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Mage The Awakening Tarot

Mage The Awakening Tarot

A Player aid for Mage: The Awakening, this 78-card Tarot deck is suitable for stand-alone use or in conjunction with chronicles and contains lavish, full-color art commissioned specifically for this deck. The Free Rulebook PDF is a PDF version of the instruction booklet that was included with the original printing of the tarot cards. It contains instructions on standard Tarot readings as well as...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - Une goutte de lune

Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - Une goutte de lune

Certains y ont goûté, mais presque tout le monde en parle : la Lune Cerise. Un produit inhabituel a débarqué dans les rues : du sang. Et ça n’arrive pas toutes les nuits. De ce qu’en savent les Descendants, le sang se gâte et devient rance. Ce produit est impossible à vendre parce qu’il est impossible à stocker. Seuls les Descendants à l’estomac très bien accroché peuvent se nourrir...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - le jeu du primogène

Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - le jeu du primogène

Une place s’est libérée parmi les vampires haut placés de la Camarilla locale, et un lécheur prometteur est prêt à tout pour s’en emparer. Ses alliés et lui savent quel avenir ils veulent donner à la cité, un futur qui inclut une fin sanglante pour ses anarchs (c’est-à-dire vous). Réussirez-vous à l’abattre dans son propre Elysium ? Le jeu du primogène est un scénario...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - Le Baiser de Minuit

Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - Le Baiser de Minuit

Nouvelle année, nouveau vous ! Vous essayez de survivre nuit après nuit en tant que Descendant en gérant les sectes, les chasseurs de vampires et votre lien déclinant avec le monde des mortels dans lequel vous viviez avant. Posez-vous la question : votre non-vie va-t-elle se résumer à cela pour l’éternité ? Nous sommes le soir de la Saint-Sylvestre et, tandis que toute...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Hunter: Le Jugement - Affaire Classée

Hunter: Le Jugement - Affaire Classée

“Dites toute la verite, mais dites-la sous un certain angle. Le succes s'affirme par des voies detournees.” —Emily Dickinson   L’ami de Daria, Sam, est mort il y a trois ans, mais maintenant, il est de retour. Elle espère que la cellule des Chasseurs va pouvoir l’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe. Est-ce qu’il s’agit juste d’un sosie ou est-ce que les...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Hunter: Le Jugement - Son dernier tour

Hunter: Le Jugement - Son dernier tour

“Si un artiste veut essayer de mordre dans du fer chauffe au rouge, qu'il s'assure d'abord d'avoir de bonnes dents.”  Harry Houdini Dans la ville de Rochefort, dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre prestidigitateur reconverti en « chercheur en quête de vérités paranormales », Aaron Phelps, disparaît. Il laisse derrière lui le seul mystère qu’il n’a pas pu résoudre : la...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - Réveillon Sanglant

Vampire: La Mascarade, 5e édition - Réveillon Sanglant

Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre. Vous avez été invités à une fête pour discuter avec Isabella, une amie d’ami. Elle est harcelée par quelqu’un qui en sait trop sur les vampires. Allez-vous réussir à traiter cette dernière affaire avant les douze coups de minuit ? Réveillon sanglant est un scénario pour Vampire : la Mascarade. Il est conçu idéalement pour une coterie de 4 à...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Mage The Ascension Tarot

Mage The Ascension Tarot

A Player aid for Mage: The Ascension, this 78-card Tarot deck is suitable for stand-alone use or in conjunction with chronicles and contains lavish, full-color art commissioned specifically for this deck. Includes instructions on standard Tarot readings as well as using the cards as a Storytelling tool for chronicles. Note, this is a recreation of the original deck using the print on demand options...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Space Aces Supplemental: Cosmic Connections

Space Aces Supplemental: Cosmic Connections

This is a sheet of 20 system-neutral merit badge achievements tuned to promote character bonding, player role playing, and deeper connections between teams. Each achievement is designed to get players looking at, and talking to, each other. Simply print this sheet out, cut it up, and randomly hand one goal to each player at the start of a session. If they a complete it, they will earn a reward such...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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Overly Specific Condition Cards

Overly Specific Condition Cards

This was Onyx Path Publishing's April Fool's joke for 2014. However, so many people liked it that we're keeping it available for future customers. Enjoy! Conditions were introduced in the God Machine Chronicle as an exciting new part of the nWoD game system that encourage player agency in the storytelling. Many examples were included in that book, and in both Demon:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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The Monsters: A Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition Quickstart

The Monsters: A Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition Quickstart

Want start a V5 chronicle fast? The V5 Quickstart "The Monsters" is now available! In a small American town, someone is killing people and taking their blood, which is always a problem for vampires. If it is a human being, it might draw attention to the true predators of the night. If it is Kindred, the Masquerade is in jeopardy. If it is something else... In this quickstart scenario...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios   FREE 

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Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition Quickstart

Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition Quickstart

This introduction to Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition includes a summary of the setting and basic rules. This Quickstart also features descriptions, stats, and story-hooks for playing an unlikely pack of mages: the Bridge Troll Cabal, a “family” of gutter mystics whose life in the underside of Seattle contrasts with the vibrant face of that city. For the moment,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Vampire: The Requiem Character Sheet Pad

Vampire: The Requiem Character Sheet Pad

Keeping Track The danse macabre is set to the tune of secrets. Who knows them, who keeps them and who's willing to share - for a price. Now you have a place to keep all of your Vampire character's secrets. Just beware the player looking over your shoulder. No More Photocopies Continuing its line of tools for the Storytelling System™, White Wolf provides this indispensable collection...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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The Twelve Days of Onyx Condition Cards

The Twelve Days of Onyx Condition Cards

Ho! Ho! Ho! We had so much fun creating the Overly Specific Condition Cards and a special Condition Card for Halloween, we decided we wanted to try something new.  These Twelve Days of Onyx Condition Cards are holiday themed Conditions selected from contest entries submitted by members of our creative and awesome community. It was really, really difficult to choose our 12 favorites...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Arguam's Magic Ring's

Arguam's Magic Ring's

* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *  "Arguam's Magic Rings" is a glimpse at a more extensive work, "A Collection of Useful Magic Rings." The four rings spotlighted within this ePub are Craftright, Golden Radius, Skincraft, and Water. These rings will not overpower your characters, storyline, or campaign but can aid the characters in numerous ways in the long term.  ...   [click here for more]
By Jason D. Essex  Pay What You Want

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Demon: The Descent Quickstart

Demon: The Descent Quickstart

I was an angel.  I wasn’t an angel of vengeance, or an angel of mercy, or even an angel of death. I was an angel of the Machine. I came to Earth wrapped in a Cover that the Machine provided, and I served. Service didn’t make me happy, but it made me what I was. An angel.  But then I stopped serving. Why? It’s complicated. You were involved. That’s all I’ll say for...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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World of Darkness: Character Pad

World of Darkness: Character Pad

Don’t Go Into the dark Alone Imagine a world where the truth is obscured and all is not what it seems. Keep track of your character and all your eldritch discoveries with the expanded sheets in this pad. Play Aid for the World of Darkness® • Perfect for games with mortal protagonists, this character sheet includes space for all your game traits, equipment, and the details of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Prince's Gambit Sabbat and Independent Clan Expansion Booster

Prince's Gambit Sabbat and Independent Clan Expansion Booster

The night is young as you step into the VIP room of the hottest nightclub in town. You're one of the leaders of the city's vampire clans, and you've been summoned to meet with the Prince, along with your Machiavellian peers.   As each Primogen enters, the candles flicker as you stare into their eyes. The politics of the undead are always deadly, but there's a heightened danger...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Mage: The Awakening Character Sheet Pad

Mage: The Awakening Character Sheet Pad

A Sheet for Everything The Awakened struggle to rebuild their societies and carve out their own kingdoms on Earth. Witch, technomancer, shaman - which one are you? A Play Aid for Mage: The Awakening * Preprinted character sheets, customized for every playable path and order. * No need to photocopy your rulebook. * Every player needs a sheet, making this a valuable play aid. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Exalted Second Edition: Character Sheet Pad

Exalted Second Edition: Character Sheet Pad

Your Characters Should Have Character With the world in ruin, how do you sort friend from foe? How can the Exalted stand up and be counted, their worth and deeds displayed to all before them? On new character sheets, of course! White Wolf continues its support the new Exalted Second Edition rules with this indispensable collection of character sheets. The pad contains 1 copy of each...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade Quickstart Guide

Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade Quickstart Guide

It's a new night! Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade is a new edition of a classic game that draws on more than two decades' worth of material from the iconic World of Darkness setting. Whether you're a new player checking out Mind's Eye Theatre for the first time, or a veteran who is curious about the new edition, this Quickstart Guide will help...   [click here for more]
By Night Studios   FREE 

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Changeling: The Lost Character Sheet Pad

Changeling: The Lost Character Sheet Pad

The Scrolls of Fate The game of beautiful madness demands a little elegance on the table itself. This character pad provides that extra touch of elegance, in the form of character sheets visually engaging and impressive enough for the characters that inhabit them. A Play Aid for Changeling: The Lost™ • Contains character sheets to fuel multiple chronicles • Variant sheets provide...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Prince's Gambit Card Game

Prince's Gambit Card Game

The night is young as you step into the VIP room of the hottest nightclub in town. You're one of the leaders of the city's vampire clans, and you've been summoned to meet with the Prince, along with your Machiavellian peers.   As each Primogen enters, the candles flicker as you stare into their eyes. The politics of the undead are always deadly, but there's a heightened danger...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Amazing Steadings: Volume 1

Amazing Steadings: Volume 1

This is a plug and play module for your favorite fantasy tabletop RPG. Simply open a double spread sheet, pick up a D4 plus a D6, and you are ready to roll! This supplement contains: 6 amazing steadings - each with their own unique map 30 plot hooks 36 NPC's 36 locations ...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen   FREE 

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Werewolf: The Forsaken Character Sheet Pad

Werewolf: The Forsaken Character Sheet Pad

Know Your Tribe Descended from Luna and Father Wolf, werewolves are the heirs of a mythic and glorious heritage. Or, they would be if not for their grievous ancestral crime against nature itself. How does the shame of being forsaken stain your character's soul and character sheet? Make your Mark Continuing its line of tools for the Storytelling System™, White Wolf provides this...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Ostatni Dzień Reszty Mojego Życia

Ostatni Dzień Reszty Mojego Życia

Wejdź w emocjonalną i refleksyjną podróż z "Ostatni Dzień z Reszty Mojego Życia", wyjątkowym solo RPG zaprojektowanym do głębokiej, osobistej eksploracji. Gra zaprasza graczy do przeżywania ostatnich chwil życia ich postaci, podejmowania kluczowych decyzji, wspominania przeszłych wydarzeń i konfrontacji z nierozwiązanymi sprawami. Wybierz spośród różnych archetypów,...   [click here for more]
Tenebris Games  Pay What You Want

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V5 - Vampire - Die Maskerade - Auld Sanguine (PDF) als Download kaufen

V5 - Vampire - Die Maskerade - Auld Sanguine (PDF) als Download kaufen

Neujahrsabend. Ihr wurdet zu einer Party eingeladen, um die Gelegenheit zu haben, mit Isabella zu sprechen, der Freundin eines Freundes. Sie wurde von jemandem belästigt, der zu viel über Vampire weiß. Könnt ihr euch um diese Angelegenheit kümmern, bis es Mitternacht schlägt? Auld Sanguine ist eine Geschichte für Vampire: Die Maskerade. Sie funktioniert am besten für einen Klüngel von vier...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Clanbook: Ghiberti

Clanbook: Ghiberti

Let's make things easy, 'kay? You surrender your soul to me, an' I stop feeding from your wife, your kids. You keep resistin' an' I'm gonna have to make their lives very unpleasant. Don't think I won't make their lives a livin' hell. Get me? - Izukanne, Seventh Generation Ghiberti, Favored Son of the Family These Ghiberti are no true Laibon. Descended from Clan Giovanni, they...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (A4)

World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (A4)

How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of free if you want it to be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (Letter)

World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (Letter)

How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of absolutley free. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Hail Satan!

Hail Satan!

The player characters in this one evening scenario are vampires from the Baali bloodline that were murdered, turned into undead freaks, used, abused and then thrown away to die for their mistress. But they have all decided to not just accept it while the world, unlife and their sire fuck them over. They have found each other, they have acquired the means of vengeance and they have formed a coterie...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Carcosa : La malédiction d'Hastur

Carcosa : La malédiction d'Hastur

Carcosa, rien de plus que l’histoire d’une énième cité antique ravagée par la décadence et l’ambition de son roi fou. Du moins pour les historiens de cette fin de siècle. Pour d’autres en revanche, cette cité mythique, versée dans la philosophie et les arts magiques, haut-lieu de l’alchimie, n’attend que l’avènement de l’héritier du Dernier des rois pour retrouver sa gloire...   [click here for more]
SYCKO  Pay What You Want

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Gothic Icons

Gothic Icons

This was Onyx Path Publishing's April Fool's joke for 2015. However, so many people liked it that we're keeping it available for future customers. Enjoy! Inspired by the success of the Dark Eras Kickstarter, Onyx Path Publishing has decided to overhaul every classic and new World of Darkness game in their catalog to transport the entire line back to the nineteenth century, during...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Major Arcana

Major Arcana

The first pack of tarot cards I used was my father's and I remember fearing them. Major Arcana is a collection of 22 rulesets. These are games, experiences, or instructional artworks; they're words that tell you to do something. Each page is a new ruleset, some are incredibly short, others pushing the page. Each is inspired by a card from tarot, each from the major arcana. I...   [click here for more]
Six Planes Games  Pay What You Want

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Song of Swords Map of Vosca

Song of Swords Map of Vosca

Welcome to Vosca, on the continent of Mundus, where the primary story of Song of Swords takes place. There are many regions in Vosca, all of which have an immense depth of details to satisfy any GM's table.  ...   [click here for more]
Opaque Industries   FREE 

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Welt der Dunkelheit Rollenspiel Einverständnis Liste (A4)

Welt der Dunkelheit Rollenspiel Einverständnis Liste (A4)

Wie weit ist zu weit? Ersparen Sie sich Ihnen und Ihren Mitspielern unangenehme Abende in denen sie im voraus Grenzen klären. All das, wenn sie es wollen, kostenlos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So verwenden Sie die Liste: 1. Bieten Sie jeder/jedem Spieler*in in einer bevorstehenden Runde an, vor Beginn...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Cthulhu : L'égrégore de la peur

Cthulhu : L'égrégore de la peur

À première vue l’univers de Crimes et celui issu des écrits de Lovecraft semblent incompatibles, leurs conceptions de la folie étant diamétralement opposées, (endogène pour l’un, exogène pour l’autre). Mais il existe un lien. Si l’on considère les entités du mythe comme un égrégore de la déresponsabilisation des hommes face à leur propre horreur, et que ce qu’ils contemplent...   [click here for more]
SYCKO  Pay What You Want

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Abducted is a solo or co-op story-telling tabletop role-playing game that places players in the shoes of a human character who has been abruptly abducted by an alien race.  Players create both their human character and their alien character, determining their characteristics and motivations, and then utilize a deck of playing cards, with corresponding in-game tables, as prompts to progress the story...   [click here for more]
Games Franco  Pay What You Want

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Scion Quick Reference Guide: Knacks

Scion Quick Reference Guide: Knacks

This is a Quick Reference Guide for Scion Second Edition. This particular Guide contains every current core rule Knack, condensed and simplified into a printer-friendly format that is perfect for any table, player or SG! This is my first entry onto StoryPath Nexus, but I'm looking forward to making more Guides for Purviews/Boons, Relic Design, and more! ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Promethean: The Created Character Sheet Pad

Promethean: The Created Character Sheet Pad

Don't Go Into the dark Alone Imagine a world where the truth is obscured and all is not what it seems. Keep track of your character and all your eldritch discoveries with the expanded sheets in this pad. Play Aid for the Promethean:The Created • Perfect for your adventures in the game of Stolen Lives, this pad of 2-sided character sheets, includes space for all your game traits,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Scion Quick Reference Guide: Relic Design

Scion Quick Reference Guide: Relic Design

This is a Quick Reference Guide for Scion Second Edition. This particular Guide contains every current core rule surrounding Relic Design (dot values for bonuses and Flaws), condensed and simplified into a printer-friendly format that is perfect for any table, player or SG! ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Questionnaire d’assentiment pour Jeux de rôle (Monde des Ténèbres)(A4)

Questionnaire d’assentiment pour Jeux de rôle (Monde des Ténèbres)(A4)

Assurez-vous que vos joueurs sont d'accord avec les horreurs qui les attendent. Cette fiche vous aidera. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment utiliser la feuille : 1. Proposez à chaque joueur d'un jeu à venir de remplir une copie de la liste de contrôle du consentement avant le début du jeu. (Cela peut être fait dans...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Scion Quick Reference Guide: Pantheons & Deities

Scion Quick Reference Guide: Pantheons & Deities

This is a Quick Reference Guide for Scion Second Edition. This particular Guide contains every current pantheon and deity from Origin, Mysteries, and Demigod, condensed and simplified into a printer-friendly format that is perfect for any table, player or SG! Please check out my other Quick Reference Guides in addition to this one! They're completely free, and I hope they...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Welt der Dunkelheit Rollenspiel Einverständnis Liste (Letter)

Welt der Dunkelheit Rollenspiel Einverständnis Liste (Letter)

Wie weit ist zu weit? Ersparen sie sich ihnen und ihren Mitspielern unangenehme Abende in denen sie im voraus Grenzen klären. All das für, wenn sie es wollen, kostenlos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So verwenden Sie die Liste: 1. Bieten Sie jeder/jedem Spieler*in in einer bevorstehenden Runde an, vor...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Legend of Akihiko, Ninja and Samurai Live Action Role Play Rulebook

The Legend of Akihiko, Ninja and Samurai Live Action Role Play Rulebook

This is the core rulebook for a Live Action Role Playing Game (LARP) based on ninja and samurai.  In this game you will design custom characters that can engage in boffer (foam weapon) combat with other players.  You can use a variety of foam weapons as well as a number of magical abilities.  The background of this game is in an alternative universe where samurai and ninja colonized North America...   [click here for more]
Stephen   FREE 

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2015 Onyx Path Halloween Cards

2015 Onyx Path Halloween Cards

Onyx Path’s Month of Nightmares features games, stories, and more to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Count down the days with us by reading our excerpts, participating in the discussion, or by taking advantage of our special offers leading up to a haunted Halloween. Those of you who met us at Gen Con may remember that each day, alongside the game line buttons we were handing...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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A Night With Jack

A Night With Jack

A Night with Jack is a free one-scene SAS written by developer Eddy Webb for the 100th issue of Game Trade Magazine. A new monster, Spring-Heeled Jack, is ready to be used in your World of Darkness chronicle, complete with character sheet, scene elements and a scene card to add to your SAS reference library. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Aberrant Community Content Artwork Assets

Aberrant Community Content Artwork Assets

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is a game of superpowered adventure in the near-future of the Trinity Continuum. This set includes Artwork for creating Trinity Continuum: Aberrant RPG community content. Trinity Continuum: Aberrant unlocks as part of the Storypath Nexus Community Content program on December 1st 2021! Note: This Art Pack...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Aberrant Community Content Layout Template

Aberrant Community Content Layout Template

Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is a game of superpowered adventure in the near-future of the Trinity Continuum. This set includes InDesign and Word Templates for creating Trinity Continuum: Aberrant RPG community content. Trinity Continuum: Aberrant unlocks as part of the Storypath Nexus Community Content program on December 1st 2021! Note:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Adventure! Community Content Artwork

Adventure! Community Content Artwork

The collected artworks from Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Inside you'll find full page illustrations, character templates, and half page scenes (locations, Gifts, equipment, etc). Note: This art pack is exclusively for use with the Storypath Nexus community content program only. For more information on creating your own Trinity Continuum supplements and publishing them on DriveThruRPG...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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  PFRPG 19: Garden of the Gods™, for Palladium Fantasy RPG® 2nd Edition