【版权声明】 允许使用简介发布游玩招募信息。
多年间,“天下第一”称号在武林中从未易主,一直被戴在沁山派掌门欧阳黯水的头上。直到数派觅得沁山派“荼毒百姓”的消息,围攻于沁山城寨为止。... [click here for more]
【版权声明】 允许使用简介发布游玩招募信息。
从平安京至奈良,调查员的车马约已行进一日。 夜色渐深,未见奈良,竟所见三笠山之影。竹影簌簌间,大雾弥漫,前路难行,唯有月照前途。依月色向前,见一牛车,车内端坐一唐红色衣衫的女子,却不见车夫与拉车之牛。... [click here for more]
魔王传说 呈现了十一起发生在北部边境,一个垂死帝国的边远行省中的冒险。游戏主持人可以把这些冒险当作一场完整的战役,让起始角色们一路成长为大师角色;也可以只用个别冒险来讲述一则不同的故事。除开冒险之外,该资源书还包含了关于交道城的详细信息以及一系列威胁着北部边境内外的全新生物。... [click here for more]
In the ethereal realm between wakefulness and slumber, the Dreamwalker emerges as a master of the subconscious, navigating the intricate tapestry of dreams with unparalleled prowess. With an inherent connection to the dreamscape, a Dreamwalker possesses a unique set of abilities that transcends the boundaries of the waking world. They can shape the very fabric of dreams, molding landscapes to their... [click here for more]
Unleash the Undead with the 4d6 Morgalad Zombie Template!
Transform any creature into a mindless, reanimated abomination.
Create your own zombie horde: Apply the 4d6 rules to any creature, from humans to mythical beasts.
Control the undead: Command your zombies to carry out your darkest desires.
Customize their abilities: Tailor your zombies' strengths and weaknesses to fit your campaign.
Challenge... [click here for more]
This is a short scenario, purist but quite clichés.
In October 1960, the investigators were ordered to climb Namcha Barwa, a peak in Tibet at 7782 metres above sea level.
The author has not read much about climbing, so please point out anything that does not correspond to reality. Also This scenario considerably simplifies the climbing-related sections.
1960 年 10 月,调查员奉命攀登位于西藏,海拔... [click here for more]
每期 生物生态学都 涵盖不同的生物,包括图片、教育信息和行为事实。... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.Hero Kids - Basement'O Rats - Map PackRegular price: $2.95 Bundle price: $1.48 Format: PDF This is a map pack that is to supplement the adventure Basement'O Rats from the Hero Kids system. This map pack will help to bring your players deeper into the already fantastic world of Hero Kids. This pack... [click here for more]
这是个半沙盒的冒险模组,有着平衡的探索调查、战斗和社交元素。结合预设事件的半沙盒结构,就算是新手GM也可以在轻松带团之余享受沙盒带来的游戏自由度。特别适合新手游戏用户。怪物模版以泛系统的方式书写,可以很简单地移植到大部分奇幻世界观和RPG系统当中。... [click here for more]