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Start your adventure with the AURORA starter!
Thank you for your interest in the Aurora RPG starter! We hope that this publication will introduce you to the extraordinary world of Aurora and motivate you to further adventures in infinite dimensions. Remember that the starter is only an abbreviated version of the rules - full mechanics and more extensive options can be found in the core rulebook. We... [click here for more] |
GrubyBang |
Zacznij swoją przygodę ze starterem AURORA!
Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie starterem do gry Aurora RPG! Mamy nadzieję, że ta publikacja wprowadzi Cię w niezwykły świat Aurory i zmotywuje do dalszych przygód w nieskończonych wymiarach. Pamiętaj, że starter jest jedynie skróconą wersją zasad – pełne mechaniki oraz bardziej rozbudowane opcje znajdziesz w podręczniku głównym. Zachęcamy... [click here for more] |
GrubyBang |
A 1920s horror scenario tempered in northern Indiana.
Elias Taylor Winters, the CEO of TWJ Co., discovered a secret to the glass-making process that finally put him above his long-standing competition: Ball Glass. Shattering expectations for such a small company in rural Indiana, Winters has put Glasston on the map. The town and its economy are booming. But not everything in Glasston is as it should... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Am 24. Februar 2018 fand zum wiederholten Male der Gratisrollenspieltag statt. Dieser Tag hat zum Ziel, die deutschsprachige Rollenspielszene zu stärken und das Hobby Pen-and-Paper-Rollenspiel wieder stärker ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu holen.
Dazu bieten wir euch seit diesem Jahr einen besonderen Leckerbissen: Als Vertreter mehrerer deutscher Rollenspielverlage haben wir uns... [click here for more] |
Pegasus Press |
Pay What You Want
Ce minibestiaire fournit les statistiques de 29 personnages non joueurs types ainsi que de 33 créatures tirées du livre de règles de Mythras. Le maitre de jeu pourra ainsi plus facilement improviser des monstres ou des personnages non joueurs mineurs. ... [click here for more] |
d100fr |
Pay What You Want
Jackknife Trail is a complete action role playing, frontier exploring, character leveling, hunt and grab, loot finding, adventure game that's built around the usage of a single deck of ordinary playing cards. If you're familiar with the Cards & Catacombs rules, you'll have no problem adjusting.
This game is designed to function as a solitaire experience as well as a group-based crawl. Jackknife... [click here for more] |
Harrington Martin Books |
Pay What You Want
☾ 개요
탐사자들과 양진서(NPC)는 함께 그믐섬(혹은 그믐도)이라 불리는 작은 섬에 당일치기로 놀러 가게 됩니다. 그믐섬은 그믐달 모양의 섬으로, 최근 관광지로 은근히 알려진 섬입니다. 출발할 때에는 조금 구름이 끼고 어두워서 걱정이었지만 막상 배를 타고 바다로 나와 섬에 도착하니 날씨는 맑습니다.... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This is the core rulebook for a Live Action Role Playing Game (LARP) based on ninja and samurai. In this game you will design custom characters that can engage in boffer (foam weapon) combat with other players. You can use a variety of foam weapons as well as a number of magical abilities. The background of this game is in an alternative universe where samurai and ninja colonized North America... [click here for more] |
Stephen |
The keeper shuffles through his papers sweat beading on his brow. He has the scenario memorized, but he cannot remember the stats for an NPC. "I know I had this somewhere," he said as he desperately flips through the pages of the adventure. Knowing he has blown the pace of this momentus encounter by not being better prepared he resignedly says, "Gimmie a second folks I cant find my notes."
That... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
This is the Character Sheet needed for playing the game Beacon of Doom, free for the download! ... [click here for more] |
Seth Giolle |
A clip art sampler of what may be found at Time Rover Press. We have a wide range of copyright-free clip art for whatever your needs might be, from simply getting ready for a game night to high-quality game publishing. The items in the sampler are for free use by those downloading it, but giving credit for its source would be greatly appreciated. ... [click here for more] |
Time Rover Press |
Las tablas y cuadros del Cuaderno del Director de Juego se han obtenido tanto del libro básico de Mythras como de Fantasía Clásica. Se han agrupado temáticamente y aprovechando el espacio lo máximo posible, con el objeto de que sean una ayuda para el Director de Juego durante la partida. De este modo, la mayoría de las tablas que no se usarán más que una vez (durante la creación... [click here for more] |
77Mundos |
A free update extending the vocabulary of our resource The Darkic Language. ... [click here for more] |
DRAKAT Games |
Arkham in the 1990s: The famous witch-haunted city of Lovecraft's day may still have one foot in the past, but as the 21st century looms, horrors of a more contemporary nature shatter its quiet contemplation.
It starts with the unexplained disappearance of a famous author, Ernst Zabrich; a scholar with some controversial ideas of global conspiracy. Visiting Arkham to research these shadowy forces,... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
In a forgotten corner of Earth’s dreamlands, a mysterious structure has appeared. A sprawling and oddly-shaped castle known only as “Sleep.”
Meanwhile, in legend-haunted Arkham, a young girl lies in a Sanitorium bed from which she has not risen for five years. A tragic victim of the world-wide plague of “sleepy sickness.”
These two developments, linked by unseen bonds spanning across... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
Zestaw 3 map: amerykańskiej, polskiej i szwedzkiej Pętli.
... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
The Order is for storytellers. Here's some optional rules for players with the Medical Skill - Using Alchemy/Chemistry to make stuff!
The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single, simple system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. Most part are free. Only the ruleset... [click here for more] |
The Order of the Link |
The Order is for storytellers. Here's some folks to help.
The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters.
The Order is game system that does not require that they - or their players purchase volumes of complex, expensive books... [click here for more] |
The Order of the Link |
The Order is for storytellers. Here's some folks to help.
The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters.
The Order is game system that does not require that they - or their players purchase volumes of complex, expensive books... [click here for more] |
The Order of the Link |
Zestaw 4 przedwojennych map: Poznań, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Kraków.
... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Zestaw 5 tapet autorstwa: Mariusza Gandzela, Jakuba Fajtanowskiego, Grega Bobrowskiego, Rafała Szłapy, Sam Lamont i Rhys Pugh
... [click here for more] |
Black Monk Games |
Koń jaki jest, każdy widzi – i każdy widzi, że Kucyki Spoza Czasu nie są bynajmniej słodkimi źrebakami, a z grubsza przypominającymi konie, nieeuklidesowymi wynaturzeniami. Od mi-go, byakhee czy innych istot z Mitów różni je głównie nastawienie. Kucyki pragnęłyby życia w powszechnej harmonii dla wszelkich ras i bytów z kosmosu, ale są też gotowe stanąć po czyjejś stronie,... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |