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Live, work, and play in the heart of District Seven!
The fifth offering in the 0hr Sci-Fi Settings product line presents two pairs of digital poster images and supporting documents that layout a high-rise with office, condo, and penthouse levels. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale and have a 1 inch grid built in – perfect for Starfinder and other science... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Arikara Marauder
The “Arikara” variant is an unregistered modification of the popular Tomahawk-class armed courier (from the Lakota issue of Future Armada). This custom build was cobbled together by the Raevyn Marauders - a loose syndicate of raiders, pirates, and scavengers. The plans have been shared amongst the clans and so the sight of an approaching Arikara is cause for... [click here for more] |
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ATLAS Dropship
The goal of the ConFederation’s “Project Atlas” was to build a dropship for soldiers and mechs. The Meridian variant was the primary focus of the contract - a spherical “tail lander” designed to haul a lance of four massive combat mechs plus the personnel and supplies needed to maintain a forward base in support of the squad.
To recoup costs and... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This product is a collection of starship deckplans for use on-screen or via projector. It includes digital images of the physical poster for these ships, which come from my Armada Codex product line. Also included are unlabeled versions of the maps on a plain dark background with all parts of the map aligned to the same grid, which may be more convenient for use in VTT programs.
The poster... [click here for more] |
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 AUGUSTUS Starliner
The Augustus-class starliner is the third offering in the “Project Imperator” line, which began with the Nero-class freight hauler and Trjan-class battleship. With a classic design and a wide variety of accommodations, this stately behemoth can carry nearly two thousand souls in comfort.
Augustus consists of a central spine, nearly 1000 feet long,... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
 This product is a collection of starship deckplans for use on-screen or via projector. It includes digital images of the physical poster for these ships, which come from my Armada Codex product line. Also included are unlabeled versions of the maps on a plain dark background with all parts of the map aligned to the same grid, which may be more convenient for use in VTT programs.
The poster... [click here for more] |
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Banshee Small Ships
This issue of the Zero Hour Armada Codex presents a trio of small ships and a fighter. The main ship is a new design while the remaining craft are from older Future Armada issues and are presented here with updated stats and art.
The Banshee-class fast attack craft was designed for law enforcement and patrol duties but quickly became popular... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The product for sale here is a digital image of the Banshee poster and is intended for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 18x24 inch jpeg images at 140 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the half-size poster. Three... [click here for more] |
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Cavalo Cargo Shuttle
The Cavalo-class of cargo shuttles were designed by TriWorld Transport (a division of Trinity Exocorp) under military contract to carry industry standard cargo containers. Depending on the type of container slotted, a Cavalo can serve as a simple freight hauler, passenger carrier, prisoner transport, or weapons platform. Additional containers have been developed... [click here for more] |
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CERVANTES Light Frigate
The Cervantes-class is a light frigate designed to carry a crew of about 20; typically 4 to 8 working crew plus a complement of marines. The ship is meant for patrol and escort duties either alone or in concert with similar craft. Well-armed for its size - Cervantes is durable and easy to repair, and comes in two distinct versions unimaginatively... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the years I've created physical deckplan posters for most of the ships in my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Included in this product is a digital version of one of my posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. There's one image for the front of the poster and one for the back. They are at 1... [click here for more] |
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CHIMAERUS Integrated Transport
Chimaerus [ kī-mĕr′ĭs ] is an adventurer-oriented medium sized vessel that is made up of three independent ships:
• Leaena (the Lion) - the main body of the ship, holding the living quarters, medical, and FTL systems. This is the largest of the three sections and also serves as a command & control center... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the years I've created physical deckplan posters for most of the ships in my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Included in this product is a digital version of one of my posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. There's one image for the front of the poster and one for the back. They are at 1... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This offering of Zero Hour Sci-Fi Settings presents another pair of digital poster images and supporting documentation. Citadel Secundus is a high-tech base of operations with everything a band of heroes or a nefarious villain could need.
The Citadel is a large, self-contained building. The main structure is two stories high with towers that vault up to four or five stories. It... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This offering from Zero Hour Sci-Fi Settings product line presents another pair of digital poster images and supporting documentation. Club Rikani is a four-level entertainment complex. There's a restaurant at ground level; a casino, boxing ring, and nightclub on the second floor; and a high-roller VIP area on the top level. The basement holds a seedy massage parlor, grungy card room, interrogation... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the last year, I've created deckplan posters for some of the mid-sized ships from my Future Armada line. For sale here is an electronic version of one of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a grid built... [click here for more] |
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CRUCIBLEProcessing Station
The Crucible-class is a medium-sized station designed to convert raw materials into finished goods. Some stations are used as industrial ore processing stations or gas mines. Others are employed as military academies or civilian training facilities - transforming recruits into professionals. Still others may process nothing... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
In recent years I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships and space stations from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Available here are electronic versions of the "Crucible" station posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Four images are included: the "front" and "back" of two... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the last year, I've created deckplan posters for some of the mid-sized ships from my Future Armada line. For sale here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a grid built into... [click here for more] |
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CYNTEK Common Craft
The Cyntek are a post-human culture that has evolved into a mostly synthetic state. They have developed advanced technology, especially in the realms of cybernetics, computing, and energy-based physics. While still humanoid and generally human-sized, there is a huge amount of variety in the Cyntek: from human-seeming, to fully robotic, to disembodied consciousness... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I create physical posters featuring the deckplans for my Future Armada and Armada Codex ships. Available here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Four images are included: the "front" and "back" of a pair of posters. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a light grid... [click here for more] |
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 Daishō Integrated Interceptor
This issue of the Codex presents Daishō: an integrated interceptor built for speed and offensive power. This vessel consists of two ships that can operate together or independently:
Daitō : the base cruiser with cabins for seven crew, and bunks for ten additional personnel, marines, or passengers. Armed with missiles, railguns,... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
 Over the years I've created physical deckplan posters for most of the ships in my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Included in this product is a digital version of one of my posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. There's one image for the front of the poster and one for the back. They are at 1... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the years I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Available here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet... [click here for more] |
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Exeter B Tramp Freighter / Troop Transport
Exeter is a rugged, Durance-class cargo ship that supports a crew of 4 to 8. She comes with a shuttle as well as a all-terrain buggy; is well armed for when things get rough, and carries a complement of escape pods as a last resort. With a spacious cargo bay and a 10-cabin passenger deck, this ship has something for everyone and room to... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
In recent years I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Available here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This project presents another pair of location-based maps on either side of a 24 x 36-inch digital poster. The first location is the 4th Precinct, which is a multi-purpose law enforcement complex. It includes a police station, a courthouse, and a jail all in one compact facility. The other side of the poster presents a spacious warehouse packed with a variety of barrels, boxes, and crates. There's... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the last year, I've created deckplan posters for some of the mid-sized ships from my Future Armada line. For sale here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a grid built into... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the last year, I've created deckplan posters for some of the mid-sized ships from my Future Armada line. For sale here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a grid built into... [click here for more] |
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Hikari General Transport
The Hikari class general transport is a rugged and affordable entry-level ship for aspiring captains. Though they are produced and sold by the Sendai Corporation (a front for the notorious House Suyama crime family), the ships are legal and a good value - just be careful if the salesman offers financing at rates that sound too good to be true.
The Hikari... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This second issue of 0-hr Sci-Fi Settings presents a headquarters in two parts - corresponding the two sides of the HQ-1 poster. The first part is House Overlund: an urban estate that combines a classic mansion with high tech facilities designed with off-duty adventurers in mind. Far beneath the mansion lies the second part of this offering: the underground base. This section of... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The product for sale here is a digital image of the Jade/Remora/Cavalo poster and is intended for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 18x24 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The... [click here for more] |
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Jinda Wolf Corvette
The latest addition to the “Wolves of Albion” line is the Jinda Wolf class of corvettes - small, sleek warships designed for patrol and escort duties. The Jinda Wolves are well armed and armored for ships of their size. In addition to half a dozen turrets, each has two pairs of heavier fixed-forward guns plus a weapons bay full of either anti-ship missiles... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the years I've created physical deckplan posters for most of the ships in my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Included in this product is a digital version of one of my posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. There's one image for the front of the poster and one for the back. They are at 1 inch... [click here for more] |
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Kaeru & Co. Small Ships
This issue of the Zero Hour Armada Codex presents two small ships and the fighters they carry. These craft are meant for characters of all sorts and a variety of stories.
The Kaeru-class scout carries a Sasori-class fighter on its back. The name is Japanese for "frog" while Sasori is "scorpion" - because this configuration is reminiscent of the classic... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The product for sale here is a digital image of the Kaeru & Company poster and is intended for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x18 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the half-size poster.... [click here for more] |
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KAGEKUMO Salvage Ship
The Kagekumo (or “Shadow spider”) class is a salvage ship. Though ostensibly designed for commercial use, this large industrial craft has become a favorite of pirates and reavers. The vessel is designed to secure and dismantle derelicts, or soon-to-be-derelicts, quickly and efficiently. She is equipped with massive harpoons fore and aft to capture and... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the years I've created physical deckplan posters for most of the ships in my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. Available here are digital versions of the posters and deckplans for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. The poster images are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Four poster images are included: the "front" and "back" of two posters. The... [click here for more] |
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Kintaro Racing Yacht
The third chapter of the 0 hr Armada Codex presents the Kintaro (“Golden Boy”) class vessels: built-to-order starships for the wealthiest of clientele. Originally designed as a hunter-killer for the military but ultimately employed as police interceptors and high-end racing yachts, these sleek ships are built for speed. For the private... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The product for sale here is a digital image of the Kinatro/Tachikaze poster and is intended for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
The inaugural offering in the 0hr Sci-Fi Settings product line presents a pair of digital poster images and supporting documentation.
On one side of the poster is Elevated Shuttle Stop 07 – the futuristic equivalent of a bus stop or metro line point with a landing pad high above and waiting area below. This side of the poster also includes Sasha's Guest House, which provides studios and... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The product for sale here is a digital image of the Lakota/Arikara poster and is intended for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This offering in the 0hr Sci-Fi Settings product line presents two pairs of digital poster images and supporting documents that lay out a couple of landing zones and surrounding structures. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale and have a 1-inch grid built in – perfect for Starfinder and other science fiction RPGs.
This project presents a pair of large landing bays designed to accommodate most... [click here for more] |
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asteroid base / research station
This chapter of the 0hr Sci-Fi Settings product line presents two pairs of digital poster images and supporting documents that present an asteroid base in deep space. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale and have a 1-inch grid built in – perfect for Starfinder and other science fiction RPGs.
Lochlyn IX is a combination research... [click here for more] |
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Morgana Trio Small Ships
This issue of the Codex presents another trio of small ships to help bring your campaign to life. These are ships with options; some low tech tail landers and some higher tech versions with all the amenities. Whether it’s combat or commerce that you’re after, one of these ships can fit the bill.
The Morgana class is a small warship that carries a crew... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I've created paper deckplan posters for several of the ships from my Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The product for sale here is a digital image of the MorganaTrio poster and is intended for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 18x24 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the half-size poster. Three... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This product presents a digital version of the poster created for the Morningstar Kickstarter campaign. These are 24x26 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. Two images are included: the front and back of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a 1 inch grid built into the floor. Due to its size, the plans for Morningstar cover both... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Over the last year, I've created deckplan posters for some of the mid-sized ships from my Future Armada line. For sale here are electronic versions of those posters for use in gaming via computer or with a table-top projector. These are 24x36 inch jpeg images at 150 dpi. Two images are included: the "front" and "back" of the poster. The maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a grid built into... [click here for more] |
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NERO Freight Hauler
Designed for the Near-Earth Recovery Operations consortium to help rebuild the homeworld, the Nero-class freight hauler is a massive, form-follows-function, brick of a ship. At 800 feet stem to stern, it features eight cargo holds, each six stories high, and can carry up to 280 crew and passengers. This ship can haul 30,000 register tons of cargo neatly... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
This product is a collection of starship deckplans for use on-screen or via projector. It includes digital images of the physical poster for these ships, which come from my Armada Codex product line. Also included are unlabeled versions of the maps on a plain dark background with all parts of the map aligned to the same grid, which may be more convenient for use in VTT programs.
The poster... [click here for more] |
0-hr |