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Upgrade your Ironsworn playscape with a deck of printed asset cards. Includes all 75 assets!
10 Companions
34 Paths
14 Combat Talents
17 Rituals
To write on or mark your asset cards, use standard 3.5x2.5 in (88x63mm) card protectors and a dry-erase or wet-erase pen.
Ironsworn is the free tabletop roleplaying game of perilous quests for solo,... [click here for more] |
Shawn Tomkin |
Upgrade your Ironsworn playscape with a deck of printed site cards for Ironsworn: Delve.
This product includes all of the default themes and domains from Ironsworn: Delve, plus blank cards to create your own themes and domains. As a bonus, summary tables for frequently referenced Delve moves are also included.
What you get:
8 theme cards
12 Domain cards
3 move... [click here for more] |
Shawn Tomkin |
It is strongly suggested that you use this product with the FlexCrawl Toolkit.
This Theme Pack is a set of 12 FlexCrawl Tiles organized around a visual, narrative, or adventure theme.
Each Theme Pack contains Theme-specific rules and content that is appropriate for its context. For example, some offering pools in... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
![Micro-Death Dungeons [Volume 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/507612-thumb140.jpg) One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ... [click here for more] |
Rook's Dungeon |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Arden Vul Zones of Control Maps!
This PDF product features 20 maps of The Halls of Arden Vul highlighting the various Zones of Control of factions or important/powerful entities or groups. ... [click here for more] |
Expeditious Retreat Press |
Pay What You Want
![Dungeon Crawl Classics - Character Sheets 2-Pack [Thief & Wizard]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/508446-thumb140.jpg) |
Rook's Dungeon |
Due to customer demands, we have created a separate PDF of the large and detailed map of 11th-century Poland for use with Baptism of Fire (or any other medieval authentic campaign set in Poland). Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Mad Scribe Games |
Pay What You Want
The Campaign Creator deck aids in the creation of campaign and quest structures. Randomly generate concepts and themes by drawing cards when writing up a new campaign or story. Quest, Interlude, Theme and Story cards can be laid out and connected to create unique campaign concepts. Roll six sided dice and place them on the cards, and flip coins, to add even more nuance to each card... [click here for more] |
Shieldice Studio |
House Steiner
Combat commands are built on pride. A unit’s colors embody that pride. A Guide to Faction Paint Schemes provides full color photos of the distinctive patterns and colors, as well as a description of selected combat commands of House Steiner, and a tutorial on how to paint one of the faction’s prominent paint schemes. ... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Pay What You Want
A Player aid for Mage: The Awakening, this 78-card Tarot deck is suitable for stand-alone use or in conjunction with chronicles and contains lavish, full-color art commissioned specifically for this deck.
The Free Rulebook PDF is a PDF version of the instruction booklet that was included with the original printing of the tarot cards. It contains instructions on standard Tarot readings as well as... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Deficient Inventory provides a system agnostic alternative to keep track of a player character's inventory & carried items.
Designed to be printed on an 8.5 x 11 inch paper, the inventory sheet allows six 3 x 3 inch sticky notes to be placed within the six spaces as well as allow other items written on sticky notes to be attached around the sheet to make tracking an item's placement on a character... [click here for more] |
Deficient Games |
Pay What You Want
 The Calendula is a specialized version of the Callisto Class "Type L" laboratory ship, designed for biological, chemical, and medical resource in remote locations. This build guide provides instructions for laying out, sourcing, and printing this ship at 28mm scale.
Seth Skorkowsky's Death Station is a free adventure for Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition, and this guide helps you... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Delver Magazine is a bi-monthly (6 issues per year) resource for GMs of Old School RPG fantasy games such as Old-School Essentials, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and other OSR games. Each issue will include a ready-to-play adventure, printable props, random charts & tables, articles, and maps for the included adventure.
Table of Contents for Issue #1
----- Random Charts & Tables -----... [click here for more] |
The Tabletop Engineer |
Pay What You Want
Use this printable template to create the modular MAGE TOWER sections built in Black Magic Craft episode 206.
This is an easy to build product utilizing very cheap and beginner friendly tools and materials. Dollar store (easy peel) foamcore, an X-acto knife, nail file, glue gun, pencil, mod podge, and craft paint are all that are needed to create these modular... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Template for creating a longboat or ship for your tabletop game. Instructions on the build can be viewed on Black Magic Craft Episode 08.
Watch the tutorial: ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
 Bulk Tracker Remastered is a new way to keep track of your items for your game of Pathfinder Second Edition. Who needs to look at the rules? Each slot on your Bulk Tracker has a certain requirement to use- as long as you follow those, you'll be within the rules! Plus, you can use sticky notes or tokens to keep track of what item you're holding.
My name is Scott, also known as King Ooga Ton... [click here for more] |
Ooga Ton Games |
Pay What You Want
Weather Hex Flower
This Hex Flower enables you to generate weather in a random yet reasonably consistent way.
Hex Flowers are a bit like a random table, but with a 'memory'.
Hex Flower Procedural Products you might be interested in :: In the Heart of Oz - procedural sandbox in the Land of Oz :: In the Heart of the Unknown - procedural wilderness (Hex) exploration... [click here for more] |
Goblin's Henchman |
Pay What You Want
Use this printable hexagon template to creat the fountain built in Black Magic Craft episode 152. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 30 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, In the Minzii Market Place, the Frontier's Most Wanted, a themed section on a rogue planet called Hades that happens to be a pirate haven, review of swimming and water vehicle combat rules,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Delve into the cave under an enormous rotting stump and slay the Tentacle Worm that has been kidnapping villagers.
This is a quick dungeon in card format co-produced by PocketLands and Ganesha Games. Each deck is a standalone thematic dungeon to explore including its own quest, unique monsters and magic treasures. Fully compatible with “Four Against Darkness” game. It is an official product... [click here for more] |
Alexey Aparin |
The PCs find themselves at a rest-stop. A dried-out gas station. Abandoned and burned-out cars fill the parking lot but ahead a familiar sight meet their eyes – The Golden Arches. The American Dream right there on the outskirts of a once thriving polish city. But the American Dream isn’t for everyone. Distant engine sounds are being carried by the wind. Someone is coming… This is a scenario... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Star Frontiersman2 is a fan magazine dedicated to the old-school sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers. This fan magazine will have a wide appeal to fans of Firefly/Serenity, Traveller, and The Expanse. This issue is a "Mega Issue" to celebrate 1 year of the magazine being back in print and clocks in at 95 pages of sci-fi RPG goodness. This issue's theme is adventures in the New Streel system including the scouting... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Starter Pack
A free pack containing 58 top-down tokens ideal for your cyberpunk or science-fiction worlds.
Consists of several Civilians, Gangers, Corporate Agents and Public Services.
Each token is 1000x1000px with both PNG and WebP formats available.
These tokens were originally rendered in 3D before being given a stylised effect, meshing... [click here for more] |
SolutionMaps |
Pay What You Want
A sunken island sits alone, surrounded by frosty fog. Windswept, coiling towers stick out of waves as a ruined keep of green stone clings to salt-covered rocks.
The Haunted Keep
At first glance dwellers will find skeletons and rats, however, they will not be alone. They will uncover what happened within the walls of the keep. If the characters survive what lives in the rafters,... [click here for more] |
Rippip |
Pay What You Want
Tile Risers for Dragonbite and Openlock tiles by Aether Studios.
We made these originally for our patrons way back in 2018, but now we just like to make them free for anyone who needs them. Sized at a variety of heights for Aether Studios sets.
Layer Size:0.15mm recommended, larger is OK for faster printing
Infill: 5%... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
This scenario/location pack introduces 5 sites to use in your Twilight 2000 gameplay w. custom made maps. The sites introduced is:
1) The Artillery Position. An entrenched position with one D-30 122mm howitzer artillery piece. Soviet forces are shelling a nearby position. This site can serve as great first encounter in a campaign.
2) The Creek Crossing. A soviet patrol has set... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The PCs manage to escape the soviet convoy but will shortly after encounter an American helicopter that passes over them with black smoke coming from it. It seems to crash only a few kilometres ahead. When reaching the crash site, the PCs are not the only ones who have an interest in the helicopter and its cargo. But not everything is what it seems… This is part 2 of the 'Hind' series and is a... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the Maps of Arden Vul! This PDF product features all 33 maps of The Halls of Arden Vul, the most-ambitious megadungeon ever. As we have gotten requests for VTT maps, we have created The VTT Maps of Arden Vul for free as well.
... [click here for more] |
Expeditious Retreat Press |
Pay What You Want
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 27 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, Frontier Facts & Lore, Jump Routes (to SF content on the web), the Frontier's Most Wanted, a Harmonized New Pale Breif, and the Medical Adventures theme for this issue. The Medical Adventures... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman2 is a fan magazine dedicated to the old-school sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers. This fan magazine will have a wide appeal to fans of Firefly/Serenity, Traveller, and The Expanse as it delivers 65 pages of sci-fi fun and adventure set in the Frontier setting. This issue's theme is adventures in the Devco System. The planet Cass has a barely breathable atmosphere and its inhabitants are... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
DRAGONLOCK™ Ultimate an interlocking terrain system that allows you to create fully modular, multi-level 28mm scale dungeon terrain for your RPG or wargame on your home 3D printer. Individual pieces links to neighboring pieces with our exclusive Dragonbite™ clips. Each set is delivered as a downloadable .stl file, and once you have the set, you can print as many pieces as you like and... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
The PCs discovers a community at an old hydroelectric powerplant. But expectations and cooperation with the locals, in a war-torn land, is a fine balance act. At a nearby airstrip Kapitan Maxim Volkov is solidifying and is preparing for what is next… A power source like the hydroplant would suffice! This is part 3 of the 'Hind' series and is a scenario encounter for use with the 4th edition Twilight:... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
On this April 1st, it's important to take a moment to reflect on things that are of grave importance. It is a stern day for stern people. Only the most solemn of writings ought to be penned on this formal and humorless holiday.
With this in mind, we offer to you our greatest masterpiece yet: Additional Treasures . . . Nailed It! There was nothing more illustrious and coveted than Dragonbane's... [click here for more] |
Philip Reed Games |
Hello Explorers!
The Frontier Explorer presents
UPF Assault Scout Technical Manual
The UPF Assault Scout. Probably the most iconic ship in the Frontier, the assault scout can be seen in almost any SpaceFleet patrol and as part of every planetary militia. Small, fast, and versatile, the assault scout is a ship unmatched by anything in the Sathar fleets.
Despite its advantages,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Perfect map to run an encounter involving an orc camp at the top of snowy mountains in an arctic environment.
You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered, modified, cropped, or combined, but must maintain their original resolution. If you use these maps in commercial products, you must credit Christian Zeuch. You cannot resell these... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Fully fillable version of the 2022 Traveller Character Sheet. Also does calculations for charactaristic DMs, weapon ranges, Jack of All Trades, and autofills skill level 0 for skill groups. Works with Chrome, Firefox (with a few oddities), and Adobe Acrobat.
Also includes a version with all the fields, but none of the calculations.
This product was created under license. Traveller and its logo... [click here for more] |
John Fulmer |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine Issue 3 is here. And it's FREE.
FiveE Magazine is a semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! This issue contains 70 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new lineage, a complete adventure and loads... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
FiveE Magazine is here.
FiveE Magazine is a new semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! 56 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new sub-classes, hints for new DMs, a full adventure and loads more! And it's FREE! ... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
Easy to build: This paper model kit is easy to assemble, requiring just cardstock paper sheets to print on (110 lb. or 199gsm recommended), scissors, hobby knife, paper glue, aluminum ruler and cutting mat. Assembly time is about an hour.
15mm to 30mm scale: This model is designed at the popular 28mm-30mm gaming scale, and can be shrunk down to 15mm, 20mm or 25mm... [click here for more] |
Dave Graffam Models |
Pay What You Want
Use this template to create awesome battlement add-ons to your Dungeon Stackers! ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Hello, lovecraft universe worshippers, thank you for choosing Lovemaps.
You will find in this pack a large content of (grid and gridless) Maps for An Old Abandoned Manor. You can print them out to play at a table or use them on a Virtual Tabletop. Maps are JPEGs files, and a User Manual (PDF) is here to guide you.
Here is the list of maps in this Pack :
Main... [click here for more] |
Lovemaps-RPG |
Pay What You Want
Use this template to simplify the task of building the Iron Door I made in episode 103 of Black Magic Craft. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
A Player aid for Mage: The Ascension, this 78-card Tarot deck is suitable for stand-alone use or in conjunction with chronicles and contains lavish, full-color art commissioned specifically for this deck.
Includes instructions on standard Tarot readings as well as using the cards as a Storytelling tool for chronicles.
Note, this is a recreation of the original deck using the print on demand options... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Updated Map of the Brancalonia Setting: the Bounty Kingdom. Enter Brancalonia, a land full of pitfalls and profit possibilities, in the most incredible and roguish Italian role-playing game you have ever participated in! The adventures of Brancalonia knaves take place in what its inhabitants simply refer to as “The Kingdom”, or "the Bounty Kingdom". This map is updated at the very last version... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Pay What You Want
Note that there are no instructions to accompany this pdf - instead it is part of a 'community challenge' - one where viewers of the Crooked Staff Terrain YouTube channel can use the textures to design a dungeon room of their own (see the video below for further details). ... [click here for more] |
Crooked Staff Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Dungeon Map for the first and second level of the final dungeon of Against the Cult of the Reptile God. Created in photoshop from assets, no AI. Intended for noncommercial distribution, but if you wanna throw a tip our way we won't argue.
This piece can be used with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 terms. ... [click here for more] |
Old Gods Games |
Pay What You Want
This pack contains pieces I have made to fill out and add variations to the different village sets.
Currently Includes:
Wall B Door
Wall B Windows for Timberframe, Fieldstone, Wooden, and Timber & Stone sets
Wall D Door + Window for Timberframe, Fieldstone, Wooden, and Timber & Stone sets
Wall D Centered... [click here for more] |
Fat Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
Print Your Battlefield!
BattleTech MapPacks bring back BattleTech’s classic map sheets in printable form. Using the original map sheet art, and sized for compatibility with the original printed sheets and newer Hex Packs alike, you can now store and print as many sheets as needed for your BattleTech games.
Use these sheets in conjunction with the random terrain tables found... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Pay What You Want
Dystopian Futures TTRPG Netrunner Tiles & Icons - VERSION 2!
09/04/2024 - Version 2 update!
The V2 Update adds over 1700 different tiles and icons to this pack, making it an absolute customisable behemoth for those wanting to expand out their Netrunning Architectures!
... [click here for more] |
SolutionMaps |
You're an officer in the Royal Marines of Clarion and someone thinks they can attack and trash your ship as well as jeopardize the safety of the Crown Jewels. There is no way that is going to happen on your watch, you and the rest of your crew will be the ones taking out the trash!
Taking Out the Trash is a fan module produced under the Star Frontiersman fan license for the Star Frontiers game. It... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |