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A Cosmic Birthday | Roll20 Playset

A Cosmic Birthday | Roll20 Playset

Play Starfinder Online A Starfinder 2e Playtest Companion This free Roll20 Playset is a companion to the complete adventure on Demiplane. It includes ready-to-play maps and tokens for use with your playtest book. Note: This playset does not include Starfinder 2e rules or adventure text, which are available and evolving on the Starfinder 2e Demiplane Nexus. For the full experience,...   [click here for more]
Paizo   FREE 

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Creature Pack 17

Creature Pack 17

A whole bunch of a classic monster, the mimic! Most of the time the mimic is portrayed as a chest monster, but they can take any form really so I thought it would be fun to make a few more common item mimics! You know just to really mess with your players haha I think the toilet mimic is perhaps the most evil one on here, sorry about that >.> The ZIP file includes...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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Creature Pack 21

Creature Pack 21

I really took my time on making these pop, some updated lovecraftian eldritch creatures! Not included in the display image but absolutely in the downloads is a huge Dark Young creature, with many many mouths and tentacles.. a terrifying sight to come across while exploring the woods.. As always there are different versions in the ZIP below including circle portrait tokens of each creature! :) ~Caeora...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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Creature Pack 27

Creature Pack 27

A whole bunch of Zombie creatures! Some are inspired by popular IP's, others are generic fantasy. I made them fit with my standard design, so I might go back and add weapons and rags/clothes to "flesh" out the pack. ~Caeora The ZIP file contains creature 13 PNG tokens, each with a shadow, without a shadow, and in circle form for a total of 39 assets. All tokens are made...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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Creature Pack 29

Creature Pack 29

A set of tokens for halloween themed games, or just spooky games in general! The ZIP file contains 11 creatures each with a shadow, without a shadow, and in circle form for a total of 33 tokens. All tokens are made at a Heroic Scale, meaning they are far larger than they might realistically appear, so they are more visible and epic at the table! ...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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  Arthur the Soldier (The Ruin of Britain - Book One)