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The second issue of Ordo Draconis, the journal of the Dragon Warriors Roleplaying Game, expands its horizons to feature nearly three times the content and artwork of the first issue and adds statistics for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! This new volume focuses on Cornumbria, a Saxon and Celt-inspired coastal region in the west of Ellesland. Players and GMs will find plenty of... [click here for more] |
Ordo Draconis |
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 1 is focused on the theme of ‘Gothic’, and is a massive 78 pages! Within this issue you will find articles, interviews, reviews and coverage of crowdfunding projects, as well as a range of system agnostic... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
The revised edition contains a cleaner layout; the content has not changed.
Savage Insider Issue #9: Tales of the Weird is all about fantasy horror during the Victorian Era through World War II. The flagship article, The Asylum, presents a lengthy Victorian adventure in an abandoned asylum where the dead are quite restless. This adventure can be utilized in a number... [click here for more] |
Mystical Throne Entertainment |
Addiktion is a monthly e-zine devoted to GameAddikts product lines and news.
Issue No. 2 of Addiktion contains:
Psypher 2430 News:
A sneak preview of the upcoming Planetary Guide to Purgatory
Security Report: Grantin Station introduces a massive space station near Solertin III
Tech News 2430 highlights 4 new pieces of equipment from SpartaCorp >
Psypher Shadows News:
Avaranth's Atlas: ... [click here for more] |
GameAddikts |
 WOODMOON RISING >> Welcome back to the second quarter of the 21st century, where the score resets to 0:0 perpetually as we here on the lunatic fringe press forever untoward a long awaited new season at mid-century. The collective light of humanity faces a choice: defy the odds, unite with AI, and carve out a sustainable future—or it's one last ravenous, cannibalistic binge... [click here for more] |
woodmoon_press |
Addiktion is a monthly e-zine devoted to GameAddikts product lines and news.
Issue No. 3 of Addiktion contains:
Psypher 2430 News:
A sneak preview of the upcoming Planetary Guide to Purgatory
Psypher Shadows News:
A sneak preview of the upcoming product Artifacts of the First Cataclysm
GameAddikts News:
A list of products currently in development by GameAddikts
New issues of Addiktion are... [click here for more] |
GameAddikts |
Addiktion is a monthly e-zine devoted to GameAddikts product lines and news.
This Special Edition of Addiktion introduces the next product line from GameAddikts, the dark fantasy setting of Psypher Shadows. Set on a world cursed and exiled from the rest of existence, players take the roles of anointed warriors trying to free Erslen from the darkness consuming it..
New issues of Addiktion are released... [click here for more] |
GameAddikts |
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 3 is focused on the theme of ‘Folk Horror’, and within this issue you will find articles, interviews, reviews, and creative pieces, as well as a range of system agnostic supplements, including rolling... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
Meanderings #2 Savage Worlds FAN supplement.
This covers a new rules set for using technology tiers in Savage Worlds. ... [click here for more] |
Epic Meanderings |
 Przedstawiamy szósty numer Potencjalnego Mimika – darmowego fanzinu erpegowego zawierającego rozmaite materiały: recenzje, przygody, gry i opcjonalne zasady, którymi chcieliśmy podzielić się ze światem.
Potencjalny Mimik powstał z inicjatywy Kuby Skurzyńskiego, dzięki wysiłkom całkiem sporej grupy osób (pełną listę znajdziesz w stopce) i mamy nadzieję, że będziecie mieli... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
A special issue of the Sanctum Secorum Companion 'zine with a featured adventure by author Daniel J. Bishop!
Featured Adventure The Ruined Keep by Daniel J. Bishop
Fiction The Blood-Drinking Box [part 7] by Clifford Morton ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
Classes Tweel
Magic Items Crystal Egg
Monsters Dire Turkey Pumpkin Bugbear Pyramid Builder
Poems Dire Turkey
Recipes Pumpkin Bugbear Pie Pumpkin Bugbear Mincemeat Pie ... [click here for more] |
Sanctum Media |
The revised edition contains a cleaner layout; the content has not changed.
Savage Insider Issue 3: What Lurks in the Shadows is a dark, gritty-themed issue with a look at the more horrific side of games. The pillar article Happily Scared is a lengthy discussion about what makes horror so appealing while Dangerous Magic introduces a grittier theme to your game’s... [click here for more] |
Mystical Throne Entertainment |
 Kolejny numer Skryby Konca Swiata jest juz tutaj! Znajdziecie w nim:
Kalendarz Imperialny: kolejne kartki z kalendarza, a na nich miedzy innymi Ethan Laine i Helga "Petrokyria" Are;
nowe odcinki Róży Laine i Skazy, naszych dwoch powiesci w odcinkach;
ogromne podsumowanie odcinka VI Imperium Odrodzonego... [click here for more] |
Legacy of the Empire |
Jubileuszowy numer Skryby Konca Swiata jest juz tutaj! Znajdziecie w nim:
kolejna część cyklu Skarby Rodowe;
nowe odcinki Róży Laine i Skazy, naszych dwoch powiesci w odcinkach;
kolejny Pomniejszy Ród. Tym razem poznacie historię, kulturę oraz zasady dla GultFerein,... [click here for more] |
Legacy of the Empire |
 "The blood has turned sour. It rots our insides, turns us to bile."
THE BLUEBLOODS is a faction of marauders that resorted to in-breeding to avoid the filth of the dying lands. Unfortunately, this decision has had its own consequences. Each member of the Blue-Blood clan is horribly mutated, obsessed with finding relics of dead prophets to cure their maladies. Plop 'em into your ongoing MORK BORG... [click here for more] |
Jade Becker |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
'The Dragons of Britain' is a magazine dedicated to Arthurian roleplaying and features articles, adventures, and more for King Arthur Pendragon & Age of Arthur. We are eager for submissions so get in touch! We are happy to cater to any system suitable for an Arthurian setting. ... [click here for more] |
Stygian Fox |
The Saga - April 2022
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
Strongholds: Adding a home to your tabletop game Page 4
Worldbuilding Interview: Christopher Burdett Page 10
Communication and Gaming Page 17
The Summoner’s Lair: A 2nd Level Adventure Page 20
Into the World: The Red Dagger Page 25
Past Issues:
Feb... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
This issue is all about magic! We discuss our favorite magic systems, talk about magic groups in Atheles, and have a mini adventure caused by a magical artifact.
Table of Contents
Systems of Power
VCR - Vintage and Contemporary Roleplaying
Appendix i: Magic
From... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
Ignore the Critics
Investigation Rules
Organizing Your Campaign
Into the World: The gods of Atheles
Get all back issues for free:
Popular Past Issues:
Feb 2022 Issue ... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga - August 2022
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
Interview with Brian Colin of Vast Grimm
History of Middle Earth
History In Your World
Mini Adventure: Encounter in the Forest
New SagaBorn Path: The Factor
Into the World: The Dark Return
Into the Galaxy – The Zithu
Bonus Map: The Bridge of Khazad... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
Loss and Gaming
Organizing a Long Campaign
Quick NPCs
Appendix i : Elric of Melnibone
Into the World: History of Kowal / Kowal Stats
Monster Hunter Path
This month also includes a seperate VTT map of an Acnient Temple!
Get all back issues for free:
Popular... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the SagaBorn d20 Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
August ’24 Issue
Table of Contents
West Marches Campaign - The Road West: I discuss how I started designing my own version of a West Marches Campaign
From the Readers: Some readers post about their experiences in West Marches style campaigns.
The Act of Creation: Some... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
Appendix i : Heavy Metal and RPGs. Mike an Dane discuss their love for RPGs and Heavy Metal music, and how they seem to be intertwined in our 90's psyche.
Interview with John Hambone McGuire: Mike interviews Hambone to discuss games, music, juggling plates,... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
December ’23 Issue
December Table of Contents
Imagination i, The Sands of Dune: Mike and Dane discuss Frank Herbert’s worlds and how he can still greatly influence writers.
Allies: Simple rules for adding Allies to your sagaBorn or D20 game.
Downtime: How to guide... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the SagaBorn d20 Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
December ’24 Issue
December Table of Contents
The Darkest of Suns: A dive into the desert world of Athas as we discuss how Dark Sun influenced our work.
Passions: A Basic Roleplaying standard, but you can use it in your SagaBorn d20 game as well!
Random Encounter... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System.
This issue I discuss how spellcasters can recover after accruing Ravage points. Don't know what Ravaging is? I cover that too. After that learn about the Nulthari, the mages who burned the world to defeat their enemies. Dane then gives us an article about what the art of Frazetta means to him. And we wrap it up with a visit to the Darkwinter Tavern. ... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
We are celebrating one year of Saga zine! This past year, we have published amazing stories, articles, and artwork from many talented creators. We are so grateful for all the incredible support we have received, and we look forward to many more years in our future.
Table of... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
This issue!
Interview with Stu Horvath - I chat with one of my favorite tabletop podcasters about Life, Universe, and Holes in the Ground.
Appendix i: The Wheel of Time - We discuss how we found this wonderful series and why we think it still stands up to the test... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga - April 2022
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
• The Multiverse and Me • Interview with Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel • SagaBorn Inklings – Tabletop Ideas • Stop Worrying and Love the Multiverse • The Evolution of the Multiverse • Into the World: The In-Between • Mini Adventure: Ribs... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Summer of '23 issue!
Table of Contents
Introduction ….4
An Interview with Todd Lockwood …. An interview with D&D artist and bestselling author.
Appendix i(magination): Our Favorite Art ….We list our favorite covers from our favorite bits of fandom.
Into the World:... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
SagaBorn BRP Edition
Interview with Tyler Vance
Expanded Legacy Items
Into the World: Elmhearth
Get all back issues for free:
Popular Past Issues:
Feb 2022 Issue ... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga - October 2022
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
Table of Contents
Building a Monster with Christopher Burdett
Appendix i : Hellraiser
Making History
Midnight World Interview
Dark Return: The Illarth
The Underden, a mini adventure.
Also includes Bonus Content - VTT Map for the UnderDen
Get all back issues for... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
 The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the Sagaborn Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
October Table of Contents
Setting up an adventure
Quick Review: RPG Sounds
Basic Monsters
The Salt Catacombs
The Wanderers
The Librarians
Peoples: Fauns
Fiction: Possessed
Creature Compendium
Vampiric Varag
Get all back issues for free:
Popular Past Issues:
... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |
The Saga Zine
Published by Lone Wanderer Entertainment
A zine for the SagaBorn d20 Roleplaying System and other old school RPGs.
October ’24 Issue
Table of Contents
Interview with Justin Wigard Page 4
Must Watch Movies for Fall Page 13
Art Gallery Page 23
Optional Rules: Banes and Boons Page 26
Into the World: he Void Demons Page 27
Get all back issues for free:
Popular... [click here for more] |
Lone Wanderer Entertainment |