not authentic. The sterile white rooms that test observable reality exist to protect us from the things that we might find out if we look for ourselves. Science would have you believe that everything that is has only existed for a finite period... [click here for more] |
Higher Grounds |
Pay What You Want
"Last night, I dreamt I flew upon great wings and held a fire deep within my belly. I dreamt of a great beast who was my father; the beast spoke, “my son go forth and conquer”. Today I awoke to find the dream is real." This early access version of Five Dragons: The Oneiros introduces a magic system for dragon themed characters. This Fate supplement was created for usage with the Renaissance... [click here for more] |
Bennett-Burks Design |
Pay What You Want
Skein is the "Age of Arthur SRD"- the Age of Arthur take on the Fate game mechanics. It's Age of Arthur without the art, examples, and material tying the game to a setting. Skein provides a complete free version of the Fate rules suitable for any Dark Fantasy setting. ... [click here for more] |
First Age Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Fudge on the Fly is a method of character generation that allows games to begin immediately, with only a few moments required for character generation. It does this by allowing players to select their character's skills during play, when the situation arises which calls for them. This has a number of benefits in addition to its speed - most notably it spares players the annoyance of failing to purchase... [click here for more] |
Occult Moon |
Enter Aurantor--a continent of politics, intrigue, wealth, and conflict.
Empires are crumbling. The old dynasties are fading. Established houses and factions feel their grasp on power and trade slipping. Newcomers recognize greater opportunities to ascend the ladder of power on the world stage.
Magick has returned, and with it, Aurantor's non-human peoples have emerged from hiding. They have reentered... [click here for more] |
Drakos Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Character Sheets and Campaign sheets for Oubliette Second Edition.
... [click here for more] |
Voidspiral Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Cosmic Adventure in the Post-Historical Age
Updated for use with The Chronicles of Future Earth Player's Guide
The Swallower of Souls is the Quickstart Rules and Introductory Adventure for the The Chronicles of Future Earth Kickstarter, the brand new cosmic fantasy roleplaying game from Mindjammer Press. Set in the far, far future of our planet Earth, it's a game of sorcery and demons,... [click here for more] |
Typhon Games |
Britannia is a land of petty kings and warlords, squabbling in the void left after the withdrawal of Rome. The light of civilisation is fading as a new Dark Age descends amidst the chaos of the rapacious Saxons.
It is a time of gods, old and new, and the awakening of ancient powers. Christian missionaries convert the people, whilst druids and bards weave the old magic of the British gods. Capricious... [click here for more] |
First Age Entertainment |
Bite of the Crocodile God is a short demo adventure by Guy Milner intended to teach the workings of our Fate based Hunters of Alexandria RPG. This adventure takes 35-45 minutes to play, using the pre-made characters from the main rulebook, so its ideal for a quick first season adventure after character generation as well as a standalone demo for groups wishing to try out Hunters.
Hunters... [click here for more] |
D101 Games |
Survive in a primitive world
This is a teaser for the full RPG product at DriveThruRPG, now available for sale here.
Crestfallen is a bronze age fantasy roleplaying game, set in a world of gods, spirits and wild places. It uses the Fate Core rpg system, and is written by Dan Hiscutt. It contains everything you need to play.
You play Heroes struggling to survive... [click here for more] |
Dan Hiscutt |
Have you been looking for a tabletop role-playing game to emulate bending the Four Elements much like everyone's favourite tattooed, bald hero? I had trouble finding it, so I made one.
ELEMENTALISM RPG is an RPG that has been in development for the last year and is now ready for a playtest! Grab your friends, build some characters, and have a good time. Powered by the FATE RPG ruleset,... [click here for more] |
Maso Perez |
Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. - Leonardo da Vinci
This includes three different versions of a character sheet for Leaves of Chiaroscuro for the Fate RPG which focuses on a wondrous and strange version of Italy during the Renaissance. This includes both fillable forms and simplified forms for print.
The ruleset for Leaves of Chiaroscuro can be... [click here for more] |
Bennett-Burks Design |
Britannia is a land of petty kings and warlords, squabbling in the void left after the withdrawal of Rome. The light of civilisation is fading as a new Dark Age descends amidst the chaos of the rapacious Saxons.
It is a time of gods, old and new, and the awakening of ancient powers. Christian missionaries convert the people, whilst druids and bards weave the old magic of the British gods. Capricious... [click here for more] |
First Age Entertainment |
Anderian Designs Ltd |
Santa Claus, the patron saint of children and master toymaker. He is known the world over for his generosity and love of children. L. Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, chronicled his life in the book The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus and in the short story A Kidnapped Santa Claus.
And now, Baum's version of Santa Claus is presented for the popular Fate... [click here for more] |
Darkstar Eclectic Media |
Enhance your CHRONICLES OF FUTURE EARTH game with this great new Game Support Pack! This collection of useful materials and add-ons for your games contains:
A six-page Rules Summary for easy reference of key game rules at your... [click here for more] |
Typhon Games |
Free preview!
PDF will release Aug 22nd 2013. Print copies will be available at GenCon at the Chronicle City booth.
You wake in a room.
You don’t where you are, where you came from, what’s happening. You don’t know who you are. Your identity has been taken from you. It will come back with time, but can you trust it? This world is not what it seems. Are you?
... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Something is wrong with the world!
Steve Russell (Rite Publishing) talks to Brian Enguard (The Demolished Ones, Bulldogs!) about thier new Kickstarter Project: The Demolished Ones which will use the FATE system.
Our kickstarter hit threshold goal and we are now working on hitting our 1st Tier which will offer an addtional PDF deadline for helping fund the project is November 11th after... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
Requires Fate Condensed to play.
The engine of Escadus roars! In this free preview of Cloudrunner: Fate of the Skies, players and GMs can learn more about the steampunk fantasy world of Escadus. It contains an overview of the setting and a short one-shot scenario "The Pillar of Solitude." Now begins your flight across the Endless Blue! ... [click here for more] |
Silver Lantern Games |