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AEDARK0 - Dark Dwellings

AEDARK0 - Dark Dwellings

Time to construct some Dark Dwellings, This set gives everything you need to start all your own large dark manor. This free starter set of dragonbite compatible tiles will let you dip your toes into the Dark Terrain series. All of these unique tiles are designed for building, stacking, and growing your collection. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  Pay What You Want

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KS5EGG3 - Voidborn: Lands Beyond Reality

KS5EGG3 - Voidborn: Lands Beyond Reality

All the Dragonbite tiles and Scatter terrain from the Eggnog and Brains Kickstarter. DriveThur limits the number the pictures I can post. To see the rest of the pictures in this large set of stl files, please find us on Minihorder.  ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios  Pay What You Want

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AEAGOD11 - Arg'aii

AEAGOD11 - Arg'aii

Arg'aii is the Demonprince of Hopelessness. He trades for souls from the damned, but his wagers are rarely enticing. Rather they are usually the bargain of last recourse. Those with nothing left are all too eager to hope where none remains. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEATLN0 – Atlantis Free Dive

AEATLN0 – Atlantis Free Dive

This free set of underwater terrain is one of our favorite new set series at Aether Studios. Our patrons voted for more and this is one of the many sets made during the April 2022 production run. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEATLN10 – Conch Street Blues

AEATLN10 – Conch Street Blues

It ain’t each on the streets, but some are tougher than others. Don’t get caught crossing the bad hombres of Conch Street. These three fabulous undersea houses are tucked into this new free set. This set is a love letter to the cartoons of youth. We wouldn’t be making terrain today without them. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEAZSS06 - Tlaloc's Faithful

AEAZSS06 - Tlaloc's Faithful

We bring you another free sewer set from Aether Studios. Bring those sewers to life with grates, snakes and so much more ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEAZSS07 - Aztlan Sewer LED Wall

AEAZSS07 - Aztlan Sewer LED Wall

Aztlan Sewers LED Wall came about from a request on our Discord Group. Quartermaster had seen the recent regular Aztlan LED wall and asked if we could adapt it quickly to the Sewer series. We had him a prototype later that day. We hope you enjoy this new free release in the Aztlan Sewer series. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEBAYU0 – Freemire

AEBAYU0 – Freemire

This set is the 2×2 version of our finest jungle & swamp terrain. Jungles are something we’ve wanted to do for a while, but we wanted to make sure we did perfectly and with the highest level of artistic excellence. We hope you will consider us successful. While we always planned the Bayou around 4×4 tiles, this set of 2×2 terrain will help you fill in the gaps and blend with other swamp terrain....   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEDMLD04 – Dreamland Transport Pipe

AEDMLD04 – Dreamland Transport Pipe

Dreamland was one of the first sets that Colin Christenson made for the platform back in 2018. We continue to update these sets with new items and areas. Enter the dreamland transport pipe. An actual device for raising your NPC’s or BBEG’s through a portal pipe! This set, Transport Pipe, was a special remix created by Marcus T. Marcus has been an Aether Studios fan as far back...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEJUNK05 - Junk Planet 5

AEJUNK05 - Junk Planet 5

This series, Junk Planet, was created by Colin Christenson as a compliment to our many other sci-fi sets, a place to visit on missions and a place to scrounge for parts between adventures. Junk Planet 5 features more fantastic tile terrain from Will and Nasos, with a few special parts from Carl and Colin. Many thanks to the whole team for all the help on this one. We really had a blast putting this...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AEMIOA11 – Zafiri Runestones

AEMIOA11 – Zafiri Runestones

This amazing set from our up-and-coming artist Gyu we present the Zafiri runestones collection! A complete set of 24 Runestones to use as you see fit. Decipher their secrets and portend the future with this free set! ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AESS3 7.0: Core Exterior

AESS3 7.0: Core Exterior

Colin Christenson and Will Walker have been working hard on this set for years. Finally after their hard work is complete! Space Ships Exteriors is a go Houston! No more losing crew out of missing exterior walls. Keep space outside, where it belongs! ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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AESS361 Mark V Warp Core

AESS361 Mark V Warp Core

Space Ships is Aether Studios premiere line of Ship/starbase terrain. With over 700 models of Dragonbite terrain and miniatures in the Space Ships series, it is also one of our largest series and is constantly in development by our artists. Our fans, patrons, and tribesfolk all show their love with requests for new models. Will Walker was the primary artist for most of these sets, but almost all the...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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Comic Book / Super Hero Action Words, pack 2

Comic Book / Super Hero Action Words, pack 2

Bring a little extra action to your games of Marvel Crisis Protocol, Batman Miniature Game, or any tabletop super-hero role-playing game! These action words can be printed and added to bases, combat poses, damaged terrain, or wherever else you like to liven up your game. nonPareil institute is committed to building better futures for adults with autism through technical and work-readiness training...   [click here for more]
nonPareil   FREE 

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Dune Lion Cave

Dune Lion Cave

This set, Dune Lion Cave, was made by Jacob Armour. Jacob makes almost all of our sand based terrain models, including our epic 50+ Sand Dunes set. Jacob loves making things he thinks his daughters will enjoy, and this is one of those designs. We hope you enjoy it as one of our free terrain sets! Check out our patreon where we publish our patron requests and other awesome sets like this one. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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Free Terrain Frames Demo STL

Free Terrain Frames Demo STL

Welcome to Terrain Frames. A versatile and modular terrain system to take your games further. Terrain Frames is a 3D printed terrain set that allows you to build and design the look and size of the game you want. This system has been designed from the ground up to not only be about customization, but to be fast and efficient on your printer. This system will allow you to spend less time on the printer...   [click here for more]
Casey Lowe   FREE 

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KS2AZT17 - Aztlan Ball Court

KS2AZT17 - Aztlan Ball Court

Aztlan was one of the first sets we made at Aether Studios. Originally for the patrons of the Dungeonprint software, then for our own patrons before launching a kickstarter for it in 2020. Years later that kickstarter has long since ended, the core and stretch rewards filled, and still we are publishing new sets. ...   [click here for more]
Aether Studios   FREE 

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  Mystic Herbs Compendium for 5e